Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1976, p. 7

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wiwwfi Ihfifigfjifffgflirlgc Tuesday August Si 19767 JOINS IN POTLATCH CEREMONY Indian Attairs Minister Jiidil lluchaiiaii iletti dressed in he tiill regaliii ot Kwakiutl Indian ol noble rank ioins III Iotlatch ceremony on thlford lslaiid off the nor theast coast of Vancouver Island last Friday An unidentified member of the Kirieksutaineuk Indian bank Gets total of five years on rape assault charges ItItAMIIHN tint itli Allistaii tieorge Hardy Zii iii no tixed address was sen teiiced Monday toa total ot llt years lll penitentiary on one count of rape and si ot Ill decent issault on illllx aged eight to Two of the girls molested in cluding the iiiiieyearold rape victim were tioin foster home in Ilrainptoii operated by the thildiens Aid Society court was told Hardy was allowed to take them in his campertriick toi Soviets building fleet says famed itltly the So iet lnion iisini breathing space pioi ided iteteiitc itli llieest lllltltl building its iiaial tleet an instrument oi iii iiziersii toriigii policy the eititoi tIIt iiitliiiiitntii liiic IVlllltttltl Ship my iii ltetiieil ltoyiil axy lap loliii looic editoi ot the an nual oliinic on thc world tidy lt and Il liip which ltIItl loiidi will oyict iim izv ippdirn lioiii thi type wdintnp th Itllllil liiiildiio ltti temple lltllti ltlliti by do itlttllldttltl tlii tilit tlcc tlttllll wiiix titiii li II it iii utikm lhpii tlii iiiiot imo ileiiilit ttl Iill in injured in volcano blast Ittlll llllilV lurid liitltu iimi IIiltlil itisidt tlic oiitlwv oiidiic stiiiuiiiii iitW nilt imk ttld ltlllw iieiii IIIItlli ni cit tltl bruit istiiiitcini llic titliiHt lnid the LugeC unu iii iiiiioo liiyfil IIll Icihi tftttli sulphincii iim or isIlt tiiit iufili tiih iii Iill oli tltt llH iIlt Iti ciiiviw Ityitltilttw ilul svilttgtt Ithiiiii lliwi xi ti tr tlty Iitlt Mi iiirin ttll ii iii in it Ill IIlilli ith iiwmi iii thli iliiwi iiiA lit in is at tielii oiici or lft siui to it it wit it oiw ti ii it tt Ilii In yt ll ds it tii ir to tun tiii it vi xmi IIUHI NI IIH INN itim wax iiitt ces tlilt La tlil the genie thissztu wir ii iilttyt oii sunny when lttl was tt ryi ttfits thong is til en espe itiii wa tuck KIJSIIW iss diuy Itt tli Ittlk as to Iiat arid salt tir ed via at only rem fin sum not tiiiitilizm Ruth Its iei was ittJIii iiiiih iit pi uisirmgrap iu iii Iuiictt mitt Hin tie it tone is set iltia siityety UK book iiiarily the NAlt allies has shown IlttIt will to staiidardie eqnipiiient and develop count tttttttt Moore said The Soviet fleet is preparing lilt all IltlI of warfare troin simple harassment to inter diction Moore said The So icts are using detiiite to build up lllll lt ltltlIIRS Ill past years the has concentrated on iiiciatt tlltt and large destiiwers iiiit criiiseis tltlttlttl to sin lt lllllltdl iiltdlt beiweci the Soyict nion dlltl tNltlt tiiiwiis llii strongest eimptc ot the iet ttitcat that Mooresecr is in lIII tIttItillltllt ot the It claw lltilillt carrier gentth pinposc Iltt the Some INF ieporf by illtl iiiiiniiiij tilltt council citl Itll the deyelopiiieiii oi more tlcy ibli ieplicenieiit ot the iinizv illi iit cariiei iiid iiiges tlic appropriation ot Sit ltltilltilt toi dcnlopiiii short takeott nid thltllll plane and mutt pin posc ship the pioposed biiiii iin pioinain tlllIlItIt onn on iit Iit till 11 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAlE Saturday Sept 7b 20 Maple Ave VALLEYS WAREHOUSE Across From Grey Coach In Depot PM SHARP DU YUI HAVE ARTICLES YOI WANT TO SELL 7265051 GRAIG ADAIR AUCTIONEER hands Mr Buchanan the talking stick CIPIIOHH extended summer trips throiiglitout intario iii June July and August At that time he was facing three charges of indecent as said on three other Itiampton girls and had previous con vict ion for the same offence lhe thildieiis Aid Society had said they did not check criminal records ot people vol iiiiteeiiiig to take tostei children on such holidays Iioiincial Judge It Parker said the sentence re llected his best assessment of the case although others may have different views ILILUIIIDtlIII The Judge said Hardy had pleaded iiilty and thus co operated with tlie court helping to aoid testimony tromthegirlsinvolyed Hardy pleaded guilty to the seven charges Aug It thiec daysatterhisariest llardy continued to be tltl represented by lttl diirmi tlltitltlllt and theie nc mention inadc ot any psy chiatrii treatment torthciiiaii Ile was not eimiiied by psychiatrist following his plea probation olticei prepared pre sentence report which saii that Haidy nts showed sc eieiiieiiil problen llircc ot ttt sty iiiii chat ivys ioi which lliid wi sciiteiiicd llt ltltl llllll II when three ltiimptoii giils igedietoH weirmolested Fiy charges ot traud igaiiis lliid weiewithdiawi Monday by the irowi proseciitoi tt iew ot ilic tiyc year xttlttlli the proseciitoi told ioiiit LUNDUN iAPi Sixtynine persons were held for court hearing today after night of rioting by black immigrants from the West Indies ended the annual alypso arnival in Londons Notting Hill district More than 400 persons were injured most of them in run ning street lights between po lice and blacks About onethird of the injured were policemen Authorities said 60 civilians and 29 policemen were taken to hos pital Ihose arrested including seven women were charged with possession of offensive weapons threatening behavior or assaulting police Scotland Yard said It was the worst situation that have seen in terms of vio lence in my years in the bri gade said Derek Fenton Lon don commissioner of the St Johns Ambulance Brigade Motorists reported that police at some Thames River bridges were searching cars for weapr ons early today DISIthTIIOWDICD West Indian community lead ers said that between 200000 and 300000 nonwhite immi grants were in the Notting Ilill district of North London when the violence erupted on the final night of the thrteday festival of steelhand music flamboyant costumes dancing and singing It has been held during the annual threerday August bank holiday for it years Iolice sources said gangs of West Indian thieves from South London crossed the Thames to prey on the carnival crowds and that the trouble began when several policemen ar rested pickpocket on crowded street Black youths tried to rescue him from them and rioting broke out Itlacks began attacking au tomobiles carrying whites rob hing passersrhy smashing shop windows and looting the shops and bombarding police with rocks bricks bottles and beer cans Space shot lICKINt Iteuteri thina has launched its sixth earth sat ellite perhaps for reconnais sancc piiiikises but withheld much ol the detail it had given about previous space shots front page communique in the leoples Daily said the sat ellite fired into orbit Monday wasfunctioningnormally IIIIIJLS last satellite was launched iii December last year capsule was brought back to earth evidence that sci ent ists had evolved soft landing techniques and heat resistant alloys to take the hiin tempera tures of reentry loday report gave no de tails of orbit altitude or weight of the latest capsule tibseiiers said the weight ot the latest cralt may have been kept secret to hide the tilting power ol the rocket believed to hai been iised iii the launch Blames pill till itl lderiiiin loe Jtiitin blames the pill for lower attendance at this yeai tciitral tanada Ifylnbition whicheiidedSunday don know how iccuiatc this reason is but what with women takini the pill wc tlt not lillt as many children isit the tart my moie said ld Qiniin who is also pres dent ot lllt ential iiiada IIx tiibitioo Association which stages the annual lair Attendance at this years It day chibitioii was tiitttfit dimi tioiii the 710333 who at tended lll ttictiist lttdaysot the it day lttiivcuint JOHN TURNER law call Freedom law WINNIIEU ttli anada needs freedom of information law that will allow citirens to take the goverment to court it necessary delegates to the iiadiaii Bar Associations an nual convention was told Mon day Former finance minister John Turner now corporate lawyer in Toronto and lS consumer crusader ltalph Nader joined Alberta oii servative MI lcrald Baldwin in calling lor such federal law Mr Nader proposed tree dom of information law along the liiiesol the 1074 act He said Kcnie MacKiiiiion law student from Dalhousie iiivei sity in Halifax had found this summer that information unavailable lroi tttawa was easily obtained from Washing ton Mr Nader said Mr MaiKin noii received from meat in spectors mloiiiiation about ta nadian plants which had been withheld by taiiadiaii llI spectois Law passes SAtltAMFNIti alit iAli Right tordeatli legislation enabling doctor to allow tei iiiiiially ill patient die won final passage in the California legis lature Monday llic bill now needs only to be signed by to ItIltllltItI Itrown to giyetatitor nia the first such legislation In the liiitid States The lteiiio ciatic gmeiiioi has retiised to state his posit ion on the bill Film veteran LtiNlitiN Ittllltl llric IKipt IIIIItlI responsible for making Pinewood the bist known ltritish tilin studio abroad died Monday at his home in ltiickiiighaiiishiie llt southern IIiiglaiid He was 39 Films made under lleiiciis management included most ot the James ltoiiil IlIllls tlii Jitt tti tttlllttilt liiti tiilly Iillti Itii=i llil liiittli ol lti itdii iiidl IlI lii1ntr Men llt Iltll lly mi liit bim Bonus draw Ittltityltt tl in ttitio stioict Sl llltllltlt tuna Ilttd will tn tielrt eiJ it coniiiiiioii idl the liL tmbiiit illnvy mintinted liioik Itltl wt ItlllldlllHN ttii itiitdiiii ivit torp inooiini ed londiii lottei lttlllldtltilt attci one cii lli lilttIJlllittt tittt tiiiilli Hist lit ifiurii tint iitditioiiit oi bonus pt 11 The Kit iiitaiio haw Adi lNtitltl tlii tI Ilitltsila lIi Strike plan ItilttiNltiitli Seinorun ion officers in the Toronto area believe that unions will partici pate in the onerday strike lct called by the anadian Labor tongrcss to protest against federal wage controls the president of the Labor touncil for Metropolitan loron to said Monday Sam Fox said there was al most unanimous support for the strike among 50 union officers who met Monday David Archer president of the Ontario Federation of La bor said some locals may want to set up picket lines to justin their action while others will walk out on their own Turkey price lttltttNltl itli Ontario turkey producers raised prices Monday for the second time this summer cit mg higher feed costs The increase of ceiits pound announced by the in farm Iurkey Producers Marketing Board brings the producers selling price to tit or 49 cents pound depending on the sire of the bird In July producers raised prices Ni cen ts pound leter Flannagan secretary manager of the Ontario board said Monday in an interview from hisotticeiiiSt Marysthat the price of soybean meal has risen since June adding to produceis costs The Livestock Feed Board tedeial agency in Montreal re ported that feed inills prices for turkey starting ration rose to$24t ton in luly from $200 in June but prices have fallen slightly siiicctheii Feed industry officials say they expect teed prices to drop next month as record harvests are taken Ill Death view tlllAWA itli One of the greatest single influences on peoples view at death is the media and its destructive iii tliieiice says Iemple Iniver sit researcher Marianne Ilyeictt She told delegates at an inter national health education eon terence Monday that many people who saw widows such as Jacqueline Kennedy orretta King IIthel Kennedy and Lady Itird Johnson on television as sinned stoic endurance was the only way toliaiidle death IIacli projected particular style of grief that hecainc mod els of lwreaveinent to inanv much as Ilappy Rockefeller and Itetty Ford became the models of how to live Willi miitilatiiig surgery li oblems for those widowed or having cancer surgery at the time multiplied Ms Everett said For while they were only seeing the public front they interiialired it as if it were theeiitirety ot tllt¢llttlt Rust issue till itl misleading advertising ainonst Ford of tanada Ltd concerning its anti rtist ads do not warrant further study by the consumer and corporate at tans viipartiizeiit or ciiiiiiiial piosei lliltili dcpaitiiiciital otli ttl said Ionday Allegations of ltiikti litadol tliidt paiiinciii iiiisteading ad tllsttli diyisioii said tediial inquiry had been made into allegations that Ford hail ttittl consumers in ycitisements concerning anti rust lighting measures thecoiii piiy had taken with its lttjiy modeliais FBDB lends or invests for Launching new busrness of buildings mu bun Wt iv FBDB helps management with Counselmg CASE Training nformaton government programs for business Ash our folder FBDBfl Of HOE8A 8L5NE55 DE VEL DPWE BANK ALEX KOSYHIN heart attack Kosygin ill LONDON AP The Eve ning News says Soviet Ireinier Alexei Kosygin suffered heart attack while swimming in the Moscow liner and was saved by his lxxiyguard The news paper did not say when the in cideiit occurred but that it came to light when the pre inier was too ill to meet Japanese delegation visiting Moscow Trudeau tour JERUSALEM ttli Prime Minister and Mrs Trudeau toured the massive arcliae ological site of Massada on the Dead Sea on Monday and later travelled north to an undis closed destination iii Galilee on the second day of their private visit to Israel The couple was flown by an Israeli military helicopter to the fortress 65 miles southeast of here accompanied by Israeli Foreign Minister Yigul Alton The ruins of Massada unear thed it years ago lie atop mountain 1500 feet above the Dead Sea It was the site of the last stand of 900 Jewish rebels who committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans 2000 years ago Their struggle has become an important national symbol to many Israelis symbolizing what they see as their position iii the Middle East Remanded OWEN stittNt itti Jll vciiile charged in connection with the shimtingdeath of an ll yearold boy Saturday ap peared in family court Monday and was remanded in custody to Sept lie was charged with committing juvenile delin qucncy The body of llionias Hurley was found in residence at Stokes Bay about 40 miles How to buy custom draperies At the itllt inst mi Illllit It tutor ostoin tin iiiiariic in Hit Ititl we in we aware that buying thorn rriii be ditto olt Itll It lllIIHS bewildering oi itétlttli iire Itt ttlt points to look it lie Itt yr got out lll tiltltitffitff you Will tie pit tori gti It II lllt my yft It ti ttlllt ASK ABOUT FABRIC INSPECTION VI lt ti it lt li ii tt Ittttllt ltlltIll it it iit tiltll1illiltlilltiilttlttliltilfItliJItt it tiwrv ii 1w rtIii lititi it CHECK FOR HAND SEWING birdI iti ii ti it ttii illiykltf it itiittttiii iw Betiutiiul ostoin draperies in is little seven days 12 ii It iIt iitIllii rim it ii iiiii CHECK TH has 12 726340l WHEELCHAIRS Removable casters cushioned upholstery Removable armrest $234 lakomotic poworchnlrs $625 momm IIARPERS mom anI CH Ohio00k Pent ommnrwor Iii MM Penetong St at St Vincent Barrie Ont it to in rioting northwest of here The boy died of shotgun wound to the neck mlicesaid Flew too low IORUNIU Ii Christ opher ashiir 27 of Toronto was fined $100 Monday for fly ing too low over the city last Jan 20 ashin pleaded guilty in provincial court to breaking the minimum altitude regu lations He said he flew four passenger plane low over city intersection while looking for his apartment CLC protest IltNIt Ii Ihe on gress ot Tnnadian Women has declared support for the let protest lay called by the anu dian Labor Congress Ii against federal price and wage controls Hazel Wigdor spokes man for the womens group founded 26 years ago to pro mote peace development and equality for Women said 36 members agreed at weekend camp teachiii at nearby ak ville to urge womens organv izations to support the Lt move log rests otumlnlum 99 W976 7235407 COUNT THE PlEATS it rudvtiiu HANG AND THE HEMS ll At Jilin ftyp Hy towaoto if tour Vii 71

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