Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1976, p. 16

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Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc and £22259 960 tools com STOREY BEDROOM SPLIT ENTRY Endhbles mmémgé Mww sunroof Telnphone Garry anytime amng Telephone 779 7755 Near RELIEF from pain soreness tension 54 322 1781 LQJFVEszlyMESRizYAzeiiLS mmes due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlfllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ixfzrayqfififzaflfTawugggkfggggmhr and female ready now Can be rigoszfigssiefiéJiéfigqégfiézgfioi Ca 5309 437 3133 232Lged phone evenngs weekends you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any RA IAN AF RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS AUTOMOTIVE 1975 tinge 33315 anicreanl 010333355221 BOWLERS WANTED 1° Sta Sev Privati fully equipped luxury auto in part Porn and part Pekingese male pup lember teams couples or singles perlmt condition 1976 Burck Sports Just 55 58 wk afternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl APTs To ENT APTS TO ENT ROOM AND BOARD MOTORCYCLES Regal to eqmpoed mm Manon PM Teepwne 93 72a 9761 LL We Pledge all 11 to pm tally lllitglam WANTED Spring Spane 99 Lalo UNWVAVNTEDWHVAIRTaprfifiemRTTSVER STUDdENT WORKING woman re 1974 SUZUKI GT 380 Excellent toncti 737 0954 AI This Price 200133aOOdncprgroyDbn20dléltfag1yl removed my permanemmhedical 053 rf20mrail17t1fot Mo 3900 telephoniJn 1267 1973 MERCURY MONTEGO station Mg Vgars old STCIeeghoneege 2469 Iy approved Lydia Hrenchuk Certlfied r0 si inu ISO HONDAMIQM ddmaqn MIN wagon DOWN bmkpg and formal EIectrologist7372671 om non smoker 726 2711 BUYER CHECK 1131 1110050 wukendsplcaw ¥m $61k irrii Telephone 726 3130 after 0de $7000 TtllDlOT 779 737 sAMOYEDPUPPY mal 9th RIDE WANTED daily to Orangeville ROOMS To LET ddymm In aqiwcmnm CKC Registered With papeers best otfzr Wm Share expenses or imp car poo 1975 SUZUKI 250 excellent on 1971 BUICK LlSabre comvertlble VNO payments till Oct on Telephone7269250 7371000 from 8000 mlltS bought mw July 1975 1913 VOLKSWAGEN Sumr Betllv whee same day delivery Moun Amp 473 3075 Emsdale or carnage747317 WNWH lances drapes included Next TO Stmcoe FURNISHED ROOMS central parking 000 58 975 mjzlTgymsLfifilzlgfwefgogfifip we service whaiwe Sp MAYS pOODLE pARLOR pm HAVE YOUR Christmas Party at kitchen privileges common 00 imp I975 KAWASAKI KZ 400 1300 miles an Tpmphonp 778 9577 may dipping and grooming ea Vespra Chalet Park Hwy 93 now tak Plaza weekly Responsmlv adults 31 000 Itflppmlnl 776 4015 dill W73 DODGE 0qu SE low sonablvrates Telephone 726 0061 99resell611054397383 LL TF FURNISHED or unfurnished room near mam Dow swmnq makes Win LLECTHOHOME Angus prefer younger person Linen SNOWMOBILES Arr grass £338135 22 kr LOST FOUNDELL FURNISHEDIbedroom bachelorapart ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent supplied room leaned wrekly on 7550 M72812 ment 12 miles north from Barrie abs East end location stove refrigerator Telephone424 6953 LARGE DUAL SnomeblIf intt motor gt09 USED 000 BTU Umaw good Work RINGh FOUND In InnIII ownshlp fainers non smokers 7288067 and parkingcloselo bus stopAvaiIabIe BRIGHT CLEAN moamoomw rooms ryclr trailer large 14 inch Wheels 1972 FORD Stationwaoon as is uncer mu Canadian wlm 200 qanon mm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Telep one 7260370 wee days EufimspedROOM em Name October Telephone728 1872 we 16005 mommy adv rvmovebll box 8005 lo slxlv Milne Ill099 5400 blsl olllr Telephone ms Telephone Ls LL September With fridge and stove sup preferred Central location Telephone 50 MWNHW 78 06 USED puRNITURE FOX AND Hound Ta Sh°p 519 BEDROOM APARTMENT available riding rqulpment and apparel Romnson plied In qwet burlding girls only 737 3931 Availabor immediately knchcn Smeboards perk Telephone 726 3257 mmwlaley 37 Includes refrigerator SE RVICE AND REPAIRS hardware Dunlop St Barrie 729 Stove heal and parking Bus stop IoCa ROOM AVAILABLE for clean working finishing In good condition Best offer 1431 APARTMENT FOR RENT storey or Nopeyspleaw Cam gentleman in quiet Drlvalf home Ttrle LE MANS Telephonl17281507 NEWHORSE TRAILERS 31 Sand bedroom broadloom appliances and phone 728 8365 EAU door hardtop whitt wrlh qutn Vinyl Us home Wailers ms horse Pafiglggviggr furlhel Inlormallon Please Two BEDROOM unsymmapanmemyo BAYFIELD MALL area bright clean roof and matching interior looks like horse any Excellom condihon rent parking stove and refrigerator all UMWWSDCU 100 PlValL Delft 307 VS mm 5nu Reasonably priced Phone 726 1551 UPPER 2bedroom apartment in duplex utilities includeg so mommy Allan refrigerator suit or singles no Metal flake andy appIt pearl and Hip power brakes radio white walls discs 09 St 000 In Dunn and pliances mu5ica instruments pool Execufive mxury ownhouses 737 3495 GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL good running condition asking pllCt table ceramics snow tires Sunset TRY and bedr FURNISHED ROOM to rent central AUTOMOBILES $650 Telephone 778 19958000r 59 Speedway Garage Hwy 11 436 3677 POUL CHICK ooms location linen changed weekly kiiriien ORV HARDY MOTORS 1966 CHEV IMPALA 293 power steer 23 FT 1975 Tandem Trailer fully equip LVn 125on to lay pullets Also farm fresh Prestige location latllities Telephoncnh 7427 mg power brakes motor and transmls pod awning TV aerial spare tire used was Craig Hume pouiyry Farm I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 sion good snows like new asking $150 twice 1974 Mercury snowmobile 440 16The Barrie Examiner Saturda Se 1976 PRICE APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartments 39370 CARS FOR SALE Westphalia fully equipped Excellent WIl 1970 FORD LTD4door 62000 milescer 70s 766 975 sepl 20m triflodh 5600203739 reasonable offer Now is your opportunity to 16pMOE1TE06R STATIONWAGON ex SANS MN learn square dance Cellont mechanical condition rieeds 80 pggpezgaéyvogkhigzlmggsfdPorefizsazzre 79 COLLIER SI BOX Sprlng EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums g38 C72 L°m° 436nm fish plants all accessories Lowest city or 67680 CHEVELLE MALIBUI door priceI43Ardagthd7260094 Located on Carlton Road one street east of Bayfield 98 BAYFlELD STREETBARRIE colored op Allandale area $205 monthly pay own hydroAppIyat51CampbellAve phone728 4271 altergaym Sunday BASEMENT ROOMS mm books available at Automotivi 1967 FORD MIGanqon no Handy nishmqs may be 1mm Sunfish glnlSLTCés and 75731721 Ltd 31 Toronto inLhanlcdlly A1 noras little body SET OF EISJCYSLOPEEIA iritanimlit eOaésofiréllgaoioiz329szsollectd ho Pow lmAzltJorrLInz good Topsy oun married rou or studr ts workasis$300 Teleptionr737 2445 0519 fl 51y 0y air all in ratne an epresen HOUSESTO RENT IOU In dale area Available immediately Tele OHSEUQFENI FURNISHED ROOM for rent lintn sup 1974 Austin MINI standard 39000 Try 300 55225 dscidr°¥ldn Eagfigigggssigabe young emae terview or write AVON PO plied 318 weekly Central l0fflllOn miles needs body work Uncertitied ars irye 05 or Box 485 Barrie Ontario Telephone 723 8454 Or 726 4882 URGENTLY REQUIRED Besloffer Telephone 728 9881 Lgasfgnllmdéafrfiggd SSHRVZESJM ggdARDED Telephone $25 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE SPACIOUS FURNISHED rooms lull For Borrios Nowost Car Doolor I969 TORlNo door lastnack 725 0963evenings FOR LEASE Most overlooking boy Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 restaurant and large banquet facilities The Free icku Telephone 726 8487 cast iron kettle S200 Telephone 726 7982 L2I6Y795ValldblL Orfober Telcp one SCRAPP VERHICLES wanmd on prices miles$1200 Telephone728 2470 anersp mv person we are looking for must be BRAND NEW Townhouse for rem fix HOUSE FOR RENT Six room brick did on immpdiae pmk dp anymw 1973 VOLVO I45 Stall W500 CB JUDO SUITS 3995 Addidas New machine Telephone Glen 7280139 workin Chet famhaf with mm am Clusive location For more information Grove and Hayfield area lmmediam 236 £900 tified excellent condition automatic soccer shoes size W7 650 CCM Tacks Low back anytime ice 7371981 days 726 3432evenngsAsk possession Telephone 726 6636 after COLE BROS Cars and Um wamw lTufil gnlnctgflkbgblm or best ollcf 50551871iongdyesspwpiesi1916 cost controls Excellent salary and profit orrJoez noonsonly 99 one Consolette hair dryer girls parka size in BEDROOM 5091 brle home In TWOBEVDROOM townhouse se arate wm ior wredng 25 and Up Fas plump 763 BEAUMONT CUSTOM C90 16 Gillette hair styler dryer Mens Shaf Thornton available immedialelY $250 entrances heated central adulfs no AUTO ACCESSORIES 590m 35 nor 255 307 PS PBradloVery owmieagc 55 baseball 5h°°5 519 900 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con 99 mom Ulllles Ca Al 09153710monlhlyTelephone7266708 SHAKELS IWREfKNh Tleggd TWY gearllcu fpddgcgmgg Cgdf condlllWTelephomm 9358 cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Phone Mr Harman SCIBD me COTS OUg OVCI 56 05 IFOUQ 0U Cf 19 Va 33394950337ng new 5pm em new HOME bedroom sidespiit large VOLKSWAG ton 434 3677 835 5940 galyGANrugholAgrfip galeéothrirsnsaélér Sundays Your containers bungaow memo0mg recreaion room gringyeropcmIggyaggoadrloggedéggfggsr ES 70 PLYMOUTH FURY iii drzsdn 313 painth Telephone 7760065 ius Teach goung GOVERNORS INN isJ°12°Siliif$20125 Mal mo mo swim RS zstsztthzdlzilaiziadmiral low 00 Rlll 09 itii 416 576 84200r416 2230633colect tires S20010$800while they ist erv LAWN SALELabo Da Mo da 487 2942atter6pm HY Johnsmn MommGowanamssa Rd 1972 CHALLENGER excellent condi saleWouldtakeold pick upor horse van 59 7053267343 NEW HOME for rent October ISI bedroom storey double garage Ask ing $350 monthly with option to buy For information come and see me at 46 Eileen Dr Barrie 10 am to 12 pm bed°°m5 new horadOPml gaaqev izzisgagignligggonrggmnchassis like tron Telephone days 728 7749 or even $22ooertiiicd335 5960 please Severen New Lowell Wednesday to Sunday 325 MOB rca Jém Egolss new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods 95776 0687 ANTIQUE SHOW and sale Sunday FORD tractors 8N and 9N with front Ladyhgentleman or couple If you are TWO BEDROOM bungalow pc bath Reanor 99 man swe Hillsdale 835 2308 I973 COUGAR door vinyl hardtop 59p 06 Cemre Easy Yonqe end loader 8N needs some motor work qualified and own car can show you broadloomed garage 9th line of lnnisfil $265 monthly Available immediately loomed with bedrooms 117 baths tion Iowmilea Tele M487 3507 part time basis Interesting challeng Telephone 436 3276 700 certified Phone 436 1783 or forfreeglft LOANMASTER Iorage boxes on artln garage close to schools Available irn mooon SHOWROOM uttsl 19 50 Year Old DIOQTDSSIVE Canadlan 1974 BOBCAT cry rad re poo ton wagons With 11L 15 tires EggTbsxdaloxlfiEngROAinbliahCegv 75Y 530° mommy Telephone 2734243065 Van paradise Mon Home mags and radial 17000 ongoiiigl milds display Come in LOG ca 726 06 aliihGLrfiathErEszorerdm illigdcbbacretmpsfiile °° mm beaors law le giwgfligiggpzimqggiflfig3255 Te 77 or free 32 page boo let of Inground and 32400 Harry Rawluk Sales and Service 95 drapes anp brpadlopgtésguitizlirlggczé low 113393 rxglilihiiyphcondigoyk Nuts ingsP ays 26 even above ground pools Pioneer Pools Telephone 728 2603 Newmmkfl 895 21 Career Box 968 Barrie ecu ive amllzj S788 weékends APARTMENTS WANTED steel be te room one een Bayman plaza BALL BUILDALL has openings for 416 249 95287 BEDROOM townhouse Recently re near 737 3287 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE miles west of Barrie Prefer 728 4397 anytime HOUSEFOR rent at 185 Toronto St couple Telephone DELUXE TOWNHOUSE Fully broad TREEin VTRUCKVS ANDTRAILERS 1970 F700 FORD single axle speed truck Heavy duty dump and pm in the evening 728 6225 flIllllllllllllllIllIllllIIllIllflIllIllllllIllllIlllllllllllIllIIllllllIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIllIIIIllllIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIllIlllIIIIllllIll1IllIIllIIIIIlllIllIIllIlllllIIIIllltlIllllllfllllllllllllllg $800 DOWN $1 150 WHEN YOU MOVEIN TO YOUR SEMI DETACHED HOME WITH YOUR CHOICE OF BROADLOOM AND PAINT POSSESSION SEPTEMBER 30 1976 OTHER POSSESSION DATES AVAILABLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS APPROX $335 INCL PRINCIPAL iNTEREST TAXES CLEAN BRIGHT furnished rooms Shared kitchen and bath Central loca tion Hamilton Real Estate children or pets Apply 154 Daphrtr Cr Private entrance parking on bus route Georgian kitchen facilities Available immediate Iy Telephone 726 6392 YOUNG COUPLE has rooms to rent OFFICES STORES CENTRALLY LOCATED offices lux decorated reasonable rent Telephone 737 3700 COMMERCIAL BUILDING Ideal for otfice space Located on Fern dale Drive Parking Asking $300 mon uriously PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ARTICLES FOR SALE MORTGAGES MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate tot and 2nlepon Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties ARTICLE FOR SALE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALES LTD To consolidate debts low monthly payments Compressors Drills Wheel Tractors Marine Barge tugs pump Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIEONTARIO 7260981 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 Coffee MORTGAGE SERVICES All Pieces only $4950 26inch Giant Color TV caiiiig for canalla RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible rates Immediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7264491 BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398 TORONTO GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mlx our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone7262951 CAMPING EQUIPMENT CAMPER 1974 Volkswagen and Mattress $9999 BARRIE POODLE Saionsnampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetEast72674141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio LAB PUPS registered shots tattoos wormed champion sired parents ray cleared Black SISOeach 705 4363 MALE LAHSA APSO golden amonin sedan Cylinder automatic radio in good condition CertiIiLd Telephone 728 8669 after 5pm 300 CUBIC INCH aluminium block for 66 Buick Skylark transmission included Telephone 726 2004 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK 33000 miles like new Telephone 436 1220 I973AMC Hornet Hatch back cylinder automatic radio in very good condition CANADA CUP HOCKEY SPECIAL l1 iTellphOnenb 7294 72B 4431 1974 GRAND Prix SJ all power ON DOBERMAN PUPS 300 and 00 99 goodfriend willfind youCIair McLean no 0397 old Championship breeding hou=e esievcim SOUTh Of Cundles broken loves chizdren could be used as ingggRchgfiRr flogSort custormé 383 stud telephone 487 2503 Breeder mg radio goo ondifiznpogg 05 In POODLE PU PS registered miniature Como any Of our Trilbptioniino s7eoaliir 5p womw Speced READING phone 361 1106 RR Imvale 19 Sales Representatives mfimfplffmgg Smrmytgfskég 23 IRISH WOLF hound puppies registered PSYCHOMETRY seat RIHTOII trunk radialsnecds body he male two emales weeks on work Mechanically very good 8650 Egggéonjigg7 Gem Telephone Mrs Telephonena 4224 MUST BE SOLD 1973 Pontiac LeManS ONEhFEMAEE mmaure P°°d CallMoneca wagon IowmIeage excellentcondition mom °d mad has had eemes Safely certificate available Only S2750 Loves has MUS 5e 550 Telephone $199 Telephone 726 3474 or 726 3478 SAMOYED PUPPIES Purewhitefluff balls CKC Rego shots tattooed wormed See both Sire and dam $150 dttiori $850 or Elmvale3221355 I974 YAMAHA TX 500 Exttllftnt Omit power brakes stIerinti New top recent tune up 20 mpg on highway $2100 or 0051 Offer Pttoiti 728 4720 best offer Telephone $379 our 0er budget plan Telephone ch down payment refinished Pine River Antiques 76 King HORSE BOARDING available Ex only 39000 miles Telephone 728 5250 St Angus 424 5473 flop rolours Air brushll and art paint Room cellont care and feed large box stalls Spring Ranch Ioth line of Oru Phone 487 5642 Two HORSES and western saddles good ondition Phone mornings or 510 rn 372 1985 ENTIRE HOUSE CONTENTS Portable 1966 BUICK Spetial V8 Must sell New snow tires on rims runs well Telephone 728 7773 or 340 Blake Street Call at supprrtimrr CARS WANTED TO BUY $5870 YEAR OLD pony 12 hands good with children Board available within city at $30 per month 5120 Telephone 728 6871 Cobra let 59006 40000 miles $800 Telephone 728 0684 Ask for Joel 1970 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom ifi Brand New CONTINUOUS ODDS and ends sale dai Iy September 4th to 17th Clothing ap TOP CASH Strouct4361811 Suite $29900 High back Choir Ottoman as is Call 737 0134 1972 MAZDA excellent condition FM radio $1200 or best offer Certified Call 728 7195 I970 MONTE CARLO as is best otter Telephone 436 4562 1966 VOLKSWAGEN for sale as is Please telephone 726 8850 1970 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 TF TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 BradfordSt Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers72687ll TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid trailer complete snowmobile outfits 436 3032 GARAGE SALE Lots of items too numerous to list Saturday Sunday and Monday September 4th 5th 6th 10 am to dusk 8th Line Alcona Beach opposite Innisfil Park wooo STOVE $125 or best otter 20 gallon cast iron kettle $150 30 gallon RENT FEEDSEEVDAANDWGWRAIN SECOND CUT conditioned hay baled in field 65 cents per bale also baled straw 50 cents per bale Telephone 728 6668 HAY FOR SALE no rain Telephone Elmvale 3221037 parking very for rent 40000 6th am to pm 214 Blake St Dishes books and numerous other items In cludlng 1973 M010 Ski and sled 172 Evlnrude motor portable typewrlter all In good condlllon No sales beforehand lion vinyl top Michlin firs stereo automatic console etc Phone 7269433 ask for John 1970 CAMARO 69000 miles good condi in part trade 835 5960 72 CHEV BEL AIR 2door 350 V8 Power steering power brakes All very good mechanics paint and body pretty car Sewing Machine FARM IN ERYV bushels Used very little Joe Van Four speed power steering power brakes au tomatic floor console Excellent conrli $1000 for both Telephone 435 4739 after St Richmond Hill 10 am pm 20 dealers Brass china etc Bring this ad ARTICLES FOR SALE rear end Proowned 1974 VEGA In good condition body and mechanically 60000 miles rear detog YORK AR Conllllonerl 25 ton com Moons AND MOTORS MACHINERY 250 MAJOR ITEMS FOR SALE AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY SEPT 16 1000 AM Corner Hwy and lot Line West BRAMPTON Ontario 4h ea CONSISTING OF ome Improvements any we sort 32c rTracors To pay off existing or maturing mortgage vvfizveletoadars Iggggarlglfeaiers LAT7 Construction funds free advice try us 12M Sc We have ready cash to purchase mortgages BMZZ Zzlizsrgtgs 11 Aggregate Asphalt scales You Sho ld T00 Wheemm For complete descriptive flyer contact RITCHIE BROS AUCTIONEERS LTD Ste 2267 lslington Ave REXDALE Ontario M9W 3W7 Telephone 416 7456950 Telex 0696581 TOXOWIK grain dryer for sale 570 ARTICLES FOR SALE 17 Cranes etc 14 Comp Items 71 Trucks Trailers Qty Underwater Equipt ie Au2128$41011l3 PERSONAL SOUARE DANCE CLASSES TThSTF WOODS SOFT TOP camper all new 7w Wifi Vii mVvwgvifiw TuT canvas and cushions new spare tire mop SwampyTelepnqrngépdy Starting Sept 20th 830 1030 PRICED TO sellbefore fallSoft top tent Pm The HOYIOUI 51 Vincent St trailer good condition Spare wheel AUTOMOTIVE AlflCl FOR SALE Telephone mm OPEN HOUSE W$518 ANYONE WITNESSING accirteriiBet ween bus and dump truck on 400 Highway south of 89 Highway on September 1976 at 530 am please contact Armstrong 4164814252 ex tension 1248 or 4165320282 TO THE 7Frieridsifwwho destroyed my garden the night of the 3lst myself and S4 ACCOMODATION NEEDED by normal second year male art student Willing to do iobs around house Write Box 39 havent worked in 20 years selling AVON might satisfy you too Call 7289652 today for in 41k Repaired immediately to take charge of the kitchens in modern hotel with popular 54 the way to earn $15000 yearly or more on full time basis or $5000 or more on several part time male or female store Package 1965 GMC dump truck ecluipped with cc clerks to assist in new Home centre decorated 11 baths stove fridge and oneway snow plow and wing air brakes 90 ad0 1°00 510mm pressors waer coolcd 708 phase FT SHEPHERD By NDSCAPING some experience in paint hardware garage References required adults on FURNSHED beam apalrlgem power steering Good condition Tcephonc 63 ggbdlgwmwel 003 Inormamn cal 313nm mm cylinder glfiyfifglnbofré floor coverings plumbing br construef ly $275 plus utilities Call 7267616 or xgntggezy 2mggsgnogegtreggnjgapb Teephonc705 322 2545 1974 DODGE SWINGER power steer mom Al common Asking 2500 TWO ACRES 0F tree nursery stock for iron would be an asset Ross 737199 beioremop 1965 30 TON KING FLOAT 18 foot deck glgéneayggggyg 205mg rapes $2950 USED COLOR ED TVS Telephone 4354245 after430pm landscaping for sale cedars pines Rodgers7282496103rrangelntervlew BARRIE FERRlS PARK bedrooms spruce etc Owner requlres land for other purpose Telephone after pm 726 9295 tandem axle Michelin tires Excellent condition Call 705 322 2545 1971 CHEV single axle dump truck power steering side tanks speed transmission speed rear axle and low 14 FT FIBERGLASS runabout with controls and 10 HP motor and trailer S4001rmflAfterm 3221362 ToFf DEECRAFT BOATiWIIh 35 HP Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tlnuously comlng In Come early for best selectlon of color and black and white semidetached semi finished recreation room 159 Daphne Cres $300 monthly Telephonel 416 533 1679 FURNISHED bedroom house for rent $750 68 CHEVELLE V8 barrel Eldebrock high rise headers 111 pistons new rad wide tires chrome reverse 400 turbo competition floor MISTER CORN BEEF Requires an ex rlenced sandwlch maker familiar th Berkel automatic Tape Player Stand FARMS FOR RENT BARN FOR RENT good size with hydro Spend the winter Oct IApr 30 in modern completely furnished house miles from Barrie in Minesing while owner is away Furniture includes dishwasher fridge stove washer and dryer All other rooms furnished in cludingfamily room Call 728 1831 BEDROOM townhouse includes stove refrigerator washer and dryer Avaial ble October $300 monthly year lease Telephone Simon Beekhuizen at Leo Geodeinondt Real Estate Ltd 7284067 THREE BEDROOM house on quiet street $275 monthly all utilities pald first and last months rent required with certified cheque 726 1664 BEDROOM house for rent excellent condition immediate possession Close to school and hospital For more In formation call 726 7141 NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in Oritlia Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove fully broadloomed to your choicrI of color Located south of Hwy 12 bypass between Gill Stand Forest Ave Telephone 325 9811 anythe ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Detached backspllt large bedrooms living room dining room plus spaclovs kit Chen with eating area Double garage $310 month Iy lvllephone 7373969 and water available immediately Telephone 7286668 ACCOMMODATIONS tosflharerwith same Telephone7260439 BUSINESS GIRLS Furnished modern share with working girls All conve niences Close to malls college Rent reasonable 7269319 between and pm WANTED BUSINESS person 2025 to share large modern furnished home Bayfield and Cundles area student welcome Call 726 5303 pm to pm evenings SINGLE WORKING girl is looking for others to share rustic bedroom fur nished farm house on 50 acres miles from Barrie Animal lovers welcome Please call 728 8828 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 sq ft fully sprinklerod transport and light truck loadlng docks 16 ft clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 72671301 mileage Call 705 322 2545 1972 GMC half ton recently overhauled new brakes front end exhaust system certify without Telephone 728 6407 will TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 C01 lier 51728 4297 HEAVY DUTY work bench for sale also heavy duty utility trailer steel frame Both good condition Telephone 7269135 Johnson Motor 8400 Also 1200 lb Wiscott trailer 73 model In good condl tlon $300 Telephone 7260394 SATLBOAT I2 toot aluminum Petrel 100 square feet of salt main and lib S675 shifter gauges good running condltion Phone 726 8144 1969 METEOR Montcalm for sole door In good condition certified Telephone 726 2431 PERSONAL $19900 $1000 with cap $1600 From this data forward SEP PIANOS at Neales SegueSn Elmvale Telephone 726 3008 29 BLUE 1972 Chr sler New ort od con WV 1976 sunntdab Pafhgclsjfigreryhalllo r3riorriwi73isriisgiiiii dilion originalymlleaqepAsklg moo PM V°°w 75 b°° °5°° userm TAE BER MI Ltd New Telephone726 ioeo PAUesSGVNIW Volvo head shower Galley Electrlc utomotlve auxiliary rear heater posifractlon no rust orlginal palnt also 197212 ton Chev long wheel base V8 automatic steering and brakes Telephone 726 7379 bedroom house In residential area to PICKUP power Fridge shore power many more extras 30 hours List Price $26600 Wlll sell $19900 Midland Marina 7055266391 BARN BOARDS and born beams ifor sale Telephone 435 6424 evenings only CHEST FREEZER 12 cu ft now 3190 Desk 30 60 with 20 39 typewriter ex tension 390 Telephone 737 0919 SAVE MONEY On your food costs this year purchase Speed Queen freezer from me for $275 or you may pay for It on easy monthly Installments Call Terry at 726 6558 GARAGE SALE Saturday Sunday and Monday 6th concession and fifth ARTICLES WANTED slderoad of Innlsfil many Items for sale household articles tools bicycles truck camper etc Swmos AND MERRYlooiround win10 for public park camp ground beach area etc swlng seats space for sllde no slide $295 complete Easily transported 7284238 uNDERwOoD TYPEWRITER model 150 excellent condltlon keys numbered Asking 380 Telephone 7282154 after 530 pm Lowell and Mrs Ottlllo Bondor of PO Box 611 Barrie Ontario will not responlblo for any debts or cheques contracted In the name of Sunnldulo Autlpmotlve Mfg Ltd or my name without my written consent II NUVIMBl OTTILIA BONDOR PHONE 3la72 7262900 and Molorlty Shareholder 20 Dunlop West 511 10 I972 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon speed sun roof radio new tires well cared for 35 miles per gallon Certlfled $1600 728 9974 radio 14 FT MIRRocRAFT convertrbletop 55 hp Chrysler motor tllt trailer Used NU MONTY DOWN 919£39T£EE9T99775 IN ml NANCING 31535195acri31571$0ii°i3i7i2éiiisi¥ NU pAyMl NT AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 01112 Rattle Emitting 10 In excellent condition $7300 Telephone7263547 CASH FOR old furniture books dlshes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7288234 PRIVATE PARTY wiirits Sinait slle piano good condition Telephone 4363504 74364087 fiANoTwANTED lnéxperisivéf older upright model Appearance no concern but mupt maintain tunlng Telephone 729973 57 To THE Friends who destroyed my garden the night of the Jlst myself and good friends wlllflnd youVClalr McLean TELECARE Why fight your roblem no Let frlond help Call elecoro 7927 anytlme meat slicer with delicatessen sandwich making experience Hours 10 to lots of overtime available excellent opportuni ty with fast growing chain Apply In per son at280 Dunlop West CASHIER Girl boy Friday sales office ex perienced accurate ty ist good speller penmanshlp and telep one voice Plea sant personality Accounts recelvable and Collections Sales reports 830 am to pm $500 per month to start bonr dable Car art assat For confldentlal In tervlew write care of Cashier Post Offlce Box 968 Barrle CHEF REQUIRED With grill experience Full tlme posltlon Good salary for right person Apply Dominion Hotel Alllston or telephone 4354761 MATURE PERSON to look after young children my home shanty Bay Road area pm to midnight Telephone 7284864 EICENCED HAiRDRESSERreaUITéE for ociobor Telephone 7172743 RELIABLE MATURE person requlrod to core for proschool In home Parttime no evenings or eekonds East end Telephone 7262006

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