an 187 wedding dress An elegant centuryold wed ding dress and goingaway out fit will be featured in the Sim coe County Museum display at the Georgian Guild Antique Show and Sale September 23 25 in the Barrie Armoury Bertah Cameron director of the museum regards these as prize possessions not only because of the beautiful stit chery in them but also because they came from Simcoe Coun ty family In 1876 in Ecclefechan in the Paisley district of Scotland Miss Helen Martin married John Paterson wearing very fashionable fine silk taffeta gown of pale grey with fine white stripe With its bustle and train and paniered overskirt the dress must have drawn the envy and attention of the wed ding guests The new Mrs Paterson left for her wedding trip in an outfit of navy blue heavy silk with slight train topped by length fitted coat with widely split bustle panel trimmed with bows and rosettes Ileavy ap plied cuffs on the sleeves were trimmed with piping and edged with narrow lace edging In 1879 this family with an iii fant son emigrated to Canada settling first in the Muskoka area and moving to Cookstown few years later The treasured wedding outfits carefully packed away came feature of display too Still in fine condition they have been donated to the Sim coe County Museum by son Thomas Paterson of Cooks town The Antique Show at the Ar moury opens with gala preview on Thursday Sep tember 23 from to 10 pm with admission $300 Friday September 24 from 11 am to 10 pm and Saturday September 25 from 11 am to pm with admission on Friday and Satur day $150 Visitors may browse and buy on all three lays Tickets are available from Guild members or at the door For further information call Mary Ilowdtn 72 15785 Making school lunchtime exciting food adventure By JANE SILLS Home Economist North Simcoe County Another school year has begun and that for lot of peo ple means taking your lunch Lets begin this year with an attitude that will lake us away from the boring school lunch of the same old bread and spread Mixing drug alcohol can be dangerous NEW YORK AP Alcohol and aspirin Those two very common drugs are not just beforeandafter act Combine either with some other drugs and the results can be dangerous even deadly Mixing medicines can make one drug act faster or slower than it normally would more powerfully or less powerfully changing the drugs effect on the body The Canadian Save The Children Fund which aids vast child welfare projects such as day care centres nutrition centres hygiene education and general health $1113 throughout the needy and underprivileged world have certainly started to think about 1977 in many ways The beautiful 1977 tea tbwels shown here by Mrs The interactions of two or more drugs taken at the same time is an emerging study highly complex and one that is far from fully understood For example Aspirin is Sold in more than 300 drug combinations many of them for the common cold But aspirin mixed with drugs taken orally to thin the blood the anticoagulants can make these drugs become even more powerful Joan Brown who is repre sentative of the Barrie Branch of CANSAVE are available now for those who like to get some of their Christmas shopping done before the rush The CAN SAVE tea towels may be pun chased by callin Mrs Brown at 7280802 in ie even ings and iiilo one that will turn us toward making lunchtime into food adventure The lunch carried to school is one of the three main meals of the lay and consequently should provide about third of the daily required food good lunch should include the followmg ingredients milk or cheese protein such as meat fish or eggs food supplying mostly energy for example bread rolls cake or cookies something crisp such pickles carrots or celery fruit orjuicc Brown bagging it can be pretty dull if the same thing is packed day after day IS Couldnt qualify as persons By FRANK IAKICY The Canadian Press There must be touch of sweet vengeance for Canadian feminists in changing the suffix man to person in words like spokesman and chairman After all back in The Hour ing Twenties woman was not aperson So said the Supreme Court of Canada by ruling oh April 24 1928 that women could not qualify as persons within the meaning of Section 24 of the British North America BNA Act and therefore could not become senators The section read The hivernorGeneral shall from time to time in the Queens name by instrument under the Great Seal of Canada summon qualified persons to the Senate and subject to the provisions of this act every person so suin moned shall become and be member of the Senate and senator Five Alberta women had peti tioned the federal justice minister on Aug 29 1927 to refer the question to the court as to whether Section 24 en titled femalc persons to become senators INCLUDED MAGISTRATE The women were Henrietta Muir Edwards then vice president for Alberta of the Na tional Council of Women Nellie McClung and Louise McKin ney former members of the Alerta legislature Emily Murphy police magistrate and Irene Parlby member of the Alberta legislature and of the executive council On Oct 1927 the cabinet issued an orderiircouncil referring the question to the Supreme Court in these terms Does the word persons in Section 24 of the British North America Act 1867 include female persons By that time women had been granted the right to vote in all federal and provincial elec tions except in Quebec where they had to cool their heels until 1940 Newfoundland not yet province had extended voting rights to women in 1925 Nevertheless the Supreme Court forappointment to Ill Analc It was unanimous dccision arrived it by five jlllttx through highly tcclinil ill and strict analysis of oiiiiiioii law Roman law tradition the liy Act and the intentions its authors Women had traditionally been excluded from public of fice the judges licld Had they been meant to be lllIlIfIll iu the categoi of humans known as persons for the purpose of Section 21 surely the Ii Act would luzvc spelled fill out clearly Within two ycais however the judicial coiiililltlcl of Ilic Irivy fouiit il in London unanimously reversed Ilt loci sion and fanndii had its first woman senator appointed on Feb 19310 in the person of Cairinc Itay Mackay known under her married name as CairineWilsou The five lords or the Privy Council who studied the ques tion said in their judgment of Oct Ill 1915 that the INA Act should not be given narrow and technical construction but 21 large and liberal inter prelntion so that the Dominion to great extent but within certain fixed limits may be mistress in her own house Where the Supreme Court had suggested that if the word persons was to include women this should have been clearly stated the Privy Totnr cil countered with the opinion that if persons referred only to men this should have been specified nil Mignon snoop lionilleiilial Ctiiiiiotizrml MORTGAGE LOANS Jonvonttunzil ll Mllllgililli Ofiettoiidaiy ft moon New Illiii Hill It ill fliiylltilll Sinwt lllllllll l3 34in umv GFIOIJD LY itlilf Ullit ll loioulo Mil Mt Illamim llotiil ruled Woiiicn llltlltJIJIt special meeting at the Ar my Navy and Air Force Club on George St Friday even ing was attended by 135 Bar rie Examiner paper carriers An explanation of the Ex aminers Home Reading Club offer was given the youngsters Carriers can win prizes by obtaining points through the enlistment of new subscriber Examining some of the gifts are at left Patricia Miller Jane Cotler and Lisa McKee At right Mike Widdrington clutches soccer ball while below Heather Lynch tries her strength on the expanders Examiner photos ILIHIA INHIIIICCK If theres one aspect of lclc vision that intrigues people its tlitlrccnliooniMystique Maybe its because its the onc room that viewers have never seen lhey waiil to know what gotson in that mysterious hole in the wall that contains the bodies of guests just before they walk out on the Tarson Dinah Douglas Merv or Do nahue sets Do the sweatces driiilt Is it fun plat7 Arc they neiioils Is it really green With every book Ive pub Ilfilllli do the green room cir cuit also sell the book door to door HIII line of vanilla This month with the publica tion of my newest The Grass ls lll irccner Over The Sep tic Tank will visit more than 7o green rooms Setting new lllyinpicrecordof7tlspitupsl ERMA BOMBECK Mystery of room always intrigues man of the grctu rooms Itarely do inccl anyone know or anyone who knows me In fact in one green room was the only person there not related to anyone on the show by former iiiairiagc take scat near the door and every 13 seconds or so director will poke his head in the door and inquire You UK He does this because am the only person in the room rocking back and forth and humming while sitting in fetal position IVE BEEN IIIICItII Occasionally man will conic iii scrutinize all the faces and come to rest on me You Youd better come to makeup To which rcply Ive just rc lurncd During recent years Ive noted camaraderie among guests of talk shows mostly be am known as the Willv Lo cause they have become PUBLIC MEETING ron RATEPAYERS or VESPRA TWSP MIDHURST COMMUNITY CENTRE SEPT 20th PM ANNEXATION AND ITS EFFECT ON VESPRA TWSP Comments will be welcomed will be held of the SUBJECT VESPRA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AllAN JOHNSTON Roovo CEIZJ vents 6The Barrie Examiner Monday Sept IS 1976 ANN LAN DERS Message is Vital to youth Dear Aim Landers You have been repeatedly listed as one of the 10 most influential women in the United States Will you please donate some space today for message that is vital to Americas youth Many enlightened and concerned individuals lichcvt that violence on TV is having serious effect on our children lvc been horrified at what have seen on TV luring priiiicluiic liven the socalled childrens shows are rife with shootings slabhings bloody fist fights and exotic forms of torture Or Ingclfingcr editor of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has called on the American Medical Asso ciation to appoint panel to identify the programs most notorious for their routine and persistent portrayal of vio lcncc Once these programs have been identified Dr lngelfingcr asks for an allout effort by parents to boycott the products promoted in association with the offending programs The doc tor said Our dogs can survive without the gourmet dishes that underwrite weekly ganglandpolice shootout ur kitchens will function without the gadgets and appliances advertised between gory chut ions and garrotings With your help Aim this destructive element in otir nation can be brought to responsible leadership Please get behind it Ilr And Mrs IIWI Inllouston Dear Houston Friends Thanks for the opportunity to lower the boom on TV violence The American Medical Asmciations Board of Trustees has stated that TV violence is bad for the mental health of children Their resolution has called TV violence an environmental hazard and asked the AMA to declare it risk factor which threatens the health and welfare of young Americans Dr Michael Rothenberg child psychiatrist at the University of Washington claims the average American youngster will have seen 18000 murders on television by the time he graduates from hiin school Moreover Dr Rothenberg says the standard TV cartoon for children under 10 years of age features robbery arson bombing forgery smuggling kidnap ping beating and torture While there is some disagreement among the authorities the experts with whom consult are in strong agreement that steady diet of TV violence which is what our kids are getting incites aggressive and antisocial behavior The statistics of juvenile crime and attacks on teachers are appalling am convinced that this is no mere coincidence urge all parents to watch what your children watch on TV Insist that the set be turned off or the channel changed if the show depicts violence Be firm Then write to the TV station and let them know what you think of their progra mining Send copy ofyour letter to the presidents of the companies that spon sor the offending programs Anyone who would like list of programs considered offlim its for childrens viewing should write to Action For Childrens Television 46 Austin Street Boston Mass 02160 up rather tightknit group that tours with some regularity It is hard to break through Once for no reason at allexcept was lonelywl said Has any one heard from Frank lately Ive never seen booze in green room externally that is or magazine or picture on the wall or much food or children newspaper phone live plant or television set that works As to why theyre called green rooms most of them arent They merely reflect the color of the people who occupy them EOPLS Both Sexes eye quality in clothes By JUDY CREIGHTON CP Family Edltor Men and women alike are looking for qualit and more classic look in eir fall and winter attire according to CrossCanada Survey by The Canadian Press With prices on such major items as coats and suits runn ing as much as 10 to 15 per cent higher than last year and with signs that the inflationary trend on clothing prices isnt about to let people seem more at tune to investment dressing says Alma De Vleeschouwer buyer for Mills Bros Ltd in Halifax Investment dressingan ex pression coined at ready towear showings in Toronto last springmeans to include in ones wardrobe few items that will withstand the ravages of time and duty and are of betterthanaverage uality Added to this trend is return to classic elegance in both men and womens wear says Miss De Vleeschouwer Womens fashions for fall are classically feminine she said in an interview The return of the dress is very much in evidence and even young women who previously opted for pant outfits are buying dresses for fall COATS EXPENSIVE Shirley Richardson fashion eoordinator for Eatons in Toronto said in an interview that womens coats are defin itely more expensive this year but they are lot more fashionable Probably the most popular garment to appear and one that is being snapped up qickly is the mantailored suit she said The blazer is No seller with buyers coor dinating it with matching pair of slacks or different skirt and vest For added warmth versatili ty and péain high fashion tunics to worn over pants or skirts are coming on strong for fall says Lorraine King Simp sonsSears fashion eoordinator in Ottawa Tunic and pant combinations can be casual or formal she said She expects to see lot of corduroy and velvet as well as knits and dresses and says grey will be the No color New in Town Youll find friend where you see this Sign For more information call 7261454 01 286331 on ocqovo AND All OTHER SINGER SCISSIIIIS 82MULTUSE SHEARS with contoured cushioned plastic handles Reg $998 Sale $798 Take quick advantage of this special limitedtime offer INGER nsult the Yellow Pages of your directory for the address of the Singer Centre nearest you as immw 1nas