GRADE FRESH FRYING CHICKENS Predressed 23 LB SIZE Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS 74 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Frozen Store Packed Hamburger Beef Patties By the Piece Choice Bologna LB Store Packed End Slices Side Bacon Chicken Tortlere or McOuaIdes Beet Pies pies Hot or Sweet Italian Style Sausages Sliced Luncheon or Chicken Maple Leaf Lunch Meats 12 oz pkg Everyday Low Prices On Poultry Arlstocrate CHICKEN LEGS Frozen SOLD IN LB CTN Frozen Predressed Canada GRADE YOUNG TURKEYS 810 LB SIZE Round Bone Shoulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS 74 Cut Irom Canwawal BoneIn RUMP ROASTS Cut Imm Canada GRADE Beel Mary Miles Fisniit toga Wieners Sirloin 1L8 PKG Steaks us Swllts Premium Cut from Canada Sliced W2 Porterhouse Steaks Cut Irom Canada Cooked Ham GRADE Bee Thaw and Enjoy Cooked oz pkg LB59 Prime Rib Snow Crab Roasts Legs LB The King ol Roaata From the Sunny Caribbean Caribbean Queen Sh rip kilo 22 lb ctn LB38 Famous lor Quality Sliced Schneiders lLB PKG Store Packed Highliner Fish Cakes La Sliced Boll in Be Shopsysg Corned Beef 42 oz pkgs Famous lor Quality Cut Irom Canada schneiders TQRADE Baal Broising Skillet Strips Ribs LB Famous Ior Quality El CAIN McCain Schneiders GRADE Beet Cheese Oktoberfest Round Steak roni Pizza Sausages L8 gagglgum LB begin sweet Pickled Cut Irom Canada GRADE Beel GEsRib Roasts Schneiders Corned Beef Previously Frozen Beef Liver LB Steaks ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT T0 SEPT 14 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE IN BARRIE AT BAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST NORTH or HWY 400 we RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES The Market PIoce Wilsons CHICKEN BREASTS Frozen SOLD IN LB CTN Genuine Spnng Lamb FRESH LEG oLAMB WHOLE OR SHANK HALF 188 Canada Canada Genuine prlng Lamb Fresh Shoulder Lamb Chops Lamb Chops L32 8233585ï¬Ã©c3ab Fresh Rib SA5IErï¬all Fresh LOIn Lamb ChopstIsa Szaziï¬atiaicta Fresh boneJn AVAILABLE AT OUR SERVICE DELI SHOP Store Sliced Mixed Cold Cuts Headcheese beer tyroler blood tongue Thurlnger GI summer sausage LB Store Sliced Mixed Salami Cervelat Hungarian pork German genoa achlakwurat LB This button Indicates the expiry late at the reduced price prices as low as or lower than those of any other major food chain Stewing Lamb Ll348 Wednesday Sept 19767 RENTALS APTS T0 RENT tment UNFURNISHED bedroom apar with stove and relrigerator Utllltles itll cluded and parking Marrled coup prelerred Available anytime $225 per month $100 deposit Adults no pets Telephone 7265844 APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED bedroom apartment wanted by working gentlemen In Ber rie area Please telephone 7373147 belore330pm STUDENTS wishing to share house or apartment Please telephone Frank 106425 ROOMs To CET CLEAN BRIGHT furnished rooms Shared kitchen and bath Central loca tion Hamilton Real Estate Telephone 7371000 FURNISHED ROOMS central parking kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults 726 7l86 BRIGHT CLEAN broadloomed rooms kitchen Iacilities Responsible adults prelerred Central location Telephone 7373931 Availaboe immediately ROOM AVAILABLE tor clean working gentleman in quiet private home Tele phone7288365 BAYFIELD MALL area bright clean unlurnished rooms private bath relrigerator suit or singles no children or pets Apply 154 Daphne Cr YOUNG COUPLE has rooms to rent 737 3495 FURNISHED ROOM to rent central location linen changed weekly kitchen facilities Telephone 7237427 ROOM AND BOARD STUDENT OR WORKING woman re quired to exchange room and board for evening babysitting large bedSIttlng room non smoker 726271 ACCOMMODATIONS To SHARE YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to share with same Telephone 7260439 BUSINESS GIRLS Furnished modern bedroom house in residential area10 share with working girls All conve niences Close to malls college Rent reasonable 726 MW between and pm gt mv SINGLE WORKlNG girl is looking Ior others to share rustic bedroom Iur nlshed larrn house on 50 acres miles lrom Barrie Animal lovers welcome Please call 728 8828 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME lNDUsTRlAL SPACE 3100 19500 Sq It lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks I6 It clear part ol large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 HOUSES TO RENT BEDROOM storey brlck home in Thornton available immediately $250 per month plus utilities Call Al at 726 7949 or 7737 1771 0R0 STATlON new split entry bungalow bedrooms recreation room carpet throughout large garden acre lot No pets References Telephone 487 2942atter6pm gt TWO BEDROOM bungalow pc bath broadloomed garage 9th line 06 lnnistil $265 monthly Available immediately Telephone 4363276 BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT View Large bungalow in Oro Appliances drapes and broadloom Suitable tor exr ecutive lamily Lease references 416 249 9528 777 4875788 weekends BARRIE FERRIS PARK bedrooms semi detached semielinished recreation room l59 Daphne Cres $300 monthly Telephonel 416 532M679 NEW HOME bedroom sidesplit large lamily room lully broadloomed baths private lot garage mear Georgian Mall Available immediately $380 mon thly 4l6 576 8420 or 4162230633 collect HOUSE FOR rent at IRS Toronto St bedrooms new boradloom garage close to schools Call Jim Cross at 7283293 rep Norman Shelswell Realtor DELUXE TOWNHOUSE Fully broads loomed with bedrooms IV baths garage close to schools Available im mediately $300 monthly Telephone 716 0350 BEDROOM townhouse includes stove relrlgorator washer and dryer Avaial ble October $300 monthly year lease Telephone Simon Beekhuizen at Leo Geodemondt Real Estate Ltd 7284067 BEDROOM house for rent excellent condition Immediate possession Close to school and hospital For more in Iormation call 726 7l4l NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in OIIIIIB Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove lully broadloomed to your choice ol color Located south of Hwy l2 bypass between Gill St and Forest Ave Telephone 325 96 anytime ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Detached backspllt large bedrooms living room dining room plus spacious kit then with eating area Double garage $310 monthly Telephone 737 3969 HOUSE FOR RENT Six room brick Grove and Baytield area Immediate possession Telephone 7266636 alter noonsonly BRAND NEW Townhouse Ior rent in ex clusive location For more inlormation call 737 1981 days 726 3432 evenings Ask Ior J00 OFFICESVSTOREASM FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED ottices luxr uriously decorated parking very reasonable rent Telephone 7373700 COMMERCIAL BUILDING Ior rem Ideal for oltice space Located on Fern dale Drive Parking Asking $300 mon thly Available October Telephone 726 7950 FARMsFOR RENT if 40 acre term with bedroom house and brand new barn 48 32 Stayner area Telephone 726 8733 or 4285446 AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKSAND TRAILERS 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 835 2308 1970 F700 FORD single axle speed dump truck Heavy duty rear end $3700 certllled Phone 436l783 or 436 4945 ms GMC dump truck equipped in one way snow plow and wing air brakes power steering Good condition Telephone 705 322 2545 1955 30 TON KING FLOAT 18lootdeck tandem axle Michelin tires Excellent condition Call 705 32 2545 1971 CHEV single axle dump truck power steerInq side tanks speed transmissIon speed rear axle and low mileage Call 705 322 2545 1967 GMC Carry all 292 motor speed wheel drive hi lo range Warn hubs auxiliary rear healer posilractim no rust origlnal paint also 1972 ton Chev DII up long wheel base V8 automatic power steorIng and brakes radio Telephone 726 7379 1966 CHEV ton heavy duty van Io sale best oller over $200 Apply 23 Henry Street AUTOACCESSORIES VOLKSWAGEN TIRES Used tire clear out snows and summer tires $200 to 3800 While they last Kerv Johnston Motors Gowan at Essa Rd CARS WANTED TO BUY TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728IIIII JUNK CARs WANTED Highestmpricres paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 B7 TRACY WANTs cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLES wantedtop prlée paid tree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars And trucks wméa lor wrecking S25 and up Fast pickup 424 5949 or 435 6322 or 73725 SlIAKELS WRECklNc and Towiil scrapmetalcarsboughtoverscales ton 4360677 SNOWMOBILES LARGE DUAL snowmobile and motor cycle trailer large l4 Inch wheels removable box sides hl lo sly Asking $250 Mnkeoller 728 4206