WWLMW REAL ESTATE mom FOR SALE fli EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 BEDROOM STOREY EAST END One 4piece bath living room kitchen family room one living bedroom apartment with pc bath kitchenette stove and fridge having own exterior stairway Rents for $1400 month GILL ROAD MIDHURST bedroom one storey with ft crawl gtl7ace has pc bath laundry room off kitchen living room With fireplace dining room sliding doors to sun deck For above call Gerald ONeill 7267733 BEAUTIFUL MIDHURST lot FORMAL DINING ROOM With this home set amongst tall trees bedroom back split Professionally decorated $59900 OVER ACRES with Coldwater River at back $15000 For details call Mike Lysobild 7266054 on above VICTORIA WOODS This home offers you the spaciousness of cathedral ceilings the comfort of central air conditioning the proc ticality of family room on the main level bedrooms lovely broadloom throughout and superb decor All only $54900 with 10 first mortgage PAY LESS in this centrally located duplex Ideal for young couple who want lovely home with low costs It features separate en trances fireplace in downstairs apartment antique leaded kit Chen cabinets large rooms and is only 549500 with excellent ter ms INCOME PROPERTY Consisting Of 10 plex and seven 2storey townhouses All in excellent condition always fully rented Available at times gross income with superb financing and as low as $40 000 down Ask for Rob Knapp for above ads Spacious bedroom side split on ravine S14 Ross Miller 7260563 Ken Miller 4361431 AI Rose 7288116 Ron Sproule 4873715 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Harris 7267173 Hon Jones 7268997 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Percy Ford 7287930 Cec Cooke 7283036 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ron Thorne 7288714 Ross Burwell 4589248 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Rob Knapp 7267294 Nelson Garrett 7266096 TF rï¬ 72631 EAL ESTATE BROKER Sit HA YFIIJIJ ST BARHTE Photo Multiple Listing Service COLLIER ST older storey bedroom close to shopping garage With 52 000 down Owner will hold mortgage BURTON AVE bedrooms large living room eatin kitchen basement With rec room and walk out 15 30 above ground pool lot 33 165 good mortgaging AskingSI31900 FERRIS LANE two bedroom homes on 905 246 lot zoned RM3 can be sold separately or as one Owner transferred Anxious opened for offers 810 BAY POINT bedroom bungalow lovely stone fireplace good existing mortgage beach rights Reduced to $35 900 DOWNSVIEW DR bedroom home lull basement lovely lot close to schools and shopping Good mortgaging at 11 per cent lviilage REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Churchill 4th Line Innisfil Approx acre Roads and services in CAIRNS LTD 4562310 7370302 OR Toronto Line 416 496231 $14 iIIlIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIllIlllllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIlIllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ORILLIA gmizm 11 ii DOWN PAYMENT BUILDERS ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Start building your equity in your own luxury condominium townhouse overlooking Lake Simcoe with low down payment or builders assistance styles priced from $46900 lst mortgage carries for less than 5370 month and the balance can be held for years with no interest and no payments Drop down and we will be glad to explain in detail Its fantastic opportunity for you to buy your first home Call Collect 32598ii Vs 00 co TF TE lllIIIIIlIIlIlIIIIIlIIIIIllllIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR GHOLflfln io Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 VALLEY DRIVE Bnnuhful custom bedroom l1071tt trend large lots baths faintly rrirzm furplan rirr ulai Oak stairrases paved ldrives excellent mortqauinq Marci or Doug fergusari 728 6172 or 1728 4401 lANGUS bILlTIitJITI rtITI rlitricltrid only $30 500 MrGiorgi Sub fdivisiort S2 000 liI Dan Allan 487 2412 Derek Vernon BTIIITI 77 5551 ACRE TREED BUILDING L01 Ii ITTllt from BOIIH outskirts of pdan imrt AfrIna only $19 OUT With $4 000 down Ex cellent JOILIT ViiHimI 811s111i722 135 543 900 314 BARRIL INCOME IROTI RIY ln ytllll HIOITty vvlsltly and buy this duplrgt Twr hrlrin riit vltllll vviIllirI LIIITOTICT to downtown Marg Wood toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 lowly 542 my all Tittitty Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marion Bryk 7285405 L80 Cavanaugh 7281207 ROSS Botsyone 7263043 BONUS TO YOU 516C Iglï¬ï¬‚ITHLr Hrf ilérlrm llll bungalow With Larry Wood no tolly 4373148 TF full basement rm roam garage 1001011 fssa Twp only 12 inilis HOBEflTrARMSTRONOgLETE TF Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Prooerties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Terry Vogan 4562544 Ernest Watts 7287209 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Thomas Broiley 7282994 Allan Thompson 7287024 Grace Broney 7232994 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Bradley Watts 7287209 David Wigley 7268497 Frank Dyke 326933l Wayne Dobson 3222838 Mary Foster 3721118 Tony Pomeroy Paul Dumoulin FR Mortgage Dept 7266964 CRA SRA 7370731 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 101 COWlod 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil Franchette 7282619 Roger shetswatt 4872920 David Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Witmn 4373609 Jim Cross 7262159 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service OLE REALTOR Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF APPRAISALS MORTGAGES BTIE anava L10 PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 1269200 180 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 19 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE PHONE 7261405 LIMITED TF 1west of BOTTIT Irrrs rrtllrng land It sun all Sue Drennan 737 T0437 514 WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21$ CORNER 8th and 25th SIDEROAD Innisfil Large rornmermal corner suitable for any rrtail outlet or set up as restaurant Living commodation above III Iurled Call Bub March 7261938 or 728 8444 MLS2307 NICE COZY bedroom tOtIy house an Eugenia 5t Priced to sell Asking 536 900 Rerrntly renovated Shows well Call Lee Benharn 7261938 or 424 5033 Na 1008 IN TOWN AND ONLY 331 500 This flllt alder attached home has bedrooms full living and dining room Large kitchen with pantry and for the handyman On 111 With walkup could be another large bedroom or storage area Home features economical hot water heat and is only minute from downtown Please call Ian Rouse 726 1938 or 7265407 MLSZHB lBEAUTIFUL WATER LOT on Kiinpeiilrlrll Bay with bedrooman bungalow built years ago for year round ocrupanry Many extras Please call Jark MarLarrrn 726 1938 No 933 $14 the home folltes who car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS t1 44 Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MaCQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 TF PRIVATE SALE RIVERWOUD FARMS Barries One Man Real Estate Office For results without confusion 58 wm Modern bedroom bungalow Fully broadloomed partially finished basement REALTOR Double paved drive FOR PROMPT ATTENTION G°°9e CALL 7281071 Fem Priced for immediate TThS TF possession Principals only by appointment 7265185 ON 515 KEMPENFELT BAY Cottage noar Shanty Bay Lot 100 210 Private road prime 9ACRE SCENIC 15 minutes front Barrio Custom built your new bedroom home lull base incm garage and stone ï¬replace area $30000 dawn balance Instrtully decorated mature trons 10 around $6000 down Contact reprirsen native of United Trust 778 8800 or 726 9915 BEDROOM homo ll baths tamity room With walkout tinishvd rLc room iIth biilroaln rIcrc TIHUKI lot 10 inilirs south at Barrie 458 9170 Mr Jain Phone 7265037 $15 13x 1111161 Slllllil wttlt beautiful view on ravine lot overlooking Sunnldale Park 1rr°n kml REAL ESTATE mm 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS REDUCED REDUCED BR home in better east end residential area Close to Gerogian College high school public and separate schools arena and shop ping Features include family room with bar fireplace bathrooms living and dining combination plus large kitchen with full size dining area intercom radio throughout indirect lighting walkout from living room to balcony double garage and paved drive To view call Ed Jennings 7371771 72 Maple IAIII 7719 BEDROOM 12 year Old brick and aluminium storey finished family room with fireplace Large 50 134 lat Call Jim COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST Short drive south of Barrie bedroom cedar frame bungalow Call Jim $74900 Indoor swimming Allandale Heights bedroom level srdesplit fireplace sauna washrooms completely broadloomed Call Jim LOTS HORSESHOE VALLEY AREA approximately acres RETIRING Sandy Cove is the place for you bedrooms including broodloom appliances fireplace Call Jim $14 Jim McCloskey 7262300 Michael Hamilton 7286935 National Trust Flick McCIocklin 7288759 RIALOI KEITH DIVISION 109 BAYFIELO ST BARRIE 7289201 Murray Stovell 4362306 Fred Walker 7265199 Bill Sakeris 7371586 Mike Maksymlu 7262068 Robin Jupp 7371362 Bill Barr 7280744 Bob Danlord 7263740 Doug Siewert 7280475 Gearge BeerefOrillia 3256103 Bernard Brown Bruce Barton Elmvalei 3222381 Alliston 9392648 TOWNHOUSE IABULOUS BUY mung only 534 900 $7000 Tr down bizdictum family room garage baths stove and lrefiigerator washer and llTT hawthorn Hurry or llIr one PETER USH ASSOCIATES LTD 7371 till AGLNTS OR CAMPIAU QUALITY HOMES Dara Barritn 728 3927 IOQTVIIC Thomson 728 7177 John Thomson 778 7177 IF mmmï¬ 7Piériiéï¬fiiéff PRIVATE SALE PRIVATE SALE Luxurious biIrorrrn condominium Ipdrtlnltlt Shari brnudlnarn thrauuliuut incliidinu indoor uulchrr an bulrony StiTIITllIll viiw at bay sixth floor 960 SCI t1 Mnny lixtrii tiirh dumps trIi Storage taitrir BROOKDALE DR 2200 sq ft bedroom home tdurppid 1KIILISC raom rumplitti With stone fireplaces Nicely 1saunas and rirrirttiiin roam 1010011071 decorated kitchen inrludes 1776 5H7 5773 dblwomer In l393530238TESTERSHIEL2131i becue 22 bathrooms Corn Stlfclcaninq stove Included Blake pletoly carpeted with top Street locationTeIeiphoin£726 1679 quality broodloom walkou 11 MILES north at Barrie beautiliil 16 and halt wooded rolling ncrvs DIW ncw room rrxocutive tth hnnw tircplaurs baths sauna central vacuum patios vernndith wet bar can from lamin room to beautiful heated ingraund kidney shaped pool Yard completely lCll tinatcelc Call 4m 3315 dscobed with fence Attached COUNT RV horn you must See and hr bl ing alonu your horses bedrooms plus garage OP lamin room Barn wrlh box stalls 15 paintinent only $99500 PHONE 7370468 acres MLS listing 508900 Call collect 4161277 5466 WaltsLtd Realtor CEDAR COTTAGE our on Balsam 515 Lnkr $15000 or swap tar comrnrrciril nr residonml land or property TLIIplIOtH 73 0630 STUCCO STOREY andd halt nous 11 New sinuln tarnily harms undirr on Dams hardwood floors attarhori strur lion Georgian CoIIigi thltpttotlt Prrilt HOIVTLS 718 1759 NEAR LAK 9th Con at Ora sturry bedrooms well triid lot year old Ask garage privod drive MOFthQI can br arrangrd $3950031500 down 778 4059 DRIVE BY 13 Vino Crescent privacy DTLSTIQI and setting pretty as pic inq $61900 Vii Danir Viau Real Estate tun Custom ha bmirnom homi 726 74731 or 776 1771 lncstlurt on largo IFIILI lot with territic DOWNTOWN Cominixrr mt Lumiion view Telephone 776 8366 Eric Dirwsnap IIILrIl ritail or otticL srttinu 10 901 int RI30170 flnrHILInU nvitilnhli Bah Urry VtclU Riiil state 776 177 or 5811 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum sidinri bungalow Bil Bay Paint Irn maculntrr condition Garnqi AIIFrICTIVI FAMILY HOME An older bedroom starty all aluminum that has been om plitoly modernized Its lovely large douva 5111 lot with mature trees shrubs patio conch light above ground swrmmina pool Iarqi gardin area separate car garage wrtII grease pit and stow Asking $53000501ryan of Call mi at 7781566 or 835 7747 no TIJIII representing Lbrnr Hity Rlnl Estnli ANTEN MILLS anyone Lmuv lot mature trees pavrrd roiirl town water Ind large bedroom brick and aluminum split Lntry bunanlow wrth linishod lamin room ï¬replace car garage You must see it to DOIIIVC it Asking $74900 Al Calhoun 728 1566 or 035 7747 no toll representing Lorne HnyRoiIlEstdIc ALLANDALF Heights Just ILdUlIII to $58900 lovely bedroom raised brick and aluminum bungalow Fireplace With heatalator glass walkout to large TILck car garage paved driveway large per crrnt mortgage Call AI at 710 15M or 835 7747 no toll representing Lorne Hay Real Estate grounds Bolt Urry Vmu Rfdl Estate 776 171 or 778 58H BUILDING LOT $17000 100 161 with Srptir permit Located in quiet Villngr nrrIr BTrrii Terms Bob Urry VlrlU Rim Estate 776 1771 or 7711 5811 PRIVATE Four bedroom storey house rIrar Georgian College per cent first mortgage assume present mort gam with or without down payment $50900 Telephone7201632 IRIVAIL Strlrlll hornri anfSTITHTIT prapirty Barrio twdraom bungalow Iitit 11ll Liitrnai lat 50 700 wrrll inmntmnirt $39900 or hes 0ff1 7711 8151 or 776 6748nttir 30 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP bedroom bungalow Wood panelled throughout Well treed lot 100 150 drilled well and septic Detached garage Asking $44900 Telephone 776 5557 TRY AN OFFER on bedroom all BEDROOM home baths tarnily room with walkout tinishnd rec room br hungawwr 197 00 mm 4th Imdr an acorn fireplace in spacious living rnilmsoulgTTILTIIrrlngfl $1ng l0 ToomJvcarsom mmtlo YOU ASK ing $44000 Call AI at 835 274 no toll or PRIVATE Four bedroom storly 7231566 representing Lorne Hay Real house near Georgian College Per 60 Estate irst mortgage assume present mart gage with or without down payment BliéLDwG L91 Yos $50900 Telephone 723 1637 995 PM water in quiet village asking $17000 PRIVATE SALE Must sell Incomi pro 133 acre in subdivision no trees paved PTVIY LV 1001 bedroom road town waterAsking 817900 CatlAl home East and Income $270 monthly to at 728 1566 or 835 7747 no to represen CMIY mortgage Otters wanted Tole ungLomeHay Rea Esmm phone 726 9008 HOW our Tiiis 91 acre lot MiDHuRsT AREA Largo new untin ismd brick horn garage size surrounded by 30 ft tall pines on 0U aveo ad Lar droom brick an fireplaces $45000 Also halt acre lots be aluminum bungalow Full basement $5000 carh Telephonr Toronto 494 029 00 yo ceiling and wan yo we replace VCTIIDQS in tuture tamlly room Extra large car garage asking price $59900 Call mi tor further Information AI Calhoun 635 2747 no toll or 718 1566 representing Lorne Hay Real Estate COMFORTABLE bedroom hrick bungalow wlth recreation room Trees and shrubs Paved driveway attached garage Goarl slled rear yard East and 343900 per cent mortgage Please call Russell Carson Frank Nellos Real Estate Ltd OIIIcc 7761405 or Res 776 6161 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728241 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday sepi 14 I976l Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALVES IN THE HOME lIIIC AND THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE have seen the rest PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ONLY 17 UNITS LEFT PRICED FROM $37950 $950 DOWN 101270 MORTGAGE 22659 MTHLYPI GEORGINA GARDENS and bedrooms Private Garages Swimming Pool Fully Broadloorned AGENTS ARE School Shopping Bus stop at door Paved drive Sodded lot Houses can be finished to your specifications 81200 SUBSIDY which brings your interest down to WELCOME RESALE VALUE GUARANTEED Sales office and models Open 11 to daily and 11 to weekends or call for special showing EDEM REAL ESTATE MLS REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 4067 OPEN DAYS WEEK Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7284067 John Colwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 MORTGAGES 7371981 LTD APPRAISALS TORONTO 416 889 9487 EEKDAYS UNTIL Frank Hoooy 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Larry DeWiIde 7283253 Chuck Lambert 7288X1 Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Magill 7263861 Simon Beekuilen 7373795 TF MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Allywlirri tilt Ill lliilnis ii Irlrl lkl1lttlrti warnmm rltriais ldrrrls VitCrITIOTT Ti IlllltltiltfitTI iiitits IIW lllllllllr payments Itiiiii IlTllIfiivfltltllTr iny wrtrtlly Human lit my all viiiJim iniiirinr iniirtqmiw Ziiristiiii TllHI 111111 trii IIIVII try 11 10 We have rtmly II Tl INTI tIIsr rrlartgnqes MORTGAGE FUNDTNG INDUNIOPST EAST BARle ONTARIO 776 0981 Phone Member Ontario Mortg MORTGAGE SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Offering Best possible rates Imme Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBLRG MORTGAGE IOANS CTTHEJ iMACKAN GRDUP LTD Head Office TOTUIIIU 95 NHA LOANS First mortgages from 11 Second mortgages from 12 Residential Commercial In dustrial Cottages Farms Apartments Hotels Con dominiums Builders Loans Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA and ventional loans for maior development Planning and financial analysis assistance provided OPEN DAILY am To 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Call WM SUMMERS Barrie office 17057373451 91 Bayfield St After hours call 4240776 COTT TF MORTGAGES COMPARE our rates thlrd mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 7700 Fiat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 MORTGAGES bought and sold immI diate action contidentlal Davld Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings INVESTORS Ist 2nd and 3rd mortgages yielding trom 17 per cent un Interest Call 1301737 345 First second LII7 Anytrini 24 Hour 347HAY STREET TORONTO ONT 363 3421 age Brokers Assoc Service RECREATIONAL diate Commitments 7264491 BARRIE 863 0398 TORONTO TThSTF KINZIE lIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR 7371881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers ASsociation Bus HOME TF SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses brokerage or finders fees Borrow up to $15000 0149 on amounts over $8000 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 25 Dunlop Street East 7266534 Slll Attention RIiiriirriil 07 Ljiriri Til Home Lak Simcoe available Crisriiil Eligiillrr il 314 wrmrIiitarrir alriltgt3lLES of Iakr STJ Shyrelivi 100 Laketw intH on This riry the rim itrllry is rrrarrd ti Ir biyrr rt ltfisllritirl Arttiru th 11TG more Amend0 371t011r0 1m 11 Basin Beach Clul irv Golf Tinr Routnun Cl1fr Arn Poul Saunas Harmt tural Cnr irr Wandering NOTLIII Trails Bicyr le Paths 1171 00 appr nilu laknfirrn TIOHTGQP watoi sowe purl Piper Pllrodfrgr $31 wt Dllvf In this WPCLtlILl INSPECT NOWIm FIRST CHOICI 11 north ol BTFCTHH Hwy I23 OF Hwy 100 Julia Rd and follow Ws310 Mara ii To No 12 By pas No 1711Mlllly Signs to 5131517212325 Bagshone UILLaGe ¢J¢C GERRY MEHARG LIMITED REALTOR 416 2972283 705 3262902 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT Innisttl Township Asking $17000 Make an otter Viau Viau RealEstato72617lur1361603 BUILDING LOT TTTITTUTIS to Barrie 77x708 It health approval clear Ivvvl land Rich garden sail nr till ICQUITLG $15000 487 5808 l00 ACRES pasture hardwuoa bush Waubauslienv distrirt Asking price $79900 or vendor IAIII CONSICIPY lradent snmll lots in Llriiric itrea Phoni 776 5407 Ian Rouer representing willson Rialtur COMMERCIAL BARTTIE AREA maintenance shop tar sale 14000 so It and acres 10000 open storage Will divrdr land 72¢ 5681 TOIIIISIIIESSOPRORTUIIITT ADVERTISING BUSINESS An opportunity to haw your own business wrth low initial IITVESTIHCnT and high income potential SucLess depends on your ability to sell advertismg in local magazine TITITOIY covers SinIrov County mainly Barric Call 705 776 9665 MORTGAGES First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours 9am by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414