lBThe Barrie Examiner Saturdu Au us 28 1976 Bears the distinctive Olympic motiffound only on our specral Supercycles II 21 or 23 Mens 10speed Racer Boasts Shimano derailleur lront 10Speed Excallbur rear gears Centre pull caliper ur best lspeed has wide ratio brakes Auxiliary salety levers multiple gearing stein shilt levers Relleetor pedals Rear relleetor toe clips straps leather saddle Green luometrinr 27 Tum walls Im Tic motil 27 um walls Mens 21 or 23 Womens 21 mm Supercycle 10Speed Medalist Frontandrearcaliperbrakes Loaded with features youd expect on more with auxiliary levers expensiVe models Lightweight frame Padded Safetyrefect0nzed mes racing saddle Chromedchain guard rims and and from and rear reflectors trim Taped handlebars Enamel linish 27wheels 10Speed Tourer me Mens Bridgestone in striking coaster Brake Blke 5Speed Tourer yellow or womens in rose Has udimmul mmc 3mg in lCd Mens ll in brown womens in Shimano gears stainless steel Lime in hp Hm chnnncd mum blue Shimano derailleur with stem mudchain guards padded saddle bane 51cc mum 30 whccle mount shill Stainless steel mud thinline tires pump kiekstand bell 57295 guards Reflectpedals Zn wheels vorwa Mens 5Speed Tourer 3Speed Tourer Folding 3Speed Budget pleaset has plent ol lea Womens lrame orgirls 192 In ompact model lIom ltnglandl pc tures Shimanolarlx derailleur Stem blue Smooth aetion lront and rear constinction tiiggei eontIolled shilter aliper brakes hain guard caliper brakes Bright parts lieaxils speed Stuimes IclIeI Ieai hub Zbblaclalltires llAlLllLlldlllC chromed Rcllector pedals Vlnte lronl ltll caliper biakes lnomed Red enamel tinislr lmc tires on Io wheels lendeis Illtl Ied line tIIes Boys 19 10Speed Medalist This lightweight Is raring to go er hill and dale Has all the leatures ol the aboVe model Smartl tintshed in durable iold colored enamel 24 heels Boys 3Speed 19 Supercycle Medalist Gold colored $9495 Name lmllt hump VINYL RAIN PUNCHO ZLEG KICK STAND GENERATOR SET Mens 33peed Tourer Maple ml on 59 It 23 wheel 249 lIIl lamp and headlamp Mm Wm ppmmkt mg qwlm convertlble ldLk his all link lCCl uh lurk mum UH when otilsee the budget llcc lids lllllJllUll healet Rtitluxe top lxn to thl litt m1lmlmpn IN METAL PANT CLIPS nth LEVERS Skill 895 blllllldll lkkkl llll ilitoined comet to girls llas banana saddle Insienm Rugged lccl lianic llen Keep culls In Hm lenders and clitIInguard 2h ls heel lllllle£l pple green 1h dI coaster bide Real lLllelHl place ltIIt l0 BASKET lldslwhlll Him Rlslt ll IHl wheels ges to Rellcttoi pedal 2m Ifi lllLs TURN SIGNAL Orange or blue ELEcrmc HORN lll but llandlbat pLNIL Ulll Push button I59 Batten cum IIWWd 329 41 MIRROR Iers etiI Use your momma mum In Canadian Tire Card Regtslcrs mIleage om HEAVYDUTY CHAINLOCK mph and insl sleee lannnated l2 TUBEREPAIR KIT 2023 rIt Patches CA 212328 wheels pidliiel $6 mLnl butler AJJIOVIN RRIU lm MTFIELD MALL IAYFIIlD ST INT 11 more num coon MORNING EARLY RISERS DID rou IINow CANADIAN TIRE onus AT 900 AM 830 SATURDAYS °l° mumo