the WASAGA BEACH tStaffi Jiidging from early preparations there will be full list of candidates and lively campaign in the coming Wasaga Beach liiunicipal elec tioli Ill December The voting will be the first in local election in three years Itlt to the term having been ex ended by special Iiill of the legislature when Wasaga lteach became incorporated as Itlttll lair Itohertson who is com pletillg Ills first term as mayor was rccve before Wasaga Iteacii was incorporated as towil lown status was of ficially achievedollJau ll tltlt when the inaugural illeetiilg of the first town coiiileil washeld Along With Mayor Itoheitsoii illeuibcrs included lteeve Duane Patticld Deputy lteeVe Marjory Dyer and Councillors Walter Borthwick Russell Pogue Ted Gordon and Carl Mitchell Mr Robertson defeated George Watson iii the election held iii December t971t 1799 votes to 1124 Mr latfielit won the reeveshii from former deputy reeve hit Iarback while Mrs Dyer captured three way contest for deputy reeve Mr Itorthwtck topped the polling out of It council can didates with Mr Gordon second and Mr loglie third tneii lnlmsier oi nuance and illtcrgovernilleiltal affairs of the Ontario governlllellt Jiillil White attended tlle inaugural aild adiiuiustered the oath of of llce IIIS assistant Arthur Meiii also attended Election preparations Before achieving town status Wasaga Beach was the largest village iii the county Mr Robertson was the fifth reeve since village status was at tallied ill 1949 Anthony Beck who headed the council for record 15 years was the first and others were Wilbur Nash Eric Lawrason and Langevln local iatepayers association has been active ill trying to encolirae nominations of candidates or the coming election which already has been stirring local interest The association headed by former reeve Langevtil has hooked itakvlew Public meeting called on Oro senior housing Ity Mlltllil II Iil IliIISlttNI Itcratlculs tilt yeal old and tip who are ill tellsled ttl slihsldled housing hayi been invited to attend titlititi meeting on Iuesilay Alli ill at pill In tho Staiioll colillullnlty hall representative from ttll tailo Iouanit orpolatlou will be present to explain geared to liiiiiilllliilllslili lhiity seven llleulhels of the Marigold Jolly Iiitlers Itili iollied other senior cltlleiis tiolll lrollnll Silucoe toiluty at Spriiigyiater Iark Mldhliist fol theauilual picnic Jittl lliliilliltS than nine Jolly IIlders lllet for their regular pot luck Ilill clieoll Aug at tho Station coinlniuutvhall Mr and Mrs Len Ilall aull Iiilltli hayc returned home at tcr few daysot camping Itcdvers Sttililey lay rcailel it on St James llghcailthiu cli titIIIia took IIIt sttytit at St lituls Ilitrch last Sunday ttltN lit SIS Mi and Mrs Morris Shelswell were hosts at corn roast on Saturday evening uc tienilmg were Mr and Mrs IttIII Sanderson Mr and Mrs tiaily Sanderson Mr and Mrs iiailcn Sainlelsoll Mr and II Icr Sanderson all of urty titty Ir alld Mrs IlttI ioultll Marty and Warren of ltarric illd Mr and Mrs ic tol Hart of lIawkestolic Sunday tli was the big day at Iioy llays llollle when tt IIIIItl liatlleieil fora corn iiiI st lhc tll lved lioiil taprcol oith Ia Stayliei Strotld ililvl tttll toldwatel itaiiie iillillllrst ashaio loloiito tilielph itilllla Itlll iisay and llawkestolle Two people came Labrador At least lfi of the guests were celebrating birthdays and three couples had wedding on lliversarles that day The corn eating king for tlus year was Tom Scott of Stayller Alter meeting Aug Jli at the home of Mr alld Mrs Itobcrt Ilaiihllly the organizers of Ilawkestolie Sunday School have allnouii ed the rmpellillg troln Bedard wins golf round SIIANIY llA Stall eorge Itedai defeated llalvey tlalke to enter the first flight finals ill the mens chain pionship collipetition at Shanty Itay golf club George will illeet the Winner between Steve oilltel and It Shier Iil the second flight Steve Moth will play the victor between ary Meger and Iillll lty Iiunli ill the float Then the two flight winners will battle it olit for the club title In the senior competition Jack Lloin aild lIarold Sliver have reached the finals white the junior final will have Steve thappel ltlHI Itriali tereswell Iarell llooper and Irail New toll have reached the finals ill the business girls eoillpetitioil Ill the handicap series Itlta trowell Verllice leets Joanne tlordon alid Frail Newton are ill the scllli final rollnd handicap tournament for jltllltil and senior players has been arranged for Sunday Sept lit The closing tollriia tent of the season ill be Sim daydtct it Sulky racing planned Iochelon fall fair tlIIi mtatti Slitky Ilitld tlittll under tailadlali tioiilui Association rules iarlu produce displays colli tilttl iai booths and midway at llittllttls III again be alliollg till It llIiIli of the till ltlI Iatt tin Itcctoil lccilmsctll Agii illlllil Societ which lll be held it the lot al fairgrounds ltlisil ithl ediisiii Kept Hand id Iilc twoday iilll also lll titltti good horse show as well illcstock collipctitioiis tuizlillstiitcd by the cattle show titttlitIlI day cyclits will lie hcoi to ill clulis oi the second year in row ll llli li antic is president at llc lizllcultllral society with Li Ialuous and thcstcr Sled llcsidcilts Iaync lollctt at caiy and trtic estlake awntaut tlltlil Scrictary tor tllc past 37 ltl ltecye IIll ioss of iii cit ontiiulin actnc iiti Ul tiil Ittl lllt no at the itlit fairs in ozi ills tl liitlirio in said iI with oiwiols pride as lr lyric edit community tii armieltoit ltil past ptistilints itit dillclots are Ill it lcthiairie tic issiclalc twirl lcclc IIl Iiitlit Heatoid loin tiarticld Iiail tnk asou illzin ltuttcdge liec rte lttiulle timl lie isk IIrwln Lctts and Earl IIilllL lucll The society has Iii directors alid Lti associate directors aiuollg tlielll Iteplity lteevc Allan lasstoril of lcciiinsetli Will discuss recreation MlltliiitSl Statti lte gistratlou forms have beeli mailed out for the county lde recreation conference on co operatlyc planning and estali ilshlnciit of recreation facilities winch is to he held at ticorglan otlcgc theatre on Saturday titI Sponsored by the county recreation committee the coil tcrclicc is part of feasibility study of recreation tilcilltlcs It is hoped that positnc recoiniucndatloils alid slitise tltlllll action will cyolie from workshop discussions said theannouncement the planning coiuililttec lll chides iteputy item liiida Sill thoi pc ot llily chau iliali of the clarity recreation committee Ilclcli task county recreation coliiliilttcc lilciubcr ltiltIi tia tcr oi tieeinorc flaw Moore of lav itob oling ot Iottenhain and Peter tavlll director ot toulity recreation WNERE ELSE IN BARRIE CAN YOU FIND GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE AT BELOW RETAIL OMS iN ANE AICH CANDLES BEING MADE HURIDA IRIES POI IERV RIGIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT MOTOR BIKES SNOWMOBILES all WARE tOI IERY CERAMICS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ALL AT 50 IELOW RETAIL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS EllRON SALES OLD TOWN MARINE BUILDING 60 hit Rood lust South of Holiday Inn Icside ioo Nighvuy oclock Till Every Day coiuilliinity centre for nominating convention on Saturday Sept of classes on Sunday Sept at It lfia lll ro couple back from liy It Itllttltl llttt SIAIIUN Mr iilid Mrs Victor itttrien have returned liollie after it trip to the Itllt ish olilmbiii coast Mr and Mrs ItriailWard and faintly left here with Mr and Mrs tilllieii travelling with them to Vancouver where they stayed two weeks They re turned home by plane from Iild iiioiltoll Itelated wishes are extended to Mr and Mrs William Graham who were celebrated their ttith wedding anniversary on Monday Aug 23 llest wishes also to Mr and Mrs Morris Jetfels of ookstowu who were five years lilarried on Aug ill Mrs Jeffeis was the former Itarbara Moore of ro Station Mrs lloward rawford ac companied her sister Mrs Alvin Ilrcilliaii of IIiIlsdale to lo Home Lake where they vir sited at the cottages of their sisters and brothers iiilaw Mr and Mrs Lovering and Mr aild Mrs Iorley Iotter for few days leil tables of players par ticipated lit the ellchre at the community centre on Monday night Winners were first Mrs Karl iilchrisi and Will ockliliril second Mrs lara Andrews aiid ltoss llailey thirll Mrs Ross Itailey ailil Mrs Melvillerawford Fee abolition requested IlttiNlili lherlul liial Lawyers Association viil rli that lack iif money for even small tees cotild send people to jail has seilt letter to torllcy tieucrai ltoy Mchirtry requesting the abolitloii of all fees lil crlliiilial matters The amount of money is not relevant tlaytoli Ruby To roiito lawyer and spokesman for the 350 member defence lawyers group said ill the let IN to Mr McMilitry He said justice must be available freely Iottll Mr lltlby wrls commenting on recellt situation in which man found guilty of unpaired driving and refusing to provide breath sample had his law yer file an appeal with county court The lawyer learned that Ills client would not he released an til the appeal had been resolved tiiiless Justice of the peace was glyell all official county court ttttiltttllt which costs $2 The proyllice of Ontario does not need the $2 and ii you have not got II It might as well be some Ir Illitiy said ill the letter ylr ltuby added that he has not heard of anyone going to tail because they did not have lIieS stalkesiiian for Mr Ic Murtry said edncsday said that Mr Rubys letter tiad Just lttthtI and the matter would Iiclinestlgated stirring Wasaga Beach thlillNIIillillttl ASSICMIlIJ SWING Slill Volunteer workers assemble large swing set Ili Iaiillavieks iiiw liilllllllllIII park Itesideiils pitched Hi all Jr 55 IIt iiitly Ill IIIiIlIII IilI ciplipinint llil tiidlnii Ililt Ii tiip Itil ii itifIiIill COUNTY GLIMPSE fat at Itillll lII llilllllillll vilai Iiil Ilt IIlIiltil Itiitil loiiit lIJitlttllitl Ill toi III pair Car draw by Crceiaore Lions ItIIIIMUIlIiI tStatti car draw for two Iiodpe Newport and other lillltS lie awarded at the eighth all illial summer show and dance of the reeulore Lions club at the local arena on Saturday night August iii stereo set poitahli theVIsiou set and number of $5 casll awards also Will he made group known as The ei satlle liour Iltilll ltraniptou will provale the music for the dim cc Iroceeds Willi go to IIlI Lions arena tliud coiil illittineilt lNliliZtIIHLl IlltltltIIIN iStalti Iiaii lllail of Simeoe olmtys Ill dllstrial and tourist tradi promotion ttllllilIlIIlt Illtt Ictcr Forbes Ilaait decided WIietllel to stand tor ii election lil Mara township Nomination will lie Iield ill Noriiniwl fol the next twii year term ltipiity Iiieve Muir Hack chaii mail oi the countys ttJltllIItlldI and icloiestlitiliii tillllttliltt said Iieiliteildedtostauiiagaln IIUIIIIIINUUIJ IIASI ittiltltlZN Statfi Ilase llordcll ladies lll Vitatlolial golf tournament tor the Moisoils trophy VtlII Iit held olillulrsday Sept FttltAIlIlt IIIItI NIIW LHWIILI iSlalli Reeve Lloyd Irldliain of Sun iiidale was chali luau of the ot tawasaga Valley oilseryatioii Authority board III loot and too when the New Lowell park and Iain were nlaioi protects The cement daiil replaced an old Itltti IitlIi IlaiI Ittlll in iixistcn ce tor ycal not tar lioiii the old New Lowell niiII II ItIClVitl iillllttiiiti iStalt IIie ltttii aililual reunion of tin IiiI77 Iltttlttltiitis tll Sliliiin Foresters tititllttill will Iit hcld lll tollinezwood Itogai tauadlan Legion Iiillidtni oi Wednesday Sept II IIIt Slit tiItIIII tStaIl Ihw lillIIId IIiitllitllltli lI Sol nix will hold its annual lati suizi titer flower show in tliIIIIIIIt it with the ltrlllla tall llli ii fairgrounds display flail ll FridaySipt to IIIl III IIJIiKISlIlltIli Stall Itoposal toi ti waterworks tor Ilny IliAllSIlilt iilllllitllvif it Iiecii made to the iiiTIilI council whilll Eikly it iiilllillllll syscln MUFFLER SHOP This Months Special Drop in and see us today Phone 7284378 I80 Innis St are OUTSIDERS tlo installation outro 7262282 ltttlyt IIIIIIHI leItIA III IIil liittiic lIliitiinIl IIlIllIItiiiillaltlt augmented uploading tin nystclil oil lIll piopoad Illiiali lialliii niliiiliyinion could lie ttltlvllltliil plan to provide Iieltei lllt plotictloll also wa tliitltti with Ilti filial llttlfwlllll UNSIIII lltt II tttIIINtlttttt fitalli tollttiiiiliollllitolliniï¬woodfor the fit it Nevii month of tin yr covered total rtillt tl lwIlIlltittti leioliliiii to entiillaten iiiycil fol Iiiiildill tltllllllv IIll ltliltillilttl lil Illtltlllt of SlitLotto otei III aiilcpei llili Ia liull fttIII Init Iliyf ttlIItiIIlIt Iiiguilt and aint LiI ratio of lilltiti tlt played tti Iiliud iiiiillt lt IlttIlItItI Itiiii lllItlIIIII laiiiili IitlII xltii Illtittt Id lllt ItllIIl till Its VIllllj dati liiil ot lII IIttllllllluIaliil hit will attend tiainiillI elm ii ii Motto in ion Il halt iiti lltI till Weilnluilay llll Iloilitux Twill Mai fViIIliII tItI lll lit held it Itlltlil Mailman llcrliiii hill on VIIII ili Itltltiitit il Jitl iiiiili II All Illl tIItIIII ifstall taonl tIIMIgt will iv hula1319 DISH He IIfllflhl Like an Army and Lion Like Legend LS MINI AIIIII lOM LAUGHUN DEIDRES IAYIOR ash3 mi immrnmm Ronni ot tittawa lliliillan aiclialiiilit lll Itiilai ant Illtl It will lillltillii of III tillllia tipiia lloire on Wed llttlilv exciting Iiipt ll llIttItl III Hpoiluolxilip of the tiliilla toili iit Awaitintuit All In It ANtilt iï¬ittilli Ianalulion ill lIIt IltlttI towaid ItItill ttil Ii iIitilioi iil power ttttl its at affair was dcploitil by Will aillino Augie lilralleualuini lit liloti iiVlcw of iilillilrlpal politch Icople IltillItI Iltlve liltlt denimiatic lltltl piotii led at IIII local low iti well othei twin of ioveiniilinf in and waililioY ll tolilil lnvuln IttlttlltlitHai littltlI all tiItl IIMUHI iitatli Iiittliit liftIlIlI iiiii tumin tll VstIIIIIIIIIII tiiililit Illtltl it Itlll 4l not liiaoi in til at IIlt liIIIItt IllltitllitI Hi IIIltl Ititi lIIliiI IlIIv flItIIIl IIII tlItIIllil lilalli flttilliit tll ttiiilla toiinli Ilitjl in on tltIIt IIIIt lII lIittl II it lalac tlilllt utli lIltiitii hall iiiiiliila wpt It IH III IttItly Lilall sititilltll tall Itil of the lawn iiiiuuttulal Lliilitv will In held Iltll on iatiiiday scpl 153i Plil Ht pm MASH GUNIIGIITW l0 WIMBQV mnliu m7 Thornton group enjoys picnic at Springwater Iiy Mlth tuliltlttil liiil IIIttItNIUN iiiilceu lloili Iilliiiltiiii iiiea weii iiiiioiii llll ioo who enjoyed the oilllilal iiiiloi toiliil llllltil itliiiir lltllt field leiciitlv at Hpi liviwatrl paih ylittiV ot the IIIIIL including liie Iiiiciiitiliip lIItIi iil Ilitillt ton tittveilel lo and liolli III path In hit olil levy oi IllIt Villltll pioiuain of tIlttlltil iliiaieilaio itlilill nullilitiiy loll le ton ilanl oinl IIIIiI il lliiiiilill tll ll villlltll by In itiiili xtlll toi Iliiitli Itllllilliltll hem and ttitllti lIIlIi milii ill lli Iiiioi built out III III Iii le It llt all It rl oil Illlti lIittil ltii lli Illlt to iiii IliI pit hoi It liltl Itltllllttl III It llliltI VIIIol IiIiIIII iiiiiiii Vviililiii IHVIIII Itiiiftia lagol lioilan littltl ltll Ittilti lolil Ill Ill ll lot It til ill anltl pi Swingers Wtlt hosts to about 20 squares at the lhoilltoil colll iiionlty arena when they IIlIfl thcil August lrollc lwo IeVels of dancing Were called by Mac Mainthis and Jimmy Lee of Hamilton Me and ice cremn Welc sci vvd to the guests some of whqu clinic fioill as ho away as IIIil ida and Winnipeg tall trio in eital icon was discussed tlt ll lliNIIlth of liinily tlnitid thuicli Women in the illilduy itliool Iltittlllh and this It to he looked into tui IIttl Mflltllllll also hope It will choli litt plopit started last will of selling liastl notes wttll iolnled photos of the lunch eii icitiii till ytiii All llilirested lIIt asked to intact ally illelillini It was tIIt idid tli IiilVe the hullday pii iendy fol the IlltlIllthili Wednesday iept Mullins and cheese wei sci yell ii Iiltl ti on in diliingtln not lalhoill of IiiltlIvitlI limo MlutiALWlNNlult tli longialiiiiltioii weie ex tint Li tended llitllll to tilelin iii to MllI tiliiili liltttlailt ltoddaill slimt 7R IIH till xiiliitiim itdtiy August I911 Iotato festival films are shown at Alliston Ill MAIttiAitlnI 1IUIII ALLIIIUJs Ioili1llleiit had an oppoltlinity to ievow Mtllti litilll the loilito lcstlval at the week end by weaning lulu lltlttli of IIII tIlllI tltil tyllii Iiy itlltllIl Hallie Iiltlllltl It It wan Iltllltiadill to attend all the illVlIit and we ltillill latch upon what vl IlitttI It ilrai wile eliililiiendidili tiei I4I loi iIllll IIIX unable to pal ticipate lntlieluliltions Nltllllltlt of the titans Ittllll lioup IltIll IIlllI annual picnic at the lottape of All and Mir Allan tol titan on Lake fiiiocoe ntiv Mr and VIli William lllln lei Victoila Ht vrated ltItiIin at Leallliilgtoii ltttll tiy Ml and Min Job Small flaw retained from all eilpiyalile holiday WIIII then litilllllIilW and daiitlitci Mi and Min IVtttl Ioiiml it tillii cottagllili Ia ital iiiziitiailiaiiliiil Mi iiill Mil tleialtl IiIIIotI iiI Ltoiiev tttI vi iteil Mi and All iiiiiIIIiIiiAtlll lltil at lhi Illtlll ol All and Il Loin Viiiltdtlt on tnidu viilitliut lltli tll Mi iiul Tdl illicit VtoodiI Hi and Mi IiiIfiII aiily and Mi and Win llowald iloopel all oi ltiziinptou Alt Initiiii Mitipllw tltl Iilt ty iii holidaying at Wamga IiiiiIithi yincl Mi Itiiy McLean and Itiiill til Iilililtitl liittil Ii ll day Let ailIv mith tilmlu and iensi lndotiili ielatiye iiire YOU Enter ilyou dare the bharre woudotme psychosexuat mind mun DARE in keep your eyes open during every terror saturated scene of lotto Mitt than has letliiiod hour two wetI1 holiday Willi iclntchs in VancouVei It ti Itlttitlh of Mrs Annie Hater nie penned he has llnplowd ill health to be discharged lioin Hospital and now imnlvut ol Hood ihlltiitl ltliii Nursing Home Altlo that Mill liillt It halting home convaleiwini iltei Itll Itttlil lIIltti Mis Illsane Mitchell ietilliied from vacation wuh Wawa Ml and Mrs ti Allison of tiltnitrite Illach Forest Hill veatml Mr and MI tIiinbiiland the Weekend of the has inont ho ieiiitiVes at potato festival Mi and Miss tullihciialld and ali ilt coiiipanieil the Allisons to spend few days Willi Mi and MP Ieti ie at their cottage on Wood Lake ileiii Iii llitIll iilgc for few days I4 air dates IlII Iaii datiq lot this and lieliiiimilngiieaslollow laiiii Aug tlilllla apt It liltiyltlt ept if Ileeloil fiept to twiwiton Sept ll til tisiknttiwii tilpt 17 It Midland uipt ll ltl Linti iept 72 71 llili wpl WI tollingwood Sept Ito to Uil fl tIiIdAatia til lIlmvali it ti anti Wllai Will he IBII OI them THE tEItlt cililliisnw MASSACRE Wha housefly mv who placed second ill the long jump and ti lplc ittllll eVents at the national Legion lilidgct IltltIt and Iielil championships ill Iailliitllltlll August IIle year old llaiiie ciltilil iilieglate wltlltiil who is the son of Ml and Mrs Jeliy lifttlidtltti wins awarded two silvil medals Ml and Mr Joe Itllitit hate Itllttiittl home after Visiting the lattirs sister Nor ma illultlnstiand ir allieioli IIIII and family of taigitry While tlli ic they attended the weddini of their nephew Iiavid llili to IiiaiieMiltolltlltlat Ild iiiolitiiiiililtj lI till tialton tlautlllg has returned Iloinl after spending about to days with Ml and Mr Hill tiavisot till lholll liiti llvialid iooglalniatlons to Ml and Mir tioiilou Mclaali oil thi both of liltit liiot ittIl lliiau ioiiloil Vtailaic oil at itoyai Vlitoiiil timpu II ltA in the lust gran don of All and hire litIIittl iItItutillililiililtilliilllit littll iia tIIHI tiiIIi AtIi Ix litiotllll iliailllaiilloi Mitt Iiilii Ilotlilitn IlII of who llltliilti Allli ll altoi littl IItl nail loan of liliill tioltud tliuich on Alltlll it tltilllt ol the Ialllett IiillIIIIliIII wlililliiiY til III tilt nill ital ileicn lailli tt til It Illlllllllll ititl lltlli laiilittodl of tho it Wttt united ii iimiilaiii ll lit lniti Iviillli mil Ii ltulh tlltit 4a on llililily Ill Iilld twill till Iipiii oii lt ZI VI Iiiiuil IrtIIll lliilliii ol till liioiiiton and an Illlit lIoIt Illi tivitli Illl ItiIIl til Ii llilililt ill2 It ill aw Mi viliild Jail of lift tioiiil August ll tilit Ii 14 II Ital ii lainii liiloiti tlII Illliv Illt WlIIt Interest Taken ANNUAllY Mi it ta amllla Ilu It in II mpptatvoo VICTURIAW GREY uiAu iiiv MIKI St NW NUII Manager MWIIISCH Ariiiliiitmit 35 Dunlop St 7374 03 at iiuiliy 1A5 HHS1W MASSANÂ¥ tit only wttlsrt vri 94