INTERVIEW Swedish Foreign Minister Sven Anderson is inter viewed in Stockholm Tues day newspaper reported Tuesday that AnderSOn ad mits the Swedish govern ment paid 3450000 to the chief of Air Force in telligence between 1970 and 1073 AP Photo Living standards 90 UP IltlltllJ iAPI Libyas ruling Revolutionary Com mand Council has 87 billion year in oil income to spend and II is spreadin the money rapidly throug this thinly populated North African coun try and beyond The 21 milliOn Libyans are better dressed better housed and better fed than they were seven years ago when Col Ioammar Khadafy and his as sociates on the council deposed King ldris in bloodless coup The council still has money left over for such special projlt ects financing black guer rillas in southern Africa Since the revolution govern mtri and military salaries have been increased 500 to 1000 per cent while increases in the prices of the most common foodstuffs and clothing have been kept to about five per cent year Per capita income is ust less than 83000 year the ighest in Africa government driver now earns 120 dinars $390 monv th compared with 15 di nars 79050 rat the time of the revolution But during the seven years bread prices have hardly changed The govern ment covers the added ex ï¬enses with oil revenues which ave risen fivefold in the seven years despite drop in produc tion The value 01 the new con struction that has made this dusty capital budding metro polis and wiped out the tinshed slums on the periphery has grown by more than 30 per cent year since 1972 and this rate is expected to continue until 1980 Production of wheat barley and vegetables has doubled in three years and poultry output has quadrupled The number of hospital beds has grown 40 per cent and the number of doctors 55 per cent but most of the new ones are foreigners The new fiveyear plan can didly admits that such gains mean problems Manpower is one of the out standing difficulties the plan notes Foreimers make up 33 per cent of work force and this is expected to rise to 41 per cent by 1980 This is causing some friction especially since the largest group is Egyptians with 190000 Khadafy and Egyptian President Anwar Sa dat have been engaged in war of words and this causes ten sion in personal contacts be tween Iibyans and Egyptians Other problems cited were the concentration of private in vestment in trading rather than in new factories transpOrt bot tlenecks at harbors bureau cratic foulups and price gouging by some foreign sup pliers With development plan costs running at about $4 billion éar and income at more than $7 billion the rulin council has plenty of funds or spectal projects But there is some realign ment in this secret budget Khadafy said support for the Irish Republican Army has been put behind us Libya IS seeking diplomatic relatiOns with tie Irish re ublic And Premier Abdul Sa am Jalloud said new support is gomg to uerrillas erating in hodesia an SouthWest Africa ASSORTED FLAVORS Laura 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