IQTThe Barrie Examiner MondoyLAogust 16 I976 Malgrct Itiompson Itlilllh Heights School The coin Iltl poise as she balances petition was put on the gently onthebalancingbeam recreation tltlttlllllltlll for during recent i1llllltltt thcactivit ccntrcchildren competition held at tiiiiillcs ontegot POISE IS EVERYTHING lIlillllfOltl synchronized swmiincr Lynn Bowman does movement called water wheel during recent demonstration by the lirant ford swim team at the Lions Pool in llarric Juvenile Longer prison terms hurt rehabilitation OTTAWA CP The longer prison sentences brought in with the abolition of capital punishment do not mean the government has given up on rehabilitating prisoners says Andre Therr en commissioner of the Canadian Penitentiary Service liut these sentences pose no verc rehabilitation problems he said durin an interview taped for broa east Sunda on the TV show Question Per 0d Were concemed especially about the first few years where the inmate is reacting to the length of the sentence Were concerned about the possible ride of suicide going up for theaepeople Were also concerned about feeling of no hope in these fir st few years in which case some might do some drastic actions where the safety of our staff would be endangered Mr Therrlen said his of ficials are planning programs for prisoners facing the man datory tï¬year sentences for eerta crimes including long term educational pro rains and provision of more ciiillenging work would like them to be busy at something The motivation to work is not very strong because of the type of monc they have for their work thin we haVe to do something about that Prisoners at tederal penitenr tiarics are paid $1 day for work Mr lherricn said he did not think solitary confinement would ever be totally abolished because there Will always be need to separate the It per cent of the prison poiulation who nre dangerous of endeis from other prisoners He also Ioinised that his scr vice thult start better training irograms for guards He said ic is involved in national con sultiitions with guardii rcp rcscntativos to get clear on dcrstaniling of their problems Con man says hes annoyed at ease in getting welfare HAMILTON tCl Clyde Ralph Barrett 41 admits that he is con artist and that he has cheated more than $t500 in welfare money in various places across the country in cluding this city since he was teenager It annoys me to see how easy it is for con men like me to get money off welfare he told The Spectator and some people who really need it amt deserve it cant get anything On Friday Mr llarrett dem onstrated to the newspaper just how easy it can be to client the welfarc system Acconiimnicd by reporter Mr llarrett went to the llaltoii regional municipality offices in nearby Burlington ii the wa he wrote let ter supposei to be from an employer which said he iMr Ilarrctti was starting job Aug 14 and would need money on which to lch until he re ceived his first my clicquc He gave te eplionc number from public telephone booth where the supposed employer might be reached Aftcrspendin lialfanlioniin the social and finally scrvrccs offices Ml llairett was told he could pick up cheque liii about $41 later in the day He collected the cheque few hours later The official who intcrvuwcd Mr llairctt was told ot the cir ciunstanccs of the hoax later and admitted that he should have checked the address and telephonenumber The official also admitted that he had bccii conned ad ding This is the kind ot guy that makes it bad for others being held Koosman shuts out Beds 10 to move closer to 20games in stabbing tllAW itli ttawa po licc have lfyycarold juvenile Ill cirstody in connection with the stabbing early Sunday of nine year old boy and man aged42 Police said the boy Wayne Sarac recechd wounds to his face and body while Armand ormicr of ilirll Que was cut on the lower lip and chin Both were treated in hospital and re leased lhc assailant broke into house and went upstairs where he stabbed the boy Mr or mier was injured when he at tempted to grab the attacker police said Police expect to charge the juvenile who was arrested near the home shortly after the stabbings with two counts of attempted murder lNlVERSIIIES STARTED in 1189 the first universities were being developed in cities in Italy and France lOOK AT THIS SELECTION By THE ASSINIATEI PRESS Jerry Koosman is starting to feel like Tom Seaver in fact hes starting to look like him second fiddle to the three time Cy Young winner over the years the veteran leftAhandcr has become ace of New York Mets pitching staff this season Koosnian is think the best lefthander in the National League said New York manA ager Joe Frazier after the southpaw shut out Cincinnati lieds on five hits Sunday In Sundays other National League games San Francisco Giants whi ged Philadelphia Ihillics 95 an Diego Padres stopped Montreal Expos 61 At4 lanta Braves edged St Louis Cardinals 32 Los Angelcs Dodgers defeated hicago Iubs 32 and Pittsburgh Pirates swept Houston Astros 86 and On Saturday New York edged Cincinnati Chicago blanked lios Angeles 24 Pitts This is Retail burgh shaded Houston Philadelphia crushed San Fran cisco 132 St Louis trimmed Atlanta 40 amt San Diego dc featcd Montreal 72 Koosman an exuberant lit yearrold who never has reached the 20 victory circle added this postscript after improving his record to 157 and his earned run average to 302 never felt better command all the way Koosmari struck out it amt improved his season total to liltt while recording his second shutout of the year The south paw winning his fourth con secutive game has lost only on ce in his last decisions Gary Nolan iii8 was the los ing pitcher for the Reds who were beaten for oiin the nth time in their last 41 games New York has won nine of its last 12 games The Mcts scored their run on Bruce Boisclairs two out single in thcfifth was in cm cm Darrell ltlvans hit his luth and lltli home runs of the year the latter three lllll drive It the input the ninth inning to poWet San Iirancisco over Iliila dclpliia lIvans second homci capped live rim rally that brought the Giants back from dilcficit lworun singles by Willie ltavis and Ted Kubiak high lighted five rim sixth inning and carried San Diego ovor Montreal lom Grill in scattered six hits to improve his record to He walked tour and struck out three in his first complete game in five starts this year II HEELS Iloot jacks which resemble large clothes pins shaped to grip the heel were required to help in taking off high boots lllt anadian pioneers wore IIUNIIEIIS SLIDING THROUGH SUMMER llic playground at tcnliii iiial Ilcacli provrdcs amusement for hundreds ot children each week and makes babysitting chorel easier for good tltaiiv others Kini Woiiod ploVitltn guiding hands as lthonda thapioaii onc yciii old takes turn it the slide tlJx ninuili lhotoi Wind and hail storm damages crops causes minor flooding My llll2 IANAIIIAN IItIJHH Public works crews in nurn Itl of southwestern tlntario communities were cleaning irp Sunday after ward and hail storm damaged cloth and caused power blackouti and nunortlomling Weather officials said the storm moved eastward from London to tainbiidgi early Saturday night dropping an much as thrm inches of rain in tttininutcs The storm liil hardest Ill Ilii lilciiliciin lllandtoid area near Womlstock where regional road superintendent said crch worked most of Saturday night and Sunday morning to remove tallcn trees Farmers in tlic arca reporch heavy damage to corn tobacco and white beans in no inimitc liail storm that lollowrd the ram spokesman tor the min istiy ol agricultnrcs regional office said one fariricr lost his 27 acre tobacco crop and iii acrcsot his corn lotal dariiagc estimates Were not expected until insnrancc adjusters Visited the area today the ministry spokesman said IIMAIII INJIH lrovmcial police said far llltl and live tobacco pickers narrowly escaped injury in the storm The six had taken cover in YOU PAY ONLY $100 OVER THIS FIGURE ON ANY UNIT IN srocx aowr tzttioot glass greenhouse that sliattciid and collapsed in lllt hail Mttilltlbitllll they lctt ll tatllc Wflt driven to high ground in tlic lliuinbo area about Leo ltltltï¬ nortlunst ot Wiitxlslotk when the tliaiiii ltivci bcgan to flood in lowly ingaiias lilooded biracialnth and back yards wcrc reporch lll Illlllllti about to inilc llttIlItVHfd of Wooddock Wlltll thicc llltlll of rain Icll in less than an hoiri weather Ullltlitlu maid Iiiardent ol Ayr towrishti about miles west ot tiirclpli wcic thlttrlll power for several IPII1YIII altcl Itiin thilla btcv down hydro lines that area also cxpcriciicul noinc iiiiiioi flooding inimlly Iioin chr loaded oad culvert liovuirial polici at said number of county row is were washed out for scvmal hours Ilcavy rain that obstructed vial bility ilo brought traflic to hall on secondary highways policcupokcsiuansaid Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation EXTENSION Of CLOSING DA MOD IEU IENDER ION IHE CONSINUCIION 07 SENIOR ClllZl UNII in the IOWN Of WASAGA MACH NIARIO The closing date of tho above modified tender roll has been ex tended 03 le rn Soptmnlmr 9th I976 Bids will be publir ly opened on the date specified above The lowest prir ad or any bid not rioressurily accepted An Agenry of the Province of Ontario ONIARIO HOUSING CORPORATION IOI Bloor Street West Ioronto Ontario LOOK AT 45 THIS EXAMPLE I976 Bobrot Douglas Merit up only Iotol Io Lit $320800 lCXJCX $330800 Til 56 2300 tit Meteori ch ion in man1 3567 COP Com gg 30 ILL Le dow paymem 56 Pd 02 94 al2105an Balerstoimorvre 55 51 ll Bobctl Flt11 hie Pt Felt lt Axozol vf us re 32 DON oaï¬ uc SALl0° 30 71 GU plus Finorira harge YT avg cm 5Wu ISI75 Il Ada55 an 1fl7 IIC 9215 YUCI nu wU fly NOBODY BUT NOBODY DARES TO MAKE THIS OFFER WE WANT TRADEINS FMCC FINANCING AVAILABLE PRICES GOOD TIL AUGUST 27 76 NO HIDDEN CHARGES ALL FACTORY DISPLAY ORDER NEW I977 IF YOU DONT BUYA I976 l0 SALESMEN TO HELP YOU INVOCIES ON PRICES GOOD TIL LINCOLN MERCU RY iiimt AUGUST 2776 cam 81 Essa Rd Barrie 57 F1 gt1