Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1976, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Classified Advertising All Other Departments ll2fliYearNol92 7266539 728 24 7766537 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday August I7 I976 Uh flame Examiner lS Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST SUNNY 16 Pages baseball tournament is an eXciting event for par ticipants particulary for those on the bench at left HEY WAKEN UP THERE AND WAT TH GAMElV ad 59 when their team is at bat But for spectators in the stand the activity isnt as tense While members of tiie odrington lohiison and Steele Street activity centre team were caught up in tiie action at the recreation aways department lournament Monday at Queens Park one young spectator chose to nap Prince of Wales finally Country club shareholders 0K assessment drive moves Barrie tountry liib shareholders voted at special meeting Monday to approve the clubs special assessment of $200 and an extension to Aug 17 of its capital ftiiids drive lresidcnt liiii Sturrup said today that because ot the ap proval by big majority it appears tiie club will end up in good viable operation Were going to cut the excess fat The club has bad financial difficulties since it opened in 1000 The special assessment of $200 was decided upon by direc CAPSULE NE WS Vows fight to the death BitilltlT lettist leader Kamai luinblatt vowed today to tight to tiie dcatli against liristian and Syrian forces trying to drive his eliaiicsc loslems and their lalestinian allies from the mountains cast of this Lebanese capital Letter rate stays same ttll The basu l0 cciit rate for first class let let to the nted States lll not increase Sept when tiist class ltllil sen iii anaila will int rease to to cents troni eight cciits tiic post otttcc announced today Scientists check volcano lil ll ll llti iniadcloiqx eruption Monday night ot thc oiiti ii ti volt iiio spared neighboring illagcs and caused no iiiaioi damage to the surrounding countrysidc scicn tists icpoited today itci helicopter flight into the daiigei onc lailicistoiy pa ii on iagc tors last month to cope with iin mediate problems loss of $08000 has been pro iected for this year Mr Stun rup said the special assessment would bring us tip to date in 1970 The capital ftiiids drive to get $1000 from each member is iii teded to wipe out the clubs ac cumulatcd capital debt esr tiiiiated by Mr Sturrup at bet ween$500000andSTxtutht The minimum objective of thedriye is 3400000 dont believe theres any doubt well get it said Mr Sturrup adding that to date some 3300000 has been pledged Mr Sturrup said Mondays ote was about 1130 for and 00 against assessment Now we go back to the members with it he said Saturday is the deadline for payment Failure to do so lll result in suspension of club privileges said Mr Sturrup Illt SSICSSMIZV He added that large number oi members paid the assessment after last nights meeting lhcrc no indication lie said ot how many members it any ill not honor the assess iiieiii MORE THAN 1000 DEAD MISSING Worst quakes ever lll More than iooo persons were reported dead oi Ellilii1 oday the waist tattliqimkcs ii iliiltp pinctistory lhc itoi sastct toili dlttatiiig ttifi cporxid tonight that it lcast ttli lead hay been oiitii ned were missing ind yetc niured in two ltllil quakes that hit the southern lhilippiics ll attei Earthquake rocks llTKlti Renter strong earthquake hit thinas largest and most populous province Monday night the countrys second big quake in less than month The quake in mountainous central Sxechyyaii preyince ip pearcd less destructive than one that devastated iicrtheast regions on July 28 There ere no reports on any casualties or the extent of damage Japanese sources said 26 Japanese technicians were evacuated from Szechwan They were part of team working on tertilirer plant in midnight Monday night and iiist attcr noon today lnotticial counts razscd the death oil to it ith more than s00 iiiiirisi and 400 missing tiioiig the ttttsstitg Htt ll children swept away by tool ics caused by the quake lhc lhzlippine ltisaster ten tre said i390 tamilies were homeless and tta buildings bridges and other structures thentu the sources said lbey sud the ey acuees ere flow ii to Shanghai and Chinese officials sud the plant as undamagisl yhentu with an estimated population of more than three million is too miles southwest of the SpllStl pooulattsl moun tam region reported to hay been rocked by the quake late Monday night llOTlIl EV lTITl While there was no word on how the shock affected thentu foreigners in Sian 200 miles northeast of the epicentre said they were evacuated from their were destroyed 1l only one at the areas ltll by the quake soutliyyesteri liiidanao najoi carth tremor also central thina Monday night but reports trout the area did not mention damage or cast allies The first quake in the south crn Philippines occurred at 13 it am when most posiilp were asleep it sent high is if we get the support ot the members paying the assess iiieiit tiiiiik the club has turned one major corner said Mr Sturrup Management Hll know better after the Saturday deadline Just how it stands in that respect he said The capital drivi fund coni nuts all current and futiiic members to $1000 debenture subscription Mr Stiiriiip said the contribution to the capital ttiiid drive is not compulsory but members who do not par ticipate will be subject to assessment on yearly basis proposal made at the meeting was that special committee be set tip to start cost saying program to put the cltib in more viable post tioii while at the same llltlt with help troiii oliinteci members prov idiiig idequatc seryicc to the entire iicinbe ship The proposal yis tha we take the club back to what can afford to eiiiiiiiatc tin necessary scry it es or scryiccs that are not pay trig ioi tlicmselyes ll be asking members to part it ipatc ll iy they hayeiit before Be re looking to keep the club the liltivk trotii lctc on to liyc vyitiiui out nc lr Sturiup iiis iilt iiio iiasliiigoiiiottiesoifc tltll titiltt ivv tlllttll homes hiii heirs liliilalaii li ll lttit largest soiiherI slam kt lltttM lhc ahona quake lntottnatioi Kitltlit Hill ttrs quake Fat ieiiri rci orde hi do ll1 ll llitl Chinese province hotel ittei light tremors ioreign monitoring stations put the quake at between 69 and on the open ended Rich ter scale ieanyyhile diplomatic oh servers here tlt skeptical about French report that second quake at seven on the Richter scale had struck thmas Shansi proymce two hours after the quake in Secii an The report quoting Stle mological station in Strasburg France was not supported by monitoring posts in California and Sweden the diplomats said Meanwhile ltiitch and French diplomats were under stood to be try mg to reach heir nationals in Sieciiwai most whom are technicians and ttl yisers building idiisfi plan ts Stiechyy an is traditional ear thquake area The las anatoi quake in the lightly populated border area struck in la Lt Sechyyan is some 600 miles southwest ot leking where an thorities two days ago lifted an earthquake alert and allowed the citys six million lllltttltilllll Is to return to their homes won the tournament after it innings of play tlIxamiiier lltolol Whte man speak with fork tongue Sites checked in 73 probe llillltllillil lidciil health and safety tli Ltyitiis ll iltitk downtown ionstriiiaqi and tltliiillli ll is pugt liiiiaili iitili lotlliiitlli it lli Iiiliilt ilIiist illit has kaail ltil It tttkl saol lttci an laii ii illill tts iil tttat triadi tv sow ttl iii Ionic HILL tlt ii iciil tai lttl ti itiif It any5 lLlllltll3 llllt it lil hit Philippines reporci aczw Mindanao =Ir Pugh waves fruit itii Nca smashed houses along the Ron siivttis lii clclies nie coast as ti itiand as too yards The govcizttzti oiisery itory lot att ti epiceii rc in the ielitcs Sea south west of liidaao on its other threcsides The first ilirt iascd tor to secoids rockcd more than duhi cities al tci iyer tyyotliirds ot the lliilippines land area Rescue officials said three storey department store two schools and two hotels coir lapsed in totdboli lli geophy sical Ag City drops bid to buy tower lly Itllth DUNSIAN IIxaitiiiier Staff Reporter Barrie city council has drop ped its bid to buy ivic Square loyy cr for use as city hall tity officials learned Monday that Itiuiwoixlco Ltd of Town to receiver for thc ollier Street office building is still considering number of bids for tiie building despite expiry of the citys $12 million offer at midnight liiiday The Friday deadline was the Guyanese family to Quebec ltlitttNit itli The fed crai department of manpower and immigration has ordered iiiyai csc woman and her five children to leave for Quebec ity today to await the outcome of their amwalagainst deporta lioti loiiy iaiasso department spokesman said Monday that provisions were being made to send Bibi Ali 1H and her llll drentoQuibcctity Mrs Ali has been ordered lt Mirted twice in the last two years Last week an appeal was made on behalf of the chii dren to the federal Appeal touit Mrs Ali has no further right of appeal Marlcnc liiilip lawyer rep resenting the family charged Monday that there were no serious ettorts made to house the taiiiiiy in Toronto while they awaited tiieoutcomc of the appeal They havent given her IMrs Alli much choice Miss lliiiip said it she refuses to sign the terms theyll probably ship them all out of the mini trv T00 PHONY SENT HOME ltitttixrii iit group of eight lllitttll lndians from Quebec were told to go home after their first per formancc at the Ontario Science cntrc Saturday because their version of III dians lacked realism ceii trcsyxikesniansaid llicir pcrtoiiiiancc of in dian rituals resembled Hollywood version of ltidians and wasnt realistu lanct lluincsaid iiianintcryieyy She said the lndians yorc inyl ittltllltt iyc make up and dyed yellow illlll orange liitlltits The group was scheduled to perform ill week with lndiaiis from Qtltlttt tn farm and the Maritiiiies in daily piogram depicting in than litcaiid tliiiri rails The other liidiaiis iiiyoited ill the piogiaiii ioinplainid about llll lllitttlls perioiniancc lll said The lltironx tioiii village miles outside Qtttliec city were pail isms toi their halthoiii pcilorinancc and to Litt ioo plus pensesi tl hcciitiri xvick ilLilll itt third set by city council for ac ceptance of the offer ouncil hail twice extended its deadline at lhiiiwoixicos request No third extension was re quested ur offer is dead Mayor Dorian Parker said today Meanwhile aul Jerabek liinwoixico vicepresident said at least three bids for the building were still alive this morning decision was possi bie today he saod Bidders inciiide group of Barrie businessmen headed by real estate broker Leon tart rick Mr Garrick said today he hopes to prove that the building whose previous owner went bankrupt arlier this year can turn profit lf iyic Square Towers can not be made profitable he said no more such buildings will be biiili in downtown Barrie lie would not say how much his partnership has bid Mr Jerabek said the other bids have been submitted on behalf of loronto interests whom lie would not identify He said the bidding involves Rowbotham remanded ltobert ltowbotham who has been in Barrie Jail for nine months awaiting trial ap peared in Ontario Provincial oiirt in Barrie this morning and was remanded in custody until next Tuesday Last Wednesday Judge outurc set bail at $10000 but to date only one of the two spon sores required has appeared pl Bob Fenske of Barrie lttMl detachment said Row botiiams wife Iaula has not appeared iii Barrie to sign as the second sponsor ltowbotliani 23 is charged with three counts of trafficking drugs in the Barrie area lhe RtMl piaii to rearrest him for failing to appear in court in Brampton Jan ltowbotiiam was in Barrie laii at that time The charges in Brampton relate to the alleged importat of ouctonofhashisli itowbotliani was arrested in Brampton in January lEtTl and subsequently released on $tzi000 bail lie has been in Bar ricJail since Nov 201073 preliminary hearing is now in progress and is scheduled to resumeSipt 13 Two children die in crash Sl llillNlltZ tnt itli Two children were killed and their sister critically llljlllttl in it three car collision Monday about four miles south ofhcre itead are 13 inoiitii old Ted liuiip Mantier and his sister Iameia Joy lennings it both iifllttittiltl lttl lainoraii icnnings 10 was listed in critical condition in hospital with iiiiiltipie injuries Their mother Laura Mantler 30 the driver of the car was listed ill fair condition in liospi tal considerably more money than offered by the city Mayor Parker said today the city hail no word from Dun woodco oii the fate of its offer until late Monday when city of ficiais reached the firm by telephone after repeated at tempts MAYOR DISAPPOINTEI The mayor strong sup porter of the bid for the building said she was disa ponted in Dunwoodcos hantl ing of purchase negotiations feel that the citys been used to extract higher offers from other bidders she said They rival bidders knew what our bid was She also criticized lunwood cos failure to let city officials know of its decision on the of fer noting that the firm hail telephoned her at home when it wanted an extension of previous deadlines Aid Jim lerri who is seek ing the mayors post in this years election and who opv posed the attempt to purchase the building echoed the mayors statements in tele phone interview personally felt that they were using its as lever for negotiations with other par ties he said He also criticized the forms failure to inform the city of its decisioti Aid Boss Archer also mayoral candidate and oppo neiit of the proposed purchase said he was not surprised to see the citys bid fail in view of the fact that the Bank of Nova Scotia holder of the mortgage on the building has $245 milliontiedupinit They naturally would like to recover that he said Mr Jerabek denied that his firm had used the city as lever or been discorteous The city he said could have had the building for the offered price plus forgiveness of about $l50009 back taxes and the firm id have preferred saieiothe municipality We were trying to see our way clear to sell it to the city he said Basically it was question of money ITY IIANIIAIIEI He acknowledged however that councils obligation as public body to make its bid public handicapped the citys chances of winning the bidding competition As for the failure to inform the city of the fate of its bid they should have realized that the offer had expired he said Aid Ittli and Aid Archer both said today they consider failure of the citys bid good thing dont think we can afford $21 iiiiilioii this year Aid Perri said He said there is no great rush for new city hall The current building half block east of ivic Square Towers will be adequate for about five years he said and after that more space can be rented elsewhere We can always wait until we have the direct need for new city hall anti can afford one he said Aid Archer said the current city hall is bit cramped but temporary space can be found if city staff msut be expanded because of proposed annexation of 20000 acres from three neighboring townships lie said he supports councils plan set before ivic Square Tower came on the market to build new city hall in lttitt on the siteof the present hall ouncil has set aside $315 million for the new ball plus another $3 million for the new library building which would be part of the complex tivc Square Tower built in ltt71tfor $3 million came on the market after its owner Harvey llarbridge Developments Ltd of Muskoka went bankrupt earlier this year The Bank of Nova Scotia took over owner ship and appointed lunwoixlco receivers and managers Bantams move on to Ontario final Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association illMLAi captured the Ontario Minor Lacrosse ASNNHIlIttll Division regional championship tll lontliill this weekend lacid by captain Albert Walker iio totallcd goals iii the teams four games the locals thrashed llillevillc it iii tliiciiaiiipioiisliipcontest They had earlier Illltltlllti itcxdale iii Niagara ll and St allicriiics it Warren Won had nine of the teams 30 goals Mike Walker scored five Harrell iitt three ltavc ituiican tiirio lim Vlalkcr two laquis Mireauit two and Hugh Biatnii two and itavc itcrriaalt Mikiliottman andtircgJoiiisoiit piece The team got on to the all tttitiirio clianipioiidiip to be lllltl next month lails No high priority yet for solar energy here WiNNllilt Solar energy is not yet high priority Willi the federal government scientists from the National lte search ouncil said Monday Sasaki of ttttawa said the federal government has al ltllltl about 3700000 for solar activities this year the same amount as last year anada so far had about 20 buildings heated by solar energy using total of about 8000 square feet of flat plate solar collectors We expect that to double in the next few years he said and drew laugh from his mostly American audience at conference on solar energy Barry Neely finds his path blocked by the glove of Aurora catcher Ted Gallone during this foiled scoring at FOILED IN SCORING TRY tempt by the Slessor and Periard Insurance Juniors Neely was cut down at home attempting to tie the gane in the fourth inning Barrie went on to win the sudden death encounter 73 and earn berth in the Barrie and District Senior Softball League semifinals Story and photo on page 10i Ex aminer Photoi

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