Nurses ready to negotiate board position unchanged Public health nurses will be ready to resume contract talks with the Simcoe County District Health Board within month Bert Beausoleil vicepresident of Ontario Nurses Association Local 37 Simcoe County said today But Ross Stephens chairman of the health board said the nurses will find the boards bargaining position unchanged since negotiations stalled more than five months ago Mr Beausoleil attended provincewide meeting of nurses at association head quarters in Toronto Saturday and learned that health boards will be hearing from the union soon The reqiiesl for talks will come from the associations employment relations officer he said The dispute involves more than 30 nurses employed at the Simcoe ounty District Health Unit Well be ready when theyre ready Mr Stephens said today but warned that the boards offer sixpercent pay hikeremains firm Weve made our position very clear that we dont have ILOWINGtIIAMI titiKSTOWN tStaff Now Vicepresident of the ookstown Agricultural Society Keith Robinson was Ontario plowing champion back in 1965 He was one of Ontarios repicscn tativcs in the anadian plowing match at hilliwack Bt that vear any more money he said He said the board is still awaiting approval of its 1976 budget from the Ontario Ministry of Health which he said is $3 million short across the province and looking to the provincial management board for more funds Mr Stephens said it is possi ble the Simcoe County board will get less money from the province than it budgeted for Were operating in the dark he said Nurses have asked wage pari ty with hospital nurses de Warden declares county niand hoard officials say would require an increase of 24 per cent or more if calculated sole ly on salaries But Mr Stephens said the dif ference between the two types of nurses is cents per hour if health unit nurses shorter hours and longer vacations are taken into account Fulltime nurses involved in the dispute currently make from $10900 to $13150 annually according to board officials Mr Stephens said he also ex peels the board to continue its opposition to nurses second major demand for an arbitralt tion clause We want to be masters of our own destiny he said Some of the awards made by arbitratorsi are completely ridiculous He said arbitrators often have no concept of local condi tions Nurses here joined in one week provincewide strike in June to back demands for legislation which would provide compulsory arbitration of their contract disputes and outlaw future strikes joining Forester week MIDHURST Staff War den Orville Hughes has an nounced he has officially declared on behalf of Simcoe County Grey and Simcoe Forester Week for the third week in September The warden is asking res idents of the county to join in recognition of this week mark ing the 1101b anniversary of ser vice to the people of Simcoe and Grey counties and to Canada by the Grey and Simcoe Foresters regiment memorial service church parade and public display are planned by company of the unit located in Barrie on September 14 Captain Bradshaw officer commanding Meeting to discuss use of old schools who served from l87ti to 1880 The post office was closed in I952 STRtilll public meeting is to be called soon to determine the use of two new communi ly centres in lnnisfil township lownship clerk Richard Groh told council that the Simcoe oiinty Board ot Education has turned over to lnnisfil the unused llell Ewart school for $1 plus legal costs company asked the county to participate by declaring the special week TWO OLDEST The Grey and Simcoe Foresters Regiment was brought into being by bringing together two of the oldest regiments in Canada the old 31st Regiment of Grey ounty and the old 35m Regiment of Simcoe County The earliest records of both the 31st and 315th regiments date back before the inauguration of these counties and before the time of Con federation Prior to this date records are rather vague but is is known that many volunteer companies were in existence throughout the counties of Grey and Simeoe The 3rd Battalion Grey Militia is known to have been in existence in 1864 There is militia notice dated April 12 1860 wherein all the members of the third Battalion were called out for muster call on the Queens birthday of that year How long the battalion was in existence before that date is not known but is believed the unit Strands was formed at least as early as the inauguration of Grey Coun ty in 1854 Much the same set of cir cumstances applied in the ease of Simcoe County Every man between the ages of 18 and 45 had to turn out on certain stated occasions for inspection and duties Penalties for failing to report were severe AMIAIGN MEDALS good number of early members of the Grey and Sim coc Foresters fought in the Nor thwest Rebillion and this regi ment is one of the very few militia units to have had the honor of displaying the Battle llonor Northwest Rebellion on the regimental guidon The regimental museum is in possession of several Fenian campaiin medals that were carried by members of the units of Grey and Simcoc counties during this campaign It is of interest to note that this par ticular medal was the first ever minted for the presentation to militia soldiers as token of ac tive service in defence of an ada RENT NEW CAR 35 The Market Plrice ngnesdï¬oyégpstgï¬j769 ACCOMPANIEI the lid dle by Lloyd Harbridge Gladys Manning of Van couver Street Barrie finished second in the 0m Lions oldtime pianoplaying contest on Saturday George Smith of rillia was judged best in the senior category and Ruth Abernathy of Oak wood nt was the best junior followcrl by David James 46 Downsview Drive Harrie The annual event is held in the 0m township arena at Guthrie Examiner Ihotol Singer Vacuum Cleaners Theyre as good as Smger Sewmg Machines Your Choice OF TWO GREAT SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS Moving auntiiiimnzxmwwimm mm Avis has the tru harder lOl Dunlopw 1266521 Owned E1 Operated By BROWN YOUR AVIS lCENCFF Two oppose council raise RIIJJA The mayor and council here have approved eight per cent raises for themselves effective Dec The mayor will receive $8660 year and council $3800 The action by council was op posed by only two aldermen Bob White and Frank Kehoe Ald Kehoe said he didnt want to Vote himself raise adding that he served on coun cil when the honorarium was only $300 year Wetry Barrie 795 Friday to Monday Plus Mileage The deed for the Lefroy school is expected soon also for the sum of $1 But the school board will retain ownership of the trawford area school because it can be used for storage Reeve Bill Gibbons said public meeting Will be called to see how the two old schools can be used by community resi dents ARTS AND CRAFTS ALttiNA BEACH The art visoiy board of the Alcona com munity centre will sponsor an arts and crafts show on Satur day and Sunday Aug 28 and 29 from to am to pm in the Alcona community centre 81h Line of liinisfil ltlllTIUN tilNT ALLISltiN Town council has been advised by ensus tanada that the population count for Alliston on June was 4129 POWERmasler lliilt ll Hivmnlir iiiiiiit llll1 it Contact llltllt lltlll iiiiiiitlii SILVER GLIDI lliis Silvir lirli llitsltl ltltl makes liti Iiiiiiiig light tiflI lllis llilllstlll ltlti ill lllt n1 till tttll ltltl itlllll lllltl lltll Willi titltii lir llll in alum lliu merits lllltillltilt lllitlltill llltllt line rrml stumw li limuilili llni liill luii llllllli lriilit HlNMlli lii ttlll ll lfltl lll lllitl IIll iiiiiiliitt il liir litt ltllltilillilllllll SINGER Consult your leleph0ne directory for the ginger Sewmq Centre or parliCIpatinq Approved eritirr nearest you Mediterranean 76 Sardinia Tangier Naples Palermo Rome Cannes Majorca Malaga From 00 Just imagine two weeks aboard the magnificent DELPHI comfortable 22$ cabin fully air conditioned with private facilities Super food choice of menus with breakfast lunch and dinner all included During the day sun soak by the pool or join in the deck games Going ashore Strand provides optional excursions to help make the most of your time erlwcarld WM 41 Maple Ave Barrie For Reservations Coll 7263971 named in honor ot pioneer set xv tler Duncan Guthrie and first imstmaslcr Thomas Guthrie Featuring Chavmlah RENT CAR 341 BAYHELDST lll tittyiiilil iiinocu Lat Wauht 7370800 wks From Toronto Airfare included It NAMII IRAtIIl Glltllltllil iSlatti This Uro township community was PRICED FROM $37950 COLOR rv for $399 Quésars got what you want DOWN $27659 MlHLY If you have seen the rest come and see the best GEORGINA GARDENS Houses can be finished to your specifications ll PRlCE School Shopping Bus stop of door Paved drive Sodded lot and bedrooms Privafe Garages Swimming Pool Fully Broadloomed it our tomtw fut 81 200 SUBSIDY which brings yOur interest down to and weve got Quasar Centres AGENTS ARE WELCOME RESALE VALUE GUARANTEED Gawain Gajens is so coefideni abOUl tne quaile of their names that atie two years We mi agi 1w home tor the purchase price plus $1000 Soles office and models Open it to daily aid ii to weekends or call for special showing BAYFIELD MALL 737198 EVERYTHING ELECTRONIC IN BARRIE