Vmr=w in grey dav in Womans Book Of Money Doubleday Canada Ltd 206 pages$550 SOME ADVANTAGES Walls Editor Emeritus 112 iï¬arrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept l97b United Appeal campaign challenge for $163000 The Barrie and District United Appeal or more precisely its dozen member agencies has issued challenge to Barrie and area Target for this years campaign is $163000 new wrinkle will be returnmail campaign for residential areas replacing doortadoor canvassing George Wood campagn chair man said most amounts allocated are only slightly larger than last years requests because the UA board asked agencies to hold the line To be sure an $18000 increase spread 12 ways is fairly modest By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Parttime office workerslive world in many casesnot fully accepted by their coworkers yet prevented by their job commitment from leadingan maihomelife Neverttéss in an in flationary parttime job is almost necessity for many people who cant work full timetypically the young mother with home responsi biiities For them the parttime job combines those responsibilities and pleasures the advantage of extra income and the oppor tunity to keep in touch with the world beyond ones own doors For family with young children parttime job is the answer for either husband or wife so that children have the benefit of parents super vision for at least part of the writes Sylvia Auerbach The most obvious advantage of parttime job apart from the money is that its usually nearer home Less time is wasted in travelling back and forth On some parttime jobs the work schedule may be flexible That helps parent to be avail around $145000 If Barrie and area is to continue the high standard of community ser vices it has had in the past res idents will have to dig into their pockets little deeper than last time The 1975 campaign realized only 66 per cent of the objective of Bert Cook chairman of the board of trustees is hopeful the short snappy sixweek campaign will be successful And $163000 is small amount able for special occasions iii volving the children But dont overlook the lis advantages and problems They are real even if they are sometimes petty People longing for the lock to get around to five resent seeing someone leave at three or 330 even when they know the person is not making as much as they are says the au thor Or the fulltimers may feel that the parttimers dont carry their fair share of jobv al though many parttimers are the more productive workers BABGAINING POWER One of the biggest draw backs is benefits the author contends Parttimers often dont share in such lovely little ex tras as paid holidays vacations bonuses health in surance retirement and pen sion plans This makes the parttimer big bargain for the company but leaves her unprotected if she gets sick while on the job Another major drawback may be the parttimers lack of financial bargaining power While fulltimers enjoy regu lar salary increases the part timer may have no financial le verage because the employer knows that there are other well qualified people waiting for whatever parttime jobs considering the amount of good the money can do YOUR BUSINESS Parttime jobs the pros and cons become available the interesting ones So raises may be either very minor or very infrequent or nonexistent GROII BENEFITS if parttime job is all you want or can have it frequently means exchanging personal freedom for future inSccurity says the author Nevertheless during the job interview an parttimer should ask what benefits go with the job particularly if there are forms to complete to become eligible for group bcnc fits Some do have benefits Ei ther by law or because they dont cost the employer very much because he gets tax ad vantage by providing them or because the benefits are part of group package notes the au thor But she adds Parttime jobs should be looked on as means to an end not an end in themselves They are bridges spanning the interval when family rc sponsibilitics make it difficult or impossible to hold fulltime jobs They may be wedge into new field But they should always be considered in terms of long range plan that anticipates where you ant to be and what you want to be doing when youre comparatively free agent especially HOW much of this surgery is waste of tax dollars TORONTO CP middle aged man was referred to surgeon because he oc casionally suffered abdominal discomfort The surgeon found gallstones and recommended surgery The man got second opinion from Dr Eugene Vayda spe cialist in internal medicine who said Youve only suf fered discomfort few times Why risk surgery when it isnt absolutely necessary That was several years ago The roan never had surgery and is well and free of symptoms to day Dr Douglas Wallace secre tarygeneral of the Canadian Medical Association Ottawa Says it youre trained as surgeon you tend to think of surgical answers to medical problems In 197374 002811 operations Th9 Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72645537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for tepublication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims yright in all original adver itsing and editorial material oeated by its employees and oduced in this newspaper ogeyrright Registration 203815 register 61 were performed in Ontario costing the province about $620 milli0nabout 25 per cent of the health budget large proportion of these operations were ton sillectomies prostateciomics varicose vein surgery ap pendectomies and hemorrhoid removal Most common of all was gallbladder surgery PERCENTAGE DOIIBLEI Gallbladder surgery is six times as frequent in Ontario as in Great Britain said Dr Richard Bedinger University of Western Ontario researcher its the most common opcr ation in Ontario today The per centage of people who have had their gall bladders removed has doubled in 19 years You cant entirely blame the surgeons said Dr Ken neth Walker Niagara Falls gynecologist and medical author Theyve been wrongly taught that silent stones are dangerous so they take them out About 70 per cent of the people with gallstones will never be aware of them said Dr Fisher researcher with Sunnybrook Medical en tre Of the remainder only minority will have recurrent at tacks Dr Bedinger said another problem is that internal dis orders are not always properly diagnosed so the gall bladder is removed but the symptoms per sist With regard to tonsillec tomies Dr William Feidman professor of pediatrics at Mc Master University says 90 per cent of them are needless STUDIES INCONCLUSIVE He says the medical studies on the value of ionsiilectomies are poorly done and neither prove nor disprove the case for many of them Dr Shaw of the Univer sity of Torontos department of preventive medicine did coun tybycounty comparison of ton sillectomy rates in Ontario and concluded Too often phy sicians schedule ton sillectomies out of habit or in response to parental pressure Tonsillectomics are twice as frequent here as in British Co lumbia three times higher than Massachusetts and 12 times higher than ppsala Sweden The truth is we dont know the ideal Iillt tor pcriorining tonsillcctoniics said Dr David Mitchell chief otolaryngolist at the Hospital for Sick Children And we wont know until we conduct thoroughongoing study To cure varicose vcins iiiosl Ontario physicians use surgi cal technique known as Win stripping in which the vein is surgically removed The patient is usually incapacitated for four wccks at total cost of more than $1 000 SELDOM THEM There is another seldom used technique injecting bar dcniiig agent into the varicose vein The leg is bandaged and within four or five wccks the vein hardcns collapses and fades away No surgery is required The fee is $54 per leg Dr Geoffrey Evans Mc Mastcr University cardio vascular surgeon said cant understand why doctors here shim the treatment My conclusion after five years of study is that injection is as of fcctive as surgery The number of unnecessary appcnrlcctoinics can be reduced by keeping patients under ob servation for little while be fore opcrating said intcrnist Dr Vayda in 1971 at the John Hopkins ilospitai in Baltimore all juve nile patients brought in with suspected appendicitis Wcre put to bed and examined every few hours Within eight to 12 hours doctors knew whether the child could go home or needed an operation WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter vll tilt 53 FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Can they stand any more visits By SlllllAlIl aclEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service You see doctor keep hav ing this recurring dream that New Democratic Party Leader Ed Broadbcnt will suddenly get thc travel bug and that will be the final st raw before European countries sever all diplomatic ties with Canada its not that Mr Broadbent himself Would cause any prob lems on an overseas trip Its just that am not sure thest countries can stand many mon visits by highranking ana diansthis year Prime Minister Trudeau and his wife Margaret went over seas lOi what was billed as private thrccweck vacation But within days he was knock ing on doors from lordon to the Vatican The Pope is just iltcovcriiig from that 40minute audience as be prcparcs to greet Joe lark leadcr of the Great aiiadian Tonscrvtitivc Road Show And Ilaliaii Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti was also visited by the prime ininistcr lfOil he gets set to rcccivc Mr lark lbcsc Itluropcan leaders are simply not being given an op portunity to get their work done And suspect the Pope has better things to do than talk anadiaii politics for 80 minutes in one tWoweck pciiod But just wait till he sees the picture album of Western Tan ada he will receive from Mr Clark its nice change of pace from Eskimo carvings ONLY SEMIvOIIHIAI Since Mr Trudeaus tour was only semiofficial rsomccynics suggest this at least permits him to put few entries on the old expense accounthc didnt make as many visits as Mr Clark plans And since no one knew in advance he would be making any visits at all he was not followed by reporters But Mr Clark is doing it dif ferently lie claims he and some key Mis want first hand look at Europe as they prepare to revamp their own foreign policy and obviously the more publicity the better He is being accompanied by three other Mls and their wives two aides seven report ers and later he will be joined by his wife Judging by the iti iicrary Mr link has asked to sec just about every elected representative in Europe Its unfortunate that Bclgians Minister of Middle lasscs had to cancel his apr ointmcnt always wanted to now what his prccisc rcspon sibilitics arc Mr Clark Jobii iirascr Van couvcr South Ylaudc Wagner St llyacinthc and James Bal four Regina East will spend 17 days on the official part of their tour They will meet politicians in Germany Belgium ltaly France and Britain visit thc aiiadian troops and spend good deal of time talking about the QUEENS PARK Premiers meetings changed over years By DON OIIEAIIN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Picking up on some back chitchat The prcmiers conference last moiitii as usual came up with nothing that was very con crete On fiscal matters it appeared that Ottawa and Ontario if not all the other provinces are on collision course Treasurer Darcy McKeough was firm that if the federal gov crnmcnt didnt come up with better offer he would have to in crease income taxes lie may be overstating his case bit as part of bargaining and Ottawa may come back with bit of salve but tax boost would seem most prob able On the other main matter considered repatriation of the THE PICK OF PUNCH Its my day off oiir Europcan Economic munity TOBIIISIIOIEIII Tory party officials say opti mistically that the liiiroixan tour is designed to acquaint lark with various political leaders so he wont be stran gcr to them when elected prime minister in 1978 And laudc Wagner has been quoted as say ing the tour will give them an opportunity to get to know personally the people with whom well be dealing in two years Isupposc the optimism stems from the recent public opinion polls which show the oir servatives to be 18 percentage points ahead of the Liberals Armed with this apparent dis play of ixipulariiy it probably is good time for Mr lark to inakethctrip And while he could iindoubt edly learn just as much about Europe by quietly talking to of ficials this highprofilc produc tioii wont do him any harm dor nicsticaliy At least there is the impression of action My only concern is that it not get out of band In this litiliil was talking about Mr Broad hciit surged forward in the opinion polls and took his entire caucus to Europe Then fresh from leadership convention the Social rcdit decided it needed another first hand look at Europe Politicians can look after themselves but am not sure the Pope can take much morc of us constitution some people ex ressed tiinisiii after the coii ercncc ut actually it would seem to be more complex mess than ever Mr Big of the west Ieier Lougheed of Alberta took the position that any province should have veto power over any changes in the constitution and this will hardly be accept able It would mean for example that the constitutional power of the country could be in the han ds of PEI which has less than one per cent of the population It would appear that if the constitution is to be returned and Prime Minister Trudeau has said he is determined it will be that Ottawa will have to act on his own NOW BLOC The most significant develop ment of the conference actually was not in anything on its agen da but in the form of the con ference itself When these annual meetings were first started in the late fif ties firm rule was that they were not in any way to appear as provincial power bloc against Ottawa inc agendas were restricted to interprovincial matters such as reciprocity in trucking licences attendance was con fined to the remiers them selves no ca inct ministers were included and observers from Ottawa were invited and sat in on the discussions READER Foam Barrie and its residents deserve pat on the back The appearance of town or neighborhood is usually indicative of the pride of its residents in their town The courtesy of the residents of town or neighborhood is us ually indicative of the moral standards of the rcsidents DearSir have to give the city of Barrie and the residents therein an APlus on both of the above My wife and are annual visitors to Barrie we have relatives there When in Barrie walk around lot with very critical eye cocked ear and open mind We travel lot This year it was England and Ireland plus our usual criss crossing of the province of On tario From what we have seen and heard we have to say that com mensurate with its size Barrie has little need to take seizond lace to any city we have ever een in in Eurpoe Great Britain Ireland Wales the United States and the eastern half of the Canadian provincei The neatness and cleanlinexs of your city is reflection of the pride your residents take ii their home town The magnificent planning and execution of your bay beautification project is reflection of the high type of ad ministrative leadership you en joy and the continuous but con trolled building program is in dicative of some very careful city planning The courtesy of the general public that have encountered in Barrie is almost un believeable have never been jostled on your sidewalks have been the recipient of every assistance possible from storekeepers policemen bartenders the ministerial associr your senior citizens and ev four children Your parks administration is magnificent in every detail as is exemplified in immaculate sanitary facilities floral beds and freshly varnished park tables and benches larrie is Ne Plus Ultra it truly the shining gem of Lake Smcoe and the jewel set in the Crown of Kempenfelt Bay Ktep it ever that way We Salute You Miurice and Carmella French Pittsburg Penn Department of Recreation says thanks to Terry ilcarSir Many times the volunteer cf foris of certain individuals go unnoticed not because they were unapprcciatcd but duc to the fact that these people are thc unsung heroes thc quict types who prefer anonymity During the past two sum nicrs wc liavc had the grcal plcasuicol working with local photographer Terry Lcigh As part of our playground program Terry iiistruitcd tlic children at each of the 10 cen trcs on how to write produce film edit and make their own soundtracks for fiveminute movie This aspect of the pro gram was wcil received by the participants and we owe it all to Terry He has spent countless hours of his own time working with the children soliciting frec film for their productions and put ting the 10 films together as packagc presentation which was viewed at our annual penny carnival wouli like to publicly acknowledge the unselfish ef forts of Mr Leigh on behalf of the childrei and leaders who knew him is an enthusiastic and creative instructor and real professimal Greg Burns Sipt of Programs Barrie Deptof Recreation Kempenfelt plaque clarification Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter DearSir in the Aug 30 edition of your paper appeared an article under the heading Kempenfelt Ilaquc Unveiled by Irene icrri in which she described the event in the part of the article which mentioned my remarks at the unveiling she addec sentence which did not say and which reads as follow iiis business eventuall became the Ball Buildall Stori THE WORLD TODAY World leaders how they changed JOIIN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Anal st Ihoiiison News Sen icc In this month ll ttli ago we went into the Second World War Britain on Sept Ii anada on Sept 10 That war produced great and powerful lcadcrs and arriors hurchilL Roosevelt Stalin Molitgomcr iIiscnhowcr Iat ton dc iaullc Many oi them would domi nate much oi earl postwar Europc and thc world In time they would fade and pass away all of the abovenamed mcn haying now passed from thc sccnc Its understandablc that certain age of Canadian the middle aged still see leader ship lil our times set against the men of decision and might who guided our wartime dcst inics The present prospect by coin parison looks less bright in deed In Canada the popularity of our own oncedynamic and charismatic Prime Minister has fallen off disastrously with the Gallup Poll giving him only 29 per ccnt support in its August surveys In the United States dccp in to an election campaign for the next president incumbent Gerald Ford has proved him self to be neither an intellectual nor any oilicr kind of giant He could win nevertheless lxcausc he looks like and is the kind of guy most Americans ap pear to ixswhardworking try ing to get ahead confused with the complex world issues no one can really solve llllll NOT GONE if Jimmy arter wins then it will show that Americans in time of much cynicism about their politicians will still go for candidate with the everiii tangiblc charisma France has changed prime ministers West Germany has an election in two weeks in which incumbent Chancellor onrad Schmidt could win again with slim majority or perhaps not at all ltalys latest election was more of the same minority gov crnmcnt her 40th believe sin cc liberation in 1915 And in Japan machine politi cians of the ruling party are raised up to the prime minis tciship the present one refus ing to resign over the scandal surrounding his precesor now in jail The Mikis and Tanakas of the 197th do not have the stature of Japans earlier civilian prime min isiers of her postwar demo crat ic era And in the very large and very noisy Third World where dynamism and charisma among leaders are still held in CANADAS STORY Mackenzie King established record By BOB BOWMAN William Lyon Mackenzie King was prime minister of Canada for norc than 21 years record for the British om monwealth During his career as prime minister he was re garded as very cautious man who took great deal of time to make decisions However there was time when he was capable of taking unorthodox action For in stance in 1907 he was deputy minister of labor and there were serious race riots in Van couver Many people in Britiin Columbia at that time were fearful because thousands of immigrants were arriving from Asia and the Orient They wore most concerned about the Japa nese who retained strong ties with their homeland The lapancse were very roud of their military ability cause they had just defeated the Russians British Colum bians suspected that the Japa nese who were arriving were an advance guard for an invasion Vancouver citizens formed an Asiatic Exclusion League and meeting on Sept 1907 8°t of hand People raced from the hall and attacked the Chinese and Japanese sections of the city The fighting continued Sept Prime Minister Laurier asked Mackenzie King to iii vestigaie the situation per sonally During his visit to Van couvcr Mackenzie King raided the office of the Japanese agent there and took possession of his files forstudy The result of the raid was not BIBLE THOI IGHI will lay thy cities waste and thou shalt be desolate and thou shall know that am the Lard Because than has ad lpetual hatre an llast an the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calnmlty in the time that their iniquity had an end Ezekiel 3545 All mankind must emember far He whoiscapa eof great love is also capable of sure punishment on Anne Street Also in the next paragraph she mentions my grandfather as helping put out the fire which in fact was my father as stated at the time My grandfather had passed on three years before was born so never had the privilege of knowing him Trusting this will straighten out the matter for anyone it might concern Yours very truly Campbell Raikes hig regard there are few sur pries HOE EMERGES Tb most hopeful in our view of aleader in the developing worla sustaining democracy undo trying conditions had been Mrs Gandhi who last year Iok the tyrants road and clampd dictatorship on Ill dia an most impressed with AnwarSadat Egypts presi dent aophisticated frank and open pdormer in the jungle of Middle astern politics and the many omestic crises in his own coutry Mrs Iindarannaike of Cey lon nowiri Lanka is another Third Weld leader to watch though Ill domestic policies of intense seialism and nation alization key industries of Sri Lanka ha been disastrous But leacrs on the scale of The Grart Alliance will not be seen agzn Rather the wave of the futue will be the kind and style ofaaders who now at tend the meiings of socailed NonAlignei Nations of the Third World Vietnams presi dent Fidel stro Julius Nye rere the sucessors to Chinas Mao Tsetuiig They are iss predictable than the histoc leaders of the West many stilrespond to But then so is the arid we live in these days made known for yus but af ter studying the ocuments Mackenzie King pcame con vinced th as real danger of Japan ii iding Brit ish Columbia Thi to nego tiations with Japai nd satis factory im igration agreement AntiA tic feeling gradually disap red and today Chinese an Japanese are among the st highly regarded citizens British Columbia OTIIERSEPT9E NTS untoMore thai 300 lives were lost when anadian steamship Lady El collided with schooner Aug in Lake Michigan 1858Gov Bea advised Britain of proposi to form British North Ameri federal union 1895Sauit Ste ie canal was rebuilt 1912Viljhamur fansson returned from four explor ation of Arctic lastMarilyn was firs person to swim Lake 011 tario from Youngs to Toronto in ma minutes gtWxasv