all marrir Exziiiiiitrr Published by Canadian Newspaper Ii Company limited to Buylleld Street Boom 0min to Robb liiblulmi General Moiioiioi Walls Editor Emeritus Barrie city council will consider noise bylaw next month Most Barrie residents will agree that noise bylaw is necessary The proposed bylaw appears to be model of law taking into eoii sideralion all possible noises And that may be its greatest li iiiiiation noise is noise says the bylaw when it is clearly audible at point of reception that is it an be heard at premises other than those at which the noise is being made So it your neighbor tlll hear you liaiiinieritig nail into wall at in you are making noise And can be charged The bylaw oddly enough seems distinction noises made in the summer and iii to make no the winter lhat at first may seem silly But what about some air coiidi iioiier models which make great and are clear Etlltll deal of noise ble in the summer because those without air conditioners have their iiidows opcii We could go on nitpicking for several paragraphs The point is this toiincil has fallen into trap The bylaw is based on the plthlr ciat governinents model municipal noise control bylaw That noise bylaw should be simpler lliat pared this this The proposed bylaw is excellent with one or two small problems Will every resident of lltllllt be provided with copy Because it tlllh And any iioi lawyer must know that laws prepared by lawyers are prepared for the benefit ol other lawyers ioiiiieil has ippareiitly forgotten llfltlhlltwvv Miiiwiipiiu lillior the Barrie Examiner Saturday August two lawvers have we law reasonable iiiiiii who is before resident can make complaint about noise the resident should be reasonably sure that the noise being heard is pro hibited under the bylaw Why not bylaw which states simply tlia bet ween the making of excessive noise bothers other residents and should not be done And include in the bylaw provi sion that complaint can be made to police officer If the police of ticer agrees that the noise is cessive and made without ltil sonable excuse the maker of the tectivc tlia noise can be charged and the matter settled in court Simple and we believe more cf it trying to write bylaw prohibiting every excessive noise bylaw is bylaw only to find six months after the ï¬t that written modern science has come tip with new ob jectioiiable noise not covered by the DOWN MEMORY LANE ltl YEARS it IN TOWN the Barrie Examiner tiiitii Sliiela raig of raighiirst receives Womens Institute of Sim coe toiinty scholarship American Oil ompaiiy fined $10m iii iiiagistrates court after being found guilty of allowing boiler to be operated without certificate of inspection under the Ontario Boiler and Pressure Valves Act pany and the Argosy Restaurant cre both charged after labor de partiiient investigation of boiler ciilosioii June 20 965 at service station and restaurant complex on Highway still at ookstowii piclieters set up shop outside Barrie station as national rail strike starts toroners jiiry rules death ac tnleiital iii drowning of two scuba The coin divers off Big Bay Point dock Aug Aug 27 Li Larry it llltlltlltl and brother Kenneth were ictiins Mrs Veronica tloodwiii in Barrie British for special concert with Barrie orv clicstra latloo eiiteiiiiial writes llaza Stewart Nlt market to l1llBllSlNESS Time to revise those lotteries lh lVl ll liti iliisiiiiss and toiisiiiiiei llilllllill rlioiiisoii ews Seii ice lo the few years that lotteries litise liill legal ltt iiiiidi they li We ttiite ten people iltliy in the Il iiitoitt of he ltiyil lll the other llil they liie beeoiiie ol llit2tt ti ow with the toiiipletion oi ilv izntli and final Olympic lot 1l iii it would be good time to stop and take look it tin lliiissiil lilit iï¬iiiida and the lltitlh pioiiiw ti loiteiics that itc it tied iiii thi liililil lttiidil toitiea lioi leaii limp em ltl have tllil known ttllttl in the woild il how tillliltl was readx ittii use illaiiir txaiiinni tit Hayfield ti eel lkiirie tint io lelcphoie xii so itllt lllitl iinitvei outt is ond lass tail lii9lttt postage guarantin liit Sundaynind lititir Holidays eweptist iitiseiiptioii lli daily by iaiiiii cents weekh Hi yen 2y ingle copies cents lly llt llaiiie $44 It yearly riiwoe toiiny Stine yearly ilt Kore oi iiiiiti 86 iii eii iiiiii duitisitigitttins Qitmit St KN Toronto in tito Me ii1hciit St on reit leznber of the ianadtan Press and udi Bureau of tir mlatioiis lbe tanadian Press is ex lum ely entitled to the use for cepiihlication of ill news tispatches in lhl paper crediicxt to it or The Assixiatul lrexs or Reuiei and also the ocal news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims opyright in all original adver rising and mhtonal material treated by its employees and ieprixlucul in this newspaper Copyright Registration tumber Mists register 61 to kill good source oi tii mic To our tcderal and pro iiieial goieriiineiits lotteries are an etreiiiely good source ot tii iitie lhe politicians who contiol the disposition of that ieeiiiii and the people they appoint to distribute and sell lottery tick ets for percentage of the take cant ieally be expected to con cern theiiiselies about the plight oi the poor the people who can least tiltord to pi the olitiitaiy ti that loc tiikit teptisttils lwo points can be made it ti or oi the liilltllt lliex lli keeping iii Canada oitie oi li money that might otherwise go to the long established it ll Sweepstakes iiid tlie iii source ot llllnl tor reeieat on oi ieiited illlt itlllttL from the itlyiiipii Stadium to Mass hand iinztoriiis in siiiiil tow lFSlillltvll Those two points in lllii are hardly ideiptate ltl the hundreds oi not tt oi deilais that iiniiliis Skew semi final set Barrie and was replaced in the box by Butch Boyd llale legg worked thedistaiice for Newmarkct lilt Forces major contribution to year ltowc about collecting horse biasses eleventh iii series of an ticles titles Looking Back The of Newniarkct drops iatage ltll iii New force sixth game in Ed lhiiiii started for been spending on lillit tick tl xpoi is and culture deseiye ti iiiiiciil support no argument there lliit that support could be prouded Iiiole etiieiently it it came illl eitty tiotii general ti tiillli lzi the ease ot liiltiiios pro iiicial lotieiy tor ciiiiplc iboiit one tlli oi the iiiioiiiit ioilci tee eaten up in eoiiimis sioiisaiiilotlietepetises it tiie rest ti little icss than liilt paid out it prises and ltl thli than hilt goes to lii ciwiiiil lllltil lhi illlllll oi gianh tltliltt the narrow te tltl sins used to the ministry cintiiie itiil rei lttlllti oi titiid to he liliitflailjtljmigtlt1iilt litijtll 1323 litli iiiitdeiitally the piwiiiee tt1i coini fhs eii itosnii hintHats iiiliii iitilit tit li ii lat iiiizx is xiill the hem tt2i ttlii it itlhiltllli ittitttilis it itii no1 imam iuii QITEENSPARK By nos itlllilt Queens Park Bureau Thomson ew Sen ice TUHUNIU while ige said would report here Alkll ombudsman rthur liionc had to say in defence of his Jt eration and isirticiilarly llgt size and apparent sump tiiousiiess ieil the ombudsman presen is firm and ardent case for his operations in the first instance that oi its size he says it is now han dling applications at the rate of some 6000 year and this is growing These applications all have to bg reviewed hsavs most oi iir ei itl us his law oi heiii per iii1iliii it vt yoite to be giyen Liui treatnent and iillr iiiit isiiial ieatmeiit bet he sim pix must hay lie skttf he in lgt seiizesomsipie tilt more he says when the population oi the pro ittce ts taken into consideration this ll line with the operations of onibiidsnieii in othet niiisdic tons to the stttttdiitil oi lll ti iilities he has two arguments tine he says that itter lite time of seeing people in ding court tarilities he was deter mined thain the oiiibudsiniiis ii tier settdlf Sgt liraser of physical training staff at Borden taking iiistiuctors course in preparation for aiiadian BREAK lN thilil lSlVlill ltth IA iifigzits The bureaucrats all zissisti up the flying consumer lly INilINl litllAN Business and oiiuiiiiwr Mtnlrii Aiiiilyiii Iliiiiiiiioii News Service The liprniiucriitii who regulate iliii travel trade have at ltthl discovered the con sinner llie iiiiiiilniii transport com mission has proposed new rules governing Inclusivu loiir their term illt st packaged lioliiliiv mm mo Nib IAJ trips covering both air travel and uccoiniiiixlutioii iii ii tlai price The proposed changes will be warmly welcomed iiioiii ii nudiiiii holidayurn lltty iiiiike lltlii eliieujmi and allow travel packageru to after shorter tioli days which will almost cei tutnly drum up is great deal of Iiew business for the travel tiiiile THE WORLD TODAY The Starfighter killer aircraft lly JOHN IIANIHKUN Fultlgll Affairs Analyst llioiiison News Service The obsolesceiit Starfigliter used by aiiada in Europe and her fellow NAlt countries is killeraircraft Literally hundreds of them have been crashed by pilots from all the major NATO air forces since ltltil lhechst ttcriiiaii Luftwaffe which started off with 750 of them has crashed staggering 35in killing lllfllllllilllll pi lots The Belgians have downed their own shan And earlier this month the ltaliaii air force put its itiiih Starfigliter into the ground with the loss of Italys ltilh pilot of this aircraft The aiiadians with fewer Starfighters than her NATO al hes have also had their numA her of crashed Starfighters and deailpilots lhe Starfightcr is very fast aircraft doing up to 1400 mph and requiring much very low lciel flying lnfortuiiately estern Europe simply does not have enough terrain to carry out this aircrafts basic manoeuvres PICK OF CH And miscalculatioiis in low level flying or pulling out of it improperly appears to be one of the mainneasons for the high death rails in topof which this machine now called The Widowniaker lll Western Europes air force messes is very old It has been in service since the beginning of the 60s an incredibly long time in the current advance the building of war planes replacement is on the way the socaled MlttA iMiilti Bole ombat Aircrafti or lor nado whose first prototst are now being flown It is joint development of Britain West Germany and Italy into whose air forces it will go in strength when coiii pleted as well as Belgium and possibly even France About till will be built 324 for the West Germans 385 for the Royal Air Force and about too for the Italians The overall cost of the scheme is about $lt billion for Euroiws first swept wing aircraft built entirely from continental resources anada is not included in the Being liberal son doesnt mean you hive to be II sissy What Maloney has to say in his defence oiiice they would be treated as iiist rank citizens Then two he says that for the oiiice to get the respect it must haie from the bureaucrats he and his officials must have fa cilities equal to those of the ministries This last may seem piddling but it is true tl PPlIl in the meantime through the Filllilllng over North Pickering another came for thought if not concern about the onibiidsiiians office has become aptsirent This is that under the concept of its operation at present there would be no res appeal from the findings of the ombudsman He hasan appeal if government doesnt act on his findings and he thinks they should he can go to the premier and then beyond him to the legislature But there is no avenue of 11p peal from these findings True this would apply only to government organizations and their offictals and employees But shouldnt government and particularly its employin have the right of appeal The ombudsmans findings are essentially those of one man ll llit lIIIINIiCtl iliiiliifiu iHl lilllllitil Iii illlllillll ilt IN peeled ll will with that loud tlllttlh Wlll lliiiilly liiiii ll huh tilllilliil lii lliiil iiijiiyiil Atiieiliiiii iiiiil iflllï¬ll liii elleiri Iltll llieieh iiiii iiiijmituiit en itillmi lii lllill oliiinii xi iiiiiliaii toiii iIl aim ieijiiiieil llHll tI Hill1 me to itij ll ninil lll oiiiihi ilii iit deal iioi doc lli pared to buy it oh tliislielt who Ha piekediipoiii fstaitiiliiri it it IS MUNI ll tlilit tlii tilt Al lthtlll it ttlliiii 2i more passiw lUl than on ii tended iiaiiiit lo iv it veiilioiial ltllilill ltltl plow lecoiiiiaissaiiie Ztl llt wt it ileai boiiiliiiiii iii mi xi wasoiigiiiall ittlli4lii lllllike lllt ll iii iir oldei Aigti liilill mom til iitciatt iioo ientitzul Lil tl Lockheed piiii lit to replacement toi iit NAIH httiitiilitii rii hi hedecidid in the tinantinu though we tll tittllilli them liise to the liJw ii lint 2t years with lil lltt llltlil til the it Hill ii froiitliiii iitiiiv it initiiiiiits The lotiiziiti it time has had the totiiiiitiiii against ltint lllllll ll Hlli it litil iitiiil that iw erii llurope Lori His liriikit tea when lli entire Mitt ii on lillttilitt in Belgian imii tlieltiissitinrlilï¬ est itlY telliencc as iiieinbeis ot ll factiiringrum toitscoiiipiiei lhill tiiii Silittittlnwlhi the pareif ii Lenny tiiiietigiiteis Meantiim suit tiles lte titd in iti ii iirs iisixi the i2l ht no thriller ti ftillitiie in 71 iiï¬i ll true liti mittee of the hudsintei has pointed ittit pr standard meta turc But in iiittsiii its North Pickeriiigh hasnt lliisili 7H negotiators that wereirzu This does not assurance that if wit 1i fair denier ey er one llillllllil in ii liIiuI In in to lliI jun liijfi Ii1llilllll be ill lllld tllilil lliI III inninjt itll lugIi Ill iitlll ltti uoiiiplelioiiol llii llt union it new In liiiHl iii ioii lllxll Oltult individum ii in do it yoiiinlt oi iiiipu hi iri til llnur pi mi ii llllllltlllzllllll when tjilii illil4 Iil lljlll ll tlllL tlitl lll iiioiu lil Ii llrll hilt In lli lllllil nil vllt oi iiiii lt oil ilill UH tiiiii iiiiliii liiltt lii llllitl llilli We lllllllllu iii it lll il it jl llil tiii llllltlil lllll llIiIiil lltl ltll lint Iti viil lll iiit iii lll illlllli lli Ht ii ill ill lriiiiilliti llii jiiiiiii wt til it tilinitllllilltt Ill HI Ii o1 iii iijliv lltii It llii ii lvrl It Ii illi lll jiiipi ll ilo mini Hi ii lii tttlt lliil llt tyliiiiiiiiiii iilvil tu tit tiii llrpi llt Ill lo Ho 14 Aii iliiv II il lie lilll iiii oneMinn liii 1ttiijlil iin tn ii lill upii Ilitl ii ll li llii ill Iti iillllll tll limit Itlllllllltillll llll lv ll Hui Iii lollil lili lili lHI lilll iIIlI tliil llo HH mi vii it iililz iii lJlillil lli main iii it p1 it pi tho ii lllllll llllllli iiitiiiir ii ilii iiliiI itiiii lii xiiliii lntwxt tie iii in iiio ii llllll iti ll iii Iiiii it tii ti llit iiiitiiiiriii lill ilmi gt1 lliii iii llt lll lo IlillIll ii lltilll lltilll ltll lti Ii Hitim iiloi ltlllltli iii Alill tiv li ll ll lr ii iii liil lll llll it ii it ii ii llill iiiliiliiiiiii4 rlllllll iii ii ll yitii unpaiiitflmiir tl 5iv oi lllll liiiiu il il lllll llil iiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iliuiil ii ii iiiliiil lltlli lm jirt ii1 Hi iii llillllllillltl tit lllt ii iiilllllli iii llliil Mi lit llo tl fil invttit iivliia illi ltl il Itlt How it tulip gt it tliil tlii ltlll it lli tiiiil tie it ii lll iii llll 5m llltlllillt iivt ti ilii lilllltlti low lll lli Hi li it iiiiiijtli iiilliill Ito Il llIll 11 II tlllllt llllli lii til ltilll ii tltljl rs iv Wu ci iiisii it tééiti ll 14 ii ii ll llil tr limit li It ij ill tllllll tI litlll lnl it it him will ltitlt ti in tl it iii ll it it lliv ii tit ti it Hot tilil t4 til tin ti tl iiii tit iii no iii ti tw rm iw ti i1 it it it tdlll l1 tig it tzitt wit to Hi gimil Ilhllth luv that lulf Hip Jette illit ittlilliii iii reqiiiieiiietit that also ought to be shortened pay non llllllltliililt deposit of $50 and pay III hill in days prior to iltll tiiie liiiill Have in iiiiitiialty on iegiilttlly liiiliileil flights and may ieiiiiii any time litlwttll the lllllillllllillllilVTi Inn tln mining winter sea till It Night to Limdoliwtll iLVii limo llalitas $299 and ltllti truth in lllilll liiiiiiilii iiii tilll litil 11 lillt ioiilit itse how iliiiij lllltllllll liilth lll tlo iiiieeis III litiI lllill llii liililiil Htivtlll imiit lll iiiipieiid elliillve iilt iil il liilt Imiiirlliiill1l iittoiij lliiiitilitl tlnss lll iiiti tilllli ed only Ill rillii llli iii they llithllt Iiiilv liiilil popiilai williliilil llttilttlll lllll liiiillfilll they me the lllt lii jii lit lllt liiiliitl iiijilmiiiIiiilittlllttl tiiilil ltii ilil ittlli tlll liililillAthh tiiiitli lI iiiiiitit tt Hl lllll iiiiiiioi lllilll lll lniiitt tilll iiiin to lIl ii Ittlltl lill tllnli iliit it lo iii titjlii lli Li tiil itji tlllll pet fllilil ltt tl lllllltlll il lii tioi Lo ltjl 14 tin Iitlltl piolmlily impr liitl iiltit llltlth llltll In lllt it ti tl twii til lil ii til it pinup liiii tt littli llti ivtii titlllllllitl tll iilliit Iii at in it ii litillli iipii tlltl iiiiiiilli lil iiilit l1itij It it people iation liiii llll iiti liiltlil Lilli it llullil tlll tlvi 31i llllt cii li you mall itt lJ lit yr llt iiii it pmil it Ill j4iiti lot it to make ll ii ii ii xoiilr iiilllltl iir rpm litiillllllll lll pinjilt on litliillllllill itlltl Illll to ilmii llit ll Mlt on it itiiiiiit ii 41 iiii lm ittoiil llll tiitl Illllllt ttiltltl wimp llitlill rim Alon ia iiitti rnljlll itIrl yitivl il= ilflilsl jlt lil th illfl lifl It vii if ii it ill iv jg 11 who illletl ltl irY will tr Aid At newt th ls it l7 ir thl HiV lT unit wt in If irirrv manila 1730 laiivarimri Jan called into Stliti deal With tailway irike