Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1976, p. 12

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LVrav was 12The Barrie M°° 172 MATRICES riiitSitLi 0005 AND ms WWII REAL ESTATE AUTOMOTIVE EDGEHILL AlaUARtL lAgiuqugiflme6 f°r EL on an ccessor ROOMS TO LET M010RCYCLES 3391134363 RB 7260094 BARRIE POODLE siitonSharripooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street ast 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio LAB PUPS registered shots tattoos wormrri champion sired parents ray cleared Black $150 each 705 436 4363 MIYS POOIJLE PARLOR Proles COUPLE has rooms to let in modern bedroom home Use of all taclllties Telephone 7269369 daytime LARGE Furnished room for rent In up per floor of triplex close to downtown Share kitchen fourpiece bath with tw other working men $20 weekly or save at $75 monthly Call 7284967 alter 430 BEDSITTING Room private bath suitable for one or two students kitchen Do you want extra money Learn to Prepare FREIGHT SALES LTD The COlripOlilion Know Us 1974 650 Yamaha 3500 miles $800 900 condition certified For lnlormatio telephone 4246460 1973 PENTON 125 cc trail bike Must serenn $325 Telephone 7266759 alter RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory ARTICLES FOR SALE miParkm1elephmem3°5 Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers Swillfilflzinfetoapnhingigzriioag lncome Tax Returns 7+vr it mgngncgngowfgndhogjgléeagtsg ltsted are experts in their field and thI assure you of the You Should mama pupslmwwwmmmmm people who have not to End PiazaareaPhone7288478 finest job possible L£Imnu6r7$6 pvu 623 dealing with figures enjoy VELY cleEtn ho lar ebrAhtTTh orkir th the ublic and kished bedroom weim sink Rog BARBIE PLAZA BARBIE MttttAtuRr Black Poodle remain II MMW lh 0111 good with chitmrn would like to earn extra income Cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen iacilities free parking Central 02 may enroll in Block Tax Gentlemen only 7280598 or iv Spyrim ma RENT TO OWN School There is almost certain XNLNW iilln zrnaltrr or cross riverr1 anq SPACE FORRENT LOOK MV VVVVVV ring pitMr References available to be class near you Job in lllrptiomIIlt 2469 PMS NDUSTRIAL SPACE 20 Inch TV 350 weekly ALUMINUM Cltsrortt rtttCttio by MUSIC tttsrtiucrtott innn Wye mm jgevf 3be be 19500 lt lully sprinklered transport Phone lonilaIDelive annular srrmllor or rross tireerl Young 611 en 01 168 In and light truck loading docks 16 tr rymmm ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING SyllsrlleMsFEFNCINdcllund plTlerhunkb mm 550m 0mm and formation and class schedules clear part of large expanding industrial CI 72630 gfumzvt7° 0w Morullotvlrtoultur Studio 726148 trit mall7267130 OSCIOGOVOSNDUQ 00f Garage Chan aANustAND MUSIC siurttm Buyllalrf Mull yr 3110111 Puppies 07 HURRY windows ownngsl RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom Gultnt rlauu Yamaha method all ago Udi1rl1fruitlesnmlfemaleserrellertt Classes start October 4th wood foncos lmprovo your property Trah haUIad OWGY groups 716 4971 uhrrfl trrrmw to telephone 705 175 9277 parc enc osures stonewor 7371507 JUST GIVE US cf mllia Monday through Friday are is convenient area ass Installed With lVFE gnarl home small black mg locallon CARS FOR SALE Old Fashioned Pride mm WWW SW1 itHI IM Oll Contact the office nearest you himlilith with rtiilrircri Telephone Wk ancsscs FIT it mud by JOSIE AOUINO PAINTING P09 howl portcud 970 CAMARO 69000 miles good com spuinnunu in mum Dow and If05zolggttl Jack ltlcltor son 7262012 tl 76 726Mm itaogrgwgéegeéghone days 728 7749 or even General Contrucors on 9r 0y betwoan10aamand 530pmfi VELLINGA FNNHNO and dme In t5 Dunlap 5y 1971 vocvo aiitarriaiir dark red color RCA 26 inch per week s6 7265609 DRIVING INSTRUCT ION LAWN CARE gm 333123 gag ggwnd rou in FARMERS MARKET Barrie nterar rado snow tres extra WWWM ifiw mileage IExcellentI condition RCA SIDING SOFFIl FACIA Also oavas LEARN TO DRIVE defensively with Highland 7153311 7265056 Inc per wee s4 tArpughing Frog astimala front Palnswlck DrIvIng School Instruction by 051 General Maintenance Hprjvly 91 mt VOLKSWAGEN 4n ozooornites Phlco 25 1CD Per week $450 ymz79 Wadm Trees and Hedges wwwn ram Om Plea4 gerid me tree in 335 géfiszoiéififi Asiaiiémsisiiii 26mm Perm 7° ALTERATIONS 44 it riiJpmu Y° Telephone4873483 anytime All models rented on an annual Patios Installed preparation course un DRYWALL BOARDING taping mint ma rpm Mmrgp 1906 METEOR wageY excelleny LADIES AND gentleman OIIOIOItOHI 26 dertand than 5nr obli charL mechanical common power brakes and bowls Short term slightly Mary kph 7373 mid pgfiilzlorthgccpatic and toxiurad sprayod Exterior Painting BY amplth hm DO 599l09 °°l ads Needs 501 tWITIV h9h9T Z9Jhw Window Cleaning Services Home work otherwise can be certified $250 99 addrogg Egypt03967416 wflflfi 7777 Open MonTues Thurs Fri APPLIANCES EAVESTROUGHING °V9 31 I972 MERCEDES Bent 280 5E power til pm mm Days 7268424 pAVlNG LTD map 77 70 steering power brakes central locking GRAHAM AVESWOUGHNG Prerrce system air conditioned door sedan SWWIMY 6P 5538th23fléia°uggzg ml 5233°9Illl9957735 Evenln953 4362387 Dry ewe p0 Fhr low mileage excellent condition For in COLORED Aluminum cavalfroughing All formation telephone704451476 7V work done gratdqyéoronlaod by owner Frau IgizwIUPozmttlo mgmzzgaggg Tonnis Courts FA PM PAL qi today 1968 MGB in good condition but needs motor work $300 Telephone Alliston AND ACCESSORES EAVESTROUGHING Specialists 9b° 77 8557 C°C°° W°rk 10 my or 24 TasrizsirzififizérrianariLaserredéz same Paza 83 as Win 2131735JTISILLLTIT 110M IMPROVEMENTS 55 ESTMATES 7133113 1137 ran Cellar condllon snow 95 LOW winter noods at OTIFOCIV pricos Rebuilt mme MODELLING Khan wnnen Guarantee tiles $17500 Manse Powell 7759212 anginos for most cars trucks Pratt Motor man CourRun 36 on 636 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ger Cr MTTF EEElycg 39 DELL MICROWAVE sflvk Auhonud Rotarancos available F0 IND 1a Er ege geringekecyem czffigililigrzflvsitlrggvzfi Among Salas Service to all Microwave NEED MORE living aca rac room extra serving simcoe County Idulq nqlwnxptanrj imply liabley Get Stoned motor Certified Asking 5975 Telephone AUTO REPAIRS 01 779 °P WWW P°Y°° °dY °° °°9 Hardware 31 Dunlap at Barre 722 723613 EXCAVATNG in Alto painting wallpaprmo Murray tor 16 years mt Evening r7 fifii 77 WE REPAIR British Euro son and Ju cities 30 728 8906 our es 1969 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 350 four c°°°o Am am Mag éusmM REC ROOMS Complm bmmm MANIERIPAVINGLID Patios summing and WALE 5°531 bane speEd bUCkeSI power wm 7265 planning and docoraltna pllvacy screens 5P l° WOI B°°°d Dd horse flame H75 hay amen FOIII dows block and in car heater sports PGEwan 500 now phannbomy I974 horsr traitor Ftcellom condition wheels trailer hitch 5795 Telephone EMODELUNG 9° °° Reasonably priced Vtiorw7261551 7267955 rooms Call Russ 4363681 ottoréJOpm CONSTRUCTION all your needs 720 8906 Logan CONTRAELINO brunet Hops BOAPDEU 1rd med Echo 37 adamncua unable awo slaps imneys cur ow Of rt Orma lor 1¥°LKSWA°E°°° 315 Summer clearance of organs Bockhoe Excav 151s2rr22313701012 and can 11011 new ra es an er 4584233 altor6pm Re itratton pfsgegaawnes ggk Asking $300 Call including models or Hammond BIRD HOUSE Trenchtng c°°9 77 70°5 TWO Howsrgs and western saddles Espemnlly Suttablr for young or female Q75 DATSUN dark green door ElectrohomeBadwm Farttsa pumi MANN Houses mmle Apply Horizontal Augering COME TAX an FRAMING v7 Mrs 95 Brochure Ziebareg low miles dials 09 lights Ace Tone Ophgon orcon° Miolrgse Ave Dorrie or telephone 77285283 HORSES UOARDED large box stalls CALL 705 728 95 any hKh 19 Yamaha 250 CC needs INCOME Um p°P°d 30 37 DWIOP 51 E0 Cmtom windy Brats Farm 41h Oro Hwy 11 clutch andlig Cheap asis 728 7685 090 35 00530 74 59 all framing of all Iypls We stock many sizes Telephone 3333 firmer new TIRES 704p Open daily tilépm 35 f$° 5°dw°d tronmm an MWFS29 FADE999216990096 36395 Open Evenings BOOKKEEPING TYPING General clartcal 0° mm um INCOME TAX rlum impaled to Wis PINTOHstandaTdShift speed 41000 miles in good condition Telephone7287867 STATION Wagonfitéaq Etyrrioijth Can be certified $1000 Telephone 728 4761 1969 DODGE Polara OOOr 63000 miles good condition good tires plus snow tireszPhane 7266858 evenings i975 MAVERICK 26000 miles power steering green radial tires For sale or take over payments Telephone 7284956 7261195 T972 CORTINA GT 2000 cc 30000 miles $2300 or best otter Telephone 7287920 anytime COLLECTORS ITEMS 962 Cadillac rag tap in running condition with good body Best otter Moving must sell Phone7288478 1970 PONTIAC certified $995 new paint radio vinly top 1968 Dodge Monaco door hardtop vinyl top new paint radio $550 certified 4356322 4245949 atter6pm 1971 TOYOTA Corona good runhirigépri dition $650 Telephone weekdays alter 7264032 AW My 1967 DODGE DART door hardtop vs automatic $600 or best otter As is Phone7287483 1975 GRAN TORINO door power steering power brakes automatic transmission 32000 miles Reposses sion Telephone Dave 7266411 between and5pm 1968 DODGE amaro yl top new radiator new power lines power steer ing power brakes new battery Cer tified Telephone 7268019 after 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station wagon in excellent condition low mileage no rust undercoated $3000 Fully certitied Telephone 7371004 1968 VOLKSWAGEN reconditioned 73 motor 16000 cc 35000 miles on motor new tires good condition As is $300 Telephone 7265771 between and pm 1973 LINCOLN Mark fully powered AMFM radio and tape deck combina tiort air conditioning mint green Ex cellent condition Must sell Asking Tuesday Thursday Friday pm MWFTF INDOOR SHOWROOM full sited pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 for tree 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart laza YORK Rconditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for information call 7261009 USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Cal Iier St 7284297 BRAND NEW 25 Quasar Color Console Television featuring works in drawer and full manufacturers warranty Now only $593 or pay iust $550 weekly with no money down and no payments til November Phone tonight free delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopp ing Playa7371182 $400 WE KLv buys this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor Television with no money down and no payments til November Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 HEAVY DUTY work bench for sale also heavy duty utility trailer steel frame Both good condition Telephone 77267 9135 PIANOS at Neales aoaJeén Elmvale See our ad under Pianos in the yellow pages Savealotl SAVE MONEY On your load costs this year purchase Speed Queen freezer tram me for $275 or you may pay for it on easy monthly installments Call Terry at 7266558 ELECTRDHOME TELEVISIONcoIour 21 inch years old excellent condition Can beseenat 48 Codringtortsrt Apt $2000 4245703 evenings D59ECDFTORD Camper vanTor gate is running condition in need of minor repairs $125 Telephone 4245358 after pmr CARS WANTED TO BUY TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 72881171 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks to wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLES wantedtpppricés paid tree immediate pickup anytime 4362900 OLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted lor wrecking s25 and up Fast pickup 4245949 after pm or 4356322 or 7372515 aw gt 7V SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought ox er scales $20 ton 4363677 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrias Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD 5T 7284272 TF TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale8352308 77 1970 F700 FORD single axle speed dump truck Heavy duty rear end $3700 certified Phone 4361783 or 4364945 1938CHE7V threequarter ton truCk tar sale good running condition Asking $2000 Telephone48 3364 SPECIAL um Chev tori 18600 miles owned and operated by retired man Ex tra long frame with dual wheels plus trailing axle with dual wheels 16 foot box with fold down it sides and tailgate Telephone 7054589585 i975 F100 FORD ton 20000 miles fibreglass cover excellent condition No power equipment 20 miles per gallon $3300 or best offer 7372147 1669 FORD Camper Special Pickup with deluxe 10V lt camper Telephone 7286943 after pm iéttTzANéiaRSLTt5ickup 360 vs speed $1500 Telephone 4362615 SNOW PLOW 1972 Toyota Land Cruiser 23000 miles one owner Myers foot angling plow all In excellent condition $3595 Baylield Sunoco Car Wash SNOWMOBILES 1974 MOTOSKI 440 new track rebuilt motor $650 or best offer Telephone 7265253992229L summon YAMAHA Trombone like new Black Watch band iacket size 36 gray trousers 30 Kenmore electric stove 24 with rotisserie $100 39 bed with mattress $30 Day Couch $40 Phone 7266365 VIKING automatic washer and dryer $150 8000 BTU air conditioner $175 Coldspot 95 cubic lt freezer like new $150 Magnus cord organ bench $40 drawer legal slze tiling cabinet $60 Large desk $35 Call 7260672 evenings FREEZER for sale 19 cubic foot ap proximately years old Coldspot in ex cellent condition 5150 Apply 385 Edgehill Drive between and9 pm STEREO ltiFidelity Admiral console with Garrard record player in walnut Excellent condition 5175 Telephone 4361752 Stroud LTSEDTROOVER DialOMatic vacUum Cleaners in excellent condition less than yearold Telephone 7160853 PLAYER PIANO excellent warking condition Original linish Bench and rolls included Telephone 424 0933 LOBSTERS Delivered to your doorlive or cooked Telephone 7373395 between and pirn DINING ROOM Suite piece Duncan Phyle style very good condition $1000 Telephone 7268966 COLOR Television portable solid state track solid state also large speakers All in brand new condition Telephone 7286054 DINING TABLE and Chairs modern all white with chrome months old $400 Telephone 7264860 after6 pm ACCORDION tor sale Titano Virtuoso 120 bass with case Excellent condition Asking $1100 or best oller Telephone 7373962 BASEMENT RUMMACE sale Monday thru Friday am to noon 123 Cundles 139 East Clothingdresser etcfletc BOATS AND MOTORS LETS GD SAILING SAILBOAT RENTALS AND SALES Hwy 115 miles north at Barrie 4872623 or 7373393 MWFTF WINTER PROJECT Refinish this inCh mahogany plywood runabout Beamy 12foot craft has taken all Georgian Bay could offer Comes with trailer Hitch up and lake It away for $200 Call 7284967 after 430 30 FTCHRISCRAFTsIeeps6M07185 hp motors 600 hours $15900 Telephone 3221126 after pin 16 FT CRESTLINER Boat With 65 hp Mercury and tilt trailer for quick sale Telephone 7286494 MUST SELL 26 foot Chris Craft Cavalier Sedan Cruiser completely reconditioned this summer lully equip pad to DOT requirements $6500 or best offer May be Inspected by phoning Orillla 3253710 alter pm or Barrie 7269534 days AIITOMDTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD or WHEELS CALL 7266537 111112 ism Examiner experiehcouPhono Norman 726S437 AND General Contractor Kitchen roc FOOmS averaged 7371507 tartar remade ling trim of 7288884 altar pm DECKS rec rooms OlIOHSIOHS olc Fully experienced 7269002 7262609 CABINET MAKER chons vanities Pino IurnIUrD renovations 726 294 CARPENTER will do roc rooms TOOOVOIIOHS rpmodolling atc No tab to small 7261271 GENERAL CARPENTRY Rec rooms tiling renovating CARPET CLEANING START RQVIIOIII your carpets wtth carpet steam Antique Chair Caning parlance Phone Somars 436 2299 COMMERCIAL ARTIST 1090 work layout etc 93626 MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Bookinow Phone7260081 tuffing envelopes etc My homo 15 years CARPENTRY renovations additions fireplaces ARPENTER ecraltxrngrtn roc rooms In Please call European trained Kit Itarottans Domestic Cammarcral drywall burIttn clothes closets tc Reasonable 726 3853 YOUR spring cleaning today logarth 7276 6321 CHAIR CANING Over 35 yrs ax COMMERCIAL ART demgn art Plose call collect 416 CONCRETE Work guaranteed ARTICLES FOR SALE haulage Phone 737 3841 or 7268208 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE 7372871 SlD HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fual lactory built 03 TtIftn 7284040 SIONEWORK and fireplaces spocoalty Vic Watson for tree esttmalu 728 1599 HANDYMAN FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertiizirg and Trimming ainting Trash hauled trees cut Smal moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed Days 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovations painltng plumbing Ex patience references raltablo 726 0038 Kidd 245Edgohtll Dr 776 3407 tttsumtott SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fihraglau lblowmg and potting Fro estimates Scott Muir 778 1267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dosrgns sup plied Irao romovol Custom spraying For tilizor lnsocticrda Horbtcrda 487 3401 728 9369 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and gardon matnt landscapa services reasonable rotas 726 4536 MEN AVAILABLE Odd tabs small cantrac docks concrete etc 487 6241 or 467 2606 SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing sod ding loading gattoral maintenance flawarbads etc 776 8552 WEED SPRAYINGIaI Clean up larttltl tng mowing hodgo and shrub trimming rough mowing Vic Irtamstra 776 0427 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Salas Service to all ovens 726 4177 anytime MUSIC INSTRUCTION PIANO LESSONS Royal Conservatory Popular 50ch Mustr taught by Miss Pat trtdgn Tolaphone 776 3150 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nor and advanced months tIGI instru imant Iaanod for home practtcn Canadian Authorilad Microwavo ting soddtrig1artcrng tree planting patios LAWN CARE Academy at Music 121 Bayltold 72B 1799 PIANO LESSONS East and formation telephone 728 IQ for turtttnr trt ARTICLES FOR SALE MACHINERY 250 MAJOR ITEMS FOR SALE AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY SEPT 16 1000AM Corner Hwy and Ist Line West BRAMPTON Ontario CONSISTING OF 32 Crawler Tractors 11 Wheel Loaders 12 Motor Scrapers Motor Graders 11 Aggregate Asphalt Wheel Boxer Compressors Drills Wheel Tractors Marine Barge tugs pump 13 Crawler Loaders Snowblowers Pull Scrapers 22 Compactors Scales I7 Cranes etc 14 Camp Items 71 Trucks Trailers Qty Underwater Equipt ie diving gear tools com pressors 14 MISC SUPPORT ITEMS NUMEROUS HAND TOOLS For complete descriptive flyer contact RITCHIE BROS AUCTIONEERS LTD Ste 2267 Islington Ave REXDALE Ontario M9W 3W7 Telephone 416 7456950 Telex 0696581 Au2128$4101113 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 300 EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 MWFTF eons AND MOTORS 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor Al condition Asking 2500 Telephone 4354245 alter 430 pm 16 FT JCRAFT custom made skl boat 115 hp Merc complete with power trim speedometer tack and ski bar Must sell Telephone 7372655 GREW 215 188 HP Merc new June 76 CUddY cabin sleeper seats stereo wlnter storage Included in price Fully equipped Telephone 7373743 15 ft SURFMASTER runabout con vartlble top 50 hp Evlnrude completely equipped with ladder and trailer $2100 or best offer 7208820 SAILBOAT 16 feet custom built marine plywood and llberglas sails engine trailer many extras $1200 in water ready to sail Telephone 7267955 GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone7262951 CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY 1974 CHEV Tandem 427 V8 certified $13500 1972 international tandem 250 Cummings diesel certified $13000 Austin Western Grader complete with snow wings $6500 Set 40 ton por table scales $7500 yard HOPTO back hae mounted on Chev truck $2500 Lincoln portable welder needs repairs $300 435 diesel John Ueerefarm tractor $1800 15 ft diesel equipment dump body and hoist new $3600 Telephone 325 8780 AttTtCLgs for SALE these superb values during the 20 ZENITH CHROMACOLOUR or pay iust 350 weekly 26 COLOUR CONSOLE Sensationally priced or pay iust 450 weekly IB SYLVANIA 100 solid state or pay iust 450 weekly I9 RCA ACCUCOLOUR XL75 reduced to clear or pay lust 350 weekly 26 ZENITH CHROMACOLOUR steal at or pay iust 600 weekly 26 RCA XLIOO reduced 100 or pay iust 650 weekly PHONE TONITEDELIVERY TONITE FOR RCA ZENITH SONY TOSHIBA GE QUASAR KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 TReesANDsHRues TREES Nursory slack for sale Con lferous and Deciduous Very reasonable Phone 72692957 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 SHOTGUN Wanted 12 gauge pump of semiautomatic and rifle semi automatic around 308 calibre Please telephone 728 6100 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING tn hausas apartments and stores Talophanu CANADA CUP Can easily be enjoyed by you with any at these tremendous colour television buys And with our easy payment plans anyone can of ford to have color now As bonus after to anyone cashing in on solutely FREE your choice of 5pieco carving knife set 4place china dinnerware set or Slazenger tennis raquet and get tree roll about base with any portable to boot NEWDEMOS AND USED NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TIL DECEMBER only to clear Mtttottto INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Bdrrta five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 ROOFING AND ROOFING Now and old Reports Free estimates 372 189701tar SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Special halt pliC S8 88 Clean Otl adtust tonson Any make Fraaptckup 737 2535 SEW TECH CO Specraltsts rapatn oil makas industrial domestic sewing machines Now used Agents Brother Sawtng Mochrnos 737 167l 737 1155 TELEVISION lEASING Burmas only now calar Irorn SCI 75 pot was 29Collior St 728 4297 TREE REMOVAL EXPERIENCED TREE CUTTERS Will do lot cloarirtg daad alm in farms and dtsparsod 776 7260 728 3715 TREE REMOVAL Lats cleared Don at Barrio TV out No lob too small Free Estimates 726 4187 WATER HAULAGE FRESH WATER DELIVERY Walls ctslattu and poolsftllad Call 7370661 WINDOW CLEANING Spacraltsts 7281914 ARTICLES FOR SALE series Kelly will give free ab 399°° 443°o 419°° 366°° 643°° 699°° Call 7371182 510131433 WANTED LARGE wall mirror II 1890501599 Telephone 728 5547 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TE House of LQOII2 Lease your POULTRY AND CHICKS Mattress eggs Craig Hunter Stroud4361811 POULTRY 10 yearling hens for sale tittvy brood laying $150 each Phone 424 5351 after FEED SEED AND GRAIN SECOND CU Hay for sale 50 per bale In firid Jirn Henry Thornton telephone 458 9265 YORKSTAR Seed Wheat for sale power mill Iranid from registered seed good quality and germination 136 1766 APPLES Apply Kooio and Son Con LIsmon Ora 7261907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Yourconlainers PERSONAL Dont miss our annual Nashville tour on Thanksgiving Weekend including the Grand Ole Opry Call OK Johnson Travel FOR INFORMATION 7266525 Stereo soupstAte AMFM Tape Player Spepkers BRAND NEW 6Piecey KITCHEN SUITE $6900 Singer 219 sewing Machine IN LOVELY wooa CABINET $14 iEl ECARE Whylightyour problem alone Let friend help Call Telecarc 776 7922 anytime RELIEF from pain soreness ltnSton due to muscle overstrain Sieve Whit man Reg Masseur 726 4092 ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business It you want loqurt thats ours Call any time liOWLERS WANTED to start 581 lLtttber teams couples or singles alterrtooti or evenings kempview Bowl 778 9761 UNWANlED HAIR problem Have it itfllOVll Safely pertrtanenlly medical ly approved Lydia Hroncttuk Certified LitrtrLilogsl 737 7671 HAVE YOUR Christmas Party at Vtsprit CIrlll Park Hwy 93 new tax nq rlSlrvfltloflb 726 7338 RIDE DAILY to Teachers College Carlaw Ave Toronto beginning Sept 16111 Plionc7761723 NORRINE Matilda May Biggs nee Stntllt marrile irt Victoria Harbour Ju Iy 26 1958 to Charles Biggs Divorce Ullflg sought or anyone knowing her whenabouts send information to ClTiITIlS 85995 37 East 22nd 51 lIrNI1IIIOfl Ont 387 2174 RIDF REQUIRED to Georgian College Ortllia to nrrivoii 45 am daily Return approximately Telephone 717 0335 GENERAL Meeting of Parents without Partners September 15 at Grace United Ctturch Grove and Cook Streets linrrii Tapr art Transactional Analysis Evvryone welcome For fur Ilill ittlorntationnll 7245 COMIC KIDS Comic Club of Barrie membership only 50 cents per family Usrrl Lomics low prices contests You never have to buy unless you want to Trading and selling only for all ages To intit pltUilI 778 5117 from Sept Iill June frrtll17til9 at Ask for the Comic Kid LOST ANDVFOUND LOST GOLD chain link indentilicatioh trincolit KFVIN on face Keepsake TPIIDIIOIII712116703 Four Piece Livingroom DAY IS BEST Suite MONDAY TUESDAY High back Chair Ottoman Chesterfield Low backchair WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WE ACCEPT HARGEX MASTER HARGI Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there Is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as od ones satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel It when you got results After many years of ex porlance withlmllllans of want ads we know tomorrow Is the best day to start your ad and every day Is the best day to ad vertise In The Barrie Examiner Classified Section rione2282414 FREE DE VERY NO MONEY DOWN lNSl iiiNANCING NliPAYMENl ill llvl Lilli 51 PHONE 7262900 202 DurilopZWesl itl ll IIllt Al ETOTLOHS 17 RFADY to lay pullets Also farm fresh Poultry Farm Telephone FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HELP WANTED lHAIR STYLIST to take over clientele Tap salary paid to qualified person fTelephone House of Bellini Baylield Mall 726462i EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing lCanadas finest line of Christmas cards Wraps Novelties etc Over 450 items in cluding exciting new Crowrtware For tree coloured catalogue and prompt ser vice Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Hamilton Ont STUDENTS WANTED to work evenings lat Kempview Bow 630 to 1130 pm Telephone 9761 SALES CAREER Lady gentleman or couple It you are qualified and owri car can show you the way to earn $15000 yearly or more on lull time ba5i$ or $5000 or more on part time basis interesting challeng ing 50 year old progressive Canadian manufacturing sales organization For canlidenliaf appointment write co Sales Career PO Box 968 Barrie PART TIME waitresswaiter wanted over 18 years of age Saturday pm to Sunday to9 pm Apply in person 54F Maple Avenue alter 9711 LIVE IN housekeeper babysitter re quired immediately Please telephone 726 5303 or 737 1221 Ask lor Karen MATURE RESPONSIBLE porsonWB work in childrens home nights week ly Allandale area Telephone7287732 MATURE WARM person to care for one small child in my home days per week Telephone 726 2032 after pm and weekends BABYSITTER WANTEDHora even ings week Barrie Arena area Telephone7372979 alter 4730 pm MATURE RELIABLE person required to baby sit in my home St Vincent Street area Daily am to 330 pm Telephone7260729 atler330prn RELIABLE Babysitter for and year old Maple Grove school are Monday Wednesday Friday 98 pm Satur day 95 Phone 7286065 alter BABYSITTER required for one pre schooler and one at school Crystal Water Park area Midhurst Telephone 726 1271 evenings WAITRESS Waiter wanted for dining lounge Must be neat and responsible Full or part time Experience helpful but will train Must be available im mediately For appointment call 726 1009 TOOL AND Cutler grinder wanted parttimcTelephone4584292 NURSING AIDE for Bayiield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfield Street Bar rie To arrange interview telephone 7282065 before pm and ask tor Mrs Burke Director of Nursing REGISTERED NURSE parttime for Baylield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Baylield Street Barrie To arrange in terview telephone 728 2065 before pm and ask for Mrs Burke Director of Nur sing EXPERIENCED Waitresses Waiters required evening work Mature person Apply in person to Head Waitress BayshoreMolor Hotel BABYSITTER required in my home for month old girl Light housekeeping in cluded Newton and Grove area WIII pay $40 weekly 716 7747 after pm WANTED Immediately men and women to start in good paying positions Excellent working conditions bonus and other company benefits provided Noex perience necessary We will train you Car required For interview call 7267400 up to Tuesday September 14 at noon REQUIRED immediately tutttirrié waitress waiter to work in busy restaurant Apply in person to Harris Big Boy Restaurant Georgian Mall Barrie ROUTE DRIVERS THE BARRIE EXAMINER requires motor route drivers Car required Phone circulation 7266539 STRONG WILLING fulltime help re quired on horse farm Horse experience essential Must be prepared to muckout groom and care for lack Skill or interest in English riding could lead to assistant instructor Write or call in person Oliver Windy Haugtt Farm RR Shanty Bay see sign on Shanty Bay road at Can Oral No phone calls please ADVERTISING SALES representative Commission sales person required full or part time by well established tourist publication Territory Barrie and area Experience preferred and able to work without supervision after training Car necessary Reply in writing to This Is Ontario 1262 Don Mills Road Suite 17 DonIilllls Ontario M313 2W7 DRUMMER AND BASS want to form rock oriented group Must have own equipment Call 7287115 BABYSITTER NEEDED from am to pm Monday to Friday to care air month old baby and year old boy Com mence November Telephone 7282663 MATURE RELIABLE babysitter to care for children Preferably in my home 730 to pm daily Oakley Park school area Telephone 7373946 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor wIII be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage allodgod to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwlso PHONE 7282414 pcur

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