Ys plea for tax exemption at meeting of commission ORILLIA The YMYWCAS in Barrie Orillia and Midland made plea for property tax exgmption here Thursday wed in Representatives asked the commisswn to recommend ex emption in its report to the government later this year Helping the Barrie state its case was Violet Campbell of Melrose Avenue single parent Ontario property tax reform of fourboys If the YMCAS existence is threatened because lit has to pay tax she said more youngsters are likely to end up incriminal court Because of their financial position Mrs Campbells sons were sponsored and did not have to pay to join the YMCA initially she said The Barrie now nsors 200 poor or delinquent ildren director Ed Mnyhcw said Mr Mayhew said an annual ap peal to city council for an ex emption or grant is not do Silllllc This could put the in precarious position as it would depend on response attitude and interest of the elected representatives at the time of HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER SPECIALS who they last per single rol Reg to per skigle rol leg Apply cork to any surface by roller at less than sheet price types in stock choice of color in one type NEW Selfvulcanlxing coating and texture tread providing nonskid sundecks steps porches boat decks boat docks cabin tops diving boards liquid carpeting for patios etc use on wood concrete and metal surfaces as well as canvas and roofs swimming pool decks fabrics Approved by CMHC No 6547 ALSO AVAILABLE Building supplies PANELING Ho seconds Brick from per carton Fieldstone suggested retail our price 95 per carton weather proof hardware plumbing electrical carpeting cushion floor tools decorating supplies vanities ceramic tiles mirror tiles lighting fixtures by Classic shutters etc FREE HOME DELIVERY AT 49 ESSA ROAD YOU CANT AFFORD TO IGNORE THIS AD 7371821 Your Good Neighbor Decorating Building Centre Donna Cornish Idecorating Consultant ori staff FREE PARKING each application and thepro blems facing city counCil in order to make proviswns in its budget Other sources of revenue would include higher member ship feeS thus destroying the total concept of community Supported charitable organiza tion Mr Mayhew said and united Appeal funds 4rv1t tnt wt waar¢tmn= 114 4lta He noted that the United Ap Midland and Orillia while al has difficulty in reaching its pesent financial targets PARTIALLY EXEMPT The YMCAs in Barrie Orillia and Midland are all at least paritally exempt from paying roperty tax but for differen reasons Acts of the legislature 5t yers aao exem ted the in municipal bylaw has exempted the Barrie since 1966 The brief to the commission With the hardship of pay ing taxes on the Grove Street YMCA property there is fear that the assets would have to he fortfoiled to thr govern merit in Itlitllll of tux pay ment the lion in Iii lei stated An outstanding value from Singer that really makes the grtitltl lust ltlfll at the features you get on this MW anything that hint limit in straight Iig lag and llllilllfll stitr lits laniritis Singer ltlllllllt lftt lrUlll lftliirlll ltllll iiil lllt lllllltilll tiritrtil intl ptislilititttiii ftrtft irltttllt INHIIIIIIIX tlllllgN tor tuiiiplttt flllit til talirit NtlulliN llli lititttitilitilts till liutttins titltt iittintiiuaiiix iiil llltlltl irixiiit lt tir taluntt ttri txitlitiiit itlar lllllti it lIil ltllltill latv III at tirin mm at VfillT ritutr in iiiwi ttirt iltl tiiill In irigtr at tltw lltlll til llll lil itir itllltl Then if the government took over the facilities the total concept of volunteerism would be lost and the cost to ad minister the rograms and ser vices wouid ar exceed any tax concession John Gammell Midland SINGER siiiit unite and partit mating Apprtinl Itlltf At Singer you get what you pay l0rand little bit more If you are aboutL tobuy new or used car MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION specified parts Backed by MOTORS INSURANCE CORPORATION Subsidiary of GENERAL MOTORS CORP 36 MONTHS on 36000 MILES MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION Fm NEW CAR BUYERS NOW AT GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD Mechanical Repair Protection for your new car WHEN WHERE How you want it Effective right now when you buy new car at our dealership you can also buy lowcost protection against the cost of repairs or replacement of maior engine transmission drive axle steering brake electrical system air conditioner subiect to small deductible The protec tion is effective for 36 months or 36000 miles whichever comes first ex cept when breakdown is covered by the manufacturers warranty And it even provides for reimbursement of up to $l0 day up to maximum of $50 exclusive of mileage charges for each period for car rental while your car is in the shop for at least one night for repairs of covered parts We of fer you the added security of this lowcost protection because your satisfaction is our main concern AVAILABLE ON ALL OUR NEW CARS I44 Bradford St BARRIE ONT FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT USED CAR ECONOMY izlié l2 MONTHS OR IZWO MILES MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION FDR USED CAR BUYERS WITH NEW CAR PEACE OF MIND Pick any of the used cars listed in this ad and you can buy Mechanical Repair Protection which protects against the cost replacement of specified major parts whichever comes first In addition car rental reimbursement protection is included provision youll appreciate in the event your vehicle is laid up at least one night for repairs of covered parts 50 come in and let us show you how you can sign away the cost subiect to $25 deductible of most subiect to $25 deductible of repair and for 12 months or 12000 miles maior mechanical repairs on quality used car CHECK THESE USED CAR BUYS ALL ELIGIBLE FOR MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION I974 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 27000 ails im comm COUPE in 7000 1915 BUICK LESABRE moo l975 ammo 20000 mi I974 DODGE CHARGER 14000 ails I975 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 5000 ails I974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE dr 10000 aile Ask about the protection that makes any used car deal good deal better GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD 7261885 on qi BThe Market Place Wednesday Sept 1976 1974 PONTIAC lEMANS 31000 ales I973 BUICK CENTURY REGAL 000 Ides at w4v president said he sees no pro btem in applying annually to town council for tax exemption Our concern is that it means another added expenditure we would have to go to the cornr munity for That makes if harder to provide services Credit terms available