Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1976, p. 11

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MAYOR DORIAN Parker discusses number of issues with about 30 residents from Tall Trees subdivision north of Cundles Road and east of Bayfield Street The mayor was asked to attend the meeting by the Tall Trees Ratepayers Association With the mayor is Mike Bagley the association city hall committee chairman and Joan Timmins an as soctation executvie member Examiner Photo Dont blame me for stories Dorian tells rateper group By PETER DEPODESTA Examiner Staff Reporter The 1976 mayoralty cam paign in Barrie received kick in the right place Wednesday night Mayor Dorian Parker started her election campaign at meeting of the Tall Trees Ratepayers Association The mayor was asked to at tend the meeting to answer all questions residents living north of Cundles Road and east of Bayfield Street might have Mayor Parker speaking to about 30 people said she wants to stop all the allegations and rumors that Im against Toron to people and people who com mute Ive never said anything at this election or in the previous election about commuters she said hope Ive dispelled this commutersituation Mayor Parker said she has never made any statements against commuters and could not be blamed for reports in newspapers The Toronto Star attributing statementstoher Im not responsible for what is printed in the paper she said Youll have to ask the papers why they print the storiesone resident continued questioning the mayor about commuter stories saying there must be some truth in them Are you inferring Im not telling the truth the mayor asked him raising her voice Lets not get into an agrument about commuters there are many more important issues HOUSES JOBS The mayor was also ques tioned about the increasing sup ply of new houses in the city but the decreasing number of jobs in local industries She said in 1973 the city had the largest industrial growth in its history and two weeks ago she announced new industry Jacuzzi of Canada Ltd is mov ingtothecity Were doing our part to en courage industry she said One of the reasons and ma jor reason for annexation is for industrial land Mayor Parker said because the annexation application by Barrie is before quasi judicial body she could not discuss the issue The mayor did admit the ci tys main interest in annexation lands is to have more industrial land There are very few acres of industrial land left in the city she said We cant very well bring industry to the city if weve got no place to put it The mayor talked for about 45 19 Larry Holdich Tall Trees Ratepayers Association parks and recreation com mittee chairman told the ratepayers Wednesday night the city is waiting for up minutes answering questions ranging from garbage pickup to traffic on Hayfield Street She said the proposed Barrie Highway 400 bypass was defer red by the provincial govern ment The city she said is looking at other ways to handle the in creasing traffic on Hayfield Street north which is also Highway 2627 SUGGESTIONS Mayor Parker said the min istry of transportation and communication MTC has sug gested using left hand turn land on Bayfield Street traf fic signal light at Highway 400 ramp and Bayfield Street and synchronized traffic signals She said the city suggests us ing number of county roads to connect Highway 400 to High way 26 and the Wasaga Beach Bad publicity irks ratepayer Shouting brought the first fall meeting of the Tall Trees Ratepayers Association to an abrupt end Wednesday night Oscar Weston Tall Trees subdivision resident accused the association of costing home owners in the area thousands of dollars because of bad publicity Apparently the selling price of new homes in the subdivision has dropped about $5000 during the past year Mr Weston attributed this drop to the publicity in January about construction problems some residents were having with their homes Unit awaiting word on talks Simcoe County District Health Unit officials are still waiting for word on resumption of contract talks vah Ontario Nurses Association Local 37 Gerry Skipwith business ad ministrator said today Talks stalled since March 12 are expected to resume this month The move back to the bargaining table is to be in itiated from association head quarters in Toronto Nurses are looking for wage arity with hospital nurses and or an arbitration clause The Simcoe County District Health Board has offered six per cent increase saying there is no more rhoney available woman resident stood up and told Mr Weston he does not care about the good publicity which the association has had The meeting was brought to quick end Bill Knowles association president said the ratepayers were brought together because of the house construction pro blems Most of the residents have had the problems fixed by the builder Northdown Homes Ltd of Toronto since The Barrie Examiner reported the trou bles Mr Weston said newspapers should not have been told about the problems adding some lis cussions at the ratepayers meetings should be closed to the news media You have degraded this area he said to Mr Knowles We do not need bad publicity atall Mr Knowles said the associa tion meetings are open to ev eryone including the news media and certain discussions will not be closed because of publicity You cant tell me to close the meetings he said The information printed was the truth Mr Knowles said the news reports may have helped the residents get action from the builders The association about 38 families in the 300 home subdivision north ol Cundles Road and east of Bay field Street represent proval of Wintario grant before the creative playground can be built in the Tall Trees Park Mr lIoldich said the approval should be given soon In front area but MTC said it wasnt feasible The answer is service road beside Hayfield Street she said But there isnt service road there Mayor Parker is one of the three declared candidates for LOCAL AND GENERAL SERIOlSCONDITION STAYNER Robert alder of Collingwood is in serious con dition in Collingwood General and Marine Ilospital following single car accident Wed nesday evening Ontario Pro vincial police say Calder was the only occupant of car which left Ilighway 24 and struck hydro pole The car was damaged beyond repair SIUDENIDRIVERS Driver education course for students starts Sept 29 at North Collegiate Application forms for the course run under the auspices of the Simcoe County Board of Education are availv able at high school offices The fee is $65 Course leads to driver education certificate that makes possible discounts in iii surance TEACHER EXCHANGE During the 1977 calendar year James Louric teacher at Cundlcs llcights public school will change places with Robert Wallace teacher at Morpbctl Vale in South Australia The exchange is being carried out under the auspices of the International Teaching Exchange program Man sent to Penetanguishene ot blm is moch of the playground cqiiipmcnt mcld ing two swings slide plat form and ladder Examiner Photo the 1973 mayoralty race The other two are aldcrmcn lim Perri who is also rcsi dent in thc lall Trccs area and who attended the meeting and Ross Archer who livcs in Alton dale Ihc election is Dec The Ontario Ministry of Educa tion will exchange teachers with Australia lcachcr quali fications are specifically out lined and all teachers must have degrees and teaching cxr pcricncc The exchange tcachr crs will bc paid by their home boardsofcducation CONTRACTLOSER The Simcoe County Board of IIducation and its secondary school teachers are closer to reaching contract settlement Wednesday night during private session the school board ratified proposed con tract settlement The agree ment must now be ratified by the teachers Details will not be made public until both sides have agreed to the terms TALLTREESClRS Parents of children in terested in joining the Tall Irecs cub pack are asked to at tend meeting at Cundlcs Ilcights public school Tuesday at pin with their children The boys will be registered and there are limited number of openings in the pack HISTORICAL ASStN IAIION The next meeting of the Sim US TV bread and Cable pokesmn claim By RICHARD DUNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter American television channels are Barrie Cable TVs bread and butter and the organiza tion is fighting federal policy to retain them for its viewers Glyn Hunt company controller told public meeting on cable TV service Wednesday Two dozen residents who turned out to the meeting spon sored by the Barrie branch of the Consumers Association of Canada heard cable officials say Dec has been set as target date for operation of microwave transmission system which will give good reception on Buffalo Chan nels and subject of numerous complaints because of poor picture quali ty the cable firm plans to of fer channel plus channel 12 Peterborough on convertor service beginning in January with Channels 25 French language and 79 CITYTV replacing them on regular cable service in keeping with Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission RIC order the microwave service will cost 75 cents extra er month Current rate for ca le service is $525 monthly The new rate is awaiting CRTC ap proval there will be no extra charge for convertor service as there is in some areas but subscribers will have to buy convertor available at various retail outlets for $70 and up Buffalo Channel will not be included in the microwave system because the CRTC will not allow microwaving of three American channels EVERYBODY WATCHES We dont want to take off the American channels Mr Hunt said lheyrc the bread and butter theyre what everybody watches He said the company is up against RTC policy which calls for giving Canadian chan nels including local program ming Cable in Barrie the best possible place in the cable system Its the governments way of imposing anadian culture on Canadians and were not go mg to win any more than the magazine people did he said The discussion began with the AC blasting Harrie ablc TV and ended with both organiza tions blaming their problems on tlicCRIC Tom Delaney president of the CAs Harrie branch told cablc officials service here is grossly inadequate despite AC efforts dating back to January 1974 Were unhappy with the ser vice youre providing and were asking you to get off your backsidcs and do something about it he said drawing ap plause from two or three members of the audience He said service is much bet ter in Orillia and suggested that liarries problem might be due to lack of the cable com coe ounty Ilistorical Associa tion is Tuesday Sept 14 at pm at the Simcoe County Mu seum Midhurst Grace Leigh is the guest speaker who will talk about old and new books con cerning the history of Simcoe County Mrs Leigh was head librarian at Orillia for 15 years VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded needs volunteers to help the teachers at Sunnypark Nursery The school at Central United Church reopens this week with expanded morning and afternoon programs Vol unteer coordinator is Mrs Joyce Dobson at 7264869 MIDHURSTNURSERY An information meeting for nursery school at Midhurst Building Block Nursery School will take place Thursday at 815 pm The nursery co operative effort is now accep ting registration of three and Iounyuirolds It will meet at Midhurst United Church Tucs days Wednesdays and Thurs days from 15 to 11 30 am For more information call Honney Smith at 7288678 on attempted murder charge Karl Philip llackstetter was found guilty by reason of in sanity on charge of attempted murder in Supreme Court Wednesday llackstetter 19 of Midland was charged with the attemp ted murder of his mother Michelle Feb 101975 Mr Justice Campbell Grant ordered him to be detained in the Ienetanguishenc Mental Health Centre on Lieutenant Governors warrant It means he will not be released until the LieutenantGovernor of Ontario finds him fit for society llackstetter has spent con siderable time in Ienctang uishene He first went there in 1972 because of drug abuse pro blems He was returned in voluntarily in the summer of 1974 after he began inventing plots against himself lie was released and re turned again Jan 17 1975 by Midland olice after he was arrested or drug trafficking But it turned out he wasnt traf ficking in drugs the capsules he was selling contained silica sand llackstetter told his parents and other people that there was great cocaine smuggling con spiracy in Midland and that the smugglers were trying to kill him because he had found out The cocaine he talked about was piles of silica sand manufactured in Midland and shipped out by rail MIGHT BECURED Dr Sadiin Shanna has treated llackstetter sint 1974 and told the jury he was of the opinion llackstetter was in sane He said since the offence llackstetter has improved and might be cured within two to three years His trial was delayed in 1975 because jury at that time found him unfit for trial Dr Sharma said it has only been in the past six months that llackstetter has improved For six months after the offence llackstetter was totally un reachable said Dr Sharma Dr Peter Rowsell of Toronto also felt llackstetter was in sane at the time of the attack with the axe But he felt that the insanity may have been in duced by Hackstetters over use of drugs in years previous to 1975 BOB ALEXANDER left assistant general manager for Barrie Cable TV and Tom Delaney president of petition he said is found in places like Toronto EXCLlSIVE RIGHTS Mr Ilunt noted that the same company is providing service in Barrie Orillia as in without The Barrie Fitness Club on Collier Street is planning to offer course in belly dancv ing and to get an idea of what the course involves instruc tor Gcorge Cortex was on hand Wednesday to give some sample instruction Mr Cortex has been teaching dancing for the past 18 years but has been teaching belly dancing only for short time Above Mr Cortez de monst rates some of the lanc ing movements in his pump tial students Below Ex filaining that there are three asic tempos Mr Cortel shows one tempo Examiner Photo the branch of the Consumers Assoc1ation of Canada eye one another warily during competition Lawyer George Taylor meeting chairman said even in Toronto companies have exclusive rights in their territories and subscribers must move to take advantage of the competition Hob Alexander assistant general manager for Barrie Cable TV said Barrics main problems are its distance from Buffalo and interference from CKVRTV Channel and Channel Wiarton Other problems and other iii flucnccs He said the local cable system is part of microwave consortium stretching to Sud bury and beyond which will pick up Buffalo signals at Horn by west of Toronto and pass them along by microwave Target date for microwave reception in Barrie is Dec be said but the date is not firm because of problems in getting approvals from Ontario Hydro Bcll Canada Barrie Public Utilities Commission and all of which own transmission poles the cable system must use Microwave is the answer sometimesheated discussion of cable TV service in Barrie Servtce is lousy said Mr he said Nearly everyone found something unkind to say about the CRTC Mr Taylor called the body twotongued be cause it discourages American channels while Marc Lalonde federal health and welfare minister plans to buy time on American TV to promote bil ingualism NOJLSIHICAIION There is no justification for the positions they take on many many issues Mr De lancysaid In response to question from the audience on whether change of government is likely to improve the HIC Mr Tay lor Progressive Conservative candidate for the Simcoe cn trc riding for the next provin cial election said many RIC decisions appear to bc polit ical ly mot ivatcd Mr llunt said he doubted that change of government would make nmch difference think the policies of the Rlt are bit more entrench ed than that he said The local cable system has been waiting since lunc for The Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept 197611 butter Ielaney Were doing all we can said Mr Alexander Examiner photo word on approval of its licence renewal CRTC approval is still needed for expanded channel capacity converter service and for delaying the addition of Chan nels 25 and 79 until such service is available Once convertor service is in operation Mr Alexander warned the audience subscribers should buy con verter which works on Channel rather than which will not work because of CKVR transmission You just cant outpower that transmitter he said RELIGION OLRSES Courses in world religion will be taughtthis year at Eastview secondary school Barrie Cen tral Collegiate Twin Lakes and Park Street high schools in Orillia and Midland secondary school The courses will be developed by the individual schools The ministry of educa tion no longer requires such courses receive its approval but local boards may require the courses be given annual ap proval by trustees

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