Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1976, p. 12

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7242992722324iitiiififiiibfiit 12The Barrie Examiner Friday August 13 1976 Bill Bull EDEMU REAL ESTATE LTD PROPERTY FOR SALE MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 4067 TORONTO 4I6 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PEACOCK LANE built by Geo Davies level bedroom backsplit family room all kitchen with lloor to ceiling stone fireplace and patio doors to patio Ill baths luxurious carpeting and cushion tloar asking $65000 MINESING $39900 storey home on large lot with garden and lruit trees separate dining room modern kitchen bedroom with sunporch and large garage NEW HOMES IN ANTEN MILLS $49900 and $66900 These homes are well built with quality materials both on well treed lots TWO FIREPLACES one in living room one in linished rec room broadloom throughout large pool sized lot house is vacant move right in $5000 down YOURE MISSING THE BOAT it you dont see this large executive home right away Features bedrooms tireplace broadloom throughout 24 pce baths and ravine lot $10000 down will move you in right away NEW LISTING53 bedroom plus den living room dining room large kitchen 1360 sq It on main level lull divided basement attached garage shag broadloom situated on I00 330 lot with mature bush at rear west at Barrie on paved road asking $54900 only one year old OAKLEY PARK bedroom bungalow with carport on well lan dscaped 56 115 lot 4th bedroom plus rec room broadloomed dishwasher included asking $48500 51 I20 LOT ON QUIET STREET complements this storey brick bedroom home garage lront porch large attic Drive by Dulterin Street asking 535995 THORNTON remodelled storey alum siding thick shag broadloom large dining room basement new turnace cupboards plumbing bathroom etc In excellent condition asking $44900 with terms BUILDING LOT ARDAGH RD 80 300 high and dry good view permits available asking $19900 builders terms REDUCED TO SS2 900 This well kept bungalow with bedrooms attached garage lully tenced lot excellent Iinancing PATTERSON ROAD building lot try $3000down only $12900 lull price well treed lot $5000 DOWN $34l per month for this very clean bungalow Kit chen lias walkout to deck lamily room with bar and tireplace single garage Situated in the city $2500 DOWN bedroom semi detached home braadloom throughout garage Only year old ONLY $39900 year old brick bungalow bedrooms lamily room garage walkout from kitchen Small village west at Barrie NEED LARGE WORKSHOP OR STORAGE SPACE We have the property lor you 56 44 workshop 48 I2 oIIice storage or pony born 24 40 Also bedroom home with Im baths lireploce screened porch rec room All this on acre treed property on Hwy 93 Priced to sell atS93 900 20 BURBANK terms PEACOCK LANE large backsplit tamily room with lireplace double garage $64 900 OLDER BRICK HOME ON BRADFORD ST bedrooms good linan cing $34 500 BEDROOM BUNGALOW lamin room patio doors to large lot Separate garage Beautiful condition On William St lnnislil asking $42 900 $42 000 ALLANDALE older storey rooms interior in excellent condition large lot tinancing available 18 ACRE LOT partially cleared some second growth balance mature hardwood miles tram city $36 000 bedroom semidetached backsplit $39900 Good Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Poul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry Derlde 7283253 Bruce Lottin 7287741 Chuck Lambert 723mm Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cull 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekuixen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 TF IODIIY ARMSTRONG LIMITED IKALTOI Residential Farms Acreage Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER 149 BAYFIELD ST MARSHALL ST ALLANDALE HEIGHTS bedroom storey brick home with tamily room on main level Features tor comlortable living are broadloom baths lenced yard attached garage and patio entrance Excellent first mortgage at $36 000 at low Compare our price at 558 With other in the neighborhood and then call to view B799M Call Marilyn Mason 7269262 or Res 7262895 7269262 Aul3 Torry Vegan 4562544 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Marilyn Mason 7267895 David Wigley 726 B497 Thomas Broiiey 7282994 Paul Dumoulin Grace Broiiey 728 2994 RA 737073I Bradley Watts 723 7209 Wayne Dabson 3222338 Ernest Watts 7287209 Martin Altseimer 72a 1762 Tonr Pomeor Allan Thompson 728 I024 72999 Mortgage Dept Federal Trust Reahor 87 Bayfielil St 7372300 Toronto Diect Llte 3620332 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY SUNDAY Mountbatten Road new homes in residential area at lnnistil Beach Road near lake SS OOOdOwn easy linancmg Call Andy Melnyk Aul4 LE5 WAINWRIGHT sum ANDY MELNYK 726 no ELVA MILLS 7283749 ANNE SPENCER 45892 TOM FITZSIMMINS 4562620 ED GREEN 7284123 DOROTHY riTzSiMMiNs Itll PURVIS M°n°90r7260452 4562620 LID£1172 flap2 RE Al ESTATE BROKER Lulliir Ste 201 Barrio 72886 ii 3221118 7288675 Mary Foster no to PhlllElR INsz Bob Dantord 726340 7250475 Robin Jupp 728 2899 Mortgage Manager 7371362 iisomn tor SAL REAL ESTATE £LITL our toll ssii DUPLEX $44900 Brick and lrltmo duplex with bedroom units and appliances Reiitiid on monthly basis 70 165 sltv In Barrie Law in torrisi Financing Must be sold Caler Rent 434 4753 Blur and Strwart Realty Ltd $2900 DOWN BEDROOMS Almost new home wltti OLKAN cO LT REALTOR numn 10 Collier Si Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 340626 attached garage baths broadloorn Ihrouultaul easy 10 per uinl tlrsl mm taaao Move lit anytime Cali Mr split 4253 mark amt Stewart Realty DIIJROOM SEMI Aliandale allncliid untlut tiasrimont walkout Iarun taiiliiy kitchen shaped llvino and dlnlnu room tiroaitlouniril throughout Asklnu 347500 Print ipals only 737 LliSli OUNIRY HOME with Snist Bar ll suppliiinini lllLUltti Iwo MIlfllflll IruII ilirtus Mtttllllt Almost dilt 1900 7289409 Mini rrvoninus It Iiusy 7781M PRIVATE Midliurst Piltirs 1timiroalrt sidi split nitriclliiil slnrituii imrilly runiii wtlh IIIIIHAI tttiltty rxlrns 720 II7I RI MORE It itiri iitriint iiirarrllnu Il Nulsy Rivrer at Dunidin with 0x llltll 10 60 barn Cory IltLIHMJITI ttousii unrauv Main and tiroixirr housii Askina $42500 Call Mnru Rowtialliani 4667II16 or 466 3730 Clayton Hugo Id Rnal stnli Iiiiiknr LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING IT Initislll Iirwnsliip Askinu $17000 Man an altar Viau Viau Rrinli state 776 1771 or 776 1601 YEAR ROUND LAKEIRONT Oio bedroom bungalow double Loner 5711 mrniMuknkn Hum at Itluli Fails ttll Itrai tIIrIIIUP 101 Iltl detached garage 12x26 rec room broadloom throughout pc 0me mmmp MHWIOIOM bath electric heat lireplace walkouts pine cupboards l0 rolliiiimiiualsull hedges on either side at 60x2l4 tread lot nice beach cement dock 10140 313 Jainmils small pond $69 900 we 7201 726 0672 sewage systiim installed Midliurst iiion smooo CaIIMlkraI424 I660 KEARSEY COURT Brand new bedroom home larmal dining COMMERCIAL L015wltti Hwy 40ion room main floor lainily room games rm rec rm lireplaces pnsuru HI plus lots propirly ad 111 rim to iiiw proposed rnatei Inrtusir Iril washrooms circular oak staircase existing 10 mortgage Joe lots M7 Outsliirstnmur inror or iiimil pniiiiis mills south nt Barrio jail Dyson 7262090 PiIlr Lush and Assni Ltd Rinilor 37 ACRES mile tram Bonus on old Hwy well kept bedroom 0M NO DOWN payment 74 rollinu iis home separate butlding that could be either lixed up to rent or indium hummm cup Wsrt or rump would make excellent workshop choice location act last Joe ll l° Dyson 726 2090 FARMS FOR RENT BRM FARMHSL completely redone situated GUS 15 WOSI HOUSE AND IIARN mi um 10 mills ol Barrie gd bard also otlir laiiii bldiigs butilul treed lot $10000 WP NH 1W WWIS $400 llllDllltlll 411 I7 down to existng nilge Joe Dyson 7262090 BUSINESS 22 ACRE RAVINE LOT 8th at Essa miles so at Hwy 90 overlooks as OPPORTUNITIES tar as Colltngwood $30000 Wit Sl0000 down Dyson 7262090 HOMF WORN RS Mn hm hm DOWNTOWN DUPLEX block Baylield SI 22 brm apts Tully Iflslt inniliiiu inrilinisiinit iriulnrs Fr tits Ruin srll ltlttfis ril rented low down payment to low price Dyson 7262090 EAST END bedroom bockspllt lamlly room with walkout Single attached garage only years old vacant lor early possession Ruth Gibbons 7281409 TWO FOR ONE This unit duplex is perlect tor young couple starting out Walking distance to downtown and hospital area Lnts ol living space Ruth Gibbons 7281409 FALL SPECIAL TO units liirnished lodge with living quarters Situated Part Severn area on acre at land close to water Phone Ruth Gibbons 7281409 tor this exceptional buy COUNTRY HOME 32000 down bedroom bungalow large kit chen dining and living room on l70 180 It lot miles west at Barrie Taxes only 53000011 Allan 487 2412 BRAND SPANKING NEW level bedroom brick and alum sidesplil car garage on Sunnidale Rd l00 280 ll tread lot lully broadloomed linislied lainin rm Iireplace walkauts quality built home by custom builder occupancy Sept l76 Buy now Chose your colors $74900 West 728 4401 or 7260672 stitinpid lllVllttlll Iii Arlytrlisot I44 ANTEN MILLS now brm split ontry lam rrnl ott garage large AWN WMUWMW omm treed lot choose your bioadlaom Dyson 7262090 OPERAVORS ANTEN MILLS 2600 sq It largo rm rin sap bar It bun heated NEEDED pool car garage large tread lot Joe 7262090 296 NELSON ST very chair brm bung all garage lull bsmnl priced to sell owner has moved Dyson 7262090 STONE CEDAR BUNG brm din rm large liv rm acre lot miles Out $4I 000w good terms Dyson 726 2090 STOREY BRICK HOME New Lowell 1ch $44500 $2000 down large existing mortgage 10 Dyson 7262090 Look and watch as dimes nickels and quarters are being dropped every second at the day Vending machines are billion dollar business It Interested In large capital return please call Mr Allen at once collect 4I6 669 481i AulB COMMERCIAL GARAGE WORKSHOP Baytitrlrl and FITIIS Lani Tiliflltoltt 773 0674 STORAGE SPACE 30 60 With large ACRE M2 zoned lot downtown Barrie ready to build For truck garage or wholesaler Excellent terms Joe Dyson 7262090 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA him bung on quiet street tin rec rm bedroom and pc bath in basement Asking $47500 Hannah 3Ipl1CEWSympgafiugmfil Pentland 7288028 TlllDIIOIIt 1359 CONVERTED SCHOOLHOUSE 20 mi lrom Barrie on Airport Road outs professionally converted in 1970 plaster walls new root and plum bing baths scenic view at Mulinur Hills Asking $44900 Han nah Pentland 728 8028 TOWNHOUSE brms broadlooni throughout RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway IlSauth I70 Burton Ave 7289866 TF large living rm walkout to sundeck baths rec rm appliances included in asking price at $34900 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Saunders Aul3 REAL ESTATE BROKER 7263111 Sit liAYlllCl ST liAlllillI Photo Multiple Listing Service Mary Foster no toll 322i 18 Larry Wood no toll 4873l48 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 TrimsFL MME M0170 HOMEg Esther Kennedy 424547l Morton BrYk 728505 tin orrrint Holiday in sIlTVnIIIl honr Bi Sewor 728 53 Ross aoqsyone 7263043 oinlort Barrio Toni and Awninu 31 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 mm TF ET US GET you 16 Ifflilll IIiI hat is All typiw Call Harald at tho itch House Limitld 778 9700 976 BENDIX LEADER 68x12 06L14ITISTSDOSKT it lat inpark sniitttui arriv OWtTtl Innvinu Drovinri Tflt ITOITI720 5176 973 22 FT Glillldll motor TIOIYH ox IlltH OITLIITIOTT only 15 IOU mile Ask nuSiOJSO Citil 187 33H OUBLE WIDE modular ITUVTTI TH lullis bedroom bathrooms iaruii tarillY 00m livina 100111 dining rltgtornkitit1in aunary room Park mlos south 0i nous Owrwr must soil 471 I609 the home follies who cat about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 72626l1 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS MORTGAGES Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Darothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 72Bl662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 TF £3333 Rm Head Office Toronto PHONE 7251405 95 NHA LOANS LIMITED First mortgages tram lli Second mortgages tram 12 PHOIQ UUPLE LISTING SER ICE Residential Commercial In APPRAISALS MORTGAGES TF dustrial Cottages Farms Apartments Hotels Con dominiums Builder Loans 40 MAPLE AVE BARRlE Land Mortgage Construction Busmess Loans 7372101 Existing MOrtgages Purchased Unlimited NHA ltor Service °d co REALTOR complee ea ventional loans tor major development Planning and AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST financial analysis assistance JOHN COLE 72s 8017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 °°Vd°d TF OPEN DAILY to 30 in Thursday evenings till Saturday by appomtment Call WM SUMMERS Barrie otlice l705737 3451 91 Baytield St 7281566 IF 45 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE ONT First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Elistin APPRAISALS Mmgoge MORTGAGES mu who For Cash PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED Mongog WWW REAL ESTATE SERVICE Madam 7264200 RETRING OR want Gantry livmg Take look at Hiiisaalp miles to the law miles to aolt miles to sirl slopes Is miles lo c1ieslor snooping Ii have sale homes on large lots star ring at $37500 up to $549 and new homes tram $29900 to $54 000 all are or cor to seli and are ready to move in my Car inc t0 details Al Calhour 7281564 large Lwarownyl or 5351742 no tel representing Lorne FP with ataiatms car qaaae Hi RtaESilt sliding doors to mac dock accadoa JUST THINK Double 101 trees Swrmm broaaioom thmuahcui term 51 war no Door oeamom home brick MORTGAGES MUST tgaae its oeauttui cnli mi on Ar ar in 337500 Ca Calhoun mi 835 34 or 728 l566 reDTeSintHQ Loflte FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES i2i BAYFIELD sr 7267 30 Ottice Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association INDUNLOP ST BARRIE IIACQES House JvEarsola ining pool $55000 cast 726 Tlloday or evenings CREEMORE In town rooms large lot Resraental suitable tor skiers ac camnimaion or hanavmans protect private loo HIS ALLANDXLE BEAUTY spIit entry nqml RITC Swnt Telephone Nd Tl SOld and or Calhoun 7281556 or 935 10 mil ITEIPDTOH Poetmet IOL AIDE rian iscpoIea Mature actors pretii 90 458 4452 Saturam SD ranged at the lowest rates possible For BEDROOMS centrgltls Worsley St confidential Service call 726 9900 Coraen Gauge N0 09s 75 mommy mus heac tuli Dower mecnamrally II 91 81415 MomGAGES PROFESSIONA IF YOU NEED MONEY smuemose Immediate In and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans and ASSOCIATES ation Chartered Accountants Anywhere on all INIITIOS Liittligis arms ya and coriinieicml properties Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie Tu iiiisrilittutti debts lnyv itinntltlr ilittmmI Home trripruvelrtenta any WUITIIV NIHHi To pay UH insisting iir triittiiting riiiiituitiltt Cniistruitiiiri IIHIIII Irttlt ititviut try us CO We have ready ritin tii titttlllll mortgages ChaTTOTOd ACCOUHIOHTB 24 Dunlop St East MORTGAGE FUNDING sum Ontario Telephone 7287461 771 Arlytmw I29 DUNLOPST EAST 347 ITAYSTREIT eAmrlE0NrARii TRNINT JUNE 125 0931 Phone Smwmt 363 M21 MHENBACHER it ki 23 Assoc Member Ontario Martgiigti ru it CLARCTAMUSHRMT PIANOVOICETHEORY RENTALS Pupils prepared lor Royal Western Conservatories and HOUSES To RENT Trinity College England Nl unit it Illilttttltll linrrlr tnr rrrii 27 Shirloy Av Barri Illtl ll 171 ll Illimil ll7lllll lnl tnlrilluIMIvuiill llimily Phone 7284436 lililllrlfintllil rlllrliltlyll Aiiriiiu Litil IOIIIIII Avniliilrli Sll Itllllll rilrplililtr IM IIIIII IVIHIIIU i1lltlM Iiuusri iiirilrnily IUIITIIlI rlVfllllIlllt irptirritrirt Nu prts rri ItltlttS Sitili lriririttiiy TIIIIJIITHII I76 VllVlVttIlIIlQi IIAIJRII IERIIi Displirlr tlts4ttl Illttlttl 4l6 5ft IAI III ROOM HOMI trrrrt IUI Iiiyilily Illlrlllllttlltl amiliarrrli it riiriiiirrvil iiiistiwl iiiii nnit rrlt rmrtti Avnilaliii ittiiiiiirllnliily Tilrpllirliri 776 ll lttllll lit IIIJOIIM lltwtlltlillst Iiir rint liii IIIIIt ltmiliitni rurririlhlrIy Iilliiiillrxitiiiii um mar tlti lilti rliritr SItltl iriiirillily liril iriililrtiriu illlIilirs Tltiv rlltliHtll IIlt IIIII MORTGAGES Teacher at Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared tor examinations at the Royal Conservatory at Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradtord St 72847 WE HAVE lunds Immediately available with competitive rates at Interest prompt com mitments and complete con lldentiallty Iar tirst second and third mortgages ALL TYPES at property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages tor cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR 139 Toll iark USO lttllttNHTIS 409in lltl I1l1lMrIrr1 livnrq rtmrrl rliriiriil rrliillllillll1itttllltlIilitll tttir Urlrllu lrItt ltrll Ii ylttll IMIWIIIttWtI Int ntinri Avitiliilllr iipIrrtilrirr Hrlrrriiir $400 monthly IM ini JPN IAVT Iriur Iiirtruririi littllil tl tar Iiir Urtrilll lrqul Int riutrlrrrir lltllJlillt AVrDIIrIIl slTIIIITIIIIT S700 ltiirritlily tltl llItlIlll llllpltltlit iii lil INOUM ltllNUAl UW lllt linll Iirtlliriiriiri litlnily rririirt Ir iIr lttll tlltltll rriiirii Iiyiriu rlioiii rlriirtili lnr uarnur llri lliwtiliii II rriilr Irritri sttlTlliHl Mitll IV WAll Pl NONI Nrw Illl lllth lintrii iIiiilrixrrri Iiirur iiyiiiq iiriitii stllrlrll rliriiriir ririitn ltrrllywuriil kill Iiiti $475 DONT BE Bus HOME 737 BBT 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association will Barrie CARS FOR SALE TF iriiiliIlin pint UllltItlS Riliririiw CERTIFIED rltiitlil Apply Iri tinr il llit lttrril CAR illTlilItl ORTG AGE axaomns Nl It URUUM lrrii IIII4IIIIII liiiur urpnrnlr rliriitiu rlirrrri iiitiriu FORD LC H3279 illiiu rlnrrl Iii iurirlrr qiirnrar $3 775 AVrlllrITlll Annual Iltli Silirrilirlilil1 Til Itli tiiiilmiii Im Ititm 72 FORD PICKUP Lir E96994 ltiilt rot in Ni room limit my $7395 ltlillltl IlVI trirl ltnylilIrt iIrrit Avnilillili ItTttTlrIllilIlly or Illa 7DAYSUN 820 OUO hr HIN liIilrliniir 7M lililli rtlrrritwn only $2095 Deal Direct No Finders Fees III ROOM litrrri thrush irir tllllnl $715 IltflITllf all Willitt Rliil Stator Irt 716 I93 73 NOVA 55 PS auto Lic HLD6I4 $2595 In Lovri COMFORTInli twrtrnrirri 72 PINTO RUNABOUT 000 NO Arrangement Fees INIITII in Aririr St North Ayniintilr UC FECJ st 595 JITIITTVIIIIT lat to April 30th SJIS rriori ttily RIIIIIIIII Trlrnhnni72R B7l4 7l CHEVELLE Llc FMP Ni iiidrown TOWIIIIOUH on HInkr St 94l 32095 tr itirt ritri lrlTl admin iumuniininiunun IV Jr 5m lIr SrriIrrrilirr Isl $741 monthly pity your 7l TORINO Hdp Llc FMl Emil Hirirrl llwli iiiiliiiiv Nri rum rrirpliiml 24151495 170 54 7i TORINO Wagon Lic rcx lttRlI HUI100M rrimlrrri run 394 395 Au6132027H ririnilrriurri Iowntioilw 160 lllnkr Unit nrlllil tmttis unrmlrr fllllirtitl 73 PONTIAC CATALINA Lic ITtlrtllnIiltl tltt trir tilat $360 TniTlIIIII SONYIARE Flrli lr llUIlIITTQ Man In my nil utilitirr and FLI2l2795 tirr rtlurtunuri npprrtisa Frrry Hm 1V NW Hurmh pn Bank TermsAuan 9d Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ill 4mm Am mwrnm 01r45 AY CTYMOIogs 737 BrnuiIirirlrlr llTvITITI MORTGAGFS Dirliulil iinrl ioirt irri rwr up Uprqu mmwva nl umw 45 BradlordSt Inltllflll ar trait rnntidontinl Diiwd mm wm mu gm 7282220 was Rm Eltll ni ll rirri triiiriii l7tilllt Slitr ti highway Vn4 HriIOrr iiii mariachi URI MORTGAGES Isl 2nd 1rd bought and th llllllJOOM rnrilriii liirrrii all It llli MUNIhW It llririr rlIlillfirfiTir vinyl sold rmniidiitii or lion Otilltlttllirll no munghmlv Mm Hump riint rir 1l11llitfltlllu rmva riiir krl prainti SIIVHI inc liltlltl IIJIYIIITIIII 5mm mun WM Hum ylrll IN Tillldql rt rill UTITIITT IOOO iitirtltiNl9itlfrr tIrrIinll wnylirt TPIITII7 1600 IM 99 Emiisumlrmflwm 41 lellHHI 45 No rtnu 19m VOL Vigilgr mm mm I7 illil ltiluUli Sliir Iv tiirli IN 7170 AI LANDIii iilrllr two llrTITTMJTTl iTINII mu rrjyot gym wmiri Hi t1ri APTS TO ENT liirn ir lilltltlitlrrw citinitmi rm inrui rm rm our lrrptitrtui 7711 mm Irirr ll Ilrt rm ltII trilTl ikiirl $775 trr tt rri FURNISHED air rirnititiunirll ll$llllllll immini IllI iiirl tiyrtrr suppliwi VM$CHE if VIIHM ram Shaw mummy mmml ll 7t1lWIril rrnt ant in rim smn Downtown SUitaiih tor JHI if two wor 00 WNW Mr WHL hmmmm H7 iitq girls Tolephonr 726 0988 wriikltny II IMS VOL 3mm III as riiw BEDROOM rrrilrnl 17 wOrnliy pawM AVvlllvllHI gnuiiinrrir WM um MWMW In1M WWW parking no prits $220 monthly pliii Trillpliiini 726 5080 76 If hydro There no tonlimrr rs ONT ltF BROOM Imuri Irr lITI rTllrrtl rir1Iril AIIIII rmly Nr putt iivmlntiii ipliririnir TtltIfliIltIl 71ft l49i villit rt sltrt ITI TIITDITOIN 37 3700 AVAILABLE imnirIiatvly Iiitrliririi apartment SIEO month plus tiyrtrii Pttanri 726 9205 or 71 0476 SIWF Fulani um 197 Irrriliar rvrilm prr urtilrrt Tllillltl nutrmintu prnwr Muirrig dll lirniiin 77H Rrrli Wm BEDROOM rrrtii turntstiiiil irinrtrrriiit WANTED Tilly1 MVKiiinl on bus FUUII Cinsr tr dawninwn To RENT r7101 ni Availatrll immiliatiily Tullnitrier 776 75 FARM HOUSE Wanted to nni 771 Mr Miiflyl Vlil rnrv TWO BF DROOM Hlriuinttiir and stwr hwtnxrmsr and usrI at Darn Barri 49 0001 lit lit in Vlyll SUBDIHLI llltyT and last ITIirrtItrs rrt BarthTimon TrIrpriorir 775 141W VISIi irrrt Tiirilirti rfi sign Hm NW NW lt 00 mil BEDROOM IFIAIVTOII rum7 with rlnu Iron Caitat 11 Intro S1 Timin Titir Dip nanny WOUNM hv gnowmbm 4971 VOL hArJ 6D ll Barr4 arms Riltrrrtc 1rIrptrnii rrrirnt ririrtil It HHl 17 It URNISHE horlrnrrnr tmrhiior apart 16 7040 76 mom miiru nrrrlti trorri Bnrrii ans minors non smokers 718 8067 ONE BEDROOM Apartments riviIr1 Auaust 15 wrll rotriqvdtu arm Iva supplied Rpm rangnu rom $100 $140 monthly Telephone 726 3257 BEDROOM 1an nodrnorr wvtrtrrivnt on bus route law to downtown Stew the parking laundry tarin Firm and last monttig rant road rm Cai ns ans itll 4p I11 2BEDROOM umtrr duolv lIIrTlU otcirr home prwati ttiftarxi driveway Heat and wat irmw Avalamp September Isl $175 irisirit AflUltSOilyfiirDOTS 717 no ONE BEDROOM ADNITP south Barr Sromatc PIT so ITQtVflTu STDVI laundry and Lrlth Availahi ow AIM tilfiptlflrs 474 sans ONE BE DROOM apartmutt ri ruax ot Bari Avaltilr mnliiddv Sills nuint TIIDC New TWO BE BROOM TLTKIT74 tr qOrJtnt aim at mournc tow Tilnntono 26 60M BEDROOM Apartment neat hydro in ciuaod wit count nod miles soutt Barrio Ava iab SiDleii0t phone 458 4120 ass tor John ONE BEDROOM vtnatVir i0 am around tloor stuv i3 wacr ix DR SIC Rntrriin is amt tot Avis nrm 51th Iw PMJH TWO 8F CHRISM Dian1 ri on pi mud water park vIT No 00s Ava 31qu zc rm no TQDLM noirii tags mgrUr BE rwsox mi v3 Elwnshiwr 45 wo Qoov Aw ng infinistw SA psi you 83 19 iv AELE new diTr Ns13 oi v1 iioooni 1m CINE BFIROa tv are nose to downtiw 83 tr eiepruvi JR 24 SPACiOIvS pr sAE esnlii Siuembi ilBl TWO BE DRCOM 603 iln mars rs SOyt and goo mnivn rrrl iviv lws runrvpu 7977 ROOMS TO LET INN lCLEAN Sprout lUnStsrj rooms VOWi 77l it rr Irqr 6A Sharir1 xiii ltin amt Dam Crintvdr ma with vr at rtt il itmr HarriHon Rm Estatn Tnlnnhrmp Siriw 2v 00 1970 cu ROOM FOR RENT wtri chair or Muirrating itrn orat hop rpmm WM 1Ti1 unm No claminniis Tolriotnnlv 57 155 trr 1371 BRIDUGHL rrYil ir lr gtl FOR RENT iiqqr rmx an w1 rlsltCA ir MIRA LIVii Mn 2602 pint11 try ybrrtlrg 14 2M nv asn ri SPACE FOR RENT iiipw1r68V7 tpssg Mn oir in it tbs luv IlliTA 01 74 at rg rmw Utitkl rarit 51 ion rr 717 iJiI ii 741 71 In iw 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overlooking Day For mica0 r196 Yetred couple Up to $300 mummy BEST PIANO LESSONS ELIZABETH WILSON BLACK ATCM RMT Preparation let all grades to ARCT Royal Conservatory at Music 7TH LINE INNISFIL 4363198 ROY SCHUETT CO Chartered Accountants 103 Collier St Barrie Phone 7265100 ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction In Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school sublects 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 MARJORIE HANES Teacher at Piano and Theory Pupils prepared tar Royal Conservatory Examination MR OAR 47s 514rrir 41 6177 or 737 7515 ALL GRADES ALL AGES gis Clapperton St 7288153 irritant DEALER LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 Examimr CARS WANTED To Buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrles Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF lidmy WANT tars aian lrurks tor wurhiriq and parts Ion pricus pail llrri 17 him TrIrntiarin 776 8487 KiltP VFHICI warmd trrp pricrs paill lrri irrirrirIlialr pir 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