rdJrmWiuhfluhnï¬héflMw Ir 4WNWLM war utsL hwuï¬ihvefla lt€¢suu lt EEISMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAC IR I1IC REALESIAII PROPERTY FOR SALE ITEFSTATTTM 51400111111 STREET am 0593 DOWN PAYMENT BUILDERS ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Start building your equity in your own luxury condominium townhouse overlooking Lake Simcoe with low down payment or builders assistance styles priced from $46900 lst mortgage carries for less than $370 month and the balance can be held for years with no interest and no payments Drop down and we will be glad to explain in detail Its fantastic opportunity for you to buy your first home Call Collect 3259811 TF TF llllIllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIlllllIIIlIllllIIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllll Mason REAL ESTATE LIMITED TF MAGNIFICENT EXECUTIVE HOME overlooking Kempenfelt Bay Gra cious living room and dining room fully carpeted beautiful extra large kitchen with separate dining area with walkout bedrooms sauna inground pool Must be seen to be appreciated Call Wilma Bidwell 7261938 or7269135 No 1000 19 DUNLOP I1 716 1918 IORUNIO 164 My 16 AIPRAISINCJ AND INANCINC OPEN UNTIL $6900 full price Where can you buy roof over your head for this price Well this bedroom mobile in Angus can be bought for just that Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 MLS 2304 LARGE 1340 SQ FT older semi in excellent repair bedrooms dining room living room large kitchen and walk in attic All brick hot water heat sundeck off master bedroom stream on lot and single car garage Priced to sell at $33500 Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 No961 $2500 down on bedroom townhouse broadloomed throughout Large living and dining room baths attached garage Full basement Vendor must sell Asking $35900 with payments to suit qualified purchaser Call Maureen Maier 7261938 or 7286294 No985 S7 GEORGE WORRALL REALTY LTD 110 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7373200 Residential Farms Acreages rmStrun IOIERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR grr Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Tel ry Vogan 4562544 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Marilyn Mason 7262895 David Wigiey 7263497 Thomas Brolley 7282994 Paul Dumoulin FRl Grace Brolley 7282994 CRA SRA 7370731 Bradley Watts 7287209 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Ernest Watts 7287209 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Tony Pomeroy Allan Thompson 7281024 Mortgage DeP 7256964 REALTOR ASSOCIATES LTD AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES Dora Barreto 7288927 John Thomson 7287177 7287177 TF Joanne Thomson Young Bi ggin LIMITED REALTOR 7371101 riomn TOR SALE have seen the rest come and see the best REAL ESTATE ONLY 17 UNITS lEIl PRICED FROM $37950 $950 DOWN 10V2 MORTGAGE 22659 MTHIYP GEORGINA GARDENS and ol Ini PIIJUTI Cu Sll00l Shopping BII stop at door Tnvrrl drive Scililed lot 1152 Swininiiiiq liwl fuly Hi tiiiiiiiil AGENTS ARE WELCOME RESALE VALUE GUARANTEED Sales office and models Open II to daily and to Wtekentls or call for special Showing 7371981 10 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service ACll Fl It LEMTA filllMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE Hit801 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF COUNTRY LIVING 11 garage is rllllultll from cedai LIEk NEW SPLIT ENTRY l3111rLtt llliil LTll bungalow with attached lino iiiili 200 With tremendous view If the City and situated on large lot wallaJ ii it lugi Windows patio door to cedar 1911 mi Iigi lllilOlIOOITT and colors only 549900 227 WARNICA ItiDIIX but Illirk bungalow with garage finished hastimm 7L wan14th bedroom fieldstone TllCplUCOIIIlllf1i ETIVilTPT glIOUSOCOllt0W MIDHURST Ili uu 1111111 of your choice on the lot of your Ll 1imalittoolockup stage and finish it yoursrlt mi Illlii to limose from 527 7263111 inï¬ll 75 BROKER Hfl11YlIiili14 pri Phalluiluimting Service ACRE IREED Li Tlr 1lt1iialv highway frontage $16 000 COLLIER STREIT ii limmy garage try $2000 downOwnrilir1vi BURTON AVLHIIT II ljll tirtsvmmit with re room poollBxjfl r112 at FERRIS LANT Ian ii 11 20 14 large living room and kitchen iiiit Anxious $34900 DOWNSVIFW DPTi in il etuiey lovely lot close to school Oill il1il at war IQ $43 900 FERRIS LANE iw NIl ziw hJriririinw basement owners anxious Open for ifr S7 Marg Wood no to 487 3148 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Esther Kennedy 12 54 Bob Sounders 7263883 Bill Stewart 728 113 L00 Cavanaugh 326 120 Ross Botslone 7263043 TF with car about ngIplliSz 47 IgtILIER ST CORNER Of OWLN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESIATE NEEDS Bill McCreaiy 7111 186 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MarQuniriu HI iIITFI Helm Hopkins 7281662 George Wilscn 191 Audrey Marshall 4362880 TF NORMAN 168 Awe SIIESWELL EAST REALTOR Haiti Weekdays 910 Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Peter Sholswell 7282930 i700 Phil Franchette 7282619 Roger shelswe 4874920 Loaï¬ng snagzttn2 DOVld Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 replaces $45000 Also halt acre lots Jim Cross 7762159 $5000 each Telephone Toronto 494 829 TE EAST 7282419 PROPERTIES MORTGAGES Mabel Marshall 7268603 Lois Stansfield 7288082 Lorena Coulson 7260423 Edith Binnendyk 7263679 MWFTF LIST BUY OR SELL WITH LEON Houses can be finished to your specifications $1200 SUBSIDY which brings your Interest down to I04 main stw statMlle 0110 4873437 Century brick home nestled among mature maples on large scenic lots just south of Borio car garage with double paved drive large inground heated pool must to see and priced at only $99500 ORO BUILDING LOTS 015 acres with septic approval and survey asking $17500 Well treed lot with 100 It fron toge$12000 Just listed acre building lot fronting on year round roads sacrifice at $8500 5710 COREY REAL ESTATE 93 DUNLOP STREET ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD LBIIRRIE PROPERTY FOR SALE ON KEMPENFELT BAY Cottage near Shanty Bay Lot 100 210 Private road prime area $30000 down balance 10 Phone 7265037 515 $43900 Niw sinqln trimin homes under con strurlinn Georgian Colloon area thlIl10H Pratt Homes 728 1259 NEAR LAKE 9111 Con ot Oro storey ll1YT1niWIllITOLKIIOI your old Ask VIIIL $61900 VIL Donor Viau Real Estate 72674230r7261771 DOWNTOWN Commercial Location ldial Illdll or oltice settinq10 per cent Iinani inn available Bob Urry Viau Rtdl Estate 726 1771 or 728 5811 $33500 IWO BEDROOM Aluminum IIltil hunqalnw Big Bay Point lm inarulatr conrlition Garage Attractive mounds Bob Urry Estate 776 1771 or 728 5811 BUILDING LOT $12000 100 181 with srptir IIITTII Located in quiet village near Darrin Terms Bob Urry Viau Real Estatir 726 1771 or 728 5811 PRIVATE Four bedroom storey I1ousrnvar Georgian College per cent Iirsl innrtqaqn assunw present mort man With or without down payment $50900 Tollphant 728 1632 PRIVATE SALE Must sell Income pro porty Livv in modern bedroom Viau Real liorni East end Income $220 monthly to any mortgage Otters wanted Tole evenings STUCCO STOREY and halt house baths hardwood and tile Iloors attached Borries One Man Real Eslotr liirn PROPERTY r011 SALE garage paved drive Mortgage can be arranged $39500 52500 down 728 4059 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Sept 197617 Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 llll HOME OFFICE AND THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE 7R nruLh REAL ESTATE EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Here is the house that Is priced right and has everything essential to making happy home nice lot lots at room trees close to schools and shopping and ready for you to move in Ross Burwell 4589248 ACRES NEAR MIDHURST STATION bedroom storey home aluminum siding pine floors in spacious living room year round stream good garden soil This property is in A1 condition BACK SPLIT SEMI now vacant Owner has listed at $38500 in order to have fast sole Immediate possession For the above call Har vey Weber 4363815 BEDROOM 12 STOREY EAST END 14 pc bath living room kit chen family room one living bedroom apartment with exterior Stairway outside has pc bath kitchenette stove and fridge Ren ts for $1400 month GILL ROAD MIDHURST bedroom one storey with ft crawl space has pc bath laundry room off kitchen living room with fireplace dining room sliding doors to sundeck For above call Gerald ONeill 7267733 WHISPERING TREES Beautiful home professionally decorated bedrooms family room with fireplace WANT TO BE CLOSER TO TORONTO Just north of Cookstown Huge 3000 sq ft of living area on1 acre of land with pond GOT BOAT Just few hundred feet to launch it from this cute br bungalow on quiet street south of Barrie For information on above Call Mike Lysabild 7266054 WORK FOR YOURSELF Yes you can earn enough in year to pay for your investment in this restaurant located downtown real going concern $16 $17000 will take it NEW LISTING ON MARSHALL ST Asking $55900 for this bedroom home with 4th bedroom and beautiful rec room downstairs 24 pc baths attached garage and immaculate condition Good mor tgaging NICE CLEARED ACRES with older brick farm house which is presently duplexed Could be converted back to single family dwelling by the Vendor Asking $58900 but open for offers For above contact Jim Harris 7267173 $2000 DOWN bedrooms baths includes all appliances drapes broadloom must to see Contact Ross Miller 7261881 MUST BE SOLD Large bedroom with kitchen Very attractive and well kept home on landscaped homesite Reduced to $54000 Owner moving out of town Ask for Ron Jones 7268997 S7 Ross Miller 7260563 Ken Miller 4361431 Al Rose 7288116 Ron Sproule 4873715 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Harris 7267173 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Ron Jones 7268997 Cec Cooke 7283036 Percy Ford 7287930 Ron Thorne 7288714 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Ross Burwell 4589248 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Rob Knapp 7267294 TF LOTS FOR SALE Churchill 4th Line lnnisfil Approx acre Roads and services in CAIRNS LTD 45623107370302 OR Toronto Line 416 4962311 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD 5T BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hoooy 7280676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman Mchllan 7268957 Larry DoWlldo 7283253 Bruce Loffln 7287741 Chuck Lambert 7288m1 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Lorry Brewer 7289745 3m curt 7284067 Harry Moglll 7263864 John Colwoll 7267726 Simon Bookuizon 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 7R iuullrm Ianrv Lvo PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 1169200 180 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PW LNLL INNISF IL TOWNSHIP bedroom bungalow Wood panelled throughout Well tread lot 100 150 drilled wetland septic Detached garage Asking $44900 Telephone 726 5557 ELABORATELY FURNISHED Cxecu tlvo home on laketront Oro Station Im mediate possession married couple on Iv no pets reterencos $350 monthly Telephone 487 3927 $39900 BRAND NEW bedroom 1000 sq It home low down payment call Al Beacock Rep Unigroup lnc RE Broker 737 1771 or 726 7949 $13900 95 162 It lot in Oro Vendor may hold mortgage call Al Beacock Rep MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately avallablo with competitive rates REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646624 NEW OFFICE HOURS Commencing Tuesday September our office will be open from 900 am until 900 pm Monday through Friday and from 900 am until 500 pm Saturday QUIET SETTING New level side split bedroom family room with fireplace walkout Only miles from city limits For more details call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 87 TOWNHOUSE LOTS King St Midland full service available On the lake Town approved Asking $6000 per unit Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 PORT SEVERN LODGE Getting into buriness for yourself Try this year round 10 room lodge which is completely furnished Excellent shape Situated on acre with lots of parking To see call Sue Dren nan 7370437 COUNTRY LIVING $2000 DOWN bedroom bungalow large kit chen dining room and living room miles west of Barrie 170 175 Don Allan 4872412 LAKEFRONT 12 ACRES 11th Innisfil Estate sole Make an offer must be sOld Main cottage fireplace bedroom sleeping cabins boathouse workshop double car garage very private Must be seen Derek VernonBrowne 7265551 VALLEY DRIVE models up 45 bedroom large custom homes being built Ravine treed lots baths circular oak staircases double garages many extras Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 728 4401 S7 MORTGAGES MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts lOW monthly payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction lurids tree actsice til We have ready cash to purchase itioflgageg MORTGAGE FUNDING try us 129 DUNLOPST EAST calAWm BARRIEONTARIO HOW TORONTOVONT 726 0981 Phone Servrce 363 3421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 347 BAY STREET Tic MORTGAGE SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible roles Immediate Commitments Available 24 his day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7264491 BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398 TORONTO TThSTF MORTGAGE LOANS Available Funds For Residential and Commercial Mortgages Prime first 72 °6 Head Office Toronto 95 NHA LOANS First mortgages from 111 Second mortgages from 12 Seconds years 15 equity 137°o completely open Five years 25 equity 12s Existing mortgages purchased for cash Residential Commercial In Immedole °°m dustrial Cottages Farms ml men Apartments Hotels Con dominiums Builders Loans Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Morris Pompili Existing Mortgages Purchased Morlgage Bmke Unlimited NHA and con MwFlSn ventional loans for maior deVelopmenl Planning and COMPARE our rates First second finermic onaysis ossisyonce third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd provided 737 1111 OPEN DAILY MORTGAGES bought and sold imme hate action conï¬dential DaVId Wass Real Estati Broker call 726 4651 evenings INVESTORS 151 2nd and 3n mortuauos VIIIGIIIQ trom 12 on cent up interest Call $111737 3453 am to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Call WM SUMMERS Barrie office 1161111 IIOMES 17057373451 91 Bayfield St ND Tuning After hours call 4240776 kmwxr RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes irst and Second Lid MORTGAGES ARRANGED SALE RENT Reasonable Rates Emmy arts an erv1ce Mo Exclusive Dealer For gages Purchased Bendix And Glendale For Cash Modular Homes Mortgage Lilo Insurance Northlanders Available Travel Trailers COrsag Glenette ygnot Terms Up To 15 Years Highway South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 Oflice Hours9am9pm TF by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage DCAL RETIREMENT bedroom RE Broker 7371771 or of Interest prompt com TRAVEhVIATE Moor 01050 5610 IQFOUD 05 or rent iday In cont Ictc home com 3900mm 51 30 PRIVATE SALE bungalow detached tull basement 726 7949 are con Bmkers Assocmm iori Barm Tom and pAwninu CO 34 For ult Vlllllruj 1111TIJT rarnLts throughout Garage Large quiet mitmonts an comp TF BBNIO 7264491TOODT0 03630398 BROOKDALE DR Tour1519 Banid Wen kept home In LOTS FOR SALE fldontlallty for ï¬rst SOCOnd and new ¢W eu av 50 Wll 2200 sq ft bedroom home 51606de out Price $42900 728 6064 mm hlrd morgags Zligegalï¬q LEAgf 337goilag lfoursi no on ourawn with beaumui view on RIVERWOOD FARM spotless home BUILDING LOT lnnistil Township °V main tloor Iamlly roomglass walkout to Asking 312000 Make an otter Vlau ALL rypgs or proper ruidon SECOND MORTGAGES gigs0cm 2ver Living pr mm EMOVNG It 1k lek HURRY over 00 mg unnI or huge deck trom kltchen largo liv1no Viau RealEstate726l77lor7261603 mordaland vacaflona nus NOT LATE REALTOR stone fireplaces Nicely 00 dining room comblnation tullv °m N° b°°5 Ltd can 119901 yoiiriréliiorrciiichmlSLt rluiorated kitchen includes PROPERTY FOR SALE OR WE ALSO buy exullng mor bmkerage orllnders auirements Call Harold tor appoint FOR PROMPT ATTENTION bum in d5hwoshe and bar rLnortanmnI 5611 orgizirgmfcal Estate RENT tgagos for cash fees Tame in 11 imi Aor 000 iiiqum par sou CALL 728 lO7l becuc 2V1 balhrooms com INTERESTED IN new home $40 000 BEDROOM 9le 59ml 99 fled OUR ADVICE FREE Boraow up tosls ot Barrie New harms Also used homes 1h Ir pletely carpeted with top to 50 000 range detached builder will 05 Imes 492 °m°unls °m°°° 773 6375 ST customize choicb 01 lots Please call Les broadlmmed Reasonable Ml CO lAN KERR over $8 000 HARDTOP CAMPER Joythrusli quallly broadloom walkOUl Wainwriohl737 7300 or 436 2396 Federal ceplm sanlord 30 ca 7371881 sleeps WTY trig Inlflidpoutsidt gag 728Bflloafler6pml 15year amortization lioiit faitiily room to beautiful TrustRcaltor HOME 87 5385 stove automam mum wamrobe dt rt 110 money tor gmund kdnev shaped SifléBï¬Oï¬rï¬1821521125203512 KINZIE LIMITED HOUSEHOLD mm Itlilv Yod Cmllï¬lelY lon dition steLI barns and shed years old CORPORATION LIMITED GLEN HAVEN 12 partly turnished EAL iprd with fence Attached Suitable tor any purpose acres maple 07 Du °P Ea $8000 tltltt Ttll10nt 327 1362 alter bush BARRIE duubk car garage BY up acrs pas ure an gar pcn BARRE 250 pm Wm VI lemme 72 97 EXCELLENT INCOME tor experienced Numb Ontario Mortgage °P 99 95 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APERSONMZFD CL IJOHIWHOH7189500 ATTRACTIVE bedroom bungalow restaurant operator and tamity 726 6534 WANT ADS APPRAISALS MORTGAC 7284294 PHONE 7370468 Years Old broadloom large lot garage business to tease very reasonable Lals Broker Auoclntlon Mwi irl No basement laundry room Duckworth 515 and Grove area Telephone 737 0693 Stunstleld Representan Corby Real Estate 7211 110112 or 72a 2417 112 PHONE 7282414 MW 529