Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1976, p. 16

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l6The Barrie Examiner Thursdo Se 16 I976 Iliilit Eat less and lose weight By LC IIIIISIIJSUN MI Dear Dr Tliostesoii am an 18yearold girl and am eight pounds overweight am un happy about it Can you tell me how to lose weightil Matty girls consider them selves overweight when they actually are not dont know your height or your frame You claim to be eight pounds over weight so assume you are us ing Some standard table for ref erence Remember that weight height charts are not divine truths handed down from on high They are averages Variances few pounds either way need not be significant But lets assume you can af ford to lose eight pounds II should not bedifficult The essence of any weight loss program is eating less Sounds simple but much of my mail shows ignorance of this simple truth Eat smaller meals Second avoid desserts ex cept fruit Third cut down on sugar and cream in beverages and spread butter and margarine bit thinner Avmd anythinggreasy Fourth stay away from pies potato chips pizzas etc Get ample meat but see that it is boiled broiled or bakednot fried Switch to skim or per cent milk Fifth the matter of phySicaI activity Movies of stout girls in action show they move more slowly than lean ones This compounds the weight problem Swimming cycling tennis golf hikingany such activity will be valua to ad dition to your program Once you reach your deSired weight stay there by keepmg tiiiipiiiii Tlr Till I4Il itiii Kriiiiid iItltl tiltiiiitiliiri TfiEATCDoCToRCSAYs one eye on the scale and other on the victuals Ilowever Ill bet program such as the one outlined above will pare off those eight pounds presto Dear Dr lhosteson had rash on my stomach my doc tor said was riiigworm was given medicine to put on it Af ter being in the sun it healed but now it is coming back Any suggestionsIl Main suggestion is that it is not ringworm Ringworm usually occurs on the exposed part of the body and the ab domen is rare place for it would suspect contact der matitis skin infection Gir dles and elastic bands can produce an irritating skin erup tion Its true that ringworm im proves with exposure to the sun and with use of the medication you mention The recurrence however supports my thought that this is not ringworm but something else You might consult skin spe cialist who is more familiar with tricky rashes Dear Dr Tliosteson Thank you have just read your article in the paper on smoking and metabolism Its the first time really un derstood it am 26 and trying to stop am grateful to you and will remember how you came along when really needed help had become everything from water drinker to can dy machine Your explanation of nicotine and metabolism has given me burst of enthusiasm to understand why should stopMrs Great Bernice Bede Oeol For Friday Sept 17 1070 ARIES March 21AprII 10 Keep outsiders away from family and personal matters to day Problems can be qulckly ironed out unless other butt in TAURUS April 20Mey 20 Trivia can sidetrack you from the major issues of the day vmeo Aug 233 Get onto the pathways that lead to important decisions GEMINI May 21June 20 Gains will overshadow losses today but dont feel too smug What you sacrificed could have been av0ided with dose of good common sense CANCER June 21July 22 Dont fear being innovative to day when lot needs domg If botdness is called for then use it by all means LEO July 23Aug 22 Events that prove personally profitable today may not be accmding to Hoyle As long as as honest why question the procedure 22 Dont attempt to pry into the af fairs of your pets today Everyone Will be happier if private busmess remains private LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont sefdoubts met if you have to wrestle With today You Will QUICkly conquer them for super chances of personal success SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Make iudgments today after you talk to the prime source You would be very foolish to prematurely evaluate rumors SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 In negotiating business matters today be prepared to make minor concessions if you feel you can make major gains in the long run on to meet present needs inVited to gathering dont have precanceived notions about it They could be wrong Youll be pleasantly Surprised An entirely new group of peo pie could come into yOur somai areas and meet interesting personalities five assistants from the LAr Che community in France spent WW SIAIIIE BUFFALO Sm 7IIIFFAlO 9week ll WM PETEIIOIOUGII III CA 22 GlOIAl mm WVNRDAV trim Captam Kangaroo Celthm Sweepstakes it iIIIHCM Schools 3612 Mr Dressiip Ii ol Cooking um gt Calmi Inniwvei heel oi Fortune Iw vw Par Iollat Day heat Sesame street tuox liei2 lieaiititui vi liamlwt Price Hi iizlii iii humor Yoga iii ll Gallopingtiniiiniit out ilitiiii ii III sctimts liilin Squares Now It niligaud IIlv rev Res in is Ham li it unto Ianiut vr ii F5 t12t il piiiii iii Ill lininaii Itii Ii iiilil willl Iliitilli lildl Iiiilfi IlIii Itiii2 li Itltivliiiily Iiiil tlii Me line ii llLr lli Iii is ll itfltritl Ilospiliii Atltiiii Hittihil 15 Iflu IIiuiii J11 lti IIIIIN itllIitil links lokils ltl In iii liki Iziltii Lime ll Fur lii iir lngt Iiiilliii FRIDAY EVENING no it Home Itlotiiiii lltl 1471i lil lll IJlm loi ll Int iiil lliii lni ltili Sti NH ML llolii lim llil Ilieltio Iliiiiiui 11il Ill Srrlaka Iriiis tii Home Ilii Loti of III likll Jl li lloal ll Moi ie uliilin iolilililli In Iotir it liiliii il lii throw Iliuiii Iirliii time Home Iiillz ilrllliill tiiimilv Iiiiiii II Home iltituiii From 7ilti lliilltl story Iit lliiiiiiK For Illllliti it Kojak 32 lillt ifl Yourself iiiiiilii ilili ll liiiiiilij iillllli tiiili lliii lLli stand is lllllllllllli Lin lliiiixiiioiiii one tihl lliiik To let Ilt Truth in ii bliiirlimi Nurtuiil iiiil oii ll loiiiiin liktiiii IIII ll iiioi uiv llriimlion im Movie Itartntiiii 7lii 33 up Guikt Movie =Iriyiiiiiil lionii Lime 44 172i ii ti Itctciriiti Sillkts Miniwsniiil lll Lu III 50in Vents Movii ilhiihiiii lliitik Ilit liiik llu IiIKIIItINi IKtlh IIIIIIIIIIII Late Illlltlll liliill Illil fllllill Si iLIIt limit ll Mei tiilllii II liiili iiliii ll iLIil IIlitl Iv xim Ilii Home Illi Illl lliltlii iiiliiiil iiiil ilii lllllllll taisiiii 13 lii ltlii loiirt llilf Illl Iiiiiiiciiii iiiii linipuiliii lli liiiiii iIiiI ltiiii 22 Let tio Iiii ifiiiltiLi In nlllrllii liiii llorkei Fiiiiil iiililiiii LIIi lrtl flitllll ol liIiIs Mom lliitiiiiii lii II Home llirtiiiiii ll MIH llillliii illullli of lliiluiii ll Iiiijt Miltim Lift Io ll file This llzlS Moxie iSigii of The CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 The oblique approach may be your best bet today MOVlng ahead directly Will only serve to telegraph your intentions AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Adjust proiect youre working Youll be far happier With the results lengthy waiting period can be eliminated PISCES Feb 20March 20 It Your Birthday Sept 17 1978 world this year Take any op portunities to enter unfamiliar WELCOMES VISITORS ANTIGONISH NS CPI Five handicapped adults and two weeks recently at home owned by the Roman Catholic diocese here The idea of such visits began in the village of Breuil France in 1964 when Canadian Jean Vanier opened his home to No mentallyre tarded adults OUR BOARDING HOUSE YOU PROBABLY 5HOULI7 BUT HOW ABOUT SET ADVICE FROM OUR GOIN RIGHT TO POLITICAL COLUMNI5T CONGREE5MAN GCOTTY RUGGLES HE BACKéLIDE HES WAS ASPOPTS WRITER FACIN 6UCH TILL Hi5 WIFE BOUfiHT TOUGH FIGHT IN BACKEILIDE HIM THREEPIECE THE DISTRICT HA6 5UIT TrlAT HE AVAILABLE KEEN SENSE T0 DEDICATE 0F HISTORY aaAo ACE Trims AN EXCELLENT IDEA REP RESENTATIVE usr THE MAN THE OWL5 NEED= oiriiiuiiAar tumluv v1 III Poilys Pointers Lemon salt and sun add to lift stains By Polly ramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY There are some black spots around the neck and shoulders of few of my babys clothes These cannot have come from the washing machine or other clothes would have them My baby is always kept very clean and clothes are changed as soon as they are soiled They are rinsed and presoaked before washing The only soil could be from baby food or formula and baby always wears bib when being fed The marks look like form of black mold and have had no success with anything tried using on them do hope someone has some advice for me IRENE DEAR IRENE Did you try applying lemon juice and salt and then putting the clothes to dry in the sun Wash afterwards Or perhaps the stains could be soak ed in grease dissolving spot remover and then washed in very hot suds Always keep in mind the type of material from which garments are made before trying anything Perhaps some other young mothers have had similar experience and will share their solutions with us POLLY DEAR POLLY If you have spotted dingy or stained white clothes especially polyester nurses uniforms put one can of cream of tartar in large pot of water let it come to boil and put the garments in let simmer thirty minutes more and stir occasionally They come out sparkling white find this really works EMMA DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with parents who let their children run loose in our supermarkets They open cereal boxes to get toys out of them and then spill the cereal on the floor This is both pity and waste XDI DEAR POLLY The reader who feels her heavy dark blue draperies are depressing looking could make white velour or velvet Austrian shade type valances and tiebacks and trim them with white ball fringe This would change their looks and lighten the effect and they would also look qutte expensive White sheer curtains could also be used under them BARBARA DEAR POLLY My husband had to use walker teln porariiy after an illness You would never believe the many uses we have found for it now that he no longer needs it When propped up in the bed the walker can be laid down over ones legs and TV tray put on top to make an excellent desk book or newspaper holder In the yard the walker holds the trash or leaf bag open as it is being filled small bucket or clothespin bag can be attached to the front and used to hold many things such as small tools clothespins and even cleaning supplies MRS V655 Lis It mac is tixf He3L+IFC Ht Lt 527 Both vulnerable West NorthEon Soth NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Pass Pass 24 By Oswald ll James Jacoby If you want to use suit preference signals do not let them Interfere with your regular signals to show count or desire to have your partner continue the suit he has just led North and South reach four hearts after North responded with Stayman twoclub bid to his partners notrump It would have been better for North to forget Stayman and go right to the notrump game but he did bid two clubs and get in the 44 heart fit West opened the king of diamonds and East dropped the queen This is well known signal designed to show the queen and jack and give partner chance to underiead his ace at trick two if he wishes West one of those suit preference addicts took the play as request to lead spade He did just that and declarer had no trouble mak ing five odd WITH RANCH gt lt Vsj HE PEASON OuIZE WHATS it QONG FAILURE WITH WOMEN Wm THAT at ENE ififéifiiefi genius NHATTAYAMEAN iN rite sake srérew wenotmwHEAD ii AW 744 mini5mm ME alooflav ITS ULLAWY07 OUR ONLYCHANCE Moor SHOOI aria you It HERES YER No sum WHAT DOES 1T SALAM SANDWICH lUNCH tssaaw CoupuTEKs flame SAY 27 CONTAINS 350 ooss Chi4 KNOCKIN OUT CALORIES MESSAGE 05 VI Mxirrwr for six hours Actually the hand should have been beaten West would continue with the ace and another diamond East would overtake with the jack If he led fourth diamond West would be able to ruff with the 10 of hearts to establish his partners jack as sure trump trick Wilhedootmo Utah reader asks what you respond to your partners onespade opening with AJ98xxexOJxxfiKQ6 Does it make any difference if you are playing limit raises The correct bid in any system is four spades If your partner cant make it the chances are that the op ponents could make five hearts If four spades can make the chances are that the opponents have good Briefs ITS AN IDEA BRIGHTON England CPI 12yearold pupil came up with an idea when asked to write no more than 50 words on what you would do to encour age motorists to show more consideration for others He wrote Drivea police car APTIN NAMED TAIJCASTER England CPI Among the employees at brewery in this Yorkshire town are Mrs Maithouse Mr Hop wood Mr Brewster Mr Bottle and Mrs Glass And at the firms wine and spirit store in Carlisie there is Mr Booza IIAD LONG SITTING Si HELENS England tCPl When unemployed Fred Brennan failed to pay mos toring fines $6840 he was taken to court He was sentenced to sit there FUNNY BUSINESb THE ARTISI DIDNT DESIGN IT HOUSE IN MIND But we LIKE IT AMQwAQ it Ii 94 on ©WhlinIA ini couLD YOU LET ME AVE QUID TILL NEXT WEEK PET WMIWIIWIWWWUWWW Willi INVigiBLF tLL Fir ABLE Ta sweat AROUND AND IlrrvTEN Ya DUI ENEMites totalling £38 DAILY CROSSWORD Bible Story ACKOOB Calna brother Mother of Seth First man 12 Copenhagener 13 of Moses 60 Cleave 14 Machete 61 Wild ox of ramprflfgll lgliaiuifli 15 top Celeb rJniii toilsumi nil ml 16 Verbal suffix 62 Aunt Sp gin 9quth Hi I7 Sinful 63 Biblical garden lEHIJ iildf filial 18 Set anew 64 Grow tiresome 20 Stalest 65 Furlive 10 Babe and 38 Titiilar 22 Sea crossed 66 Car damage others 40 Christmas by Israelites Dow 11 Shed as carol 24 Topar feathers 43 Operated 25 Categories Hebrew 19 Hardy heroine 45 Brought up 29 Arboreal month 21 Charged atom 47 Taken five homes Dimlnish 23 Forest 49 As ye low so 33 Son of Noah Enochs cousm creature shall ye 34 Calories Victims of 25 Informal talk 50 Heating deVice 36 Clock face leprosy 26 Load as ship 51 Idiot 37 Arabian gulf Biblical high 27 Prayer ending 52 Go boating 39 PreCIpitation most 28 Depots lab 54 Wait 41 Malt brew Huge 30 Thailand 55 Baking 42 Singing voice Pitchers 31 Story chamber 44 Raped Encouraged 32 Winter vehicle 56 Lease 46 impair Ark bird 35 Is seated 59 24 haura ASIDE GEANCES COLMARE IF LiOL 00 owe PARK PLACE WALK Alli ALL THE UTILITIES stop Linle THE RM wow SMITHCORONA ELECTRIC PORTABLE Whiggfiigi 737020I lt17 wour THATSUIT LJIVE K90 AWAY Answer to Previous Puzzle Elflid Alle iJIJW hfZfll IIlJlilllllgl llf3ll iilfiJl billlliil1 llde llillILII LIII It IiJ lrll Ittl idIJil taillifl IJIJJKI IilJlITI VVIEILV ILIIJLIIJ iIINIOI Lilinlil Idhtlfil Ill LJIJEIIZI lIIJIjllil XIIiii 48 BIahopric 49 Purlflee 53 Work 57 Short jacket 58 Sorrowful FEE reinstate Model Electra ft $20995 12 Carriage Touch Control Repeat Keys Automatic Carriage Return OFFICE OUTFITTERS BARRIE YOU THINK iM STUPID ILL WEARA Does runr man we wear

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