Elli Eadie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Thursday September I976 Dear Dorian Omigosh we did it once again Dear Dorian Well looks like we did ibagain The Examiner carried news story on that landfill situation We found out the city had asked Dr Rynard PCNorth Sim coe to see what was holding up ap proval from the federal level for landfill east of Government Dock Gosh we sure thought you would have known by now that council had approved the landfill for eventual use as park You are still the mayor after all City officials instead of doddling have been trying to get the feds moving Matter of fact five calls were placed to Marc Lalondes of fice and officials assured all five times that approval would be forth coming in two or three days That was two months ago Now you are upset with us for story that said Dr Rynard had been asked to look into the delay And you haul reporters into your office and announce Let the peo ple decide Somehow we thought council had been elected by the people remember to make decisions And council made decision One you did not like And now you want referendum Put it on the ballot Why bother with council and all the expense if one of the few decisions your ad ministration has made in the last two years is to be put back to the people Remember the last election We dont want an expressway around the bay No one does That was manufactured issue just as is this call for referendum Dont know how you do it Dorian Every year you manage to come up with nonissue that gets lot of people upset and on your side The way things have gone the last two elections it looks like you have found the fountain of eternal mayoralty Have to feel sorry for some of those civil servants at city hall Council approves landfilling small part of the lakeshore and there is no response from the feds who had been written for permis sion So couple phone calls are made and letter is dispatched at eight cents And you are unhappy because no one had been authorized to write the local MP What do we pay the citys civil servants for anyway Are they not to try to get on with it Is it not their lot to carry out the instructions of council Or should we have referendum every time one of them tries to do his job Why are we always getting the im pression you want to run this city as oneman sorry onewoman show DOWN MEMORY LANE TEN YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Sept I966 Simcoe County Council ap pointed committee to study the makeup of council with view to the provinces trend toward regional government County Council also appointed special committee to in vestigate jail facilities and in structed the committee to return recommendation regarding changes to the present structure or construction of new one Railway workers in Barrie returned THE WORLD TODAY Our gringos in Latin America By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst ism in the Americas somewhat when we read of the to work following legislation or dering an end to weeklong national strike The Ontario Municipal Board approved an an nexation plan which would double Orillias area and add 5000 to its population The Barrie Lions Club offered youngsters $25000 prize to develop plan for world peace ImperialEastman nipped Barrie Coop 21 in deciding game of Barrie Intermediate Softball semifinal series The win put Im perialEastman into contest with Clarkson Hotel for the final fades minican family and was even briefly president of that Num Thomson News Service The author of an engaging readable book about our rela tions with Latin America might have picked its title Gringos from the Far North with tongueincheek Canadians have never thought of themselves as gringos in Latin America the derisive term in Spanish used for foreigners and chiefly aimed at Americans Yet several chapters of this new book by Prof JCM Ogelsby department of history University of Western Ontario suggest that our many ac tivities in the hemispherebusiness fi nancial spiritual and diplo matichave been similar to those of the United States in the eyes of Latin Americans Even the determination with which we deny any intention of extending economic imperial hr Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sunda sand Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year 13 National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treat Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration r203815 registertil extensive roles of some of our banks and life insurance com panies in countries like Ja maica the Dominican Republic Venezuela and Cuba before Castro The substantial chapters on the influential role of both Prot estant and Catholic Canadian clergy and missionaries in the Americas could also suggest kind of imperialism if there is such phenomenon as spiritual imperialism INFLUENTIAL MISSIONARIES Certainly at times according to author Ogelsbys research Canadian Protestant mis sionaries especially in Ecuador and Bolivia often exerted in fluences over those countries mercurial governments and quicklychanging cabinet ministers The book opens with the more heavy more predictable stuff about diplomatic and trade re lations the Canadian propens ity to deal formally and almost at arms length with the warm blooded and unpredictable Lat ins Then it enters into detailed histories of the many fascinat ing and at times intimate per sonal relationships set up be tween Latin Americans and Ca nadians bankers and mis sionaries alike Often Canadian en trepreneurship in leading Latin American countries like Mexico Cuba Brazil and Chile was fallout from recent Canadian experience in nation building through railways in dustrial formations and raising capital Thus engineer Sir William Van Home of the Canadian Pacific Railway went to Spanish Cuba to help build the then Britishowned railway system ES Pearson about whom separate book should be writ ten was utilities tycoon in strumental in the creation of such former foreignowned power giants as Mexico City Light and Power Company In the Dominican Republic one of the founders of the Royal Bank in that country the Scots man William Reid is remem bered in contemporary Domini can politics in the name of Don ald Reid Cabralhis son He margied into prominent Do republic in 196465 Fortunately Ogelsby weaves his manyfaceted story as storyteller and not as an aca demic exercise His long re search into such apparently un related archives as the depart ment of external affairs the United Church of Canada the Canadian Pacific reveals the scope of national involvement in our hemisphere By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Garages are useful in ways other than just parking the caras you may have deduced from the number of Garage Sale signs you encounter garage sale can be great way to lighten your load it yours is one of the many fami lies planning to move just be fore the beginning of the school year It also can be great way to clear out things you will never need again and to make more living space Whatever your reason for holding sale in your garage its source of extra cash Not as mueh as you paid for the junk and perhaps not even what you think its worth but cash nevertheless And thats preferable to the alternative paying someone to haul the stuff away But first there must be modest cash outlay to let people know about the garage sale sev eral days in advancea classi fied advertisement perhaps printed or handlettered posters wherever potential customers congregate in your neighbor hood supermarket coin laun dry etc prominent sign out side your house giving the time of the sale If your purpose in staging lnd be FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Tories on edge for policy meet By STEWART aclEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service As Conservative Leader Joe Clark and his elaborate entour age prepare to set out on 17 day European adventure we shouldnt lose sight of the fact that he may bc facing some sc vcrc internal discontent shortly after his return Things have been relatively quiet within the Tory caucus since Mr Clark assumed the leadership in February Apart from the squabble over whether he or rightwinger Stan Schumaclicr should have the honor of representing Bow River there hasnt been do cent internal spot in six moo hIt hasnt been anything like those heady lays of the Chat eau cabinetAwhen dis contented rightwingcrs gath ered at the Chateau Laurier llo tel in Ottawa to criticize the al leged leftleaning tendencies of Robert Stanfield In fact the Tories recently have been behaving like bun chofGrits But with some help from the Bow River feud there are some YOUR BUSINESS Retailing boom garage sales garage sale is simply to aVOid becoming inundated with junk you would probably choose Saturday But if you are moving away its robably more effective to com uct your garagesalc over period of several consecutive days BARGAIN DAY In setting prices be realis ticthat is low Your custom ers will be looking for bargains and you should see that they get them That means taking cold blooded approach to things Even if you did pay high price for some white elephant and hardly used it dont expect garagesale customer to make thesame mistake People with good horse trading sense usually establish fair price in their minds for each major item but keep it to themselves Try to wait for the customer to make an offer It may well be higher than the price you had in mindin which case you can allow yourself to let it go If the offer is too low either decline it and hold out for bet ter offer from somebody else or counter by asking for the price you had in mind and throwing in something else at no charge The free gift would probably be an item that hasnt attracted much buyer interest The slow indicatioiis that things may be gradually returning to normal As Mr lark fences with rightwingcr over who should represent particular riding some basic issues such as capi tal punishment are being rc vived again And given the strong and divided vichoints Within caucus this is iiol some thing thc party needs at this time BOW RIVER SIILI But you dont have to spend much time with individual on scrvativc Mls to realize there is growing spillover from the Bow River battle The trudi tioiial leftright differences relatively dormant since the leadership oiivention are being discussed more openly again And while there have been no formal meetings in volving dissidants there cer tainly have been informal con versations among some MIs about forcing policy con vention Mr Clark has been consistent in saying he wants to take the longterm vicw asopposed to the shortterm view This means he wants to wait year or two before becoming in moving merchandise at ga rage sale is generally personal items such as purses costume jewelry and wearing apparel ITEMS IN DEMAND What are garagesale customers looking for most avidly Furniture usually ranks highbook cases chests of drawers lawn chairs picnic ta bles and the like Also popular are items such as barbage cans barbecues garden equi ment mowers trimmers an so om and useful tools of all kinds Theres also steady demand for used toys if they still work and are priced right If some of the items youd like to clear out arent in work ing order but are still repair able its probably best to leave to the buyer the task of fixing them But be sure that all the mercandise in your in ventory is clean If your offerings are attract ive your presale advertising effective and the weather right then you will probably have successful sale And successful garage sale not only makes money and creates more space for you By recycling your things you will be putting them to their best useperhaps in the hands of someone who couldnt other wise manage to acquire such items volved in overall policy direc tion He wants his newlystruc tured committees to study all policy areas before reaching fi nal conclusions and he also wants firsthand look at basic issues himself The forthcoming fivecountry European tour is designed as background gathering ex pedition for the formation of fu ture foreign policy And there will be trips by other on scrvative parliamentarians bc forc changes are made But this process seems to slow for some members of caucus And as ccrtains Mls return from their con stituencies for the Ottawa school year there seems to be good deal of quiet talk about the need for an early policy cori vention perhaps by next February As one MP put it Clark cant expect unity if he is going to go on rubber stamping Stanfields old pol icies for another two years STILLCONFUSION Another said policy con vention is necessary because the leadership convention left delegates in some confusion to said that Mr Clark gathered only about 15 per cent of dele gate support on the first ballot and this was his only hardcore support for his policies After that he adds sup port changed hands on the basis of language region religion and God knows what else If it was question of supporting policies do you think Sinclair Stevens would have gone over loClark It is difficult to say how many MPs want an early policy con vention because not all have re turned to Ottawa from their summer recess and the conver sations so far have been on an individual basis But there is no doubt that pressure will build for convention which could push the new leader in dis tinctivcdircction THE PICK OF PUNCE QUEENS PARK Liberals suffer with no policy By DON IlER Qllttlls Park Burtan Tlionisoii Ne Scry icc TORONTO mentioned earlier that Stuart Smith is the one political leader who zipparv cntly has been trying to get in some political legwork during the summer The Liberal lender has been out in the province ii bit but DO has lizid his eye mainly on To ronto The Grits only managed three seats in the whole Toronto area in the last election and they now have it as their No article that if they are going to get anywhere the next time they will have to crack the big city The leader therefore has been doing bit of mainstrecting in Toronto ridiiigs while candi dates already iii the field have been busy trying to get head start LONG ROAD Not enough has been doiic however to create an imprcs sion In fact not even enough to make an assessment as to whether the party does have any real chance of breaking through in this city One thing it does have going for it is that someof the present New Democratic Party Toronto members are quite weak and should be vulnerable Also Toronto has history of elec ting NDPers or in the old days Fers and then kicking them out in the next election But its long time since the Liberals have had substantial strength in the city provin cially And even though Smith is bigcity person Montreal and therefore should be able to communicate better than other recent leaders to Metropolitan Toronto voters he has long long way to go NOTAXES And still as we enter what is probably long warmup period for an election the Liberals have the same big drawback in that they dont know what they stand for Back in the spring there was CANADAS STORY Gave no excuse to send troops By BOB BOWMAN In the early days of Vaii couver Island Britain made two deals to run the colony as cheaply as possible First it was leased to the Iludsons Bay Company for seven shillings year which would be about $1 year in terms to money today Then Richard Blanshard was appointed as the first governor He was so keen to get into the diplomatic service that he agreed to serve without pay My God Weve become hedge against inflatiopl However the Blanshard ar rangement did not work out be cause therc was much better man to do the job He was James Douglas chief factor of the Hudsons Bay Company who knew the entire Pacific coast like the back of his hand Blanshard resigned after one year and Douglas was ap pointed governor in his place Without criticizing Blanshard who did his best in impossible circumstances the change of leadership was fortunate for Vancouver Island and Canada There were difficult days ahead In 1858 gold was discovered along the Fraser River and the mainland was then made into the colony of British Columbia Douglas was appointed to be governor of British Columbia as well as Vancouver Island on Sept 1858 The two colonies were united in 1866 The Fraser River gold rush brought 30000 American pros pectors to the area If they had fought each other or against the Indians the US would have sent in troops to protect them and ltee order The chan ces are that those troops would never have been withdrawn and British Columbia would now be part of the US In fact the Americans had slogan in those days Fiftyfour forty or fight which meant that they intended to own the coast to Alaska Douglas did not give the Americans an excuse to send troops He kept orders in most some prospect this might change when the leader an nounced that his research people were busy gathering material for position papers Presumably from these some firm policy would be drawn Now it turns out that this work was strictly gathering material and the positions to be taken from this have yet to be considered It would therefore look like quite time yet before Smith and his people have any firm policy to work with Until they do they are going to continue to look like shaggy dog In recent speech Smith did bring out policy point He pro posed that local property taxes be done away with with the province paying the shot This may or may not be good point but actually it goes back to John Wintermeyer in 1963 and is not only highly con troversial but would be very hard to sell Local politicians can see in it loss of influence remarkable way and created solid foundation for the area that is now one of the most prosperous parts of Canada Including his service as gov ernor of Vancouver Island Douglas was governor of British Columbia from 1851 un til he retired in 1864 He was certainly one of the great builders of Canada OTIIER SEPT EVENTS 152l5Cattier began explor ation of Sagucnay River l670England returned Port Royal Acadia to France 1683La Salle left Canada in disguise to seek protection of King Louis XIV i726Marquis of Beauhar nois became governor of Canada 1750St Pauls Anglican Church the oldest Protestant church in Canada was opened at Halifax l752Britain adopted Grego rian calendar so day following September was September 14 applying also to Canada Wsv BIBLE THOUGHT He that covereth tran sgression scckcth love but he that repeateth matter separateth very friends Pro verbs 179 Many times the greatest contribution that wd can make in the life of another is to pra and say nothing Ad ye woul that men should dounr to you do ye even so to them likewise rut