Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1976, p. 5

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John Simpson of Barrie had fifthplace finish in the open class at recent motocross competition in Parry Sound SMSONSARS Simcpson is member of the Barrie Motocross Club which was active this holiday weekend There were races in Parry Sound during the Folley Fall Fair and at Gilletts Farm in Orillia ExaminerPhotoi Carters pardon plan displeases resistors NIAGARA FALLS Ont CP Representatives of US draft resisters in Canada staged demonstration at the Rainbow Bridge on the CanadaUS bor der Sunday to condemn the draft pardon proposal of Jim my Carter Democratic presidential candidate Spokesmen for AMEXCan ada Torontobased magazine published by US draft resist ers and deserters in Canada said Mr Carters proposal to provide pardons for certain cat egories of draft resisters is lit tle more than an empty promise The demonstration by about 15 persons followed an inter view between AMEX members and Stuart Eizenstat director of issues and policies for the Carter campaign The group charged that Mr Carters proposal covers only small proportion of those who either refused induction or deserted the armed forces dur ing the Vietnam war They said the proposed par don applies only to persons still wanted for refusing the draft AMEX member Jack Calhoun said 192000 persons were charged with violations of draft laws during the Vietnam war CHARGES DROPPPED About 150000 of those cases were dropped due to in sufficient evidence and of 30000 that came before the courts only 10000 were successfully convicted he said About 4400 persons now being sought for draft resistan ce group almost exclusively white and middle class will be the only beneficiaries of Car ters plan Mr Calhoun said Mr Calhoun who described Experts examine defectors plane TOKYO AP Experts have looked over the Soviet MiG25 fighter plane flown to Japan by defecting Soviet air force pilot Japanese officials said today but they refused to say whether US intelligence officers were among them US authorities declined comment referring all queries to Washington But it was as sumed that the US will get thorough examination of the plane before the Japanese gov ernment returns it to the Soviet Union The plane landed Monday at small airfield in Hakodate in northern Japan and the pilot said he wanted asylum in the United States In Washington the US state department said only that the matter is under consideration One Japanese source with of ficial connections said he heard that the plane may be moved by ship from Hakodate to the US air base at Misawa in northern Honshu the main Japanese island EXPERTS HAVE LOOK Officials of the Japanese de Burning fence agency said they are pri marily interested in the super sonic jet fighters electronic fir ingcontrol system Experts from Tokyo and the Japanese defence force base at Chitose near Hakodate flew Monday to the Hakodate landing site Other Western embassies in Tokyo indicated desire to examine the plane The British air attache was reported to have gone to Hakodate to try to geta closelook at the craft The MiG25 has been kept largely under wraps by the So viet Union but it is believed to be Russias most advanced jet fighter and capable of flying at 1600 miles an hour One Western defence attache said there have been reports that the plane can blind op posing aircraft with various electronic devices Experts also said it is equipped with multipurpose interception radar of extremely long range nicknamed Jaybird by the Nor th Atlantic Treaty Organization that spots enemy planes and then directs its air toair missiles and 23lt millimetre cannon Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes One of the most common af flictions is condition known as Itching Piles It is most embarrassing for the sufferer during the day and especially ag ravatiiig at night if you want satisfactory reliefheres good news renowned research laboratory has found unique healing substance with the Bblllty to promptly relieve the burning itch and pain ltlactually shrinks hemorrhOids lhis substance has been shown to produce most eflective rate of healing Its germkilling properties also help prevent infection In one hemorrhoid case after another very striking improvement was reported This impiovciiient was main tained in cases where clinical observations were continued over ieriod of many months iiirthermore these tests and observations were made on patients with wide variety of hemorrhoidal conditions All this was accomplished by healing substance Hio Iynedcveloped by worldrenowned research iii stitution This substance is now obtainable in ointment or suppository form known as Preparation Ask for Preparation II Suppositories convenient to carry if away from home or Preparation Ointment with special ap plicator Available at all drug counters Satisfaction or your money refunded Preparation himself as deserter said he is not eligible for pardon under the plan proposed by the former Georgia governor Such desert ers would be dealt with on an individual basis within the mili tary system The AMEX group said Mr Carter proposed individual con sideration as means to differ entiate between those who deserted under fire and those who simply fled the military system However they said the US governments own documenta tion states that only one cent of deserters left com at zones and only onetenth of that one per cent deserted un derfire More sickness is prediction KINGSTON Ont tCPi An official of the Ontario Medical Association says more Cana dians than usual will be sick this winter even if there is not swine flu epidemic Dr James Day an allergist and chairman of the associ ations committee on public health said in an interview Sat urday the swine flu vaccination is not without risk You could walk away with no effect at all or you could be in bed fora week he said Dr Day said the vaccine has been known to cause asthma in individuals with tendency to that condition Despite the potential side ef fects he said the government had no choice but to authorize mass immunization Politically they had to do it Dr Day said If there was an epidemic and they had said No that would be the end of them Medi cally the uncertainties are such that no doctor could be decisive about this If there is an epidemic the immunization program will re duce the amount of sickness and mortality If theres no epi demic there will be more sick ness from the vaccine than there would be otherwise Follow te reat FOLEYET Ont CP 22yearold pilot walked about 25 miles through dense bush Sunday after his light plane with four passengers on board crashed Saturday near this community about 60 miles west of Timmins It took George Theriault about seven hours to reach help after his singleengine plane went down en route to remote fishingsite Provincial police identified the passengers as Eugene Ja niszenski 33 Remi Taghon 66 Robert ostino 36 all of South Bend In and David Conrad 27 ofMishiwaka Ind Settlement OTTAWA CP The federal government has paid $9 million to Northrop Corp of Los Ange les in an outofcourt settlement that ends months of talks be tween the justice department and the company defence de partment spokesman said Sat urday Northrop filed claim in De cember 1973 in the Federal Court of Canada calling for payment of $176 million that it said was owed under licensing agreement with Canada Part of the claim had been for damages for breach of con tract Chosen queen MORAVIANTOWN Ont CP Colleen Snake 15 yearold high school student wascrowncd Miss Moravian town 1976 at twoday Indian gathering held on the weekend at the East Kent County Indian reserve Moraviantown is about 20 miles east of Thathain Record stands TORONTO Pi Marathon piano player Jimmy Mon tecino 73 received $5000 from the Canadian National Exhibition on Saturday although he failed to set record for nonstop playing The Quebec City rcsidcnt fuilcd to beat his previous mark of almost 177 hours when he collapsed from exhaustion at the CNE Thursday after playing for 117 hours and in minutes Short perch PORT DOVER Ont 1Pi Fourteen commercial fishch men protesting provincial rcgir lations which prohibit them from taking perch less than eight inches long from Lakc Eric have been charged with unlawfully retaining dersizcd fish spokcsmiui for the ministry of natural rcsour ces said the fishermen were charged after they sailcd into harbor Tuesday and dcmuiidcd ministry officials to nitusuri every fish thcy had Body found CRYSTAL REACH Ont tPl The body of West Seneca man who 3th pearcd Aug 20 whilc riding his raft on Lake Eric was recovered Friday about milc from this community about 23 miles south of Niagara Falls Provincial policc said thc body of Paul Wicnclawski 24 was recovered by fisherman Identified NEWCASTLE Ont li Provincial policc said Monday that Carmen Noel Allgrovc 38 formerly of the London Ont area has been identified as the man whose body was found dismembered 10 miles north of this Oshawa area comunity police spokesman said man looking for mushrooms in the bush Saturday discovered the nude male body cached in three garbage bags Camper death NORLANI nt CP Kimberly Dawn topping of Newmarkct Ont was found dead Sunday in her parents camper truck when they stop ped to check on the girl who was sleeping in the back of cainpcr The parents had been riding in the cab of the truck Police said the cause of death has not yet been determined Man shot DELHI Ont CP Wayne Talbot 33 of Simcoc was shot ROOT BEAR to 347 Bayfield St now 728094 Pilotrinds help after 25mle béf trek to death Sunday in the home of his estranged wife in this com munity10 miles west of Simcoe provincial police said Monday They released no other details CINDY NICHOLAS Cindy crosses DOVER England CPino ronto swimmer Cindy Nicholas badly stung by jelly fish as she neared France crossed the English Channel in 10 hours 20 minutes Monday about 112 hours over the record time she sought to break Swimming strongly through out she made good time until she neared the French coast when tidcs and the jelly fish frustrated her bid to break the record of eight hours 56 IIIIII utes set by British girl earlier this month Plane crash CAMERON Ont Ii Toronto man and two Hamilton area residents members of parachute club were killed Monday when the siiigIccnginc airplane they were in hit power line and crashed on railway track near here Dead are William Paul Eh nat 37 of Toronto pilot of thc Tcssna 172 Martha IIcIrosc 21 of Hamilton and Patrick Mi chacl Hill 28 of Stoney rcck The singleengine aircraft had just taken off from local airstrip when it stalled while making turn police spokesman said Miss Hclrosc was to have made her first parachute jump Cameron is about 23 miles northwest of Ictcrborough Controls ire HAMILTON iCIi Federal NDP Leader Ild Hrotidbcnt said Monday it is an illusion that the federal govcrnmcnts antiin iliIIIOII controls arc working In spccch to Labor Day picnic Mr Hroadbcnt said the consumer pricc index rosc 68 per ccnt between July 1975 and July 1976 because of stable food prices which are not covcrcd by fcdcral antir inflation legislation The nonfood components rose 92 per cent last year and the cost of fuel and utilities rose by 19 per cent the NDP leader said intcr at party dinner he said that during the next 10 days he intends to documciit case against the antiinflation board and will name companies which arc being permitted to makc cxccssivc profits Glider death MOUNT STERLING Ky AP hang gliding tourna ment was cancelled Sunday af ter second person was killed in as many days at Raven Rock in the Red River Gorge police said Dan Ballas 24 of Cincinnati was killed about noon Sunday as he attempted to land near target located in field Twen tyfour hours earlier Allen Kling 27 also of Cincinnati plunged about 500 feet to his death when he lost control of his glider shortly after takeoff third Ohio man Tim Bel cher of Columbus fractured an ankle Saturday when he fell about 100 feet to gravel road while trying to land Plane returns TEL AVIV AFI An Is raeli aircraft delivered to Ugandan President Idi Amin five years ago but never totally paid for was returned to Israel Monday section of Lod airport was closed to journalists for the ar rival of the plane which had been used by the Ugandan leader for personal flights It bore his presidential seal and the identification number X15 Nuclear start KINCARIMNE Ont tCP The Bruce nuclear generating station supplied electricity to Ontario Hydro for the first time Saturday following more than month of lowpower tests on the reactor says news release from Ontario Hydro The stations unit the first of four identical units to bc completed by 19797 will gradually increase outptit in the next few months to its capacity of 734 megawatts from the initial 10 megawatts the rclcasc said Signs pledge SARNIA tCPi 29ycarold YugosIavanudian detained last month by Yugoslav authorities for thc military draft said Monday his passport was returned after hc signed document saying he would rc turn in two ycars to fulfil mili tary scrvicc Vojko Suvajac onc of four Sarina brothers who flcw Aug 11 to Yugoslavia to attend their mothcrs funeral and ran into military draft difficulties said he proiiiiscd the Yugoslav III thoritics he would begin his ur my StlVltt Sept 1978 Suvujzics arrival Saturday at Toronto International Airport was surprisc for his wife In tins and other rclalivcs who had driven to thc airport txr pctting to nitct two of his brothers Luka 20 and Radc Li who were bookth on the flight from Viinun Austria Rectory theft KllllENIRili lriests at two Roman atholic rcc torics fought with robbers Mon lay bcforc thc robbers pullcd out guns and forced the priests to opcn szifcs Police said two groups of mcii wcziring nylonstocking masks broke into the St Louis church rcctoiy in ncighboring Waterloo and St Aloysius rcc tory in this city early Monday morning lhcy got away with total of $2900 74 EUGENE WIIELAN Support shown OTTAWA CPi secretly conducted govern Results of ment poll show that most Cana dians agree with federal agri cultural policies Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan says He refused to be specific about the poll but said it was the same kind of survey we took that told us how to win the 1974 elect ion NDP agrees TORONTO tCPi The On tario New Democratic Party supports the day of protest being organized by the Cana dian Labor Congress for Oct 14 Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis said Monday Mr Lewis spcaking at Ca nadian National Exhibition lun chcon said the fcdcral Liberal party wcnt back on its stand against ltic wage and price con trols progi am proposed by the Progressive Conscrvalivcs in the last fcdcral clcction Trial looms hIONIRIJAl tIi Dr Henry Morgcntalcrs sccond trial on charge of performing an illegal abortion on 26ycar old foreign sludcni has been schcdulcd for Thursday Thc second trial was ordcrcd last January by Iusticc Minis tcr Ron Hasford lir Morgcntzilcr 32 was ac quittcd by jury in November 1075 on thc sonic charge but thc jurys decision was rcvtr scd by thc Oucbtc ourt ot Ap pcal Ihc appcal court ruling was lairr uphcld by thc Suprcmt ourt of Canada WOMENMEN You Can Earn $20000 plus onnuoly Union Moving preyin hob you divlop you both In your or pkhly IM product Inqu woods Mort ho do In uounlvu and rotdl norport WII hob you got Itsrtod hi roman mm be good ergovim You run than you own hon fol or portvino If you qualify and Innovqu nowd Writs Innmotlonol hiatus Io 300 Doll Ill Onhdo SC Colonel Sanders Colonel Sanders and his boys make it linger lickin good Grove and Duckworth THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ONLY pints of ticrifting Ktlllllik Iim illrkttl IllltlQtltitH tiitiimi iitllQljhklttS 315 Bayfield St 45 Essa Rood Regular l45 EIBIBTHDAY SPECIAL 86It YOU SAVE 59c 726571 7267220 7262501 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Sept 19765 Kelley secure WASHINGTON AP President Ford will not dismiss FBI Director Clarence Kelley from his post for accepting gifts from subordinates White House spokesman said Satur day The president is satisfied with the conclusion of the de partment of justice that the gif ts received by Mr Kelley from subordinates were allowable under existing regulations Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Agreement TORONTO CP Settle ments have been reached in 55 per cent of negotiations to re new agreements between On tario school boards and teach ers for the coming school year says Owen Shime chairman of the Education Relations Com mission ERC McMurtry acts TORONTO CP Ontario AttorneyGeneral Roy Mc Murtry has ordered clerks to stop charging $2 fee to per sons who appeal criminal con IMPERIAL CINEMA victions in county court The fee was charged for sup plying certificate stating that an appeal was being launched The certificate was used as the basis for releasing convicted person from prison until the ap peal hearing Charles Bronson is Ray St Ives ADULT IIIIIIAIIMII and Jacqueline Bisset snows nun it as Janet 700 050 PHONE 5534531 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAIRE 46 DUNLOP ST BARRIE NElD OVER 2nd WEEK 705 905 pm AI stunt utrmchr two wouldh not ill auctioned 001000 in rm to IMPERIAL CINEMA its hilarious outrageous road race with the worlds most expensive cars 1269944 CINEMA 309W 72699 GIN ms nunv All In im out um um lechmtolov Panamion Borrie Twin DriveIn Theatre Now Open Every Weekend BugattiIlla In toughest at in tin world NOW IN ITS 3rd WEEK 79pm THE Cumm Cmny MIDNIGHT COWIOV pm CUCROOS NET pll DOUBLE FEAURE Roluud lhru llnrtsd Mats MIDNIGHT GOWB MURDER IY DEATH 725 THE WAY WE WERE By the time the worlds greatest detectives figure out whodnnnit you could die laughing abs4w 52mrsmazw we

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