DAILY CROSSWORD Astro Graph WIN AT BRIDGE Jump bid more practical NO PROBLEM lTLL TAKE TlME To FlND THE RlCillTI COMMiTTEEMEN THEN WELL APPOlNTlNG COMMlTTEE T0 ETUPY THE BULLVUZER THREAT TO THE 0WL5 WAS Answer to Previous Puzzle ruRE aENiusI MAYOR BUT KEEP THE REPORT sEcRET NORTH telegraph the opening lead so 35 SIj°55 Burma 3BARRIE Burma Sandaléiptifm woNET THETleERélngT WHngTCIEfIiVYILSIOi26 1063 thatifthedefendersheld other lllllion 3° iiJ°3£i 6E 50 12 mammalian 33 Surround yourself with cemedlan aloneollhe progressive thinkers today gYEpEETTEEEKEETHE The Second was that even King Kennedys BARRIE ABLE 22 GLOBAL North could show both ace and 12 Native metal 13 Comment 42 Stitched Somethingof collective value 45 Porteer CLUB WlLL BE WEST EAST SATURDAY EVENING will emerge could be BuLLDOZEpl THEN king 0f diam°nd5i there W09 l4 POlsonous 49 Standard ol lit Jenmuns profitable new enterprise WE BLAME THE be no way to 35k for the lm weed iudqmcnl News 97 Movie lSeven Alone 5Moie Battle of The portant queen 0f spades WCked youngse lemon 39 PhlDDm Movie litttn Willi ltttn page pmumn plan Them TAURUS April 20May 20 5TUDY COMMlTTEE 10 Fina North ha ened 16 Went in again 52 Military Kansas lab swretsop lirmn preview 50 success comes you oday if TAKNO 10 pp 18 Splinters assistant vigilant 29 Nuisance l2 Ntus t0 two aces he might 20 Get up 53 Mystery writer Girls name 31 Brisk step ll NlagtllaForSalt 12 MovrefThePumpkm you doni diiiyday Assert T00 LONG SOUTH ltollllarris mi Eater have gone on to seven after 21 Automobile Gardner 10 High cards Storms litmenu HuthumS 22 Msook 55 Yourse You 599 somelhml th to six 22 Small pastry 54 First lady ll Dilemma 38 Breathe ivanlllc Terrible IiMovie tTheReekon Worm 90mg alter 10 Jump 24 Laugmo 55 Slaqge Mm 9700 fd 5mm in lab 56 Vegetable at 41 viiiclpie limp Money Talks 1200 GEMlNI May 21June 20 26 Vocallzed 57 Oriental com 19 Flower holders 42 Cicalriy sixuulit mo Movie lTlchidnighl 7eNtms Your first ideas are apt to be 27 Race course DOWN 23 BIilsll 43 Great lake Ililililll flan Movie lCasllMcall your cieveresi ones todayI Both Vulnerable Circurl princess and 44 Broad ilr 00 l5 30 Newest Wee namesakes 4f Part in la lirltl litil NFL Football Movie Crimson ltlti When you ovefanafle you Delaware reader wants to 32 Nullily ASlaIE sea 24 Talon Donath mum II SIIIIISkyIIIIdnumI mm end become negaywe West North East South know when the leaddirecting Zomasmn DOW 25 posse 48 wade Null Dotti llill tllti Twillovte Pickup on CANCER 21 22 double was first thought of sacred books More unusual 96 Dmcoloi so ineurqeni EUINuwhdr south 5mm une MAI MAKE Pass Pass and who thought of it 35 Russmn Employer 27 Stones coll nailtIi iii an luithen ttoigonthtiin 100 Occasionally we have to cast WAsHiNï¬TON Pass Pass Pass liiilli LN 3mllllt lFlit line élillodvn little bread Upon the waters in Opening lead altttird tumn ms hopes of getting something in 94 013 use linorecur lliahann Carroll TwMovie Macho return Today dont toss in the game or bndge baCk lilack lIptrnnw ti otm ltlr Callahan whole oafl By Oswald James Jacoby When dealer or partner made llnllgt lutllllltlii ll onlrontation 145 01 llzlltl None Carry on hoe LEO July 23Aug 22 Being An asking bid IS an arttftc1al nOtrumpi doume WOUId can 31 Iluvil ï¬ll 2mm lOO SGi upon haying your way bid that asks partner for for heart lead II lmillionsunlunar ii NllitltlltueGrlll MumlThoinnWmsi today could cause someone SpeClallzIed informant about lejIIiIIIlIlrIilliI III IN IIII LIMIII III II who is fond of you con his holding in specmc SUlt ll lII lull llll sinnn witkeno MM Slderable inconvenience Be First thought of by Ely Night Flnal 37 Movie Dentist UllTlit WHng l0 Compomse Culbertson around 1935 these llwilii wk illti ill owl in Mm vrhogun vmoo Aug 23Sept 22 Be Bernice Bede Osol bids turned out be 00 ad llllllilll liltlgtll liltlw ll ljllllllKilltI1 900 lllllll ll lllll tlti nets Weekend SUNDAY MORNING Sunday Surprise tamera anada 22 tanatllall Cavalcade ll Written 17 Home qultllll ll If is Vlllltn l0tltl linda lalier 22 Ftstnal ltirluguew tlpin Rap Willing to share with those less fortunate than yourself today even though what you give or loan may not be returned LlanA Sept 23Oct 23 An SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Youre still under fortunate in For Monday Sept 1978 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Your mood is such that you treat everyone with considera The top of the heap IS where you belong today If you put out Without being selfish or grab by protect your own interests today No one can look out for hemmed in get off by yourself where you can think things out vanced for that early day but have been revived for modern use Each expert has his own set that he trots out at the proper time perfect As an example in recent announced OTTAWA CP BrigGen Norman Trower 52 of Or angeville Ont will be LIHWTLII IIIIIII IMIII ililnis iIritkISlllm Old frlends feelings Will be hurt lion today Youll be amazed at YOU Dene than Old NO The great weakness Of these moied to majorgenera andpbe 00 illl lerl lalel ii ltexlllumbard Mllukd horn your me 900d WI few rlendly PISCES FOb 20March 20 blds ls the need to use one come assocate aSSlStant usually vimiii lltwktlSllli la ol llMtltr plans With your other pals t0 w0rds can create Rely on you own judgment to seldom occurs and even when deputy minister or policy ai lumltllvl lllrltlitlliii tlilo Cli Count hirli lll lS illllllll lmlil ll llalian Panorama TAURUS Apnl 20May 20 day If you feel you re beng do com Up It defenu headquarters tawa the defence department has announced it itle lllll lt illl IMIIIIMK FQIHTILI12 LEIIIIIYIIIIIIL lluences but don expect the necessary effort you ll find team matCh eaCh SOUthIPlayer Gen Trower succeeds Maj ll ltlllt 1mm more than you re entitled to that exalted posttlon is reserv had method of asking for GenI MI WithersI new mm It will humanly IIi lIartIuIlImI irrtllmlIlItolHIiisI Being unrealistic leads to dis ed lust far you partners diamond holding mander of Canadian Forces in lii Hl lllll KIN lhtk lvl lilsttiltl lltissloatls 312 Meet mg llzttt appomtrilent GEMINI May 21June 20 after receiving positive two Europe ly 57 31IIfrIijitIinIhIII 1IIIIIIIIII 241331ItemIIIIII SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec Sltuatlons or projects that sped response to Ithe ar He is replaced as director Wham mpkvmlrh 21 The remarks of negative challenge your imagination UflClal tWOCIUb Opening genera of military plans and mp llJlltlllillilltlltllltls llllil acquaintance should bi takerl arouselhe best thatsin youto spt 1976 Each South player 3150 operations by Col 321IlkalIEIAJIYIII ITS IIII With gldlll of salt today Dont day Embrace the unusual Friends will be big asset to decided to make the unscien WeiSman 49 of North BayI Ii WW RM 131 333 let his shadow darken your CANCER June 21Juy 22 In you this year where your WOrK tific bid of six hearts Ont until now director of con lilwun Lu nl Iimunii MilktAWIsll hope you commemal dealings to or career is concerned Join Why did they do this For tinental plans coordination at suNOAi AFTERNOON CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan daytryto keep everything ona Wm Y° Ca make two reasons The first was defence headquarters Who is 0mm mm 19 goal youre presently friendly casual baSIS Avoid new comams that they did not want to prommedlo brgadlergeneral lwinuu Lamond llptllltmlls 22 tuIltsiiunt concerned about lazltfllcvablc using clout or any type of IHi liliHll Ilhliilllf iafiol althouuli yuzili llert some pressure ti1 tTss ssl 4illllllll llilllil ll lyltllflE luthlumn lltltlillllnllltili roadblocys contend WHh ln ltllilll lll li Kissix lill lllllltl Ilti l3 liiilnlit Jlllatlli I230 ll lL lllme If llllulil Waterl lhoy wont ship you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 LEO July 23Aug 22 Listen carefully to partners or assooates today They could golf crown lth llllIlllllllll Jllll El litsllllll llllllfl You re liker to be llrlly partially have better ideas than you it Alilull at llltIlltl1lI otan Tm lttlllll ltmc successful today because of may be hard to admit but youll MUN JOHN NB Cpl lllllL llllitliu il l41ltitilllil 22 rltilullJtitllnal ll your tendency to profit ll you do an wmc hat an To 71 le two did lh it for ttI ll ll tilll It TJ if Ill llll Ill llll lli ll 97750 isllll Ill will lht VlRGo 23se 22 Ir ltntn ems Mar aret Todd of Victoria on PPOBLEM litim li Tint lilvl touch bu nunIx Your hands 39 dle You be Thursday when she became the finalinnHum imn vialram ll1ll lllti II PISCES Feb 20March 20 both unhappy and restless to 1976 Taï¬adian genior womenk ml ll lt luit aniw lilt Slitll llLIllll llilil7llll ll Vlltl Killwitilil YOU IF HUN prilduclwh arid Iddy Find something In Champion smiidiyiygui 71 efficient early in the day than terostlnq and producllve to do Todd fired an 11Overpar 30 lll 1v iriiptllllLlll lliiil you will lit litter 0th let and stick wrth it 11 10691 wesuield G0 and lilllni llllllll lillllllltkla loll lny Hi 0m 3v lturlhtllk LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 ounlry Club for lwoday lo MAS ll that II Sllfmlil Someone new and interesting lal of 158 and onestroke vice tiuxiut lIiIllltJlilii ll llttillah lillllt tint Coum enter your lOday tor VLr Ldmmdtc AnnlMdy possible youll meet this per Taylorof North Vancouver SUNDAY EVENING son through very unusual cir Joan Lawson also of British allalla illl KlllI Illliiltlill Cunisianceg Columbia third to give islllIWlIlii Sepl51976 the BC team its third c0n Illlll lIIIIl llltlllilil lli SCORPO OCl 24NOV 22 Cuuvowin PM HHLi our rlialerlzl prospects on human Nitu MI II IIII II II Embrace your lamilY and sixtyfour took part in the II up lmlmiunlf llHi lose to the hearth tOday you lwodi ntlional cham In lulihiiiravy lL Mtnlt son hi lt flilfirllliii 60 My slirly too far from home yOuIl 11 In lllilllpitIlIAllltE llalilt llllrf HtvH ll liilfiiif4ll way to liryd you en your happiness pflm lil lmlh in mums mom lhe tournament doubled as Lo Home llllttl pot your ear II IIIIIIII MIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cam ma IL its mm SAGTTARU5 NOV 2309C entry finished With 483 for the ll 31 interim itlli not 21 YOU re very mUCh On two days 32 strokes ahead of II liliitll lltlll Illlillllll1iï¬llllllllt mltld Oi someone you havent runnersu Alberta and lilmnn mw on Kolak ll littlllilAlN Akluh lfwdi km heard from In some Quebec Only the teams top ll ll tram II Tim lrlntt llitil bask in This peson be 99 lhrecscorcsincaehdaycounl II Iron ll ilIlllItlIvulIlll lililili iii iiiiliI twp yum lino lrl touch shortly hel Sumdmgs were Mani II III IIIIK IIIIIII mm 30 and Paul lmatll lit nilzsfmulin CApmconN DecI 224 loba 26626077 526 inlzirio 273 on we Mililllllltw lltitllllllldllSltlt canoe lrl isinw uc ti llill 26077533 Nova Scotta 274275 gt 19 Chances for acqutsmon are ln lull Hall Ne l5vi been found lll good llllillllltlll pwonbip to you ioday Be 549 New Brunswick 292269 III IIIIIHIIIIJIIH II IIII 0th with illllyli III IIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII H5 lht IpallI lfIHlitlkd iilJilIllllli m9 rhe wmdiau may come in 561 PSIdskdlEcéiCWtiéli IZBOIZBZ lmtiiitlltlillnn 7pSllnllél Surprlw WW it 11 wa oud least ex ect 562 rlncc war ant285 lillll linnl ll flilliltt lllltl northeast of el 284569 Newfoundland 296 And anmher thmg Stop mmducmg me as my current net mu hmknm AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 2388 Wifel lLlll litxii Nevis 12 lm llti lllmlal up ltllllh ttllix lolt lllle Nlltatli if The Helix tu nu Inn HEDOCTOR SAYS ES NEVER PLASTERED ENOUGH ow OLD ro ADMlT is AGE AND NEVER is ESANlgtRA Anxiety cause skin rashes Ixfi lllflSllCSle All ear in lllosteson have tclma but him not allergic to hing foods Ive been ng are the same lve been ng all my life have had ill for three or four years above heard that if can be nism if any is the cause like this can eliminate OLD NRA ca ed by allecty and other Process Willle it is in my ears and male the mmcddu yggewpgqgfz ll ny noseIould you please mg ItrIdC me II me something about this aI SI meIcllzme is all adnllIlttstamint ant is prescrl or ver igo 17nd PK muh dizziness But it can of itself pl l3 loose term dppllLd to II II ï¬t In skin disorders All it Cdus umeés In Ila 51 mmng Skin rash takenIWIlhcaretherIeffectlve 435 ibiycnéucskin rashes antldlzzmcssmedlcmcs are IM lsriutte possible that the vakblei hcl Y0 docm Wu my relics lr roe ClENERsv WHY DON ca and nose involvement lnot would prescribe neiessary if AcK edict KILLING YOU LAY OFF THE RON an nusual combination by the Dr SWSHE Mt WHM DO euPPLEiENTII couldbe due to fungus Recently heard Ill WPCIOIlI YOU KELOMMENDI Complete Office Oman lll lion transferred there by birth comm hdï¬ I0 dOWIt WHAT MEANS lll hands from other parts of the mucus dSChfrg mnn OFFICE war body lwould suspect this has dftermmcs ffï¬f UTFTTERS IN than cmolions or food Willamg and Who it if lugh can admittedly lC tac Intercoufï¬e th 30 WW can turn bore room Into completely decorated and furnished mm MC about 75 1h th Z77 flu Cell 7310201 to consult Professional Office Humor Jll should be examined by Thgrle ageekgrrgzsegn IILI cervtc spttl that to find out Wilth ovuIaIIImI but IhIS Is detected 29 Dunlop SI VL Barrio 737 0201 lth is no sitiiplc medication tiligwitild recommend Dear Dr Ilhosteson My and has been having dizzy that start when he gets The doctor has prescribed An Iverl but it doesnt help llll it His legs are weak and ill inc his circulation is poor llt neurlyli5 years old ould appreciate any com mt lrlrsElS iiihis could well be matter aulty circulation to the it can also be associated ear or eye disorders If it blood pressure problem ressure reading would be 021ny lower after he rises lyingdown position is is called orthostatic tension That means low bio pressure caused by ch go in the bodys position llcvlshould be careful about lea ng he bed in the morning cvt in iIng fromachairln ol hr Hi we tllt no lro by the morning and last all stages That is he should sit up in bed first and wait there few moments Next he can swing his legs over the side of the bed leaving them in that position for another few moments Then he might raise his arms and scratch his head gradual unless you just happen to have labbratory in your home Dear Dr Thosteson Is there difference in the struc ture of mens feet and womens feet Would it bv wrong for man to buy and wear womens shoes or for girls to wear boys shocs Mrs CK The human foot structure doesnt vary significanlly be tween male and female except in size The only real differ ences arise from charac teristics women have acquired because of sometimes peculiar notions about style But this dif ference is an individual matter not one of basic structure wouldnt advise man to wear womens highheeled shoes fact is dont advise women to either but they do cant see how girl would suf fer harm from wearing boys shoe if it fit her foot roperly The usual rule is at com fortable shoe is good sh ex WINTNROP AwEAb Cl TlllS IS SlMOH WOL FE SEBASTIANS KERRY DRAKE Mfss LUKE7 RESEMSL ANCE you HAVE sucil PLEASE KIND SENSITIVE TELL ME we SQOJNC OQCES SqBA2lNES AND ATlel DEV T0 SAVSO HOW OUCAME lNTO ALL BcT IN ONE AREx WERE FAR BEHlND AND IM AN HOUR OF COURSE BE THERE BY FOUR PLEASE TRY ONE THESE SPECIAL VlTAMle YA NEW BUGS BUNNY DETUNIA THETLL GIVE ENERGYMORE STRENGTH HEHHEH CANT SEEM GETI TH CAP oer TH eoTTLE ANDDIAL NUMBER FOR YOU LEFTYL This is srAkrlN our LIKE ONE THOSE DAYS WHEN NOTHlN ANDY CAPP WIZARD 0F ID will no wens Awlu FROM THAT CUbl ME AND illE ROAR OF THE OCEAN H069 FAT AND BIRCH PARK mount mac WHO WANTQ it OPETIE Pf VEFBLEEFWR lIVE Hr gt Th specific treatment can be by microscopic examination rowc IA Myg mom ilHH THERE you WHILE vourwo TALK MAY ICALL 05065 WE Hill dlilgmlsls IS made WhCh womd not be pram l5 MorAMitv ARE ma MY OFFICE mowseo HANA OFFICE LET ME PLAY metal mom sagautos mxuwuaswtmwmwwn mm