Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1976, p. 2

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ANGUS Restrictions should be placed on camp ground proposed in Oro township accoring to Herman Van Wesenbeeck resources manager for the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority He said the campground pro posed on lot 15 Con two miles northeast of Crown Hill is not objectionable in principle CARE ADVISED But restrictions on perma nent buildings would be re quired because the area is in the floodplain of Willow Creek Mr Van Wesenbeeck said he would want to make comments alter development plan is drafted ro councillor Allan McLean member of the NVCA executive committee said the proposed location is no place for ganipground in lowland near Oro creek ORGANIC SOILS Oro planning board has asked the landowner Gary Lavender to obtain approvals from the NVCA and unions government agencies VAN WESENBEECK protect area Mr Van Wesenbecck said he would be concerned about any development in floodplain disturbance of organic soils ex Restrictions are urged for plan in cavation piacmg of drainage and silt deposits The NVCA is also expected to make comment on an in dustrial subdivision proposed at Guthrie public hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board will be held over that develop ment on Monday Sept 13 at the township hall fill Plan award for putting ANGUS Staff putting contest for the Molson award will be held at the sixth annual Simcoe County parthree golf championship tournament at Green Acres golf centre on LaborDay There will be competitions for men women and junior players in both low gross and low net classifications with trophies and prizes Plans have been made for the same day registration with tee off from am t01pm Presentation of awards is planned for pm Phelpston residents attend family reunion By MRS SAM ALLEN CROSSLAND Phelpston formerTVGuidecolumnist Volume Two of the family residents In and Mrs Lorne genealogy was available for the Doan Ellen and Jeffrey were rStime among 300 people at the Doan famin reunion in Norton Mass in August It was the 63rd reunion of descendants of John Doan governor of Plymouth in 1633 In bicentennial tribute large contingent of Canadian Doans joined their American relatives for trip to the Doan homestead and monument at CapeCod Featured speakers at the fourday reunion were Eleiior Doan president of the Califor iiia chapter of the Doan Family Association Gilbert Doan Tellon the the American Socie ty of Genealogists Doris Doan of Cape Cod David McFell of Toronto and Richard Doan The 1978 reunion will be held at Chapmans College Calif and anyone wanting to attend should contact Mrs Doan in Phelpston The Doans of America hope reunion can be arranged in Canada at some time The Ontario reunion for the Doan family will be held at Spr ingwater Park Midhurst on Sept 12 VISITORS Mr and Mrs William Ferguson of Collingwood and Mr and Mrs Stan White of Wasaga Beach were recent guests of Mrs Sam Allen Ray mond Klein Gehbinck enjoyed trip to the USA sponsored by the Federation of Agriculture Marion Klein Gcbbinck was on vacation in New Brunswick Mr and Mrs Ross Pratt and son of Sunnidalc wcrc Friday evening guests with the Shcp pard family The Preston Doan family had party at the home of Mr and Mrs Gerald Kitchen in Elmvale Mrs Russell McIIlvain and Agnes Hopkins wcrc Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs ch dull Mcltllwain and Mr and Mrs Ray chIlwatn and laiiii lv Signs have just been crcttcd marking thc hamlet of ross land Thc infant son of Mr and Mrs Calder Iltmtcr was bap tiscd Sunday at Knox lltgt byterianliurch COLDWATER NEWS By SIIIRLEY ENNETT Mr and Mrs Vic Connor have returned from trip to Watson Lake and Tungsten North West Territories to visit their son Gordon and family They also flew to Whitehorse Yukon and spent two lays in Edmonton as well as two days in Winnipeg where they enjoyed boat trip Mrs Archie Precce had her son Colonel of Dundas stay with her over Saturday night Sun day visitors included Mary Precce and Mrs Irenc Thomk ing of rillia nd Ivor Stroud and Mrs Stroud of Warminster Mr and Mrs John Woodrulf Mrs George Biggs and Mrs Lillian McFarland enjoyed day at the Exhibition in Toron to on Thursday Mr and Mrs Peter Mc Caskell spent the weekend along with other young people at cottage at Youngs Point near Lakefield guests of Mr Miles Ecclcstonc Congratulations to Arthur Dunlop of Coldwater who celebrated his 97th birthday at his Gray St hochugust 31 An Open Ilousc was held Sun day and about 70 family members and friends called to offer best wishes During the evening telephone call was received from his son Lloyd Dunlop of Moonstone who along with his wife Marguerite is vacationingin South Africa Mr and Mrs Ron McArthur and girls spent few days in Toronto last week attending the Exhibition and visiting with Mr and Mrs Gerry Lawrie and Sandra of Etobicoke Mr and Mrs Aubrey McArthur and family of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Wayne Thornton of Rich mond Hill The reminder of the week was spent camping at Ilepworth with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Jackson and family Residents of the village were saddened to learn of the death this week of Cyril Capling ol RR Wycvale Mr apling operated Caplings Grocctcria on the main street in the building which now houses OKEEFE CENTRE IRONT VONGE 161661 MOMTHURS EVES FRI SAT EVES 7677 SUBSCRIPTION SEASON BUY SHOWS AND SAVE LIBERACE DANNY LnRUE ROBERT ELIZABETH IDEAL HUSBAND lONDON PALLADIUM SHOW MORE snows TO BE ANNOUNCED 5400 3950 2900 21 00 00 4400 2900 2i 00 WED SAT MArs 4500 3203 QT 00 I700 UBSCRIBE NOWAVOID DISAPPOI TMENT Walter Dean Real Estate He leaves his wife Irene and son Robert Rev Charles Carter of the Presbyterian Church will be having holidays during the month of September Ile plans to visithisneiceinllalifax Dr and Mrs Sheppard of Memphis Tennessee have been visiting this past week with Mrs Rachael Devine and family and Miss Rosemary Sheppard at her cottage Dr Sheppard who is brother of Mrs Dcvinc and Miss Sheppard is retired professor from the University of Memphis He plans to visit his aunt Mrs Dorothy Flett of Kansas City Kansas on his return trip Mr and Mrs Orley Silk en joyed few days with Mr and Mrs Vallee Lovcring of Port Perry David Walker spent this week in Guelph attending an in surance course at TIAG ol ficcs David former office employee of oldwatcr Lumber will become oldwatcrs IAG agent upon the retire ment of his father Norris Walkerthisfall Tim Whitehead and his wife Valerie are staying at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Barry lrowell following their release from hospital Both were severely injured in an automobilc accident near Vascy several weeks ago Rev and Mrs William Kib blewhitc and daughter Susan have been holidaying at their mothers cottage at Milford Bay north of Bracebridgc dur ing the month of August Mr Kibblewhitc returned to his duties September Bothersome but saver OTTAWA CPI For lat0 stayers at Carleton University its lights out every hour on the hour after 11 pm Iimecontrolled light swit ches are one of the major con tributions to threeyear cam paign for energy conservation at the university While some professors grum ble about having to get up from late work hourly to switch the lights back on administrators happily point to the money they are saving It started in 1972 when faced with growing costs and tight ening in funds from govern ment the university started looking for ways to save They found one in cutting energy use The savings are es timated at $590000 annually James Whenham director of physical plant at the university says consumption of energy has been cut 31 per cent from fig ures for 197273 One of the big changes at the universityoverhauling its heating and airconditioning systemscost $74000 money provided by the Ontario cncrgy ministry It is expected to pay for itsrlf in three years as re sult of fuel savings Bay 7269944 CINEMA DOUBLE ri iantly understated movie out the human spirit an anthem really larnicr Ivyarea Davis righti confers with chairman Willis Blair during the public meeting held in irillia by the Ontario tax Ilcnry reform commission Mr Davis is one of 10 people on the commission which is holding 2i hearings across Ontario to hear public com ment on tax reform pro posals including full excmp tion for farmland Mr Davis is president of Davis Farms and Developments Ltd comssmzv cmmnm Cites fear of unknown tax Lack of information about the impact of property tax changes has caused the most concrn among Ontario residents ac cording to Willis Blair cliair man of the tax reform coiiiiiiis sion People are lcnilul ol lllt unknown Mr Blair said in an interview They have conic lo iiiidcrs land the devil in its present form but they are concerned about tlic lcvil they dont COUNTY GLI know MARKIZI VALl Mr Blair said new market aluc asscssmcnt information will be made public in Simcoe oimty in about one month but be said the data will be just general not dealing with in dividiial properties Mr Blair noted the concern among small businessmen and rcsort operators that ill changcs may hurt them in par lltllllll SES beef farm near Utopia He holds Centennial Medal awarded by the Ontario Agricultural College for ser vice to agriculture in On tario Examincr Photo WIDER BASIC But he said the taxation of government buildings should provide wider base for pro perty tax and will ease the burden on small businesses Well make sure the load is not undue there Mr Blair said he is pleased to see that small businessmen are better organized now think thats good They represent the community in so many ways Shrubs offered for greenbelt ANGIS lhc Alliston and District Horticultural Society has olicrcd to pro idc dallodtls lilacs and shrubs for lllt Alliston grtcnbclt along the UK awalts Rocket day MAMlillSlIZR IInglanil ttTl Britains thousands ol railway fans are getting all stcamcd up our plans to celc bratc the lay on Oct ii 20 wlicn George SltplitllHIIIS lar iiiotis Itockct engine bccamc train That was tllt day of the Rain lllll lrizils winn tliicc coin Xtiiigciiginm tlic llockct lllt Novelty and llit Siiiis laridl lined up on the prcscnt Man clicstcr Livtrpool liiic at ltain liill llicy raccd over l2 Illllt route to discover the best li ginc for the line and the Rockct left its rivals behind in Oct ti 1070 working rcpli as of the three cngincs draw ing larcpaying passengers in open wagons will run over the same 12iiiilc stretch cheered on by hordes of stcani fans It is expccttd the run will attract enthusiasts from Canada Aus tralia the United States and many other partsol tlicworld tint important dilfcrtncc be twccn the annivctsary trip and the original is the fare lii lllZit the rail trip from Manchester to Liverpool cost about sixpcncc Ill cciilst Today it is ncarcr t9 MIDNIGHT COWBOY PM THE CUCKOOI NEST PM FEATRE altoling ltone mmmiz iiiiimNioil sciiuzsmoui LILUIHKTION DUSIIN HOFFMAN JON VOIGHI MIDNIGHIW WILD AOAOIMV Boync River The cxcclitivc Ollllllllltt of tlic xottawasaga Valley on StltllilOIl Autlity will send representative to the societys Sept 24 meeting to discuss the beautification plan The conservation authority would have to look after plan ting of trees and shrubs but not tlicllowcis ICIlRIIStIlR UlllNthll Staff The Scnior Ventures club will begin fall meetings at the All Saints parish hall here on Wed nosday Scpt 15 at iii The lirst of series of craft classes has bccn arranged for Friday tit it MINOR IIOtKIIY WASAGA BEACH Staff Registration of players and coaches for the Wasaga Beach minor liockcy season has been arranged for Saturday Sept lit at the local arena ILOSCOINCII IltJllAlII Stall Iltis township council which is licadcd by ltccvc Donald Mac Donald will hold its next regular mccling on Iucsday Sept at its municipal olficc biiildinglicrc IO STAND AGAIN ICDGAR Stall member of ro council for eight years Deputy ltccvc tharlcs Simpson said he intends to stand for re election in the coming municipal otc iii the township Nominations will be made in November with the clcclion Monday Dec ti NIIW LOS WI ICLMVALlI Stall The um noun minimw AWARD VIII IM ICIV SOHO IIUT ICOII DOUBLE FEA are back again Flos Womens Institute will nicct at the home of Mrs II Smith on Thursday evening Sept 16 RAMA RIIIIVIZ LONGFORD Staffi Reeve Gordon McArthur who is coin pleting ius 11th year on Rama council is undecided whether to stand for rcelcction at the municipal voting in December Dcpiity Reeve Russell Cooper said he intends to let his name stand again BRADFORD LIONS BRADFORD Staff The Bradford Lions club will cclcbratc its 40th anniversary next year The club was formed in 1937 with the late Ioliii Rutherford the charter president WASAGA MEETING WASAGA BIIACII Staff public meeting has been arranged by the town council for Sunday afternoon at the Oakvicw community centre to discuss sewer and iier orojcct drainage road con struction official plan zoning ind other municipal issues The nccting is scheduled to start at pm MEMORIAL IARK ORILLIA Staffi Iudliope memorial park and motor camp on Atbcrley road here is nomcd ir onor of the late tutiiiopc prominent iii dustrialist who donated the original piopcrty for the pur posc loriiicr mayor he was also onetime member of the How Legislature and also the Inbtr of pasli nt federal ORDER BY DEATH 725 THE WAY WE WERE 9I5 TURE Brandon outlines policy for Coldwa ter annexation COLDWATER Staff We are fighting for the right of Col dwater to survive as self governed municipality and we intend to win said Reeve Earl Brandon defending the vil lages annexation plans The Coldwater reeve who is member of the county general governement and finance com mittee stated the buildup area in Coldwater and vicinitv would receive more services through annexation and he refuted charges these would cost more than if the same services were provided by the neighboring townships 0f the 1100 acres which Col dwater has been studying for annexation in Medonte there would be only 500 to 600 acres suitable for development after DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Saturday Sept 1976 Loney Dermott passes at Alliston hospital By MARGARET STOLTZ ALLISTON Another well known resident of Alliston passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital recently in the person of Loney Dermott after an illness of three months Sincere sympathy is ex tended to Mrs Dermott the former Sarah Burke who lost brother by death only week ago and also to their daughters Frances Mrs Jerry Mattoni of Painswick and Janet tMrs Michael McLaughlin of Alliston and the five grand children Also surviving are four sisters Mona Marguerite Mrs Knipe Dorothy Mrs Gordon Ferris all of Alliston and Jean Mrs Service of Beeton and five brothers Mur ray in Western Canada and Stewart James Lloyd and Leonard all of Alliston The funeral service from the John Thomas Funeral Home conducted by Rev Shilton of St Johns United Church was attended by large number of relatives and friends Interment was in Alliston Union Cemetery Sunday September will conclude the combined services of Knox Presbyterian and St Johns United congregations which have been held in St Johns for the summer months Knox congregation will resume services at the Alliston Public Marion wins at Shanty Bay SHANIY BAY Staff Shanty Bay golf and country club has new champion in the ladies section with Marion Robilard winning the 1976 title defeating Jane Young in the final The mens championship is due to be decided this weekend if the weather is favorable In the mens senior division Jack Lloyd downed Ilarold Stivvr for the laurels In the regular mens section George Bedard and Shier reached the first flight finals and Steve Moth and Gary Megcr the second flight Tom Bell won the championship last vear the municipal 035$ savmgs loan corporation Find out MRRIE Dunlap Edit 72693 DARRIE Georgian Moll 7260304 MIDLAND 22 King Street 5269364 School until their new church now under construction on King Street is completed Mr Bruce Owen of Shanty Bay was guest soloist at last Sunday morn ings service PERSONALS Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rogers spent months vacation this summer motoring through the Canadian West and also visited places of interest in the United States including Salt Lake City Recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Roy Petcrman were Mr and Mrs Hayward of Esponola and Mr and Mrs Ralph Nero and children of Welland Mr and Mrs Delmas Somer ville visited their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Bob McLean in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Allan Latimer and Mr and Mrs Raymond Sutcliffe enjoyed trip to lobermory last week Mrs Zella Whiteside ac companied her sister Mrs Jen nie Palmer and friends from Midland on an enjoyable 12 day Trentway Bus Tour through the New England States and the Maritimes recently Mrs Hazel Boyle of Nipawin Saskatchewan is visiting her friend Mrs Mina McKeown en route home from holiday in Moncton Mr and Mrs Frank Backs of London and Mr and Mrs Allan Rumble of Thorndale were re cent visitors of Mrs Flora Smith Miss Flora Smith returned to her home in London having spent two weeks with her cousin Sharon Smith Mrs Hazel Morrell has returned after two week holiday with Mr and Mrs Len Hoyle and family at Frankford Miss Darlene Wright of Markham spent last week with her grandmother Mrs Etta Ileydon returning home with her parean and other members of the family who spent the weekend here Mr and Mrs Austin Rutledge spent an en joyable holiday with members of their family in Nova Scotia this summer Mr and Mrs Alan Lennon of Halifax NS are holidaying with Elimbetlis parents Rev and Mrs Shilton Mr and Mrs Edwin Slater spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Slater THE PERCENTAGES ARE WITH YOU WHEN YOU SAVE FOR VACATION wmi us Planning vacation getaway this winter Do it the smart way stan saving now in one of our highinterest bearing savings accounts By the time youre ready to pack up and go youll have saved enough to cover expenses and then some LUME IN AND MEET OUR STAFF AND OPEN YOUR NEW ACCOUNT TODAY GRAVENHURST I06 Mulkoko Rd 60722 ORILLIA l3 Mluluago St Eolt 32540 Lamado DopeIt Insurance Corporation highways roads railroads water courses and environmen tal protected areas were taken into consideration said the reeve DEVELOPER PAYS As in Medonte any developer who wishes to sub diVide any lands in Coldwater must pay 100 per cent for all water hydro sewer lines street lighting roads ditches culverts bridges fire hys drants must asphalt the roads and must pay the engineering costs as well he said In Coldwater the residential tax rate is 26 mills based on the new assessment In Medonte it is 1253 mills calculated on the old assessment it was stated Reeve Brandon reported the county assessment factor in Coldwater is 911 while Medonte is 147 Medontes adoption of developmentoriented secon dary plan for the area precipitated Coldwater villages annexation plans RETURN IDENTITY During the last provincial election Reeve Brandon took up the question of future Cold water identity in future restruc turing plans for area ad ministration and was given assurance that the village would not lose its status One of the older communities of the area Coldwater dates back to the 183239 era when it was part of an Indian reserva tion which extended from the Narrows plaque at the Eplett mill tells about this pioneer mill Coldwater has had village status and its own council since 1908 Before that it was police village in the township of Medonte Present population is around 900 people Craft classes to start soon COOKSTOWN Instruction in painting and arts and crafts will be offered this fall in Cookstown Registration for oil painting classes which start Sept 22 will be accepted on Wednesday Sept 15 at pm in Cookstown Central School The fee is $25 for 12 lessons The following eightweek courses are to be held in the VillageCraftsman Crochet each Monday 10 am to 1230 pm starting Oct oldfashioned Christmas crafts each Monday and Wednesday to 930 pm Macrame Tuesday to 930 pm weaving on frame loom Tuesday to 930 pm quilting each Thursday 730 to 10 pm 1o TEAM 35 09 MAY76 HAD mm 00 Dunlop St Ecol WIIE ONTARIO 73672

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