DONALD JACOBS tosses bales of hay just one of the chores city folks like to do when they stay at farm vacation home The Jacobs have been operating farm vacation hoine since the beginning of the summer part of the program co ordinated by the Federation of Agriculture Examiner Photo City folk pay $100 week for vacation on farm Farm life is becoming siich novelty for city folk that they are willing to fork out $100 for weeks vacation on farm And its all for taste of homemade apple pie the chanr cc to milk cow pitch hay and to listen to crickets at night in stead of traffic Farm vacation homes are project of the tlntario Federation of Agriculture This is the ninth year Ontario has had farm vacation homes ac cording to Sam Brown of the federation lhc federation catalogues the list of those far mers who want to be hosts Negotiations regarding price is between the visitor and the host Right now there are 38 farm vacation homes in Ontario and the Jacobs farm at RR Elmvale is one of them Donald and Muriel lacobs own 300 rolling acres of dairy farm called Miadon Acres The Jacobs have taken in four people this summer The main idea of the program is to improve relations between urban and rural peeplc said Mrs Jacobs in an interview And think its working The Jacobs have started being hosts this summer For ANN LANDERS Dont send Ann conscience money 31m week city slicker can have home cooked meals and ftill run of the house Mrs Jacobs said This includes rec room separate kitchen down stairs two fireplaces pool tables and even rides into town Visitors can take part in any of the farm work or sit and relax They can eat with the family or by themselves They can explore the marsh or the maple bush And being in popular vacation area they have chmce of the many beaches Says Maragret Turner of hatham who spent month with the Jacobs Its lot bet ter than staying at motel Mrs Turner attended course in Barrie for teaching the trainable retarded so she and her two children stayed with theJacobs Its good education for the children You have to live on fariii before you can tin derstand farm life And thats what its all about The Jacobs have seven children have Charles Michael Viyian Gloria Glen na and Sheila Not all of them live at home but Mrs Jacobs is used to big family And shes pretty good cook or Dear Readers lleascdo not sent me any more money In the last teyy weeks liaye had to return mm 565th in personal cheques llitttttlly some ot my readers dont understand few things lict niccplaiii Several weeks ago Mr wrote to say his conscience was bothering him because he had cheated on his incoiiic tax tew years ago and he yy antcd to make it right praised thc man and suggested that be send an anonymous tIltqllt to the Internal Revenue Sery icc lhat column produced rash ot letters and cheques made out to Ann Landcrs tlhe irst as for Slum returned it with the explanation that ncycr accept money from readers turther explained that cheques made out to Ann liaiiders would haye to be declared by me as iiicoiiie and lltS man would want to know little something abotit the money Moreover the name of the sender appears on the cheques and any is man who wanted to get nosy letit toned readers Sorry tolks out could blow the whistle on my well iii cannot act as conduit for Born Again readers It you want to right an old wrong please hayc cash iers cheque made out at any bank and send it tl Mttl Sl to the liitetiial lteyennc Scry ice at lttt Constitution ashiiigtoii ll ttJH Simply attach notcsaying it is conscience iiioncy clcan tlti bless you all tot aiitiii to come ls Dear iiii antlers hope you wont think Im craxy but hayc problem and dont know what it is not eyactly tiiiserable but liii not happy cithci lni bltic ln of the tmc atid lonely although hay good husband iiid nice kids There are times when think need good switt kick in the pants ticy er seem to get my work dottc ncy er look the way if like to can neyci come up with the right thing to say tltiti two days later My cakes tall and my bread refuses to rise the say ing goes always seem to be short day late atid dollar feel like tool ritiiig to you because here am asking to help and dont know what need help lH hat can you suggest Ann Today Kook Hear Have got book for you It is called The Trouble Book The take author is Thomas More the too abasli Chicago lll 606m pecial notc ot the chapters Nobody Has It All Together $893 Ilcast Dr Eugene Kennedy Feeling Bad and Boredom You will look at yourself in dif ferent light after ouye read this book Its excellent Dear Anti Landers Vt hat do you think about young children calling parents by their first names My husbands family doesnt approve My family is more casual We grew up calling our parents Alina and Ed Now Im pregnant and the on wants to be called Dad td prt you say Split ote Dear Split estion has come up My husband fer to be alled Marie What do If your husband wants to be called had so be it If you preferto be called Marie UK vote for Mother or had Theres something spech about those words They let your children know youre parents not pals lot of people really want the homecooked meals she said Urban residents dont un derstand farm operations Mrs Jacobs said lts not the farmer making the money on beef sales she said its the man in the middle And person finds out the amount of work on farm when he stays there Mr Brown agreed Farm vacations have definitely imlt proved the understanding bet ween rural and urban people They see the detail involved in getting crop to grow Because they get chance to see it first hand they gain deeper ap preciation of nature Mr Brown says although the demand from farmvacationers is increasing the number of hosts is decreasing Last year there were 42 farm vacation homesintlntario Farm population has changed There is faster tur nover in farmers because of the expense of farm management Unless he owns huge farm he cannot afford the cost of the equipment Also the helping bands who help out mother and father grow up When the workload for running farm vacation home becomes too heavy many hosts opt out Mrs Jacobs for exam ple says she wouldnt do it unless it was fun While it is relatively new in tintario farm vacation homes have operated in the Maritimes provinces for some time The Financial Post reported in May that in Prince Edward Island farm families have taken in visitors for decades Some 90 families have formed their own association Also the enthusiasm for farmhouse living has spread to Nova Scotia atid New Brunswick Every province has program according to Mr Brown While Canadians are only finding out about it now people are returning to Sweden Philadelphia and Montreal bragging about Canadas hospitality 4H schools ready to go The 4H homemaking training schools are almost ready to start The fall project is entitled Focus on Living lhe 4H philosophy babysitting restxinsibiltties emergency fir st aid procedures and leisure time actiyity namely quilting are among the subjects on the agenda The training school dates are lIlinyale Aug 30 and 31 at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Boar droom tayerley Sept and at the Anglican Church Hall Minesing Sept and at the Anglican Church Hall Barrie Sept and to at the tonisumers Gas Blue Flame Room Orillia Sept and 15 at the Westmount Lnited Church The day begins at to am and ends at 30 Federal health experts warn canners about possible danger of botulism OTTAWA CP Anyone planning to can at home the ounties of this summers garden for winter treat should be careful of botulism the deadliest form of food ison ing say the federal hea th and agriculture departments The poison which may develop in any improperly pro cessed food is so potent the health department says in news release that one cup of the pure toxin would wipe out the world The health department ad vises homecanners to follow cannin procedures recom mende in free agriculture department booklet called Can ning Canadian Fruits and Vegetables available from the Couple surprised on anniversary By SHIRLEY JENNEIT Orley and Lila Silk of Gray Street Goldwater were not too surprised when friends Vallee an Pat Lovering of Port Perry called them up to uest their presence at Holcomgts Dining Room for dinner Aug After all the Loverings had been the attendants at their wedding 25 years ago on Aug It and they anticipated pleasant evening sharing old and notso old memories What they didnt anticipate was the suggestion that they drop around to the Coldwater Community Centre afterwards and the 200 friends and relatives that were gathered there to honour them The hall was decorated with poster size pictures of the couple as they were 25 years ago compliments of their daughter Sharon An evening of dancing was enjoyed to the music of the Bellaires popular group in the oldwater area During the course of the evening mock wedding was staged The par ticipants were dressed hillbilly style and their costuming and antics provided great deal of merriment The cast included Master ofCeremonies Doug Beach Minister Jack Beach The Bride Jerry Beach her at tendant Brian Jennett The Groom Phyllis Cronin his atlt tendant Larraine Pattulo and father of the bride complete with shot gun Ernie Beach delicious beffet luncheon was offered and the happy couple served everyone with wedding cake Among the gifts they received was lovely framed family portrait an engraved silver locket for Lila containing pictures of Lila and Orley and silver pocket knife for Orley with hunting scene in raised silver The evening was arranged by the couples children Randy Sharon Eldee and Bradley Silk Outoftown guests present for the occasion included Mr and Mrs Brian Beach of Ux bridge Mr and Mrs Doug Young and girls of Thamesford Mr and Mrs Cecil Gill and Karen of Coburg Mr and Mrs Danny Gilll of Coburg and Mr and Mrs Ronnie Gill of London Mr and Mrs Vallee Lovering Port Perry Mr and Mrs Cliff Ironside Orillia and Mr and Mrs Gord GarnerMISSissauga Also present were the grooms parents Mr and Mrs George Silk of North River and the brides father Wm Beach Sr of Coldwater Everyone en joyed the fun and fellowship but the groom of 25 years standing had to be content yvith mostly sitting since he had undergone surgery few weeks prior for crushed kneecap suffered while at work for the Ministry of Natural Resources and so brought his leg along to the party attired in full length cast and aided by crutches Midhurst girl wed in Windsor Peggy Noy daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Noy Midhurst was married recently to Robert John Baxter son of Col and Mrs Baxter Riverside Dr Windsor The wedding was held at Cen tral United Church Aug Rev Don Wilson performed the ceremony The bride was given away by her father She wore champagnecolored SlIk suit and carried bouquet of red roses and stepha not is Miss Jane Dairies formerly of Barrie and now of Sudbury was maid of honor Miss Alice Doran of Ottawa and Miss Jeanie Noy sister of the bride were bridesmaids Best man was John Baxter brother of the groom Lshers were Brian Dewar and John Henderson both of Windsor Mrs Noy and Mrs Baxter received at reception held at the home of the grooms parents Mrs Noy wore printed yersey in shades of orange Mrs Baxter wore dress printed chiffon The newlyweds honey mooned in Quebec City and the east coast The newlyweds will live in Ottawa Mrs Baxter is social worker with the Childrens Aid Society reception for too guests was held at the grooms parents home on Riverside Dr tFtSlSICllI llTllIHBtllttllGH England tl iyicn Lawrence til has giycn her husband tliy last chance to kick the habit that has almost wrecked their tIldlllddt iyieii cant stand tliycs passgtioi for inyentiiig things The last straw came when Clive prixluced tooth paste tube squeeler guaran tccd iii to waste diop ieii walked out but returned on the condition that Clive gives up in venting and pays more atten tiontoher Information Division Agri culture Canada Ottawa KIA 0C7 Canned vegetables meat and fish are otential trouble makers an must be processed in pressure canner the health department says because boil ing temperatures are not high enough to destro all botulisiii bacteria in these oods Meat and fish are particular ly susceptible to the growth of botulism bacteria and are not recommended for home can ning The health department says the wise homecanner should check containers and contents before using homecanned food If there are any signs of spoilage such us off odors froth foam or mould do not taste the food Throw it out im mediately otit of the reach of children or animals IHIII IIIthUItIZ IASIINU Although home canned vegetables may not show any signs of similiige it is wise precaution to boil them for ltl Fourteen Simcoe girls represent county at CNE Fourteen members of the Sitncoe County ll Homemaking clubs will represent the county at con fereiice Wednesday to ItlIIIlIy regarding shows tit the Canadian National Exhibit ion The conference will be based at Victoria College University of Toronto Activities will in clude foods presentation by the Consumers Gas home ser vice staff section on nutrition crafts pi isentation clothing presentation of creative fashions North Sim coe represenr tativis will be Valerie Vcrwey iiiiil Susan Car of ltatric tnthy Itiiwn It Stiiyiicr Judy Ittirtoii It trillia ltotiita lcsroches It III lerkinsfielil ltebby llall It It Wyevale Jackie Moreati ltt lcnctaiig Betty Ann Kaptcyii ltlt lhelpstoii lletli Muddy It Orillia lloris Cooper ltlt Illmvale leggy Reynolds RR Wyebridge Lucy detiroot It It llielpston Debbie liion Minesing Marie Moreau It It It lenetang ENGAGth EN MR McLeod of pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh ter Debra Irene to Kenneth Banncrman son of Mr and ANT MRS Gordon Barrie are MR AND Mrs Clarence Smith Barrie announce the engagement of their daugh ter Lois Louise to William Toffan ro Station son of transportation nights hotel accommodation hotel taxes 0ur escort QUAD 134 TRIPLE 139 ountopSi An exclusive tour of OK Johnson Travel THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Tour to NASHVILLE Departs Barrie Thurs Eve Oct Returns Barrie Mon Eve Oct Your Pricelncludes return deluxe motorcooch reserved seats at Fri night GRAND OLE OPRY odrmssnon to OPRYLAND shopping excwsion baggage handling services of on OK Johnson PRICE PER PERSON ANOTHER FINE TOUR BY 0K JOHNSON TRAVEL Mrs Norm Banncrman also of Barrie The wedding will take place at St Georges Anglican Church Barrie at pm Sept 22 Mr and Mrs Alex loffan ro Station The wedding will take place Sept It at pm at Crown Hill United Church DOUBLE H9 SINGLE I63 Barrio 7266525 minutes before tasting Canned fruits jams jellies ickles and relishes do not har botulism the health depart ment says because their high concentrations of acid salt or sugar prevent the growth of the deadly bacteria Ilow do you tell if you have cch of botulism poisoning The health depart ment says the ear ly symptoms fatigue weakness and blurred viA sion usually develoi between eight and 72 hours ter eating contaminated food lhese symptoms are followed by labored breathing difficulty in speaking clearly dizziness heat aches abdominal discom fort vomiting and muscle paralysis When botulism poisoning is suspected phone your doctor or the local health tiiiit so proper treatment can begin im inediatcly the health depart ment says set by Oro gardeners The Garden Tour sponsored by the 0m township hor ticultural society attracted many people They viewed vegetable gardens small fruit atches an asparagus bed li Iy pond roses an umbrella tree perennials annuals lawns and landscapes in general The evening started at the new home of Mr and Mrs Ross Bradley It ended at the established farm home of Mr and Mrs Geo Caldwell where coffee and donuts were served to everyone It was very grati fying to have so many Junior Club Members join the Senior Members for the tour The ERMA BOMBECK Mothers dont remember names By ERMA BOMBECK We were talking the other day about strange phenomenon of Motherhood woman starts thinking of name for her baby from the minute she knows she is carry ing one She will write it out say it aloud try it out on friends and embroider it on little shirts When the baby is born she will whisper the name softly in its ear write it on dozens of an nouncements and file it in the courthouse few years and few kids later she cant remember who you are Ive heard mothers go through 10 or 12 names before they get lucky and hit the right one Once wore my PJs wrongsidecut and my Mom thinking it was name tag called me Dr Denton for week Children seem to think there is something Freudian in the entire exercise The old ifltmy motherreallylovedmeshedren embermyname This is hogwash love Marc Mary Mike whatshisname with the same affection as love Bet evening was quite success The next event for the Society will be the Late Summer Flower Show being held in the Guthrie Hall Sept Entries are to be placed Aug 31 pmlt pm Hall will be open the public 730 pm Sept when the awards will be presented There will be the usual prize list with Special Section for Marigolds ros Civic Flower The Junior Garden Club are having com plete competition at the same time Mrs Chas Sanderson is the general convener with Mrs Ray Graungaard the convener fortheday Trish you know who you are Our neighborhood psychiatrist bears me out He said there is nothing you can generalize from mothers who cant put name to their children right off the bat It used to be good day for me when could remember what called them for let alone remember who they are In talking with young mar ried the other day it was re vealed that he was one of seven children and not once when he was growing up was he ever called by his real name guess it was because there were so many of us hesaid that it confused my mother hated to shoot his theory down but for long while was an only child and still got Sa rahBettyMildredVirgini aEdna Finally in desperation my mother would shout How long do have to call you before you answer Id yell back Until you get it right Was close shed shout PANTS VJW lNl WNW Wt jl NEW SWEATERS TURTLE NECKS OWL NECKS $699 $799 BALANCE OF ALL MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Late Summer Show plan s1499 Mr and Mrs Clare Robinson of Barrie announce the re cent marriage of theii daughter Judy Lynn to Davir Spall son of Mr and Mrs Jack all of Dorset Ont The ding took pace at the familys cottage in Muskoka The couple is living in Toron to ANTIQUES CLOSING OUT SALE 25 Reduction anal flock Savomonnmhm 9h chin Wm boob lucky BREEIWAY ANTIQUES too tong so New in Town Youll find friend where you see this sign For more informatim all 7261454 01 7286331 59192 SUMMER SALE MERCHANDISE NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS GEORGIA MALL HAHhii ilN A7 Mb