Em I4Ihe Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept I6 I976 Jimmy Carter unfurls Canadian flag which was PRESENTED WITH CANADIAN FLAG presented to him by some Canadians who came to Bis ST JOHNS Nfld CP City council is finding itself un der pressure to arbitrate dis putes between motorists and the proliferating number of cyclists The latter complain of care less motorists who almost knockor blow them off the road by failing to give them six or eight feet leeway when pass ing Motorists tel of bikers swerving in front of cars or ig noring traffic regulations Some cities have attacked the problem by closing off some streets to motorists during cer tain hours giving cyclists free rein Others have offered the ul timate and costly solution networks of cycle paths To its 15000 or so cyclists St Johns is nightmare of steep hills gusting winds and narrow streets Nothing can be done about that but some cyclists are de mandng that the city give them better deal on human issues Weve got to get it together and unite for some recogni tion said Joseph Planchat president of the Newfoundland Cycling Association and coach mark to see the ofthe provincialcyclingteam Carter Rally this week AP Ycusrs FORGOTTEN Photo Tribute paid ST JOHNS Nfld Directors of The Canadian Press paid tribute to Lord in Thomson of Fleet resolution adopted at their fall meeting here today The resolution moved by Malone publisher of Toronto Globe and Mail and vicepresi dent of the news coOperative Mr Planchat 35 said the cyclist is the forgotten citizen ofSt Johns Eventually we want biking paths but well settle right now for some road signs to warn motorists of bicycle riders Council has rejected the si ns as too costly but Mr Plane at and seconded by Black burn publisher of London Free Press recalled Lord Thomsons long association with CP The head of the newspaper and business empire who died in London Aug entered the CP membership in 1935 when limmins Press began daily publication the first of 35 Cana dian daily papers that the Thomson organizationowns UNDERWOOD BRADLOOM ANNOUNCES FREE INSTALLATION OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ROADLooM SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ALL AREAS MUST BE CLEARED OF FURNITURE AND THE THIS IS BONA FIDE OFFER SO YOU MUST TAKE INSTALLATION BY SEPT 30l76 OUARTERROUND REMOVED NO RAINCHECKS BRING US YOUR ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS LABOUR FOR HALLS STEPS IS EXTRA DOOR METALS ARE EXTRA IF NEEDED MINIMUM PURCHASE $100 VINYL SHEETGOOOS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS OFFER HOUSES APARTMENTS ONLY ALL PRICES MARKED ARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE NOTHING HAS BEEN CHANGE Because Of The Expected Rush We Suggest You Back Installation Main 51 Don Mills Rd NEWMARKET IVY curs TIDIIIS NEWMARKET 8981 800 UNDERWOOD YOUCANT AFFORD To MISS NO DOWN PAYMENT OR NO INTEREST ON OUR 90 DAY DEFERRED PLAN As Early As Possible Kennedy Rd line BARRIE PLAZA MARKHAM roaoNro FROM TORONTO LAll BARBIE 7280899 MARKHAM 2944440 questions the logic of the deci sion They have meose crossing signs on the highway They car about the moose but who wor ries about the clist With sign on the roa it eventual hits the motorists and hel start to think willingly or not that there may be cyclist besidehim Tom Sandland president of the St Johns Cycling Club said thigroblem is not entirely onesid For every motorist who commits an offence against cyclist theres cyclist who commits an offenceriding the wrong way against traffic or going through red light He suggested that when police start enforcing laws against cyclists motorists may begin to take cyclists more seriously GRATES TREACHROUS Stephen Vetter and Gerald Wals who team on tan dem bicycle descri some of the traffic problems they have encountered There was the truck driver who pulled in front of them and almost ran them down and then stopped and showered them with abuse There are ran VALUE IIV Marnivs sidewalk grates whose bars parallel to the curb wait like animal traps to grab cycle wheels The grates could just as easily have been placed with the bars at right angles to the curb And there are the curbside potholes Its easy to skid when you hit one said Mr Vetter who has one less tooth because of wipeout on rough shoulder The city has started bicycle licensing rogram which re quires cyc ists aged six to nine to pass riding test and older cyclists to pass written test Bicycles also must pass in spection Councillor Ray ONeill chairman of the councils bicycle committee and cyclist himself said the program is making cyclists more aware of their responsibilities FORMER CANADIEN DIES MONTREAL CP Funeral services will be held here Thur sday for Armand Mondou former star left win er with Montreal Canadiens uring 12 National Hockey League sea sons M0ndou who died in hos pital Monday night 0110wing lengthy illness was 71 OAK FREEZERS Gilson by Simplicity PECAN CEDAR STOCKADE GRAY WALNUT BARN BOARD GRAY ROSEWOOD Must make space for new stock City council under pressure 18 Canada first in driver cyclist dispu tcs female conductor MONTREAL CP Can Symphon Orchestra which adas first and only female con perform for 25 years until it doctor thinks it is shame encountered financial problems women have been excluded andwasforcedtofold frorn leadin the countrys ma She was also the first Cana jor symp on orchestras dian and only woman to con duringa timew en the feminist duct the Tokyo Asahi Philhar movement has broken down monic and the first woman to many other barriers conduct the Jerusalem Toron There have been few to Quebec and Miami sym changes in the United States phonics said Ethel Stark but the im As conductor violinist and provement appears more teacher she is baffled by the tokenism than any real desire neglect of women at the po to inject equality into the music dium field People find it difficult to get Its the same old story of used to something new but if having to goabroad to gain rec orchestra management would ognitionshesaid stick its neck out and start Ms Stark originally from presenting women pretty soon Montreal founded and con the novelty would wear off ducted the Montreal womens shesaid Ladies Wear 125 Dunlop St all Gilson models feature 5year warran ty on the complete refrigeration system olso two year warranty on all other parts Also year food spoilage in surance due to mechanical breakdown or outside power failure 23 cu ft 499 633 511 633 511 511 HOME HARDWARE Comerot MinetS Point Rd Hwy South Bowie amhm