The Barrie Eyrominer Friday August 20 1976 NEW LOWELL By Hlll IAII IUMPKINS Mr and Mrs Mareel Vans Severn and ehildren ol Siaynei int Sunday with Mr and rs Joe VanSevern and boys Mrs Erie Young of Hewdley spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Reeves Snow Mr and Mrs George Scott and children spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dempsey Snow and boys at Georgetown Mr and Mrs Norman lleiiv dry and ehildren ol ollingwood spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Rawn and family Mr and Mrs talyiii Me Donald and lamil of Mississauga Mr and Mrs Jim ox and girls ot Iasnga Reach spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs lioli Rawn and MI and Mrs Floyd toniieaii and luiys ol Staynei sptlll Sunlay with Mr anilMis Robltniin Mr and Mrs her illsiill and daughter ii loroiito spent the weekend itl Il if lt litir den Mr and Mrs tot iiernitin returned lioiiii ie wieeks lll hiWest II and lis illitiiii Kyryluk oi IlsgtlgttllLl spent the weekend ili li Illli lts Jim lNiil Illii Lll ls Mrs lmnk likiti returned IlilllltlllllliJlIlllliltltilliilli Mrs llryilii ol Hinliin and Mrs lrei IIIIIII loroiito spenl Sunday on li aiii lis llor Put Mr and MM Tut lminii ot lauihise liilezimt are hilllll with and Mrs iltls Hopi and ils Ttti Small persons may form own firm NIAGARA FALLS tliit ili city man says he wants to help midgets torm their own company because they have difficulty tmdmgiolis harles Hall who is liveleel eight llltIltE tail and selt em ployed III the home repairs hiisi ness said man interview today that persons under the height ol tour leet laei discrimination by eitiployeis who relltse to hire them Mr Hall who preters to eall midgets small persons said he got the idea tor the company at Itl reading regular iomplaiiits III the new spapeis ltottl midgets who say they cannot get tolls Lots oi times thesi little people ean do iohs lo times hel Itl than normal sietl people or liigpeople Mr Hall said Have you ever seen slxlool tall pliiinher IIIIIII under kit elteiisiiik Mi Hall said variety ol lal outs tllllll he used Ill loriniiig stieli company and would give polls to midget workers sueh as pliiniliers hank tellers and ear penters Cigarettes Longley and children and Mr and Mrs Brian Bambrough and children spent the weekend with Mrs Noble in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Man sbridge spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Vernon Prosser in Stayner Mr and Mrs Alvin Grummet ol ollingwood and Mr and Mrs Ed White attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Harvey Grunt melt in Dundalk on Sunday August 8th Mr and Mrs Bill Tompkins spent week with Mr and Mrs Gordon McKenzie in Hastings Mr and Mrs Allen Hirlehey and son spent two weeks in Nova Scot ia Sympathy ot the community to Mr and Mrs Ray toe and tamin and Mr and Mrs Robert Walker and tainin in the loSs at their sons who were killed in Ilalllrtal crash on Monday Also the lntton tamilies in the loss ot dear husband and father Lloyd who passed away in Toronto Hospital on Saturday leresa Armstrong ot Oiillia spent the weekend at her home here Mr and Mrs Johnston ot Manitoba spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Rrian Bamhrough Mr and Mrs Jim Prtxsser and children ol Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Prosser illie IARlane arrived home Saturday after spending weeks at Blue Springs Scout Reserve where he took his Part Wood Badge tongratulations to Mrs lune Illpalriek ot Toronto on Win ning the sum jackpot at the treeiiiore liiiigo on August Mr and Mrs Seager of An caster spent the weekend with Mrs Lamers Sr Mr and Mrs lerry Lamers returned home after weeks in Huntsville Mrs John Verstraten and son oi Parry Sound spent week with Mr and Mrs John Laniers and family Martin Veistraten Sr returning home With them tor Visit Mr and Mrs llarry Irosser attended the 50th wedding an inversary of Mr and Mrs Mauriee Jones of Ileiieairii held in reeinore on Saturday August 14 and Mrs Paul Moiikhoiise and ehildren and Mrs Linda ltiehardson and daughter spent Sunday at ohoeonk Happy to report that Monique iiieverii is home from Barrie Hospital party for arol Duff was IIIIII at the home of Mr and Mrs Ken hull with many relatives and trieiiils Ill at teiidaiiie She was presented with set of luggage for her trip to liittle ltoek Arkansas where she will he nursing Groceries SchServo COMET GA At Our Regular Low Prices North at Mflhwfl on Ivy11 GENERAL ELECTRIC 2SPEED CYCLE AUTOMATIC WASHER AND CANADAS MOST FAMOUS WASHER AND DRYER NAMES AT SUPER SAVINGS General Electrico Inglis GSWO Sanyoo Westinghouse AND MANY MORE GREAT WASHER AND DRYER TEAM AT GREAT PRICE HEAW DUTY DRYER EasyToUse Now EasierThan EverToOwn At this Unbeatable Low Pricelts Yours Today Feature HeavyDuty Automatic Washer lealures 2washspin speed selections for normal or delicate wash Has 3washrinse temperature settings Set the dial and machine automatically programs tor normal delicate permanent press and activatedsoak wash cycles Big 16 lb capacity FilterFlow machine has 3p05ition water level unbalanced load control and salety lid switch to prevent accidental starts Its the perfect match With GE automatic dryer Hurry while they last1 Nobody beats Bad Boy 90Day Lowest Price Guarantee IF PURCHASED SEPARATELY $32999 Feature HeavyDuty 3Cycle features 3temperature heat selection in timer normal delicate tlutt Has salety start lint screen and porcelain enamel top and drum CGE answers all your washday problems with this perfect pair Bad Boy solves your budget problems with this incredible low price Buy Now save as never belore IF PURCHASED SEPARATELY HERE ARE ONLY FEW OF THE DELUXE FEATURES MIDIUM FILTERFLO FILTER Preyides lint tree clothes at all times 3POSITION WATER LEVEL Saves on water when wash ing small loads GE WASHER AND DRYER ON SALE HURRY LINT mere CAPACITY RV ves rag TONITE AND WHILE SUPPLY me LASTS THIS IS GUARANTEED SELLOUT AT THIS LOW LOW PRICE SAT ONLY Our Guaranteed Low Price Feature 10 SANYO Spin Washer Dryer Combination Cleans Full lb Load ï¬iiiililllï¬i AI NE If KI MIiglri Ellll or iiiiiiss During These Final Days Hurry For First Choice Needs No Special Installation Our Just 7100 up to sink and start washing r0u can wash your second store Big Savings in Space Price Buy NowWhile They Last Guaranteed Low Price load while yOu re spinning me IIISI load dry Final Speedspin leaves clothes dampory Many pieces ready to rOn Rolls 3W3 the NOBODY BEATS AD BOY FOR BIGGER SELECTIONGREATER SAVINGS IN WASHER DRYER VALUES HURRYII TIME IS RUNNING OUT assert we Delivered tinest come when not in use Hurry OF tc yow nearest Bad BOY IG HWAY 26 27 BAR RI 7267053 iiiARtmx