REV KENNETH and Joyce Purdon of Burton Avenue United Church look over the marriage register into which Mr Purdon has made 236 en tries over the last 10 years Photo by Brian Baker Minister leaves Barrie after 10 years service By BRIAN BAKER Rev Kenneth Purdon of Bur ton Avenue United Church will be leaving Barrie after 10 years to become minister at Hillcrest United Church in Willowdale Mr Purdon received his theological training at Queens University in Kingston Before coming to Barrie he was minister at Cambridge Street United Church in Lindsay Originally graduate of the Normal School in Toronto with teaching certificate he taught school at Scarborough Village Public School My time at Burton Avenue United Church and in the city of Barrie has been tremendous and rewarding experience and will always remember it as the highlight of my career remarks Mr Purdon am sure that my wife Joyce and family sharemy feelings It will be very difficult in deed to break ties with such wonderful congregation and staff which have given us such enthusiastic Tooperation We have been most happy with the warm and genuine reception they have given us Mr Piirdon has been active in community events He is past president of the Mental Health Branch in Barrie vice president of the Childrens Aid Society Padre of the Army NavyAirforcc Branch in Bar rie is an active member of the Barrie Ministerial society He is also on the advisory board of Parents without Partners llc receives maiiy telecare calls He helped establish the youth hostel in Barrie Mrs Purdon has also been very active in church and community affairs She is particularly wellknown for her work as activities director at Grove Park Home Mr Purdon took the Burton Avenue charge immediately after fire had burned the roof off the church His induction service had to be held in adja cent King Edward Public School For one six week period the Purdons were obliged to take tip residence III the Church meeting rooms while renova tions were being undertaken in the Manse on William Street It was Christmas and there was some embarrassment as little brown dog they had inherited rushed to greet all callers and beg to be picked upon which in her nervousness her kidneys would fail her Mrs Purdon recalled with some amusement after looking back the Sunday that Mr Pur don developed sudden and severe case of flu at the last minute before the service and was unable to call in relief minister He had just reached the part in the sermon wander and wonder when he passed out in faint and tell behindthepulpit The highlight of Mr Iurdons stay at Burton Avenue United Church was the 100th anniver sary of the Church in 1973 and all the festivities connected with it During his charge at Burton Avenue he has performed 189 baptisms married 236 couples and has performed 331 burial services He terms baptisms and marriages happy oe casions Mr Iurrlon has noticed great change in the growth pat tern of Allandale This has been reflected in his congregation Most members were employed with the railroad industry whereas now many are profes sional and business members llis congregation of 500 peo ple is as strong and genuine He is known for his ability to relate to all age groups The oldest visitor to his congrega tion is Miss Margaret Cumming of Barrie Under the tireless efforts of Greg and Karen Little the Stin day School membership has grown from 35 to 80 Doug Gar raway has for many years been organist and choir leader while his Wife has been junior choir leader Mr Purdon says church at tendance is on the increase For few years with the great upswing in scientific technology and with the atomic and space age in mind man began to think he was in control of the world There was trend away from the church says Mr Purdon Then everything blew up in his face and he now finds he still needs the helping hand ofGod His new charge at Willoudalc is part of new experiment in tridenoininational church iii cluding United Anglican and Presbyterian congregations farewell party will be held for the Purdons Saturday even ing at King Edward School In the ministry one must move on to new challenges to prevent oncs self and the con gregation from falling into rut concludes Mr lurdon but it is with regret that we leave Burton Avenue ITnited hurcli and the city of Harrie TWO hours of work all needed to erect portable classrooms Ry NINA MacMIRIIIY flotilla of trucks vith amber lights flashing and red flags waving converged on Eastvuw Secondary School this week Each vehicle in the fleet car ried section of portable classroom to be assembled on the school grounds as addi tional facilities for the 197677 school year Enrolment at each of Bar ries three high schools has in creased at such rapid pace in recent years that each has outgrown its original space With completion of Barnes fourth high school slated for September 1978 additional por table classrooms were ordered again this year to absorb the overflow of students The prefabricated buildings estimated to cost about $14000 each are constructed iii Burt ington and delivered by flat bed float and crane trucks In just little over two hours the skeletal frames are turned into permanent classrooms The first half is backed into its permanent location by the truck From there each of its four corners is jacked to several inches above the bed of the truck the foundation blocks and supports pinned underneath and the truck pulled aw ay The second half of the pro cedurc is an exercise in preci sum as the truck driver manouvres his bulky load to Wlllllll one inch of the first sec tion Joining of the two halves is done within few minutes by the workmen Following this initial place ment each classroom will re quire electrical hookups in stallation of classroom tutu niturc and intercom com munication system to link it with the main school building total of 10 portable classrooms are being erected at Harrie secondary schools in time for September openings four at Eastview and three each at Harrie Central and Bar rie North LIVE IN IIXIRY ST IAIL Minn ltAll The manandrwifc trucking team of Mr and Mrs Ralph Puckett Jr own one of the most luxurious tractors When they started as team they bought 352000 tractor which is fitted with double bed stereo television digital alarm clock and clothes closet It has 425hoiscixiwcr engine automatic transmission and airride suspension Its in terior is padded SIEIIESSIIIJIVII SAtRlIENIt Calif APi Eighteen tule elk have ar rived at San Luis National Wildlife Refuge signalling the return of these rare members of the deer family after an ab sencc from their ancestral home in the northern San Joaquin Valley for almost century The tale elk were almtxst exterminatcd 111 the late ltltllts lhcrc now are about 300 in thew orld PEOPLE AND PLACES CORN ROAST GILFORD Mr and Mrs Sam Neilly of Gilford enter tained trustees and members of the administrative staff of teh Simcoe County Board of Educa tion at corn roast at the Neilly home Wednesday evening Guest attended the social even ing following meeeting of the board in Barrie BLOOD IINI The Red Cross Society is hav ing blood donor clinic Mond day Aug 30 at Trinity Parish Hall 24 Collier St from to pm and Tuesday from to pm and510830pm ART EXHIBIT Gravenhurst artist Joy Milburn will show her art work until Sept at the Barrie Public Li ary Hours for the ex hibit are from 930 am to 830 pm weekdays and Saturdays tron19z30amt05 OPEN HO lSE Mrs Jacks of Innisfil will hold an open house Satur day Aug 21 from to pm for Mrs Clara Goodfellow on her 80th birthday BAKE SALE CHURClIILLThe Churchill Curling Club will hold bake sale Aug 14 at to am near Hogarths Red and White Store in Lefroy VISIT Mr and Mrs August Daniels returned from three day visit to Mrs Daniels parents Mr and Mrs James Woodfield of Toronto AUCTION Hell Ewart Baptist Church will sponsor an auction Aug 21 at 10 am at Dennys Fruit Market on Ewart St Those wishing to donate articles should deliver them to Dennys Natural substances used at dyein at Springwater Who would ever think youd need an ounce of bugs for recipe If you are into natural dyeing and you want that permanent red or bright blue youll have to shop for some cochinealwan ounce to be precise The tiny hardshelled bug which comes only from South America is fast becoming popular in kitchens everywhere for the person who has the time and ambition to soak the little beasts in pan of water over night The art of natural dyeing is becoming more popular just another indication in the crafts world that people are going back to earthy ideas says Wilma Durham president of the Huronia Spinners Guild The guild held dyein Wednesday for guild members at Springwater Park In the shade of pavilion secluded in the park pots boiled and bubbled on portable stoves with various concoctions of golden rod sumac buck thorn berries cherry tree bark dogwood berries Queen Anns lace white birch bark and beechnuts Its good hobby said Mrs Durham After spinning the wool you wash it to remove the grease The wool wont take the dye if grease remains said Mrs Durham Then the wool is put into inor dant solution alum creme of tartar iron oxalic acid or cop per sulphate These are just some of the mordant solutions which help en the fibre Mrs Durham said The wool is placed in the dye bath after soaking in the mor dant Each dye solution requires different preparation But basically the wool is boiled in the solution to the desired color Cochineal dye is the only preparation for permanent natural blues and reds Mrs Durham said We buy them through World Wide Herbs in Montreal The Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association is offering workshop in natural dyeing this September for guild members sopfs 1261 vents 6The Barrie Examiner Friday August 13 I976 Employee of General Electric honored for 40 years with firm John Richardson of General Electric Co was given welcometotheclub reception by members of the companys Quarter Century Club recently at gathering honoring Mr Richardson on completing 40 years with the company Russell Baranowski general manager of the houseware department of the branch on Bradford Street presented Richardson with gold watch 4tryear ruby pin and cer tificate from the president Mr Richardson known as Jack by his coworkers has been manager of engineering of the housewares departments since 1950 He graduated from the Uni versity of British Columbia in 1936 with bachelor of applied science in electrical engineer ing He joined CGE at Peter borough and Davenport Works after graduating From 1937 to 1945 he was an engineer on air conditioning and panel boards and spent time on materials and pro cesses in several plants such as Ward Street and Royce Works in Toronto He was appointed works engineer to the small ap pliance department in 1945 and assisted in the design and layout of the first decentralized plant at Barrie He was project engineer on one of the main plant expan sions and is member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province The plant operated on com plete assembletine production when it started in Barrie At that time we put out mainly glass coffee makers electric irons headlight heaters and toasters Just to mention some Mr Richard son said WORKMEN WERE at East view secondary school this week setting up new portable classrooms to house the schools gmwins population All three Barrie high schools have surpassed capacity Eight portable classrooms will be located at Eastview eight at Central Collegiate and five at North Collegiate The need for the portables is expected to grow to 30 in Septemberl 47 but the tem porary structures will be eliminated in September 1978 when fourth high school opens in the city Examiner Photo by Nina MacMurchyt Now the lant makes more than350m elsofappliances One third of this depart ments production consists of products that originated at the Barrie plant Some of these iii clude humidifiers electric ket tles and lawn mowers Mr Richardson and his wife Lois live on Letitia Street They have two children Sherry Mrs Paul Stunden of St Pauls and John of Toronto They have five grandchildren Mrs Richardson was given ELAINE McAUIEY cos metic manager and co odinator for Sears at The Georgian Mall demonstrates makeup application on Gay Welsman member of the Christian Womens Club Mrs McCauley gave tips of making the most of makeup Balance color coordination emphasized in us1ng makeup Maketip can enhance your looks or give you that harin madeup look as though you just came from circus The trick is to use balance and color coordination says Elain McCauley cosmetic manager and coordinator for Sears at the Georgian Mall She gave demonstration chr nesdav at the monthly meeting of the Christian Womens Club at the Continental Inn Mrs McCaulcy gave tips of makeup application by using club member Gay Welsman as model She showed how to ap ply moisturing cream make up to 300 women who WednesA day attended the meeting at theontinental Inn base and how to apply color to down into the mirror when up the cheeks Always remember to apply it along the brine And dont ptit color under the eyes It ages you 10 years she said plying mascara Matty women dont use mascara properly she said Other tips included smudging She suggested using the end of the edges of eye shadow togive the mascara wand lightly on softer effect and looking Three from Barrie Quota Club attend international meeting Three members of the Barrie Quota Club attended the groups annual international convention in July at the Americana Hotel Bal Harbour Miami Beach They were Dorothy Gardner governor of District 18 Gayle Mills and Margaret Duncan One of Quotas service pro jects is aid to the speech han dicapped and hard of hearing Representatives at the convcn bouquet of roses from the Quarter Century Club Mr Richardson has been ac tive in the Barrie Branch of the Red Cross having spent three years as president and many years on the board of directors lie was member of the Lions Club of Harrie for 10 years He belongs to the Harrie Country Club and is chairman of the Masonic Temple Associa tion of Harrie He enjoys fishing curling travelling woodworking and gardening tion met three students who have been financially assisted by Quota in procuring their degrees from Gallaudet Col lege Kendall Green Washin ton Edward Merrill Jr President of Gallaudct College told the assembly Gallaudet ollcgc views Quota Interna tional as supportive friend of all deaf persons and especial 1y of the students who come from across the nation to study on Kendall Green Gallaudet College is multipurpose educational institution working in variety of innovative wavs to improve the educational op portunites for deaf persons of all ages It is today the only ac credited liberal arts college for leaf students in the world The annual convention provides the only opportunity for all Cana dian Quota Clubs to meet and discuss mutual service pro jects Canadas new area direc tor is Mrs Ann Hatherley of Owen Sound Mrs Isabel Sullivan of Sterling Col was elected president of Quota In ternational Inc replacing Mrs Joan May of Kotara NewSouth Wales Australia who presided at theconvention ICLEHRAIICIIRIIJIIJ LONDON Pi The Hawker Iiiintcr one of the greatest combat aircraft pro duced by Britain has ccle bratcd its silver jubilee with birthday party at which the guest of honor was the man who first flow it Neville fluke The machine was the forerunner of almost 2000 ltollsltoycc Avon powered iS produced mainly by Britain but also man ufactiirtd under licence over seas lNVIIRIIII Itl PANTS In 335 the Persians iii troduccd trousers as protection RlSSEI BAHANUWSKI left general manager of the houseware department of Canadian General Electric Barrie plant presents John Richardson manager of engineering of the houseware department with cer tificate for completing 40 Years With the company Mr Richardson also received gold watch and ruby pin Examiner photo MACIAN GROUP Rwdenual Commercial MORTGAGE LOANS Conventional lsi Mortgages Secondary ancmg Toronto 7345l 43 Mt Pleasant Road 73 Follow te Great ROOT BEAR AM 347 Bayfield St against the cold and for horse men to protect the body from the rough hair of animals rid den IISIIHHIJCS LOVES The herb sweet basil which has distinct flavor of cloves may be used for flavoring sat ads soups and meats BRUIGIIT IN STYLES British designer Mary Quant was the first to introduce dresses above the knee in woo and in 1062 she designml bell bottomcrlslacks IP2IlItlSIINIIR tanadian ballerina Karen Kain 23 of Hamilton won sil ver medal at the 197 inter national Hallit oinprtition in Moscow It USED FOR SHOW The Shetland sliccpdog graceful working dog ItStlIlr bling small collie was once bred for herding but now is widely raised as show dog the upper and lower lashes MAELLA FABRICS BOUCLAIR STRETCH SEWING COURSES Basic Advonced Mens Wear Lingerie 35 Essa Rood 728601 Hail fdmcu BASIN the world iiitime tint Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess 7261454 7286331 ï¬lihliiiist Colltgr STUDENTS AND TEACHERS WORK TOGETHER IN GROUPS OF SIX OR SEVEN first rate private school where boys and girls grades three to thirteen receive on education and go on to University Trust among students and teachers relaxes big institution pressures Midhurst College is owned by the teachers Students have on important in fluence on school matters Everyone talks about better way to education We have one You should consider us Midhurst College Midhurst Ontario LOL IXO Phone 7057269685 You can now get grade thirteen in five months through our semestered cour 59$