JOE MORRIS CLAIMS Munro retaliati LAS VEGAS Nev CPI Labor Minister John Munro is leading frontal attack on or gamzed workers because of the Canadian Labor Congress CLC plan for day of protest Oct 14 over the federal antiin flation program congress presrdent Joe Morris said Thur sday Our federal minister of la bor for some reason unknown to me intends to be in the van guard of repressive action en couraging private employers federal and provincial govern ments to retaliate against the Canadian Labor Congress through firings and layoffs of organized workers Mr Morris said in speech to the international convention of the United Steelworkers of Amer Ica However Mr Morris said many responsible spokesmen for business have announced that they are not ready to pro voke headon clash which the right honorable minister seems to favor NOT GENERAL STRIKE The 14th day of October will not be an unlimited general strike nor breach in the le gality of the collective agree ments system It will be national day of protest and this raises the whole constitutional moral and political question of the right of Barrie Twin OriveIn Theatre 487 2212 SEE 93 CARS DESTROYED IN THE MOST INCREDIBLE CHASE EVER FILMED BUT IF HE WANTS ll ITS Adult Entertainment THE TOUCH OF SATAN MAKES HOSEMARYS BADY LOOK LIKE SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC LA FREE PRESS YOU CAN LOCK YOUR CAR JOIIN MUNRO working people to petition Par liament free from penalties and harassment by the economic power of private employers Who should have the preced enceprivate economic power or the public right to protest against arbitrary govern ment CLC leaders called the day of protest after the government brushed off repeated labor de mands for withdrawal of the federal program of selective SCREEN wage and price controls The program introduced last Octo her is scheduled to expire at the end of 1978 Mr Morris said the decision to call day of protest wasnot takenlightly However when we see ng against CLC workers hardwon gains being systematically attacked by program which will do nothing to control inflation and which will worsen an already unac ceptably high level of unem ployment we have respon sibility toact Association sidesteps Actpatria tion issue WINNIPEG CPI The Ca nadian Bar Association deftly sidestepped vote Thursday on resolution that would have committed it to position on patriation of the British North America Act and con troversial amending formula Delegates to the 1976 con vention referred the resolution by Ron Bray of Vancouver for further study at the midwinter meeting of the association By then Mr Bray said it should be dead issue The BNA Act of 1867 Can adas constitution still rests in Britain The British parliament still has legal power to approve or reject laws passed in Canada but for decades British ap proval has been automatic Mr Bray won little support for his contention that the asso ciation should take position NOW PLAYING HIS BUSINESS IS STERLING DANS when he goes to work the excitement starts and GOES III HaIIcIo Manon Busra II BRAND THLTI NTLIIAINMQNI George Cole James MLIIIIer JeIry Daugrrrta Sparat Appoints PARNELLI JONES AGAJANIAN 35 DINO DE LAURENTIIS FILM Starring cIIARLEs BBONSON Costarring Jill Ireland Muir IHI II II JOHN STURGES IN COLOR ADULT micum and GOES and GOES REMINISCENT OF FILMS BY HOWARD HAWKS It The 051 hairralsmg chase ever IIInIed lIr In THRILL MINUTE ADULT mum THE UIIDEAD DIES AOAIII IIIID OAIIII METHOCOLOII GD now because of Prime Minister Trudeaus warning that Parlia ment alone will patriate the constitution unless the prov inces agree on an amending for mula by next month New rabies vaccme PHILADELPHIA AP Researchers said Thursday they will give the US Food and Drug Administration FDA clinical evidence supporting the use of new rabies vaccine that is superior to the painful vac cines now used to combat the dread disease The new vaccine already used in some European coun tries has been developed over the last 24 years Lighting firms are convicted TORONTO CP Three major Canadian lighting firms have been convicted of con spiring to lessen competition between 1959 and 1967 Mr Justice Lawrence Pen nell of Ontario Supreme Court in 99page judgment released Thursday found Canadian Gen eral Electric Co Ltd West inghouse Canada Ltd and GTE Sylvania Canada Ltd guilty of controlling and dominating the lighting markets Try Our Famous MIBAMAII ADVENTURE AVaIier of Chinese Foods 1an om SERVICE 7266IOI Banquet Facrlitves MIBAMAB GARDENS LIcenced Tavern 41 Dunlop St Bauie Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 4872212 PAS darn He acquitted the three firms of two charges of forming combine or monopoly Sentenc ing has been postponed until the nine lawyers involved have chance to read the judgment Mr Justice Pennell said that in field where only few fir ms dominate the manufacture and distribution of similar items it may well be that price competition is the only real competition that is in any way beneficial to the public But the judge found that the firms closely coordinated their actions and marched in lock step to create working unit in control of the industry Prior to General Electrics introduction of national sales plan in 1959 the three firms had gone through period of intense pricecutting competition which had affected profits ad versely he said In 1959 the two other firms quickly followed General Elec trics lead in publishing na tional sales plan and price list for products he said BIG BAY POINT RESTAURANT Live entertainment dancing TOWER formerly Radio Chair This Friday Saturday featuring Hwy No II South to the 13th of For reservations Innistil left at 25m sideroad first drive past marina Follow the signs SCREEN NOW PLAYINGII IIGWEIIS predicted rocket ships and space travel in THINGS TO COME nuclear energy and the atomspomb inTIlE TIME MACHINE Now 4361882 the master of science fiction tells his most frightening story ADULT tritiumrm American International mm Starrlng Lee Oliver MARVIN REED CULP THE GREAT scr AND CATHOUSE THURSDAY can DAN SHO See the avove features plus these horrific thrillers SAMUEL ANKOFF pusnu ABENI GORDON mu NGIIIEILS YOURE INVITED T0 ORVILLES COMINGOUT RAW 8e Icream Bit SIIOII THE OF THE lor taste of HELL WARNING THIS FILM CONTAINS FRIGNTENING SCENES Theatres Branch Ontario SAMUEL ARKOFF Presents JULES BUCK PRODUCTION An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Robert Elizabeth Strother MARTIN ASHLEY Sunday Sept 5th gig fl iPINWITH II Trim ENJAMIN OWLK FILM ed recommend ADULT TREEMINT ADULT IVIIlulnuqu Sylvia MILES LVLRY ONCE IN WHILE IIORROR FILM BECOMES HORROR CLASSIC In IlIIIRANKI NSIUN In I912 DRACUI Iollétl ROSEMARYS BABY In 974 It LXORCIST le5 YEAR IT Isu From Beyond rate NE ascmnmc IMPERIAL CINEMA IMPERIAL WWW IN OUR lOUNGE We Proudly Present for audience participation CHARLIE BROWNS THE CONTINENTAL INN wy 900 Barrie Ont 7261834 Hwy No 400 HELD OVER 705 2nd WEEK 905 In litigant aircracker positIn can assm Minted do under in race to rat the toughest sate II tho wand Held Over 3nd Week pm pm CINEMA Its hilarious outrageous road race IMJMEJ Adult Entertainment