iv win Exercise is like fountain of youth HEICIUN Exercise is somewhat of fountain of youth according to Toronto physiotherapist It muscles are inactive the shrink Bones become brittle Exercise can offset iiccaicification in bones and muscle shrinkage Dr Norman Gledliill associate professor at York liiirersily spoke to about 75 people who Monday attended In IItls lllllli Itllts iiiiiscs and iecieaiioii ili tttlll1iitil iilltll pixie Richard Lough ilcit iiiiialics director at the Fitness Institute iii loionto twoday workshop on fitness alternatives for senior citizens at Simcoe Manor Richard Lough aquatics director at the Fitness Institute in Toronto was one of the leaders who conducted water exercises in the manors pool Kristan Sidhu yoga in structor from rillia who has had extensive experience in working with seniors demon lll oka ttllt iiid icspiiatoiw liieailiiiii toi ieliaiion at llltdlllltlJlHIN conducted cises iii stretching excr water for pill the seminar ticipaiits iii end strated armchair moveinen ts suitable for senior cit izens Jane Moon coordinator of community services for the in tario division of the Red Toss showed exercises with music accompaniment one of the lust exercise programs in the province for seniors Kathy Donaldson co ordiiiator of crafts and ac tirities at The Pines toi tiliiev loi tlie elileil stIIIIIIiII lielil Itl liltltblt ItiiIlll liisliii iilliii lttllill on fitness alter iiitics tor the elderly at ilriicehridge and Mike Jarvis senior citizens consultant for Harrie for the ministry of coin iiiiniity and social services demonstrated fitness through recreational activities iaul Ng an instructor for the lai hi Iiuian Association Ioronto showed loose flexible movements which exercise the muscle without stress Most of the two day pupils yoga instructor lroiii ttiIllia conducted this session Ilx llllliltl lliotoi Siiiicoe Manor liecton lllxr aiiiiiier lliotol SIZES inianiéiésx 46x 714 were those who work in homes for the aged including ad ministrators activities direc tors and nurses according to workshop coordinator Valerie Neweil Niss Newell is an Experience 76 Program student hired for the summer by the ministry of community and social services sponsors of the workshop others working in the Creemore area including Mr Jarvis rounded up instructors Miss Newell has been organizing the workshop since the beginning of the summer Mr Loughs aquabic course was popular for one good reason exercise in the water allows you to keep fit but its nosweat In groups of It participants learned you can feel good after doing sidestretehes in water heated at 83 degrees Mr Lough says the principle upon which aquabics is based is simple boyancy of the water against water pressure Strain is eliminated It is relatively new in exer cise programs he said in an interview Mr Lough is coauthor of the lirst hook written on aquahics in anada Aquahics is the title of the book Its com hinalioii of aquatics and arohics respiratory exercise he said He and Dr David Silnr son in charge of university clinics at Toronto General Hospital wrote the hook in I973 At the time Mr Lough said he had devil of time fin ding homes for seniors with swimming pools And now Some of the people Ive met today took the aquabics cour sc because there is pool where they work he said It feels good when you pass soiiietliing you worked with your whole life onto someone else And Dick Lough has worked in the water practically his whole life Known as Flipper at the institute Mr Lough has taught swimming since he was youngster He placed second in the Pan American Iames iii the metre backstroke in lilitil He took physical education in the army and when he was overseas during the Second World War taught swimming And while he has done extensive studying in the lield of therapeutic swimming he still competes For the past two years he has won the 100 metre backstroke in the Masters Tournament held in leaii NY And since his book has been wellreceived he and Dr Stin son are working on another for advanced aquahics 353 mew ejects to ecsom aimless to DR $353 if Mr and Mrs Itayinond iariepy of Harrie announce the engagement of their daughter Denise Lorraine to Robert liuk son ol Mr and LA lilltlllll IIIIAtllllI The La Leilie League at Ilarric North and South an organization aimed at helping women nurse their babies Will hold meeting Aug 25 at him pm at the home of IoAnn Yoldrcy of 46 Hriai Rd Ilariie lopic will he nutrition late starting of solid and weaning RIRIIIDAY Mrs John Moon will celebrate her tlllth birthday Aug 22 with an open house held by her family from to 430 III at Forest Iloiiic United Thurch 25IIl ANNIVIIRSARY YIDWAIIZR Mr and Mrs IIrian Reach of llxliridge attended the 25th wedding an iiiversary of rlcy and Lila Silk of lray St ieet IlTIIRIIIWI Mrs Norman aiiipbill Mrs Eleanor Mortsoii and Mrs Eaton Aniietles made up the lunch committee for the recent meeting of the iuthrie Womens Institute Sears ICNGAG EM ICNI Mr and Min Hllllltl Clark ot lliiirie llii iiiiirriage wtll takeplaceSepl 4M4 pm at St Marys ltoiiinii iilholii Iiiiicli ltlthltJIlttilUl PEOPLE NI PLACES VISII IN MAN Mr and Mrs IJiii Hall and Joan of Moose Jaw Sask spent week with Mrs Ilalls cousin Mrs ti andlaniily VISIIIHKS CRUSSlANl ned home after relatives in Holland RR MINESING Mr Joe Klein ï¬ehhiiick have retur owning and rs visiting SINlCOE SPRAYIEX ltlvans lliisjardins first in bridge sopfa lll cant His Emile ftmtilnm Wudnuulny Augint 18 I976 HAIIASOOOUP iteimï¬ it noimiirigl Mtiltllillii IllWT Al the Iiaiiie lliiplii ale thigh lllili Aug Izliiinr so Iuvnnrz iiid Iietl llctjaiilii were llItJ In iiuilli oolli pin Win iiiiilli and Hon Hail mir second and Miin erlzlwl iiiuifaolticthiiiiIweiilloili In cant wetJ play illi Mantel and Ian IiaillcrJ Icic Illlil Ililiti itll and till lWill Wltl HonII and Jean mike and Uni tllfitHllfz lltl limit In illilm Aug l1 fine nudism and John Ilaell IIIII Illi in north mouth play In east west play Ming Powell and IiiHy tiiiiiiiiigiiarn Wltl llIJ Willi lulla man and Hill lUIli smoiid and Mainli Iloultei and JIIJI HHIIJH thud IUUK IIII IJ HINtA llrn IIlm V1v tintum flop any am im 11 titliliii TMlil JUST MOVED IlILIlI2VlIlI om iii What you need right lliicvc who broke into itll imitnient heir weirt It now IS hand anything aperial only lean liasii loliti tliiel lloiiilla troaliie said the tliiivec took wool lilaiikit di at low ii linern rigiiiilli tutux il li tovvels gailmiie hay and ighi rolls ol toilet paper lhe total value ol 1valllilliifllll $29 4Ni$+ tfdulfAV MEI View rwv li ullfl to gel iii tiitlili will lla Niliiiiiii Vitflttli liliJi iln lll litIii ltIU gel to know your iiiw om New Home at Your iiiIiiiIl tlllt kl Old Address 7261454 7263496 Vth 7286331 Save $2 The famous Playtex Body Language bras Charge it EniOy it now Use your All Purpose Account 509 Bayfield St aTake the plunge UliraJeminine lacecup bra has deep lront plunge Stretch straps convert to halter 0r CIISSCIOSS Lightly padded 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