on iï¬arrtr ï¬xamitwr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus DM Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Saturday Sept 1976 Not the year for dreamers come the municipal election iLWhat this city needs is good fivecent cigar Decembers municipal election is shaping as vitally important Taxpayers who recently received their third and fourth instalment bills for city and school board taxes will have cause to reflect upon the spiralling cost of government Those who seek election this year must be tough breed for the sake of their fellow citizens On the municipal scene as in private industry people at the helm must learn to say no to excessive demands placed upon the public purse In an age of doubledigit inflation Barrie needs good people on council as it never has before The line must be held on mu nicipal and school board taxes Barrie must press for greater share of the money its citizens pay in provincial income tax Sound tough businesslike people must be elected The dreamers and idealists who aspire to public office must be given short shrift at the ballot box Barrie has record of good tur nout at the This year the people must speak as never before polls Barrie cannot afford to be nickled QUEENS PARK Putting the cart before the horse By pox OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Once again to the ombudsman it may seem have been pay ing lot of attention to this of fice perhaps too much But the attention is merited This is completely new arm in our political system and an extremely important one In effect where the press is the fourth estate observing the affairs of government generally and trying to set it straight when it as body goes wrong the ombudsman is fif th estate observing the ad ministration of government and stepping in when it goes off the track It is entirely new and as it is just now setting its basic cour so course which will be the precedent that will be followed in the future it deserves close attention GOING POLITICAL Now there has been devel opment which doesnt sit well As you know select com mittee on the ombudsman has been established and has been considering ombudsman Ar thur Maloneys report on the North Pickering property acquisitions The committee has now ad journed its hearings until later this month and the develop ment which breeds concern is that before it broke off it was showing signs of going political The point of Mr Maloney in his report and presumably the immediate concern of the com mittee was that at least some of the Pickering property owners had been dealt with unfairly by the government The committee did deal with this somewhat briefly but in no real depth or detail DELVEI DEEPER And in the last stage of its sit tings NDP members led by chairman James Renwick and to some extent the Liberals in dicated that rather than the Pickering deals they were most interested in delving into broad CANADAS STORY Henday led way to the Rockies iiy BOB BOWMAN Itjwas Sept 11 1754 that An thony Henday entered what now is the province of Alberta the farthest penetration of the Canadian west by any white man to that date Henday was smuggler from the Isle of Wight who had been outlawed in 1748 and joined the Hudsons Bay Company at York Factory In June 1754 he was sent west as far as he could go to try to induce more Indians to bring their furs to Hudson Bay After entering Alberta he met the Blackfoot Indians near Red Deer and was astonished to learn that they could not bring furs to Hudson Bay because they travelled on horseback and did not use canoes It seems likely that Henday was the first white man to see the Rocky Mountains although claims have been made for sons of Pierre de la Verendrye few years earlier Although Henday could not get the Blackfoot tribes to carry furs to Hudson Bay he The Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie0ntario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r203815 register 61 was more successful when he moved north to the Thickwood Hills where he spent the win ter When spring came he had 60 canoes laden with furs ready to make the trip down the North Saskatchewan River However he made mistake when he stopped for refresh ment at Fort la Corne It was French trading post and its inhabitants used their Gallic charm to get about half the furs from his Indians Henday was not angry In fact he admired their trading skill and wrote about it The journey from York Fac tory to Alberta and return took almost exactly year from June 26 1754 to June 23 1755 remarkable feat It helped to convince Hud sons Bay Company officials that they must open trading posts in the west rather than depend on the Indians to bring their furs to Hudson Bay OTHER SEPT 11 EVENTS 1541Cartier reached Lachinc rapids on third voyage to Canada 1676Dutch West Indies Company authorized John Rhoade to take possession of and dimed to death government policies and meth ods In particular they wanted to know how the government had arrived at the procedures it fol lowed in Pickering and most pertinently why it hadnt adop ted expropriation before it did This to me at least is putting the cart before the horse Under the ombudsman con cept at least as have under stood it individual unjust ac tions are his concern but broad government policy isnt This is matter for the politicians If it were within the ombuds mans purview it would give him supremacy that would be abhorrent in our system And it is important that this supremacy be not allowed now for then it would be established The course for the committee to follow is to thoroughly review the North Pickering situation and then when gover nment fault is found let the 0p position follow this up in the house and press for disclosure and change Acadia ISMHurricane in foundland took 300 lives IKGIYonge Street railway opened in Toronto 1877The telephone was demonstrated at Ottawa HiltsStanley Park Van couver was opened 1898New Westminster BC was destroyed by fire IsisCentre span of Quebec Bridge fell into river killing 13 men 1919Edward Prince of Wales late Duke of Windsor attended rodeo at Saskatoon and rode around track New BIBLE THOUGH But Jesus answered them My Father worketh hitherto and work John 517 The work at Jesus includes the whole man body soul and spirit He said todays believers are to carry on yesterdays miracles The works that do shall ye do also and greater works than these shall ye do because do unto mv Father THE PICK OF PUNCH And in accordance with the Full Disclosure Law as amended hereby make public my genetic profile electroencephalograph patterns and Rorschach Test results HNWW msmsu FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Schumacher will not back off Dont be 80 ungrateful This safer lrba Juafsavcd our live in the battle for Bow River By STEWART aclED Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service hadnt seen Stan Schumacher in the flesh since war was declared in the Battle of Bow Riverlargely because Parliament hasnt been sitting since the feud eruptedaso was glad bumped into him the otherday For those of you who might have spent the summer holi daying in South Korea and dont know anything about The Battle of Bow River this is the situation in brief Stan Schu macher is the sitting MP for the Alberta riding of Palliser constituency that will disap pear under redistribution lit tle further west sits Conser vative Leader Joe Clark in the riding of Rocky Moun tainwhich will also disap pear Both men want to run in the new riding of Bow River which includes slices of both wipedout constituencies And for the record Mr Juli IARK got riding How that MiG 25 could help US settle Bl controversy By JOHN IIAHBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The windfall appearance of Soviet MiG25 fighter intact at Hakodate airfield in Japan cannot be under estimated in offering the West firsthand View at the most advanced in cerceptor and reconnaissance jet fighter ever built In terms of years in service it is not new aircraft having broken speed records as far back as 1967 and reached esti mated heights of 80000 feel about the time of the end of the Six Day War in the same year The MiG25 successor to long line of frontline Sovict jcts extending to the MiG15 of Ko rean War combat fame is the only fighter aircraft to make Mach thats about 2000 mph and the first of its kind to have two rather than one after burning torbukets In flight it looks more aw kward than its predecessors the MiG23 and MiG21MF because of the two large and rcctangu lar airintake trunks for the twin jet engines There are four visible airto air missile attachments be lieved not to be superior to the US Phoenix uirtoair missile attached to the American cqtiivalcnt called the FIl Iom cat Its immense value in Ameri can hands is that firsthand knowledge of all its rolcs should settle once and for all the future of the most expensive bomber yct built by any country the proposed IH intcrcontincntal machine as replacement for the present use IllIMISII OI IilH Iil The B71 is supimscd to bc ncc cssary to inch the MiG25 against which the famous and now longinthetooth B52 is no match ththcr this is so or not should also be known aficr briefings by the Air Force of Lieutenant Viktor Belcnko its dcfccting Soviet pilot No less person than Presi dent Ford has said he will be given political asylum in the United States since it is not Japancsc custom to grant asy lum lhe overflights of the very highflying MiG25 20000 feet higher than the famous U2 spy plane have been given us the reason for the need of Iran with no conceivable enemies to Schumacher announced his in tention nearly year ago Mr Clark indicated his intentions publicly after becoming party eader in February Anyway by bumping into Mr Schumacher 43yearsold Drumheller lawyer thought should take advantage of the opportunity to be brought up to date on the battle We sat down in the MRS office where newspaper headline Joe Clark cant win battleof Bow River brought magnificent smile to Mr Schumachers face He had bought stack of the newspapers NO SOLUTION What wanted to know was whethera concerned Tory par ty had found compromise solution to this potentially em barrassing feud It just seems incredible that such disas terous showdown could be per mitted to develop so soon after the 37 yearold Mr Clark became nartv leader You inst want the Il4 There were MiG255 based in Egypt but not assigned to the Egyptian Air Force before Anlt war Sadat cooled on Moscow and threw out the Russian mili ta ry and economic advisers and much of their aid Nor is this an unprecedented loss to the Russians of their lat est fighter jet model few years ago an Iraqi pilot de fected to Israel in then front line MiG23 revealing via the Israeli Air Force its secrets to the cricu ns Its performance includes ceiling of 50000 feet Mach ability in speed single turbo jct engine and ability to out maneouvre Israels Frcnch built Dessaultjct fighters of the curly 19705 if flown properly The MiG generation of So vict jet aircraft goes back to the early postwar years when the longforgotten MiG9 began to replace the Red Air Forces wartime squadrons of prep driven Stormovik and Yak fighters NAMED FOR DESIGNER The MiG is short for Miko yan the late and brilliant So viet nerodynamicist andjet air craft dcsigner whose brother BOOKS sim ly cant have party lea er riskin his entire reputa tion in pub ic battle with One of his own backbenchets And research shows that there has never been Liberal or Conservative leader chal lenged for nomination in Canadian history Mr Schumacher seemed bit surprised that would be asking him about solutions As he sees it he is not really principle in the problem When people ask me why am challenging Joe Clark they forget that have been in the field almost year and that raised the issue at caucus last Oct made it clear in tended to run in Bow River and said that if didnt run there wouldnt run anywhere Bow River takes in more than 38 per cent of my present riding and almost as much from Crowfoot It includes 238 per cent of Rocky Mountain the late Anastas Mikoyan was wellknown in the West as su persalesman of Russian tech nology and manufactured goods The MiG15 was the first post war Soviet MiG jet tried out in combat during the Korean War 195053 proving on too many oc casions to be more than mat ch for the US Sabrcjet F86 And though Russian herself has not been in shooting war since the 1945 holocaust all suc cessive generations of the MiGs the 17 I9 21 and 23 have been in combat in the lessthan competent air forces of Arab countries at war with Israel The Communist Chinese also have MiG195 215 and 235 but built now to Chinese design af ter the SinoSoviet split of the mid19605 Any or all of these gener ations of MiGs flown in combat by Russian pilots would have given the West in general war with the USSR one hell of fight ulation about how the su per MiG25 would function in this role will now be better as sessed with real one in West ern hands This novel definitely not in category of the sleazy Hollywood reminiscences By RICHARD GORDON Near the end of his intriguing novel Crowned Heads Ran dom House of Canada Ltd 399 pages $1025 Thomas Tryon says The day of Hollywood was already nearing its end The mastadon was groping its way to the boneyardto ie As all of us now know the mastadon has long since reached its destination and Hollywood as it once was is no more We have however over the last few years been inundated by socalled biogra hies of showbiz greats ich are full of anecdotes and less than tantalizing lim ses into the dressin an un essing rooms of fade stars There is something pathetic about these attempts to re juvenate an excitement about people who no longer matter and who mattered even at the eak of their fame only cause the ublicity men con trived to ma what Clara Bow had for breakfast or where Clark Gable spent his weekend seem important WORLD IN DECLINE This novel does not belong in that category Mr Tryon has set out to recapture for us something of the glitter the glamor the triumphsnthe tragedies and perhaps above all the ar tificialities of the movie colony in its declining yearsa world he saw for himself during his own years in Hollywood There is perhaps something of folklore here The novel is in four parts each deling with particular star There is first of all the almost legendary Fedora the secret of whose eternal youth is cunnineg conceived myste which was not fathomed in vance by this reader and which contributes to make this section the most entertaining of the four The sexy Lorna who achieves stardom by somewhat circuitous man strewn route only to find tra edy rather than of 01 at the end of the rain wl ound less satisfactory Bobbit the perennial child star if not entirely convincing as freshly imagined and never ull Nothing like him had been seen it was said since the child prodigy Mozart played at Ver sailles In blueserge shorts and an Eton collar with his dimpled knees and mop of blonde curl hair with his great big Bo bit smile he ran out on stage and proved phenomenon wrestling with the tootall microphone joking with the audience and in no time he had them all in his hip pocket STARS DOWNFALL The last of the four Williea sort of unfortunate cross if such thing is possible bet ween Cary Grant and Ronald Coleman but lacking their strengthsbrings the tale full circle In him is summed up the decadence that hastened Hollywoods doanall and the doanall of the three stars who precede him in the novel He is in that sense the most important of the four That responsibility seemed to me to prove too much for him Man readerswilllamsure find Willies end intense mov ing That did not find it so is not necessarily criticism of the book This is not an easy novel to pass judgment on There is re uently reality about it ostered in part by Tryons use of real pieLauren Bacall Frank inatra Lana Turner and othersto blur the border between fact and fiction STUFF 0F GREATNESS In this he is completely suc cessful and in attempting to formulate my own inions find myself in dout as to whether am attemptin to judge the old Hollyw or Tryons novel Mr Tryon writes with con fidence style and rare discipline There are no cheap tricks in his prose This is not great novel but felt several times that was reading the kind of rose and perceiva the kind imagina tion of ich great novels are made Another reviewer of anther novel once wrote think it is 50 pages too long but would not want the responsibility of deciding which 50 pages should beleft out must admit to feelin the sameabout Crowned Hea This is novel well worth reading generation will read it an remember The younger eneration will read it andwon er Mr Gordon is an author and critic living In Summerland BC READER FOR UM What really causes our inflation woes Dear Sir In reference to the PUC union which is at present bargaining for new contract with the city let me present case to the citizens of Barrie as well as the members of the PUC and shall add the staff of the city of Barrie and any other in terested union members The present cost of living that you are concerned with has risen per cent in the past year ask you per cent of what What is this per cent when translated in dollar increase Is it $250 more than this time last year or is it $1440 more than last year This is the folly of using per centage figures when they are not related to common factor or translated in meaningful Ian age the PUC workers obtain 10 per cent increase then this translates into an increase in dollars based on 50 weeks of $1440 Assuming $727 an hour increase to 799 an hour for 40 hour week Yet we know the cost of living increase in dollars is nowhere near such an increase In fact the dollar increase in the cost of living over the past ear has risen only prox $250 ased on the nationa average So my point is why do the PUC or city hall employees or any person union or nonunion demand such increase on the pretence of keeping up with the cost of living According to the city hall in creases this year some city employees will receive in creases of $2400 to offset $250 increase in living costs Some deal Well Mayor Parker Now wonder just what really does cause our inflation Signed Interested and concerned Wake Up Wake Up Dear Sir In the Readers Digest of December 1975 there was an ar ticle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn entitled Wake up Wake Up as warning to the people and governments of the West again st socialism and communism still have it available for anyone who wants to read it About that time there was some talk of another provincial election coming up in the very near future You perhaps also will recall the leadership con vention in Ottawa for the PC Party Among many other can didates there was Mr Paul Hellyer former Liberal MP Who 15 said to have left the Liberal party due to their leftist tendencies In his speech to the PC caucus he referred to some red Tories in the party which be ap parently did not approve of No doubt Mr Hellyers speech made him lose many votes and consequently he was not elected as their leader It shows that both parties more or less go in the direction of Socialism not to mention the NDP party in governing Canada which eventually will lead to state control by dic tatorship Only just recently in TV in terview the exPrime Minister of Newfoundland Joe Smallwood also stated that there was little difference bet ween the PCs or Liberals He YOUR BUSINESS Profit lag hits capital spending By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service In easing slightly the tough antiinflation rules that require rollback in corporate profits the federal government is ac cepting the unavoidable risk of being called soft on business That criticism has been made to some extent throughout the entire 11 months of antiinflationeven though corporate profit margins profits as rcentage of sales have ha to be rolled back by at least 15 per cent while wage increases con siderably higher than the infla tion rate are sanctioned Profits no matter whether large or small are criticized as antisocial by some politicians academics and others Certame theres no defence for excess corporate profits at time when the government is asking everyoneeveryone else that isto practise restraint in the interest of checking inflation But without reasonable return on capital invested and on sales business cant con tinue to function ROLE OF PROFITS In the end co orate profits are the essentia determinant of capital spending Business either will or wont spend money on new plant and equipment on the basis of the prospects of earning profit as result of that outlay Throughout the industrialized world the economic cycle is in phase of recovery from the recession that bottomed year or two ago At this point in the economic cycle its normal to see an up turn in capital spending as business expands its capacity in anticipation of big renewal of demand Thats not happening in Canada The fairly static eve of capital spending in our private sector is apparently at tributable to poor profitability in 1975 Latest figures on corporate profits in Canada show that they are running below the lev el achieved in 1074 which sug gests that 1977 may not bring much of pickup In business spending on plant and equip ment also saw the future rather pessimistic the way things are going In the 630 pm TV news of March 17th it was mentioned that Mr Davis our present On tario Premier had scolded the NDP party bitterly for the fact that if they should get the majority in the next provincial election he was sure that everything in Ontario even tually would be nationalized which of course is the beginning of complete state control This of course will curtail if not kill the free enterprise system and with it private initiative Too bad not more people have that foresight and want to fight for the continuation of free en terprise boosting production and giving more employment to more people and enable them to benefit from it by making available money supply in versely proportional to produc tion The people of the Social Credit party believe in such possibilities and it is too bad that they are not represented at Queens Park hope the next grovincial election will change at With Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would say let us Wake Up and try to prevent dangerous situation ere as he says The created BeingManis reduced to matter Jack VanKlaveren Creemore The importance of corporate capital spending is multi faceted It creates shortrun employment during the con struction phase It provides longterm jobs in thenew lants It ma es possible an in crease in the supply of goods which is antiinflationary And it helps to increase pro ductivity or output per man hour of work To illustrate In the 197072 period the ratio of machinery andequipment spending to new entrants into the labor force was 134 per cent higher than in 197375 In the earlier period produc tivity improved by an annual average of 81 per cent In the later riod it actually de clined fraction of percen tage point While industrial productivity remains almost static in Can ada it is continuing to improve normally in the United States our major trading partner That divergence is one reason why Canadian goods are at price disadvantage in export markets and why our trade deficit has reached record high PRODUCTIVITY LAG The antiinflation program is attempting to tackle the prob lem lagging productivity in Canadian industry But there doesnt seem to be much hope for the kind of capi tal investment in better equip ment and machinery as long as corporate profit margins have to be ke elow the levels pre vailing ast October and com panies are allowed to keep only fraction of the financial bene fits that accrue from productiv ity improvements The federal government the rightif belateddeccsion last October in trying to reduce inflation rather than letting it continue to grow unchecked It has made some right deci sions and some wron ones in ursuing that antiin ation ob ective There should be no hesitation in recognizing mistakesevery body makes themand then re vising the program to make It more effective Soft on business If anything Its still too soft on inflation