2The Market Place Wednesday Sept I976 Tax credits are asked for Sandycove people DRILLIA liinislil thanth lIhln In Minimum eie souiieil ants residents of San IIIl dycove Acres mobiio ham to INntIII omitt on um love park Ham rm munlml it the Art equally it all nilill MONTHURS am pm FRI9amiOpm Sat am8 pm and schm tnxcredits senior titmm Rm tt rut In brief Irsnid illilkiliJnItIIIIi ltiTIlilll Int am7 pm iitOlttifl Hi the Ontario He appeared it Hit IttitlI reform Hitnixstnn Immm iitl titttir tint IIIIItlI said ntnhilv ham In resultiii til ritttivemi quality ts sat new and tmrntliitt Iltftllti ltii preSeiit so no on llVIlI ls Lanimet iJVlli Qltthlmittd liy eonmn 1w vli sandytnut vnw rlHHlINIflflllttIIIiIH development ot tlnitwt Too WW II Ill Il hnnleV Inhiihlitd mosth Ivl ill tIli IlilIIIIEI It senior eitwens WIth in it OSIvIIUII Vim miiiriit in tm Mun IitliII UHtIpIIthy IItt Iain IIIl It fllVlil in this nluimn mwmtlt Illlllt new fl it at twin Canada Grade Beef SHORT RIB ROAST Cut from Canada Grade Beef POT ROAST Cut from Canada Grade Beef BLADE ROAST in Order that those pviwm lI Loney Dermott passes at Alliston hospital VI IN IHVI KTlil ten IIII Atttillw tI IlIUHIEII vl tl lli known resident Mini no not up it IllNtl mun Vermont in Mtitttlttiii IIUKIHI ri3t Hm Amway iii IVtVH ll ittntn IIittyMII ittti IU int UHy Mile llI tli lIttui imtntlt ttmutt atomic ii Mtietit ItIIi pt hr WNW ItIltI fi Im Inauvh thy HWHL In iltlllVt Snail More oi rt Illnts int hwillu In Itigtl Uh NHL Hwy ago tttt JII not Isntitflh Hmwtmt UH Pmflhmm LB prame lump MIN Km wflxdwlm Patinawt mt tam HH UH NHHWV ltttav ltlliI1r ttiwi it yet no éiï¬tni an tlu in In tti Km WW II le it mu all 3I°d° 3° IIfmtd Blade Bone Removed Boneless Waste Free iiI llllft Iti yllti CIIIVI IIlI In KIIIIt tiitIII Kl utt IIHII iim lvtlftIiit IltW iI tlltt uhi ltiu hm Ii1 Sn itt ll hsui llii in FirIii ziitl lititluix Wii will Our Meat Dept NOW SPECIALIZES IN CUSTOM CUT FREEZER ORDERS we handle only the best beef moms or SIDES or HINDS or money can buy Canada Grade éJ ti Ui Humor mil Marion ins 3313 at Shanty Ra navy Wm gt1 ttttt3t Beef No extra charge for ert tlltl children ol ttvi cutting to your specifications Mt tiixtMrs lielinas Soiiiei Tin je gt tios is lllt isited their Milllilrliiw doe 1K net wwrientl and laughter Mr and Mrs tin titaim oiillt ln lioli McLean iii loionto last the intn gttliti dn ision Jack week 1lod donned llarnltlsiner for Mr and Mrs Allan Latinier tlielatirils and Mr and Mrs Raymond In the regular mens section Sutclitle enjoyed trip to George Bedard and it Shier loheiinorylastweek reached the first tlight finals Mrs Zella Whiteside at Ont No New Meger the second flight Tom nie Palmer and friends from at locall Bell won the championship last Midland on an tlltiiillt day US No Sweet Eating Large Tropical year rentway this Tour through the and Steve Moth and Gary eompantedhersisterMrs len VI New England States and the Maritimes ltlktJllly Mrs Haze Boy ipawin Saskatchewan is visiting her friend Mrs Mina McKeowii en route home from holida in Monctoii ii CIXKSTUW Instruction Mr and Mrs Iraiik Backs of in painting and arts and crafts London and Mr and Mrs Allan Will he offered this fall in Rumble of lhoriidale were Iookstouin cent visitors of Mrs Flora Registration for oil painting Smith Miss Flora Smith 10LB BAG classes which start Sept 22 returnedto her lioineiii London W1 beaccepted on Wednesday having spent to weeks with Sept 13 at pm in ookstown hercousinSharonSiiiith Central School The fee is $25 Mrs ilalel Moriell has forlZlessons returned after two week The lollowmg eightweek holiday with Mr and Mrs leii courses are to be held in the Hoyle and family at ITlilikitilti Villagetiraftsman Miss Darlene Wright of Crochet each Monday 10 Markham spent last week Will amto123tipm startingtkt her grandmother Mrs Etta oldfashioned Christmas lleydon returning home with crafts each Monday and her parentszind other members KI Wednesdaytofizlttipm of the family who spent the Macrame Tuesday to 930 weekend here Mr and Mrs pm weavtng on frame Austin Rutledge spent an loom Tuesday to 930 pm joyahle holiday with members Limit of quiltingt each Thursday 730 to of their family in Nova Seotiii 10 pm this summer Mr and Mrs Alan Lennon of VENILRESCLLTB Halifax NS are holidaying COLLINGWOUD Staff with Elizabeths parents Rev The Senior Ventures club will and Mrs Shiltoii begin fall meetings at the All Mr and Mrs Edwin Slater Saints parish hall here on Wed spent Sunday with Mr and nesday Sept 15 at pm Mrs Jack Slater 593 Can Chain Price 67 Save Clarks Beans with Pork Cordon Bleu Stews BeeflrishChicken Hein Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce Kraft Macaroni Dinner Campbells Tomato Soup Campbells Vegetable Soup Lynn Valley Tomatoes Lynn Valley Peas lynn Valley Wax Beans Lynn Valley Green Beans Clark Whole Kernel Corn Aylmer Cream Style Corn Aylmer Peas Carrot Aylmer Choice Peas Seacliff Whole White Potatoes Green Giant Nihlets Corn Dixie Stems Pieces Mushrooms Aylmer Tomato Juice Saico Apple Juice from Conc Kraft Pure Orange Juice MEMBERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE COURT KEMPENFELT 1337 INDEPENDENT OHDILIC Ui Hiltllbllllts Dixie Home FRUIT PIES $I Apple Cherry Blueberry Monarch 10 01 ICING MIX $I Chain Price 45 Save 35 Il CHANGE OF MEETING PLACE 181 AND 3rd WEDNESDAYS AT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL IEICZT ST BARBIE 300 pm NEXT MEETING WED SEPT 15 l976 YOUR ATTENDANCE i3 NEEDED Monarch lo 01 CAKE MIX Savarin Frozen MEAT PIES Kraft Pure Grapefruit Juice VB Vegetable Juice Welchs Grape Juice for IIIC Fm DrInk Chain Price 45 Save 35 Beef Chicken or Turkey Saico Pink Grapefruit Juice from Cone Saico Orange Juice from Conc Saico Fruit Juice from Conc Cudnoy Sliced Peaches Berryland Apple Sauce Palanda Pineapple Sliced or Crushed Kelloggs Frozen MINI PIZZAS Pkg of Choose or Deluxe 189 Jolly Miller Orange Flavor Stalls Chain Price 89 Save 2i armis