WNELT wsiitlb SALES OPPORTUNITY Earn SISO to $200 weekly Husband and wile team required for the Barrie area parttime Long established com any For interview telep one 737 2723 I2pmuntil4pm TThSAu28 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA TENDERS FOR VESPRA TOWNSHIP ATHLETIC PARK CONTRACT NO 76I94A Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by Mr Richardson Clerk Township of Vespra l7 Owen Street Barrie Ontario until 500 pm local time on Thursday September I976 The work consists ol the following Clearing and grading the park site Supplying and placing topsoil outfield Seeding and fertilning out iieid Supplying and placing limestone on infield and war ningtrork Supplying and installing backstop and chain link fence Constructing maintenance and concession building Contract documents may be ob toined at the office ol Ainley and Associates Limited Con sulting Engineers and Plannars Morrow Road Barrie On tario for the sum ol SIOOO which will not be refunded Richardson Clerk Township of Vaspra Aulfl TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA TENDERS FOR VESPRA TOWN SHIP ATHLETIC PARK ELECTRICAL CONTRACT NO 7619478 Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by Mr Richardson Clark Township ol Vespro I7 Owen Street Barrie Ontario until 500 pm local time on Thur sday September I976 The work consists of the following Installing eight lighting towers Trenching and backlilling for underground wiring Supplying and installing on derground WlTllIg Supplying and installing lighting panel meter socket and associated oqurpinent Testing equipment and co ordinating wrth Ontario Hydro Contract documents may bn ob tamed at the olfico of Ainley and Associates Limited Con suiting Engineers and Planners Morrow Rood Barrie On tario for the sum of SIOOO which will not be refunded Richardson Clerk Township of Vespra AulB cluttering VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Cundles Heights Public School Aug 2336 30 in II 45 am Theme God Olympic Athletes Ages For registration phone 728 5869 or 728 7I33 Aul I7 I9 ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 30 Regular games 00 Jackpot S300 must go every week Admission SI 00 tor cards Air kLTTdIlOlYPd hall GEORGE ST BARRiE TF THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events sistiisjf INFRle At Royal VII Tltlll lion pital on August WM MW and trim woliotnrs wrtii lovr llldltltltll tintly girl It lbs on llltlllltl lyiiii third uinnditaoghtii tni Mi aiiitMrs ianqihn and loud awaitsd tirst Uldlhl dmrgttlir loi Mr and Mrs Tlllllltl allot Bariu BURNS hi istoplivr ts plmiwd to an nounw lltt ttirtti ol his sistm Miirntitti Maraarrt it lhs In on at Royal Vii toria Hospital Tfllltl Saturday Auuiist i4 TOM at It Ill ii iii ldltllii iron Itll Suzanna Many thanks to Dr tlt iott nndthviiur sinu stall TOPTlNh Mr and Mrs Iitt Iotipiim Iiio Itionipsoiil ot IItll anv tlnit tan tl tri happy to iriiiiiuoi tin turtti ot Itll dauuiitri RiItiii your at Royal Viilorin Hospital rlflit on August WM Woiiitiirru lhi tois Mondays hild is fair oi tar Tuesday had is toll of arm Wednrsdays tiild lull ol won Thursdays tiilit has tat to in Fridays Child is iovrno and urvmu Saturdays liilrl wrii ks hard toi its living And told that is tioi on ttii Sahhatti hay is Inii amt wow and prod inil uay Ctiiliirrn limit in this vrr hyt ouiitii uttvn always Witlll to know Alllt ti day oi work was thiir lh itati kiip Iltl and Ollltl irnpor liiiit intoi oration tiir your itiild Iutiiri Hail to karhuiiii Itirtti Annouiu Illtiltl writ lIIt lllllt tiir naini ot your told thi day it tlu wruk ntuntli iNlti your uI llll WtIUltl dltll tllltl Viliil rotor iiiation pr iiilid lTTISSiNIt ran not onto it Itl IthItlIl run out in Iiiliy look or iitiili Allllll itw into to nTltlt IIrtirtiriri Iir llI Notii is only iil maximum All words Additional wotrlnn llTs pii woi it flfONl HR 1iIt GOOD NEWS STORY Wtiiii you so noun Illl th oI your tllllil in HF iItii no xnirtriiui iippriius at nulii ii ivmlatili tor Italin hook iriiiiy llfl kriordu and to mail your lIiIltili init Tlllltl1 iii tliow far away plot Im an miliiuniiiiiint llil lltllll ill lllr It lttthl Iiissit Nil iIl II AMIIHll illllllilII MvIvilli Ilasl rugs well known IoiaI ltSI ltlil will tliltlillt his 75th Iiir lhilay onSaturday Aug 2i IS Irivnds II IlIIill to visit his homo llittli and pm Mr and Mrs Ari Hayward Illtil Iluir son in la and laughiir al Slinvoi last ttk Ihvir grandson Iirislophir Hayward oi Utopia is spending tiw Willi llitlll Mrs Ktlliltlllillt ol Siarlh Mari who came vast lo attiiid church ttllltlillldl lllIIiIllllII In Tara tint has isilid many old liivids including Mr and Mrs Mason llttIlC Ilttnl Itll Mr and Mrs Morris MiAi ihur and oia and Smart llll thur haw Just Itlllllllll from iarnpm trip to itanli Iaspii and other plans III tIu wst In aigary ihi IIlttl Mor ris aunt Laura iltlllillll RN and Norinas IrrolIiir in la and SiSltI Mr and Mn Ilon Imiin tln lllt iioniiViard trip ilit lSIittl llilll consuls Itr and Mrs RiIllIlXtut Ill IIiuriiIii Ra Syinpath IS tVltIItlttl to Mrs itorgi Knrril III lllt suddiu TIIIlli of lItI father in lriIIia Hospital on Aug ll Mrs Birnii fluids and IIililii arc spending work Willi Mr and rs Ra anipiwil SchooIAKSciidOff Irintml laitirn 321 HMS rualg 3858 THLRSDAY gazes FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers lrequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as od orios satisfy their wants recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get mults After many years of or perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise In The Barrie Examiner Classified Section E09 294 Printed Pattern 4883 Childs Sizes Size jumper yd 45 5s yd contr Transfer $100 tor each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15c for each pattern tor first class mail and handling Ont residents add Yr sales tax Print plarnly Size Style Num her your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4P7 $500 $500 $322 per column Inch mulls HOWARD llimtwtti At Sunset Manor ollinuwood on Saturday Auoust t4 IOTA FIIHIDelh McMastar Beloved wdi ol the Iatn Edward Howard Dvat niotttni at Elsie Brandon ol Tottintiniri Jean Ford and Victor Howard imtti at Grenlol Grandmother ot It Ulrfltlthllllt and I7 areal Ufrttiillllrll Sistir of Mrs Elsie Crawtoid ol Barrio Garnet MLMBSET Gertin Walton and Myrtle Henry all plfdltltdï¬tti Dusting at tho Steckley FUTHTHI Hitan Jo WarHey St Barrie iirvui in the chapel on Tuesday August II at Jon Interrnnnt Grenlel lllPitly ï¬vnrur Wrrlllnuton at the Roan Vii Tillllt Hospital art Monday Aug In two home Wally McLeod ltflitvfltl husband at Vira Wtltltoi ltniriv diai lattwr ol Wayiiri Bruce and Kronvth all at hornr Dear brother at Madriiot Mrs Rlddrll at Wll iowrlatr Entry and Gordon both at Bar It and Alvin at Sr Mimi ouuh Renting at It ltltlttll unirat ttoriw l5 nradlord Sit tar in Visitation trom Tuosday at in StTVlt in tho rtiapil on Wed rwsday Auu lit at in interment 6th iirwi lntTCYVi MALMNNON Gordon at the Royal Viitoiia ttotipital on Monday Auu to NM tor don Mar Kinnon dwir hrutticr ot Mnraarrrt Mrs llrnwn of uradtord Rhoda Mrs Wooddiuion ol Guelph Milltll Mrs Allvnl at Toronto Ada iMri ltotlis ol rillia and pro din lflsltl tiy Rothrt Hosting at ton IN lurinrai lioiiiu I52 Bradford St liaiiii visitation triun Iuvsday at ii iii Sivrvrii in the rtiaprl on Wed iiisrlay Aoo Ill at 10 in trilorment ltillsdalo Iiittiytm iari ftllllllty IN NIMORIAMS lle in loyiiiq iniinor ot ii iiiar liushiiiiil and Tllltl lolin CUHN who pasmutawny Auuiist li WIS ind took him tiornn it was His will Iiiit in our lttrtll hi liVitli still owiiitly lllIIllltlHlltl Iiy wilt Frank olaiutl tliiTWtII Sound Mai uaiit and son Iotui Guthrie man to hold birthday reception Mrs SlitIT Wood and lltl lo iIiiliiriii iroiii London Uni haw Illttl into lIii aparliiiiiil il Ila ainpiiills llttlIM Mrs Murdock has re llllllltl liltiilt Iroiii the Barrie hospital Mr and Mrs Vtllty Itir train iilItl Mr and Mrs iiorgv iaiiipiwll were guests at the Saylr Anilriws uilding III St Iauls Ilnitvd IiuriIL tlriilia iiiiug Mrs iioigi aldwvll ar raiigiil all llii lltltlN for tho Irriiiiii part illt church and llltlIttlIIt lloIi kisnivr of Itairii took llIt sviiiri III the Hound iIiiiriIi lItIl on Aug ti Itohs IIIIIUII uiiI lllh guitar and vocal ducts Illl Ioanirv Iiunl tltIpplltlillttl For lllt iiit lllltt Sundays Susan liarson ot Itairii will ionduil thi ma Ill StlVICt llillilllltAYS IIii Miltoii lilllilllth gathrrvd ai lhin voltages at Lake Vor nori on Aug to honor their mother Mrs Millon Sr of It taua on Iiiriliilii birthday lltlt lo JUIII in the happy went was iiaughtir Mrs Norah Watson oi Southpolt Airstralia Iiicunt lSIlillh tlili Mr and Mrs TIIIItSl toatis wer Mrs John llonniII of Franklin Latins and Mr and Mrs nanARrï¬ Viniinl Joseph Taklry of Baltic llitil Aug at Royal Victoria lltISpiltll Surviving illt lligt irIv Ethel oi Angus daughter Barbara Mrs II Iiinnctt of Angus gianddautlui lltltlllt iMrs Ilaiiill ot Anglis Sandra and Hour oi Toronto and Martin sisivr Iay ier Iiasvi of Swim and Iirolhir Iaudo ol iutounillaiid luo giial LiliillilklillilllllIlMlSlIIVIVt Funeral arrangirmnls HIt handliii in ltlilitll Funeral Iiomi IuniraI Mags has held today at II Burial was at IlLIil irioriliruitvr With Interest Taken ANNUALLY lll JiJle tllltT VG GREY MIKE BENVENUIl Manager LEO MIRTITSCH Accountant 35 Dunlop St 13mm The Barrie Examiner Tuesday August i7 1976 A715 Over 40 Off the regular price of one year subscription ATTENTION SIMCOE COUNTY RESIDENTS HERES AN OFFER thats hard to beat year subscription of The Barrie Examiner YEAR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONLY month subscription for only $1200 ACT NOW JUST Fill IN AND MAIL COUPON BELOW to start receiving your BARRIE EXAMINER We will bill you for your Get Acquainted Subscription THE BARRIE EXAMINER T6 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE ONTARIO ADDRESSPNONE TOWN POSTALCODE OFFER VALID IN NONCARRIER AREAS UNTIL AUG 3176