Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1976, p. 12

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l2The Barrie Examiner Saturdo Au ust2ll DAILY CROSSWORD Noted Names WIN AT BRIDGE 5M5 THE BREAK THAT ousT Stop to study rewarded IN THE HOT5PELL TURKEY HERE AND AGraph AN HOUR A60 WHEN nt heart loser He will rnl NUlllll PO la IIIilfi BUFFALO °° WAS DUE TO 9555 GE still loseatrum trick but one ACROSS 98Itwtmov maria Ilium COLD FRONT 5TLL TURNED MY HANV kl polar explorer mast rattle nkanta TOR For Bunde Au 22 1970 tric os In eac ree sur Amwm Wm ARRIVAL THE HMfl ON MM iii wont cost him his game mm Paul 42 slimmm Fr Amara moouofl ARIE8Merch21Aprll19Con 25DEGREE THEl shut BOY ILL MUNth ditons are very favorable today PROP WAS THE HEM Tilt viii fluids Bl 21 GLOBAL especially it youre involved with EHARPEST lN Yr WIN FA Viiitilvllri 4r innm nio nrsons ou cherish and HI TORY in um lflmy ailnon wmm ll act lire the catal at WWW ml 24slawe Jefferson Miivtt tllhiwt it Thu 107 54 To Wind up our answers on WVHMI WIIHIWJ Mow15mm 33 firmly MW TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 10 Point count we want to stress in virvmmaw imimm stnriom short hunt to somewhere fun once more that cards take irnm it v4 mumn mum rietleitaifi 50 indium New lit liinanntlii til t7 Rolf Harris itltlllillihl if flutiylrirumi Fritanqie woule New onion rind tilloront wtll quell your ric n0 potnts va umg Wm AH Wm R5 Am in Ill nyU Jlirii 22Wh11l5 12 prswmk hlllruh muoqmlfiss Odny Try an Mull in yolfl hand we bddng ll Miaml lzilrrir niizrr of Midday ll Fncmmter EMTV man hm nutjinhk nlV Mn VOIdS and sznglte hectome girthrely it loftMir lt 2mm 000 MinI tiiwsm WIin ver lm an on ave Wm It wvH Wm rim 95 warvert Strmgml° 12 Mtflt Titlin tniiw lii lmin llm OEMN My Jun 20 Your p0 IM at ttlvlmll 40 00 trump control and your op Illw NW NW Movie llltlttll iilili rm hpohls ll in mhi Mi haw 4i ahcmm mum 37wgma NFLIiottmlt tnightni today than tiioy were POHGDll ddtng tho9 Mum hm hwyii ii rm 4r Forgiqnqy wlmumzm ynstmdiiy Son if you can in lliistWtst Vlllnlfflllt SUlll the her hand they WWW Alma shaped 12 No Domitian fill Wm Stttttttltitil itmtttttbln arent worth anything for pur rt WWW Dow pm Frna asunder 71W iflplI My VII lice MymK mxj3wmm llmtnhmhu NW CANCER June 21July 22 lhis NW 50m PM dmbmF to it um mamm WNW it Fltmilmii MMiumpmA Is it day when youin opt to ho 99mm ll they ft helr 12mm 24 cup01 at Illgqa no Iapfiwlehtlfinnd um SW mum Mum Wu mg mum lISH Pass it suits but Will be if they are in in ii In Mn an my Eltixmxii Skinplatrhino ii wmlm wm 5mm 8L ass pusS In your parnoris sung ylt Ironm lIilllir 41 pinup r3 yum Kirklniiditixltuin ii tilltllilllllllldll mm mumm Ulltlti lnss Ir marit ti Wang any PM II on Ulwninu lllltl l2 Sports Roundup 230 llltlfll 730 ii is Will wont to to intro things Ioi you wimwwm qzflgtllumltinlt ll Mili1llitllilihl Itmt it itlltlihwlmttm today Dont slylitm ihim illuits wld Jam by uni ir yh niiuiiis 1knw Tnasnrilluiil Hit it no ion or deel 093 0P fvl2 TM ll IA tiiiNiM llti ruin to Study the complete hand Last oiriwhiitt ltltt minim ll telctuil Klimt mii nluiullTditiun MmicilluSNkiiM VIRGO 09 2330Pl ore ayng r0m ummy Sports Not Pmut MI Sninothnui innit Is in tho oiling Somme Bede 050 t0the first trick is gmng to be gmhhktSIII jllmw linnliiinti zllllll111anrur Wllwl wukml 0W mighty sorry Wltll today Swnflmw mm JNMNM up Ammw WUme hm For Monday Aug 23 1910 hand Hal Illlltllifili Alto Ll Eitttlittmi invw hltiili1tltll WI be primarily thiouoh your ol He will ri ht with mlu Im UH an iii II is Sllullgtt 0m ARIES March 21Aprtl 19 90 COmWOmS VOW 199s dummyq aie ofg hearlzq and the federal zigritu tural ll YOUHt mellCBl Up DOW FscEs Fob 20Mch 20 sizirch station lltft to deter semi MING LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your 0th buy you could do Cmdmo look very Iavommg study aboudt his next play He mine moms mm mm 555 spikidfluwm hmuh Stillltlllltl With your Content 50mmth oonsh the iasi HORNmu hm whm you wam may deLl to try an Im mgshce amtmus ls rilllllklsllittlICRVdk may pilltllltts is at at high point todny mumie mam your good mmmW Hko mom work 11933th rump fines by The comm hm Wm my lt Ilt wrunustinvk Slum NictV thiiitis iiii twinq stud mg ea ing ummys jac as ll animus pmpivc mm than you realize Don an 0W lN ll Spuuilllnic Jiinim Stuggiiit mm mm mhml Vm hmk TAURUS hm mm cover With the lung our Wthh might have it profound JV Aprll 20May 20 Ir thrisluphcr lusttip litlilhllrltlll tillulliltrilictr SCORPO OCL 24N°v 22 ho lh C9 hero second trump LUUH ht ndustry tutu Himmnim rimti tlezltt iuaciv Ymii llllltllltlll0ll is very keen lo mmhih oda mirade and the 41 trump break Will lr ll ll Sonnlag an ccono ll ltiliiti tun iinii 75ml Nh in day Follow through on ideas youm wiihhg pay This leave him just one trick short Hurt and lrl vcscly an lltllillltilllllll mm mm rliWWW that pop into your head Theyre Nude could cause you to make of his contracty animal goricllicisl said cross OHM mm mm MUM tmund to nifty ones msiiy bad deal He may amend lirtlcdlinriihaiI flltllfllflxli liltiii NM liitw tituprl Hour Vlf it 5118 rt Ivl timttii nitit HN SAGTTARUS NOV 23°°° GEMlNl May illJUNO 20 Y0 Aug 23 1976 me5585 That lose and tivity with twoand thrielirmrl thuithlmtnlttw ts or Iln II 21 You io lucky for others today have iendency today to 383m never 3105303 hm was my impmvvd Oral Roberts rllkl in turn lucky for yourself embeihsh he acts hit to im Allies of longstanding can be CVGI land mi 0qu git il lltl ii tll kanlh Human Nwi Hmmwh Immlhm Joint vutluits Will work out press your audience Boashng very helpful to you financnilly in er WI Win ulflfsmson hwwhng has no at Wm WM imitm than playing it solo damni become you this year Dont bring them into first heart in his own hand and duped by gm mm hm pmr tmm tit or urciilliililnmi hasfhhmlm CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 CANCEn June 21July 22 9505331UQU flzllggzermaugh play ms ace and Ween duccd variable conception and l¢lt¢l trustiiialuminumrs ii in Harmony follows you like Busmess opportunities are dlamondSl He won care lamhmgratcsgthcy said we lllmf Slldélm tom YOU MW Way promismq today prowded you abom the kmg smce as long as This Cthu appears 3T Jigs Jimmy sii Llf DiltElllg those around you at case do hi heheve you ii get the suit breaks better than 62 have some potential but many im WWW vttvmi lJKt twin Will your smile manner sontethianorrlothlnq Fantasy the jack of diamonds will unknowns remain to ho in vcst itetl mum AouAmus Jan 204 19 IS free but thats all Raidsy 00d allow him to get rid of ms Isl Jiuxtlt mittmg ll lltnllil Dont be hosrtant to talk about LEO July 23Aug 22 youre IJANPIS 33 iiptlnle Hfl cmcci matters to big shots you ham oday so ionq as iniqht run into socrally todiy money not involved Where tiffw tmiitu tiniiili ltlllllltll mm They Mud be heplu donars Change hands lheyre ll sum tuionuislcrs linni Ikply 10 sup through your ihciwcs ttiiutiintrunm SI Siiiidn llcsl pISCEs Feb zoMarCh 20 EDMONTON tCll uMy lnx rmwtttmww ll Fluttnill imutiionnunti Persons in posnion of in 99 business must be visited by 90 wlLL zgfjykw 7me Hthmw imm HPCD WI have their eves VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 licc more often than any other 801 mum gt WW YOU today ThtImDIESS0lYOIII Dont be so wrapped up in in the city says Eddy No it rugmin tliilollts ltiAgluiitifilnttslllp malt WI be favorable material things today that you Good owner of Alberta LOQlTTEM 351 iiinis tics ltll iiiui Lit mi llcd lishir ll lm Tnlcnt Timc veOU lsvalgggynaizs 1Ei5lgliginqy from Hong ll Vol in our Xcllu 501 llcmld lruih in dtnlilttsof Kon rurcl uses his surname tuitccrning notch lisltis loiiih llliitlt lliuiil LIBRA sepl 23OCL 23 TO whicgh rwnglyqlcg to NG ltttlhclriss ngmuu Nutnatilior day not everyone who ldllrltlfil Fiiril liimsidc ti lnlzinnxlhoilil promises Win we up to his or hv ry ddy CUSlmners at Ed ll sm II Sitlllilllil mii ll wild Kingdom dys downtown store 500 patrol hrr word he ones tal rd ll litisuiiss licpoil tirili Squnic lospil Siiigiii Tllllt Aug 22 1975 the 0Ud95l Wt denver the and officers L00 iii llrmh lIuntli least mil lt Miiililillll land Vim ll liiticnriilk 59 Slams and poslo Eddy is the man who has fit is ltunumiii 1mm and Ansucrs Shintliil likely fer you this year The right SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 ed the Citys more than 830 012 lltluillltill ii iiulllr nl Ant55 peopm Will be working for you Your eye Will be on the target cmS OIho pamsoftheir new SUNDAYEVEIIING bomnd the scemsv DUHW lOGaV VOW etOIlS be style uniforms which they will Six MillionSMnn 21 Sllllgs rewarded However youdmaé donlhissurnmor lolll 900 fig iil have to Carr some ea hilNllSllltstll lllttlll Something Special ilitI weiqht leUQ imsgglrlgnrflldQElmgl ltTpiléniI Moric iMiillor Mmii IT to ldol 1NKtlltlitlw Viistairs Marvin lhi SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 rial hc says but gcncrally wEL TH iii is Mmmfl Klnxillll lltyllllll loi 21 89 come Wm you oi to It shu it good for liusinr ss World Mmic iwiiitviKilli ll Mtigislliltcstoult day Dont envy something rh tum 53 has spent Andinm ll Wliiit ls Truth iris anmhe has pmbahiy about 140 hours Just measuring lllll inn 9310 Aungcrs ll mm Wm Wm Lam is hAlIlslleleMlIl at Dut wouldnt provrde you With ad tlt Lttlyo fincttwi aurde of 5mm 955 Mum RM man Harm Wiersma kept his diiional happiness in CM mdn Wti lolilicanzillt ihturmini one ponit lead in the world CAPRICORN 22 TlKStittlStICS the are sent 10 avlilllttltttwmt if Uzi3 checkers championship Thurs °c Montreal firm for the clothes viii ul lint btiitlilfltit Thckilc if Mmiv illit liip dav bv winning his 12th round 19 AVOId talking prematurer to bO nuldvup tulipHp tlllllilll no today about anything you want l3l2 lllfltllttllllttl Kill lciilhllimidt tutritual match in the series Wiersma fd addV MP got the Six Million Wu inqum It Urmtm an 23 beat Vaclav Marek of zech Con en aw form business in Edmonton As Is i3 oslovakii to retain to 0t in loose Slammer Gem sewn up Hes already measur 3i II no Linc tiiitritansttlc yoUr purDOSp i2 lllsll llours MN the overall standings of the ingfortanadian National Rail It with touts rm zit3791i Vt Sumhu Surimw Chtm ionshi which is bein AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 ways and 95 to got C0n firlllfi 501 Illiuwnh Th Rm colitesptcd bylB players througlgi Your resolveis only mtldly FIT tract with thcpEdmontoii traffic No fighfrfigsougigacygmg blgrsntlred om for it Aug25 today You could be swayed commissiomiircs Elltr QUNII litt Edition Nuts 49 Soon andthct hvkvnd Edition gt LS l3 2th l1 igh Fllldl Mon Angil Facc CANT WAiT 50 THE OLI CANT HITA 6NOWBALL STMGERN THF DOCTOR SAYS WWW OWTHNG VERY BA mm come DONT LlKE WITHA BAéEBALL TumorONE JVE 5NOVV maxim 1e ze ISBaSB lt =l range isor er it TlltISTIISU Ml It spectal case Dear Dr Thosiiwmi hate It differs CnSllrilllV from gt been told that haw the Tictyr regular diverticulosis of the co sHldfiifllo mu hau urittah lon where there can bc multiple RE tumt HAVE VF CUE l0 cuEMiNOif li may JoggPEi2T KATE um ER FOR ml WU puinlul ll fwh rmt EgAMAL CitriquiE CE OLA AM Oct lEcHANic HILL HAVE like heart allistk sometimes he esophagus igullctv HE NOBLE 50 ED and thenarc kriilinz léllfh pocktt can var considerahl in ti NC TtE haw hum getting ttirllstlm Small ones may give lcw Rf short in mm him tini tum mptorm and riquirc little at not to train myself and tintion If one becomcs sports of gm kind unit JP inlnrutd lowland fluuls cunhc team old or you please trapped in it causingdifficulu plain in fllt him now gits thi in su ullovt in also ls then urr Illx it sprmd ngurgitatiun of lht trapped Is uitiwm gt fur hi maltrial lll that raw it Vioiild haw ti shift iiiiitii ln hatr lo bi tnrrtctcd surgery Diagnosis Would he 1w ABM Hindu rays takcn itlcr drnllit pvtulnar tiiwrdtr liétrttlllliilltm that nthls the 11in ulltl third rllh ahctr lllt attach to Dear Dr Thostisun am the hrtnsttxiuv lll front Titundhancuwitis lhuulucn don kmm uh the prtitilvin treated for this Allll cw drops ariwsanduh lflllltNpuflltll and antibiotics It always ill tar artas hut ll docs ftcts lhimtllltttllltl it is cr Tht chitt slllplttlll wr painful tan you tell lllt lllt painful milling of tlitmrtilncr musinl this Complete Ottlce Outfitters DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS It meene OFFICE OUTFITTERS cell him here room into completely decanted end furnished at fice CeK 1310201 to consult Professionel Office Plenner dough titroux ttlllftt inr tis bricf lesson in sue my lwtuuii lllt Hits and undltint might be helpful 29 M9 wl 731020 NW limnlnnw lltlltliulltl nil Items no ice lIYlI li is tisonr lllltl lhl cartilagi lllt iniliiiiniatmn it the men must cffwtitctrealrncnl and it which in turn is tilllttlnt is tSpItldll so It lht Artu name for three struc rested Thats lrtlt mth most tuns the iris thcciliiir bud Mar M0 mitt AA 35 on rat sweat my we wrkr amnesiam flu sir M5 Am sat wr GtNJMAN HMPs saw Miss DOV flak5 mfi t1 Vb qu 14 Vari NNA RV 75L our g5 yovr LEWHOMUNE Similar disorich rind the choroid hounds com WW km COIMAON mm AMEJ mount llll tht injections lltdl and plicattd lt isn nsl thi tllMJN usuulh runs The iris is the colond disk of Its coursi ll mu ititil llt the The ciliur boil ever group of muscles and blood cs Your symptoms mn be con scls that control the size of the turning blCillISk you hint ntll pupil and produce eye fluid rested the shouldcr girdle The choroid is the rcar irtioii enough That includes the col of the outer covering of th 50 larbonc and thc shouldtr bone lt nwrishcsthccyc gcncrully In rat cases surgery may be With uvcitis all three struc reqmrcd to remove some of the turcs are involved Since all are affected cartilage made of the same kind of tis Dear Dr Thostcsun My sue what affects onc usuall ststcrqnlaw according to her affects the others The can bc doctor has diverticulosis of the infected either by viruses or esophagus How would her bacteria Antibiotics would treatment differ from mine of help combat bacterial iii thecolonAK fection not the llal type In Diverticula that is the fection can also enter the struc word for the little pockets that tures through eye injuries or it form in the bowel wall can 0c can spread to them from other curin any portion of the astro parts oftlie body intestinal tract One in eso Uveitis requires close atten phagus is called Zenkers diver tion Pinpointing the cause can ticulum lt is solitary pouch often be difficult One or both that occurs in the gullet wall eyes canbeinvolved KERRY DRAKE WIZARD 0E ID WEN EFT v11 kx1T JOENCMOUb amateurs SENT ME AN NONOLIS LEITEIS 5A IN 1M AN OFFENSIVE mess BEARIN AssocANT TV QNNER$ siiitii1i J1iiieTgtiuMi LARGE HALFHOUR FULLHOUR FEATURELENGTH kc SERIES 89 snowsli9 Hours my BUGS BUNNY FRANK ERNEST

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