mNomlurltrul Wflwamw1wwclt nuns 1H Wtweutmnmmurmmn sum gnaw rs Nancy Webster oI Ihrllas is mighty unhappy She was holding the alleged Iaccornplice of thief who Uh kidnapping in 9hour siege IJIVICIAANI AP etnam eteran who held as any as l3 hostages during nehour sic re inside genliltith landmark Ierv inal Tower in protest against former tltipllrnls treat ertt of IeIIow eterans lace grarges of kidnapping zltthot ii res said Ashby Leach tilt of Hunt inglon as to be charged today anthorriressanl harles McKInnon special agent ill chargeoi the Itl here rd Leach also may be czarged ltIl eiortion atnl threatening company ï¬griged to interstate corn merce made my point Ileach outed lhursday night alter heard his complaints about terans rights broadcast on gevision Leach had walked into the ot ges ot hessie System Inc ilway holding company that rployed him in tEtTl Armed th shotgun and pistol be Mk til hostages and demanded Tat the firtn change its prai cos toward tttlairs ljlllfll HStAII Four of the original hostages got away Ihose ho were left eight men and one woman wereunharmed lloward Skidtnore Vice president said that an appren ti program leach had joined at hessie lll Huntington IMPERIAL CINEMA llwItutii army $53M nun so 09 Lun nteu tn LlCItT lltl took Alli from the cash to grstcr in her dress shop at gunpoint waitnn lor polo to tIItH When they didnt MARX ltll Ilttlltll orreot hostages Va was not registered with the federal gover ntnent and that Ileach was therefore in eligible for supplemental fed eral benefits Skidmorc said the program as not reitisicrcit ill order to avoid llltll ole rnil redtape FBI agents tlceland police and hessie officials gave this account of the siege Leach initially demandrd to see iopthessie eecirii but he was told that neither heustc prestdent IIas Watkins uor re LDING rIIIIGtiIIN come promptly the man told Mrs Webster he had to no and walked out the tour tired board chairman tyrus IJaton were in He then asked to setsomeoneinauthority This for real he told his hostages lot oi people could get hurt lhen tlt ner the shotgun to shoot light torture on theceiling IvUUISlItilMldZS It 2Iitowan liessie rceprmident volunteered to talk to Leach Mctiowan ho rean War eteran established rapport and drew up list of written promises which coin nntted hessie to review of its practicetoward veterans tenth asked uecretary to call the new media and ex plain his demands which iti clnilcd request that he wanted to see story about himself on network ItliIHIill Iwo television sets and ta dio were brought in birt Leach shot at the radio with his pistol after hearing newscast At one point Mcilowan re tlt telephone call from Ieyeland muttirnillionairc lCa too who called from his sum mer borne in Illandtord NS and who said the demands signed by Mrtiowan were are eeptablc Raymond Sado Ilatons sec retary said Mct lowan is art ex pericnced negotiator and IIaion empowered him to make any necessary at rangernents to en urereleaseol the hostages When at about tiwtft Leach an story about Iron 49 v1 705 05 any Wfléy ï¬rm67871175 My ago25 iatrsza U707€6 may rm Afar7 A90 VilWJV WIf 7195 JfflJiflfl 0mg fleww leaving Mrs Webster hold ing in thiscase the gun tAI IItotol gVietnam veteran facesoharges self on network television broadcast he told the hostages ILVerybody gets out He threw down his guns raised his handsandwalkedollt lIlIlllt MONSTER ttIIZItIIIIIIiN Eng land 1II massive power station boiler itiIrirrg IHI tons and ltloteet long hit the road recently tor the Hill rrrile haul troin this Ilnglish town to Matt rhester hotks It was as heavy as Slit double tttt buses and as Iolltias it Minis To Our Famous MIIIAMAII ADVENTURE AVarrcty hi Chinese Foodq €49 TAKE our SERVICE 1286101 Banquet Facilities MIBAMAB GARDENS Licenced tavern at puntop StWBanie rr Il null5 ma Mama MN mt CAIN on GOULD EATON AL THOUGH HE AS EM Est ZHEf TIC Ambassador raps nuclear plant sales UNITED NATIONS tfl Canadas new ambassador to the United Nations has criti cized recent sales of nuclear fuel reprocessing plants while expressing sympathy with de veIoping countries in their sear ch for larger share of world prostxsrity Williatn Barton also criticized the World arms trade saying many of the Wealthy Weather may aid forest fire fight DRYIJEN nt ttll Un settlcd weather conditions today are expected to give firefighters some relief in cluding those battling 1100 acre forest fire about Alt miles northwest of this town spokesman for the ministry ot natural resources said Ihur sday Wayne Mlltton ministry in formation officer said the weekend forecast is for warm hot weather The ministry said the fire burning out of control five miles away from the corn rnunity of McIntosh for twri days was being held lhursday and Hit persons who live in the village arein nodanger Mr Mutton said fire crews on bulldozers have built fire lines between the fire Forest Lake and McIntosh About In resi dents frorn three cottages and tourist camp at Forest Lake evacuated Inesday when the fire was one half mile away llruce Iiittle another ministry spokesman said few persons who left McIntosh lt miles northwest of here have returned to their homes The ministry declared the northwestern area of the pro NOW PLAYING 46 Dunlop St Barrie Ont78468l ince restricted tire zone area effective midnight Thursday HANS OPEN FIRES spokesman said the restric tion effective to Sept bans open fires but does not restrict travel in the area Fires in charcoal burners and other stove fires are permitted pen fires were banned for three weeks in June when fire conditions were hazardous pen fires Were banned iii the north central part of the prov ince Tuesday More than Ltltltt firefighters are attempting to stop the spread of the fires in Northern Ontario where 22H fires were burningIhursday Mr Mutton said one group of the 2l9 firefighters from AI beria is battling itiltivacre fire northwest of Kenora which is threatening timber stand be longing to llevling to The sec otrd group is helping to fight 6900 acre fire 20 miles north east of Kenora Neither fire is under control Mr Mutiotr said the l2l fires in the northwestern area are burning spruce white pine and jack pine About ï¬t of them are burningout of control Dryden is tit miles east of Ke nora comm snow DAILY AT mo pm 13 mucous AT 700 let mun APPL At 910 Barrie Twin Drivetn Theatre tar2212 Adult tutor turnoutmt Its hilarious outrageous countries have balanced their trade deficits by exporting ar ms and thats not the way to doit Barton 58 presented his cre dcntials Thursday to UN Secre tarytleneral Kurt Waldheim He succeeds Saul Rae who be comes Canadian ambassador to the Netherlands Touching on nuclear reprA ocessing plant sales by West Germany to Brazil and by France to Pakistan Barton Winnipeg native told repor ters We dont favor selling reprocessing plants Canada doesnt believe these deals provide sufficient safeguards against diversion of plutonium to the manufacture of aiornic weapons he said EXPLOSIONS FEAREI lle recalled Indias use of pin torriurn frotn Canadiansup plied reactor against Canadas wishes to set off an under ground nuclear explosion Once country gets one repr ocessing plant he said it can evade the controls simply by putting up another plant not subject tocontrol llarton former anadian amv bassador to the UN Geneva dis armament cornmittee since t972 said anada has reduced its armed forces while other countries including those in the lhird World are building up their arsenals He suggested however that the continuing confrontation between the developed and the developing countries is not necessarily bad thing Some good tnay corrreout of it lvlfilll USEFUL Sometimes he told news conference the only way to pro duce beneficial changes is by confrontation SKEW 4an 54 This daring duo had only one HANG UP each other II ttNittrloR Mummy uvrstirrsmm nmm mr ICl SCREEN NOW PLAYING road race McOhes busted cop his gun is unlicensed and his story is incredible Adult Entertainment n1llls Jun JOHN VAYNE if The BorrieExominer Friday AUQUS 27 97 Ile recalled the great UN con flicts in the past over colonial ism and the Middle East and the clashes between the super powers all amid predictions that the UN would break up But it didnt he said In fact beneficial effects flowed from some of those clashes It also did not necessarily fol low that the developing coun tries who are seeking new economic order were always wrong in their objections to the way they had been treated in the past by the industrialized countries He said changes will havr to be made in the attitude of the industrialized states He put his faith in negotiations now under way for commodity agreemen ts and in aid proposals being Rock Hill Park IIA miles wrist of Allistonl on Sunday September at 700 pm and 130 pm FREDDY FENDER also Jacx Reeves and the Reeves Buys and Country fditiun Adults s600 Advance tickets $5 iitl Ilhrlttmn yours and under tree worked out by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund But is is going to take along time It is not going to come easy Recognized as Canadas ex pert in disarmament negotia tions Barton will represent Canada on the Security Council when Tanada takes its seat tIrereJan CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on order over $700 In Barrio I0 Discount on PickUp Orders over 3700 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE INO Hwy 90 Off Hwy No 400 Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre tttill Illlittl lijltlilit aIll till tr Ith in lliritt tittii Jlitilliiin II till It III IIIJIlIII HUI ï¬ftvUjf CHILDREN AN iiriruiiiéi We Proudly Present for audience participation CHARLIE BROWNS THE CONTINENTAL INN Barrie Ont An Event at Jinn no will Ill illtltIlI tulva LIAM ww THE EIGER SANCTION GEORGEkEnuEDY tourism orrosn no RETURN roam crruso usu 726 834 STARTS TOMORROW Adult Entertainment vi It not It want QLMUW HIM