TOPS IN SUMMER BOWLING Brenda Masters sitting at left took the highsingle award of the Sheas Barrie summer bowling league Ar lene Metiavey was the high average winner with Shirley Richardson claiming the hightriple Back row at left is the mens high triple win ner Wayne Porter with Bill Crearic taking the high single and Warren Brown the high average Examiner lhotol Black is executive officer of union in historic move LAS VEGAS NevtAPr The leadership of the United Steelworkers union has named Leon Lynch of Memphis Tenn as the first black executive of ficer in the 14 millionmember union Lynch was appointed to the newlycreated office of vice president of human affairs at the unions convention here Thursday Earlier convention action iii creased the number of ex ecutive posts to five from three The session also was marked by debates over demand for reduction of union dues and for Creating reservoirs needs more research PETERBOROLGII it The creation of reservoirs must be done in the future with more care and more research than in the past conference on water weeds has been told David arlisle an Environ ment anada representative told the conference held at Trent University that this was the major conclusion that must be drawn from the threeday conference which ended Wed nesday Mr Carlisle said the Trent Severn waterway in central tario is good example of one that was built with too little re search He said vast areas of fertile farmland were flooded to create the system and suddenly that farmland was on the bot 0n probation in bombing SAULI STE MARIE nt tCPr Jamie MacDonald 16 of Sault Ste Marie convicted of the April 24 firebombing of Mount St Joseph College was given suspended sentence and three years probation when he appeared in provincial court Thursday Judge James Greco said he took the youths age and the possibility of reform into ac count when deciding on the sen tence tom of lakes and canals ready to attract nutrientlnnigry plan ts While boats carrying milfoil weed fragments from the United States are considered the main reason for its in troduction into the Kawartha Lakes part of the waterway system the flooded land was the reason it settled there he said INTRODLCEI IN 1902 Milfoil is an aquatic weed in troduced to the US in 1902 During the early 1050s scien tists say it was transported to the Kawarlha Lakes system by boats birds and wind Mr arlisle said lack of planning and research has caused the Kawarthas the Ten nessee Valley and most of the irrigation ditches and reser voirs in Alberta to be weed iii fested Jacob 05 biologist from the University of Guelph dem onstrated the use of his remo delled screw press to the con ference The press extracts wa ter from milfoil weeds for use as silagelivestock leed He said the weed must have no more than 70 per cent water in its makeup before it can be used as silage and in its natural state it contains 90 per cent Mr Ios said if the screw press can be modified to ex tract another 100 pounds of wa ter an acre it will be able to bring content down to the 70 percent level the memberships right to ra tify contracts In resounding vote of con fidence in the administration of retiring presiden Abel the 4200 delegates turned back ef forts by dissidents to achieve these goals DEBSRIIHIZIII The fires issue was the most controversial to date at the weeklong convention which ends today Scores of delegates rose to speak against the cur rent system calling it unfair and burden to many of their fellow workers Members contribute two hours of gross pay month to the union More than 130 resolu tions had been siibiiirtted to lessen the impact of that for mula Most proposed dues ceiling or having the payments determined on base pay which does not include such items as overtime and incentive lhe delegates also turned down demand that the memr bership have the right to ap prove contracts Many union members al ready have the right of contract ratification but the 340000 workers in the basic steel iii dustry do not lheir contracts are negotiated and approved by conference made up of local union presidents Controls hit party Wagner llAWA rIr steady decline in Liberal popularity illustrated by recent opinion polls can be traced to Prime Minister lrudeaus decision to implement wage and price con trols after criticizing them in the 1974 election Conservative MP laude Wagner St llya rinthei said lhursday Ile told reporters that the de cline in popularity is not the re sult of government stands on bilingualism OPEN FOR EXCITEMENT SPACE DECK 11 trwl 1111 lllil Viking awaits one final order then its touchdown on Mars PASADENA Calif AP Awaiting only the final order from earth the Viking lander was ready to cast off from its mother ship today and attempt touchdown on Mars After meeting of the Viking command team the go com mand was scheduled to be ra dioed to the spacecraft That command will direct the two picce spacecraft to split apart the lander beginning its liour descent to the surface while the Viking body remains in orbit around Mars The gray threelegged lan der loaded with lifedetecting instruments was scheduled to land at 358 pm EDT on nor thern plain nicknamed Utopia September 161976 Extra one million dollars for 100 bonus prize of $10000 each Regular fivedigit Wintario ticket and series numbers For five chances at $100000 and more than 45000 other taxtree cash prizes check of the automated lan der Thursday found everyihing in readiness Mission director Tom Young declared the craft to be in very good shape He said the only concern was Sign that the lander may overheat after landing It is summer in Utopia Young said plan had been drawn up to turn off some equipment and reschedule experiments to re duce the inside heat Viking was aimed for lair ding at site farther north and about 4000 miles from where Viking made the first site cessful Mars landing July 20 Because the northern lati tudes have more water vapor in the air Viking 2s destination is UJI believed better spot to search for life the main Vikingtask EXPECT SOFT LANDING The lander was designed to soar through space plunge into the thin Martian atmosphere and slowed by parachute and braking rockets drop gently to the surface Scientists believe the landing point about 125 miles from large crater called Mic is cov ered with thick sand limes that should soften the la nding Within seconds of suc cessful touchdown camera atop the lander is to take the first of two blackandwhitc pic lures The first photo showing one of the three footpads resting on the surface was to begin appearing on television screens at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at 730 pm EDT panorama view was to follow With Viking beginning its scientific work the Viking lander began relatively dor mant period It is still in cubating biology experiments in the so far inconclusive sear ch for life Viking will carry out sim ilar biology experiments as well as measurements of the at mosphere weather and proper ties of the surface material As its predecessor did Viking will wield 10foot mechanical arm that can scoop up dirt and pour it into sophisticated minilaboratory ntono Terrorism key topic for UN UNITED NATIONS AP International terrorism is shap ing up as key issue for the UN General Assembly session opening Sept 21 SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldheim urged in his annual report Thursday that the assembly take steps to develop commonly accepted rules to curb terrorist acts State Secretary Henry Kissinger visiting UN headquarters joined in the call for action The United States will sup port any effort by others and failing that will make major efforts of its own to get an inter national agreement that wduld bring the common action of the World community to bear on the tax fltt Eightdigit Bonus Draw number It the eight digit bonus number on your ticket corresponds exactly wrth one of the 100 bonus numbers drawn you wrri 810000 issue of terrorism Kissinger told reporters Kissinger said the chief target of the US is the Arab terrorist who tries to use aerial hijacking as weapon against Israel But Libyan Ambassador Mansur Rashid Kikhin suggested that UN campaign against terrorism focus 0n Israel and South Africa Terrorism has been on the General Assemblys agendaev ery year since 1972 but it has taken no action largely because of the Arab and African contention that it is legitimate weapon when it is used by antiwhite liberation movements and the antiIsraeli Palestinians The world highest publir tttlVrlllttll NDOOR OBSERVATION DECK gallery frrrlrrsrrrl in glass the Spam lrrl prrwrde arr awornxpirrrrri wow rrt thr Hitr rritr HUilfi vNind rit wiryltrrilr rn atrium tutti tom ryptryw vmrt it ilil3 lfllllfl tltl Wt ltitff Uftillil tzwrrrri fulltfifitllrl tit rritirrflu you never trinirprrert riiurti ril ittlliilttll rrtrirrrr irfi the perfect pirtilre with the wlir rllPiloltitiiirt1tirlltrtrirtr 5er letter iffiflr ltrl Mirlri trillwt Print rtlrrr All the view out of llur worlrt TOP OF TORONTO liitl irwr Ari wer trunnion viixv rffillllt rirli mitt ltrrithrr ririiei norm and tin irtrJlleiit international irrerru lop oi lriroritr for reservations please call Ji 141s llttttr For the September 16 Wintario draw your Wintario ticket has two sets of numbersone for the regular Wintario draw for between $3 to $4 million in prizes And the other for the special milliondollar Bonus Drawwith one in accordance with the Lottery regula tions all unclaimed prize money is retained in the prize fund until the expiry of the oneyear claiming period It is then transferred into special prize fund to be available for additional or On this occasion to accommodate the advance bonus drawing ticket sales will cease at 600 pm Thursday September 16 1976 So get your ticket now because theyre going fast And watch the special onehour OUTDOOR OBSERVATION DECK lï¬L 144 Httiftl THE ELEVATORS with the mini rrr your LIIJ nriw this ram 1W in Vi Wm hundred extra prizes of $10000 each bonus prizes in subsequent draws Wintario show live on TV from Brock irrr irvii flJttlliliifrfil4tti 3byfgnawprfrynriwrï¬I Wm mm one year claiming period September 16isoursecond Bonus Draw Unrversrty in St Catharrnes September rIiiv rni tr Irmw ilr irrilrt iiYllfil Imi at it WM iirmrwtig1rlirr1m imalrriri it the rirriiirirt urnMr away it FAMILY RESTAURANT our ll all COMMUNCATONS DSPLAY Have bite to eat in the ioorl fair iii Mwwm nmli WW Restaurant browse tor ift or ilillvtflllt Mffiilrf rvilllY 15 reserve table at lop ol lororitrr it ll 01 mm board the elevators or rust relin iwrrrrinrriri to reamr what no lithfeilifltf MM whmmm WNW IIIJHlCllL it print to tie Boutique restaurants and an lritorrnatrori Kiosk lrr iifit Oil or yUllf way it mum in rm an to cm iowm nouns titll ilk til ll HY tit it it th lt ti Observation UWJL Open all week hour MW 00 rn lil midrtirilil IrlUUUItIf holidays f1 RFSIAURANT HOUH me ii gt berm rtiiri 09 Om 00 lil am runsWk Heservatrors ZtthIMll Weekrius in t5 tr pl LJi CNTOWERILATOUHCN to