Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGEFOR VALVES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND THE FARM The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Sept 197621 Ttit DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LIMITED APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UN1L9PM VERY SPECIAL BRICK BUNGALOW About mile from town set on large treed lot bedrooms large cheery living room dining room with sliding glass doors to cedar deck and gorgeous tall trees LOTS FOR SALE Churchill 4th Line lnnisfil Approx acre Roads and services in CAIRNS LTD 4562310 7370302 OR Toronto Line 416 4962311 FAMILY CAMPING RESORT CEC ROBERTS 13126211519191 13a I75 ACRES ON THE MAGNETAWAN RIVER ROCK LAKE REC HALL MlNl MARKET LAUNDROMAT POOL PLAYGROUNDS SANDY BEACH HOT SHOWERS TENNIS COURTS FULLY SERVICED TO WILDERNESS SITES 119 DUNLOP 51 7261938 IORONIO364 6636 $14 Well built with extras broadloomed and air conditioned $58900 with terms Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 MLSI793 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MORTGAGES DAVIES BUILT ON OTTAWAY bedroom storey bathroom RR N° KEARNEY ONTARIO brick home Family room on main level antique wainscotting in POAIMO Livingdinning room corner china cupboard in dining room Full rec MORTGAGE LOANS room with billiard table Single car garage double paved drive Call lan Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 MLS 1958 7056367888 Au25Sl 815 Earn big money either parttime or fulltime in the field of ROSS ST Large bedroom home extra large kitchen and living room New lurnance and roof needs some decorating Asking $34500 Call Wilma Bidwell 7269135 or 7261938 MLS2126 SEJNNIDALE AREA EARLY POSSESSION $72500 deep garden with mature oak and pine trees Spacious storey house with wialkout from diningroom large kitchen bedrooms baths PORCELAIN REGLAZING For minimum investment of $4900 you will receive the ex clusive rights for the County of Siincoe Head Office Toronto Complete equipment re 95 NHA LOANS 2111231422221332Jarsiizircgzszs $213£32° 22126 COMMI Residential Commercial In MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS ASTRO REFINISHERS iflgnf°°fs £33 98 BAYFIELD 51 BARRIE 7254067 TORONTO4168899437 l8°hb5 399 wh° dcfminiums Builders Loans OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL WWW Land Mortgage Construction TF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR 425 Cabanna Rd Business Loans mtge Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 WINDSOR Ont Existing Mortgages Purchased Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Il51919694404 Unlimited NHA and con Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry Derlde 7283253 581011 ventionol loans for maior Bruce Laffin 7287741 Chuck Lambert 7281 development Planning and Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 COMMER CIAL financial analysis assistance Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Magill 726433334 NEW INDUSTR AL provided John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekuiten 737 Ware 53 OPEN DAILY 10 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Doug 30 mm mash23np29$2292 01116 330 pm information call Gary DAmbrosio at Thursda evenln till 72 22 737 20 OR Pm DiATTTbrogIL Realtgr eprw Saturday by appointment Call HTE WM SUMMERS Barrie office Tv 17057373451 91 Bayfield St After hours call REALTOR 4240776 TF ASSOCIATES LTD 7371161 LIMITED MORTGAGES 38 11111111 SIREEI AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES Available Funds Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER M9 BAYFIELD ST For Residential and Dora Barreto 7288927 Joanne Thomson 7287177 John Thomson 7287177 Commercial Mortgages 7269262 WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates as financing of interest prompt com Prime first V2 °o harry V090 45672524 Elisabelh Rose 7370625 mitments and complete con Marilyn Mason 726 28 Davth WIgley 726 8497 lldentiality for first second and Seconds years 15 equity Thomas Brolley 7282994 Paul Dumoulln FR hHd mortgages 13V compeely open Five Grace Broiley 7282994 CRA SRA 7370731 who ca bout peop ALL TYPES 25 property rOSIden years equ1ty 12 more We 7287209 Wayne on 3222838 grants of up to $750 per year That Wlll all commercial and mm mm moms purchased Emes WOHS 7287209 WE ALSO for cash Immediate com Martin Altseimer 7281762 Tony Pomerov Tunher help you lower your costs of 47 COW ST mitments Allan Thompson 7281024 Mortgage Dept 7266964 CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS tgages for cash BARRIE 776261 OUR ADVICE IS FREE OWTIOTSIIID El YOUI ITIOIIIIIIY payments LOOKFOROUR SIGN FORALL YOUR MAN KERR 726 0061 REAL ESTATE NEEDS 737483 Morris Pompili Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 HOME 87538 Mortgage Broker Realms WW mm 1° Dorothy MocQuarrie 7286358 Hoion Hopkins 7281662 KINZIE LIMITED CANCEL OR CHANGE iiiuiicmc George Wilson 7266927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 107 Dunlap St East gt ANY75ft PRICES AT ANYTIME WITHOUT TF BARRIE LIMITED REALTOR NOTICE 7T wdm rT Member Ontario Mortgage 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 on ma wk A°°° TF No bonuses brokerage or finders lees ROSs Miller 7260563 Ken Miller 4361431 ï¬g AI Rose 7288116 Ron Sproule 4873715 C0 COHQC 30 $43900 ms and Second Z5°ggjw 5151000 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim HOIIIS 7267173 IAVmD PERSONAUZED SERVICE 2131 ignnqli Gligtrlgiaxonzï¬lEJSSIIIBE22 MORTGAGES ARRANGED errosgrggomoun Ron Jones 7268997 Mike Lysabild 7266054 we Pay All Charges lfjf° 7284294 Toiopnono Pratt Harms no 1259 Reasonable Rates Yearamommï¬on Percy Ford 7237930 Cec Cooke 7283036 MWF TF NEAR LAK E91t1 Con at Oro Storey Existing Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ron Thorne 7283714 mow 40 Hw iy Mortgages HOUSEHOLD REALTY Ross Burwell 4589248 Les Lovegrove 4241259 726 7423 or 726 1771 Purchased CORPORATION LIMITED Rob Knapp 7267294 Nelson Garrett 7266096 LIST BUY 011 SELL WITH gammy ofg°2n $332321 Cosh some TF tinancinq availabli Bot Urry Mortgage Lle Insurance 25 Dunlop Street East is LEON VInURorIIESlalv72617710r7285811 Avoflcbh Two BEDROOM Al 51211131910 bungalow liq Bay PolEmmy MIWFSZQ Ir 111 GT A1 rtK IV LL AA7A LEALEEETLLIE 313511 Li ENTERPRSES Estalv76177lor 7211 5811 121 BAYFIELD 51 ml mormages appraisaisy Gem BUILDING LOTSI2ooo 100x181witl 487 2700 to Ltd up SLplIC DLYITIII Located in quwt village 791 um near Barrio Terms Bob Urry Viau Real Estaln726 17710r 718 5811 ALL BRICK sinulv tamily home with Olfice Hours9am 9pm MORTGAGES boughi and sold imme by appointment diate action conï¬dential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 REAL ESTATE BROKER carport 8J4 per cent mortgage Gear Member ODIGIIO Mortgage eVCnmgs aian College area Completely tenced lot Brokers Association INVESTORS 15 2nd and 3rd $44900 lull Principals only 85 BAYFIEIJ ST BARRIE 72631 11 price Telephone 728 1259 PRIVATE Four bedroom storey house niiar Georgian College per cent tirst mortaaui assume present mort map with or without down payment $50900 Telephonirnfl 163 TF mortuagosyioldingirom12 per cent up interest Call 811L737 3453 PRIVATE SALE East End 18 Steel Street MODERN BEDROOM BUNGALOW immaculate con IF YOU NEED MONEY Young Biggin Pht Mltl Lt 00 Ipe iSIng erVIce UMITEDREALTOR 11111119 104 main Stw stouffvdlc Morg Wood no toll 4873148 Larry Wood no toll 4878148 who 1121 mm dition PRIVATE SALE Must 5011 income pro Esther Kennedy 4245471 Bob Sounders 7263883 0R0 4873437 2fuubmhs 23mg ELaltsferlg anciglgtleSTNszï¬xIym Immedmm 15 and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans BillStewart 7281153 Family room fully carry mortgage Otters wanted Telc Anywhere on all homes 20118985 farms vacatlon LOO COVOHOU phono726 9003 83 28 207 no some 726 3043 89Colller St Barrie CENTURY BRICK HOME nesled br°°dl°°m°d °° 1° lung MIDHURST AREA Largo ncw unlin and commerma prepe IF omong mam maples natural stonetireplace ismo brick homo doublo qarago iow momm Baffle 7264491T0ronto news038 large scenic lots iust south of bl ï¬replaces $45000 Also tlall acre lots m5 mm pw ems pave nve onac ed 55000 035 TNCDIIOM Toronlo 3797 Home improvements any worthy reason GuySi is on our awn Barne car garage wnh 90mg oveninos To pa ott EXIST tlltluflllq mon 15qu double paved drive large Niceiy landscaped My ran IDEAL RETIREMENT bedroom inground heoed pool mus cedlo bungamvy domcheg Lhasemem Construction Ilnrts lree artwoe try us carpets Irougtiout aragc arge amI DUNLOp 7283293 to see at only $99500 Steps roan schools 162 cas end EarringI153 $55236sz in Immediate possession LARGE 0R0 COTTAGE 1h RIVERWOOD FARM spotlcss homo Prlnc1pals only by ap main tloor lamin room alas walklout to tesia we situa onacorner dock irom kitchen nrgc iving lt Ponlmenl 728 8205 rOJOTLn dining room combination lullv 129 DUNLOPST EAST Call Anytime 347 BAY STREET Ith fronta of 234 it mun WFSTF broadloomed double garage double BARmE ONTAmO 24 Hour TORONYO ONT HourS Weekdays9to9 Walking distance to Oro Beach pavrddrlvcwtty Ioncut yard 10 iirsi mortgage Pal Quinn Real Estate 726 0981 Phone SHIVCe 353 3421 Sat at 9t purl Ask9 535900 Limited 73714140r726 3109 ur ays 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 PRIVATE SALE PRIVATE Tc hobby Wm west Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR lAWN Direct Toronto Line 3645625 so ACRES AT CLEAR LAKE 18 BROOKDALE DR Barru bedroom bungalow good con LL women ditlon steel Lmrns and shed years old miles south of Parry Sound 2200 sq ft bedroom home Suitable tor any purpose acres maple an Open John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282980 many recreational posstbiIItIes yzltlgvlgflautlful Eiewlgnl rgvme rsouergcalggfounrfgg 6831 no MOBILE on Phil Franchette 7282619 Rog Sholswoll 4872920 58 00 19 mm hark IMMSHL TOWNSWR bedroom mums AND tun David shelsworl 4375560 not warm 4373609 stone fireplaces Nicely bungalow Wood panelled throughout rmw Jim Cross 7262159 TF d°°°°d Ch Incudes $2aéiiol2iSiiiioviiléééi mm builtin dishwasher and bar Telepionc 7255557 1970 NIMROD camper hardtop trailer 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE becue 2V bahrooms Cdm ELABORATELKY furry execu condition $1050 Telephone ti re ion or PmeY camel Wll °P mizitigigfagsrsoassï¬irirrriarricu couple on Mobile Homes 22 FT GLENDALE motor home APPRAISALS KEMPENFELT BAY quallty broadloom Walkom ly no pets rolercnces $350 monthly 581818°SS8C7013E1ISIIOH only 15100 miles lrom famll room to bee Temphonew 3927 REALTOR Complete Realtor Serlce com near sham 3° Lo NE carport 1976 OENDix LEADER 6a 12 MORTGAGES 100 x9210 Privae rzad yprlme heated inground kidney shaped FAva milees aailï¬f 2319900 Mur SALE RENT IILVV Lvo PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE 7288017 area $30000 down 10 balance pool Yard completely lan dscaped with fence Attached ray Sykes 7266651 Rep Henry Elrick and Michie 728 5583 ACRES oi natural woods and rugged Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For rooms 7500 so it lot in park south or Barrie Owner leaving province Tele pttoml 726 5176 ITS NOT Too LATE Tho Hitch Noise REAL EsTATE SERVICE PETER GUBBEL572B2Â¥ d°°b° ¢°r 90099 By 012 terrain in IiieiiilisolgunodlnIisgeninu Bendix And Glendale Ltd can megt your trailer hitch re di In ivcr cartnew nts Harold BARRIE 7159300 Phone 7265037 P°lntmenlonly 399500 bmjiggxgm 3533 bemoom 90mg Moduhr Homes mm£8 or 91301 180 DUNLOP ST PHONE 7370468 All otters considered CB Debbe We Northlanders COUNTRY LIVING In quiet park souin 515 ggaï¬Ã©gtgle Clayton H090 travel Trailers 01 Barrio New 1101105 Also used homes IromSlIoooCoil 72116875 11 MILES north or Barrie beautllugflb Corsair Glenette names One Man ass 1amorous11i cyani REAL ESTATE deadline for claSSIfled 60 We Lots FOR SALE memo1zorrons 13 PTY°r BOX REPLIES 25 results withoutconfusio trc 11487 $1315 way cu WhllG 9V1 9nd9°V°r Wl gt LOP STREET tlnaetce ST 93 DUNEAST BUILDING LOT lsm TOWOSND ACOUNTRYhomo you mustsee and br 70 Burlon AV 7289866 made to forward rOPlleI to box 59 Wllh Asking 312000 Make an otter Vleu lng along your horses bedrooms plus 11 advawhm Rm 7234419 viau RealEState 726 1gt7Ior 726 i603 tamlly room Barn with box stalls 25 cres MLS Iisélno®aayogmcaél Called Soon as possible we accept no 416 5466 of 03 TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes lor sale PROPERTIES MORTGAGES REALTOR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR BRAND NEWJbedroom backsptlthome or rent Holiday in complete home com ability In rupacd OI or mum M0b°lM°T5h°ll 7268603 RENT with double garagoon 12 acrewooded lot tortl Bgrsr16 Tent and Awning Co 14 damage alledge to arlse is $47500 II L°5°lfd 3323 FOR PROMPT ATTENTION aeonooM one semi large new 1211 4333 HXRSTOP CAMPER IOWWSng Irr°rfrzimzr hit °° PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SLRVLL C°° noon Saturday CALL 7281071 Rodrigo asszonr21 Em BLTer 1mnï¬wn nk 350 swa or commorua or to an L11 APPRNSALS MORTGAGES TF Edith Blnnendvk TIh51p $55316 aonus3lgdnear Brock Cali reiental 11er or ppropclly Telephone ardey SZcTTirL $122058 TORIy oior 73 630 Unlversitycal 726 21611 no