Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1976, p. 6

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6The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Aigu Stuffed animals were only sortie of the items selling Friday and Sattirday at the Vows held at United Church Burton Avenue United Church was the scene July lti when Jean Iatricia Brown and Hugh tharles Scott were mar ried Rev Ken Itirdon oi ficiated Soloist was Lynn tiar roway oi Barrie accomjximed by her husband Doug tiarroway who played the organ The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mix Robert Brown of 16 Centre St and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs James llugh Scott of 29 Alfred St Allandale tin in in marriage by her parents the bride wore lute polyester floor length gown with hip length over jacket of hite modern silk lace hear ini Please help me settle an argument HIII my husband We have agreed to abide by your decision Henry and are planning home tine oi his married business associates has cutie pie oti the side say we should invite Mr Business Associate and his WIFE not the girlfriend My husband says Mr should be able to bring whoever he chooses and he has already said he ants to bring the cut tepie According to my husband otir home We will be issuing hurry yotir answer Who is Bahamas Iear Royal Battlers You grind you down What Mr does IS none of your business but to offer hospitality to married man and his cutiepie cuts you in on the monkeyshmes and gives your unspoken approval to the affair Steer clear Iiior hot aiiders You slay me Your uppermiddle class upbringing pops tip in your co again today takes his 28 middle oi leaning on hint tiei to beds you advised But after to years the transi tion should be enginisred wit cellent iotittsel But then you come up IIII the suggestion that the tic buy her husband histle to place on his bedside table and how ll cugrayed itli the message If you want me just whistle hat percentage oi your readers can afford to engraye tttessages on VYIIIIVU these engraving costs per letter Its the cottee Iiiii Itaily Ilt Illi lit tam Ieai nn am female Btiyearsold but really look is lit smut ncei been married and is brought up III very lo ing atmosphere with kind and understanding parents and Ii ondertul brothers and sisters Last itctober met the tirst person in my life it ho made me loci really iltc started tilt the usual comersatioi hen topped oft eight years and said II islkisl ltt tgt because tigured he was about We began going out lot All was only couldnt believe nothing routessed was 39 tonitnueil dating and assumed eterything was line he tiltt Ill littl IIItIiIitlIIttI III passui and really ime this guy in sure he teels the some about me lost night asked mart zed lie said he could neye diitctcnt is stunnul hat should do Iiiii IIiis lcli lziiii goodby bat It Iit dinsit better to laid out now Healing Substance Shrinks Piles Checks Itch Iclusic healing substance printn to shrink heinorriioidsand repair damaged tissue rcneozicd rescauh instttc haunt on one zcaliu stinc ui It sunk Ikiltlillititis Cl tc Itchilgililtl1IltIvItlIll in inniotcs and slwcds up boiling of the inexactt intarncd tissues Inc IILithtIiititldl IsC his tory IIICI inotlici rcpoitcd ciy striking unptoycmcnt Pam ts pioniptl and gently rcliu cti ituil reduction or Ntiaciiontsiiiinkingitookplace And most unpoitant this improvement as iIlnIIiliCI in cases licic clinical observations were continued mcr period of many months ltirthcrinorc these tests and obseryations were made on lIICitt with wide riricty of hemorrhoth condi tions All this as accomplished ANN LANDERS Dont buy his cutiepie when you advtsed the woman whose husband inches of their standard 57inch bed out of the they used to sleep cuddled tip btit now he accuses her Daily Reader ln unia Mea culpa lovey iitord engraying ltlt the message on piece of papct and iapc to the whistle It doesnt lia to come trom st IO I976 tiARAtilC SA garage sale at the home of Mary Iollard thieftain tres lett Mrs lollard Shayne Ixop liniiine Rop and Site wore seed pearl cap oi modern lace with shoulder len 1th nylon veil to carried bouquet of white carnations slephanotis nd babys breath Matron of honor was Sandra Oakley of Barrie Bridesmaids were tiieryl Lemay cousin of the bride Susan Atrsenault of Barrie and Sherri Stevenson cousin of the groom of Ihorold Best man was Tom Oakley of Barrie Ishers were tolin Scott brother of the groom tharles Brown brother of the bride and Donald Brown bro ther of the Male all of Barrie The mother of the bride and the mother of the groom re eeived guests at the reception at the tidd Fellows llall Ferris Lane The bride wore beige and orange pant suit with beige ac cessories for the couples lovely dinner party in our new bat this man does with his per sonal tile is none oi our business agree with my husband but it would ottend iue to have niar ried man bring his mistress into he invitations by phone soon so right Battle Ray at In The are and dont let the Stirillitlusty Jane Black of Barrie re ceived first class honors in siiigiiigyvritteii after com pleting the Associate Royal tonservatory of Toronto ex aminations III theory piano and singing She is pupil of Jessie Bry son tither ptipils of Miss Bryson also received standings In tirade theory harmony Kenneth Sollory received pass In tirade theory history Kenneth Sollory took first class honors Mary Anne Stepuliiis took honors in tirade theory harmony Roseanne McAioy and Ilona Arends look honors standing in tirade theory Brenda Icluy and Muriel McKay took first class honors and Anita Syt edbcrg recen ed pass In preliminary rudiments Brenda McLay took first class honors itli lilo marks In tirade piano Mary Anne Stcpulitis Leslie Ialker Jane Work and Lois Rooney re ceit ed honors Brenda Mt Lay lttitntl first lisshonois intiradefipiano lumn so often its hoot Like It imagination and tact IIv days Do you know how much time Yt tI woke up and smelled Right you are For those come from ondertul tamily tt three ttks Iit titliitSsHt IIt it When he said ge means iRHWSIIHiLEES Ihe welwitschia rare let storing root that grows in Iliti ainib Iesert sends out only two leayes which al ways grow in opposite threc lions ige again Eight months haye him when he wanted to get marry me because ot the age Ilus III It be really loesyou he 11 be HAYS TRAVEl SERVICE Personally Concluded TOURS I977 PROGRAM Now Available It hca ii substantc litto Itynci whit Wkly hcfgs heal ttl and slim itCs inowt il co lsl Butt is ilcrcd Ynlttit pros toty Ill to cdlicjii1ioll In ivltt zinc in humor lulu tion less pa luIII1cipsjtc€til ticitlly sitinik ioids IlstJHHLOH ll itcs ind niokcy cltflIhl infcuron which stated ltzsk of licnioi ilioids Just isk your dr st for Preparation II Suppositorics or Iicpaiatton II lilItrCiI tullll special applicator 72854700 45 DunIop St Barrie Satisfaction or your money refunded Preparation ANI MRS II Sttill Students receive honors in music examination WI MIZIII Ilic mcniiwrti of teiitre Itlon Iiiiitrlcl Womenn liintiiiiim virdied the lJrliiiid Lite Iliitlil uI Slumy tteek unit the Aditutti llomllenn at St twinge iimy iibio touted tin ailn oi the Wuitieitn luatilutc tail in tin groundnut the now My it Itlllii al Mumtim iil Miltiiii Mia Mitllcl ooke oi iiiigluiui Wu in goal Mlh II Litrmb iil ital Vail Vlnck Itinilltilu tWtMttlnUMi Illrtlni Mctmileyl JIIEHICHI iiianiiger and co Utillimllit at Sears ill the icoigmu Mull Will be guest spealtei Weihieaiiny at 930 at the tliiinttiiii Womens tliib meeting at ilictoniinciilul Inn lll2A MAItItIll AltNA BlilAtIl ileii market will be held Sunday at the Alcona Beach toiiiiiitinity tentri ironi ltta in tort in Iiltllltll iltill IilltIilt is held Saturday nights at ll 34 ill at theilollyonimuniiyteiiire toby Rop arrange tables for tliesale tIiXiilIIitltl liiotm honeymoon to Niagara Falls lot of town guests attended from lhorold Ioroiito London Mississauga Iiownsviow and Wasaga Beach With sewers IIy IIRMA BUMIIIKK In our town Mary llartinati Mary llarlinan comes on somewhere between The Star Spangled Banner and mans tributetoilight Because of the nature of the material they wanted to make sure all the parents were in bed and the kids glued to the set As told the children the other morning Im supposed to be using parental discretion but Im toodragged to discret Its all right Mont they said If there was anything for you to make decision on wed awaken you You say its just story of simple average family from Fernwoixl tihio Right they smiled Youre from tiliio arent you Mom Yes Dayton What bothers me IS why they piii it on so late Who knows lheres this sweet grandfather who wears raincoat Marys husband whos your ordinary blue collar worker and young girl seckr ingconversion tonversion io asked suspiciously tine of your top faiths It sounds like The Waltons said Why does the grand father wear raincoat irandad Iias raincoat doesnt he they grinned Yes of course What does Mary do all day Shes just your average stayrat home housewife like you With the pulled sleeves and the dustmop Soundsdull CGA HAS SECURITY FUTURE RECOGNITION iN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMUNITIES WHERE FINANCIAL EXPERTISE IS VITAL INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT AND ACTION To learn how you can become Certitied General Accountant while working in the accounting tieid phone or write tor career booklet to THE CERTIFIED GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 25 Adelaide Street East Toronto Ontario MSC 1Y6 416 3666501 Collect calls accepted what three In tirade 1i piano tyntliia An drews received honors traig Walker and Ileather Iiilktlr Nance received passes In tirade piano Helen Yallianatos received honors Iamela Riiebitsch and Peter Black received pass in tirade piano Elaine tardinal tirade ti singing passed in IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF AN ASSURED ACCOUNTANTS CGA NEW MODULAR FURNITURE fiWu$$mS 1w wanton ii sons04w Atgywgdls Decorator Colors ideal for apartments rec room cottage or chalet VBIIS fiatrics ltipliulsierg 241 Bradford Stream7286048 ERMA BOMBECK Home sweet home PEOPLEAND PLACES SQUARE llANtth mpmri tItHiit will be held Aug iii The iliiytnfi on Si thimii Hircml North There will be round dancing from it it In it ill with rupture dim ting niiri ii Im inlotiiiri lilm nil Lorne oi lielty Iliiy III In lotion Izii tmn ti HILIHNH itiiu iotttaiio iriiiriuiiie iiiitl implicit trill not lllttt til it v1 aft affaicil ul IItt iltlIVl Miitliiiiai ioi damn it ymis oi hire in hug ii 21 Im intuiiim Um no 71 tine VICII Mi amt Mi HHIIUII ICII ing mull vd Hiiiiiligliiii Vihlllti Mi rulingmoth Ialri Mt IJIcu sicniiatny lhty Whilell tin Waaugu itnuiii IJm din lug tinii viaii WiititiWiiliiiiNia Woodworking Will he otteimi during Aiigiivii an im uiieinmm worse at tirovo Iiirk throw it enough people are Illltllnldtl Ior iiiiottiirition call Sue Mm liii Il lfl tilfih Audit in 50315 12 Ll vents It is Some nights we can hardly keepawake Then why do you Were trying to get better understanding oi your life Mom We never realized before what it was like to stay at home and just be normal average housewife It has its moments thought saw them nudgi one another and giggle Tell me said do they ever get itito the good work we housewives do like visiting the sick iii the hospital Uh yeah said our young est hiseyes glistening It doesnt sound like any more sex and violence to me than Wild Kingdom said The cliilren smiled in relief Think of it Mom as The lii tic House on the Prairie with sewers mums TRLJST CDRFIJRATIDN tiail Mueller of tirillia aired spinning wheel to make yarn from wool Saturday at the Siincoe County Museum at SPINNING YARN when the iluronia Spinners onslrates the first Saturday tiuild displayed the craft of of every month at spinning Ihc guild dem MuseumIIxamincrphvm Bridge charity game Ruth Currie and Lenore Woods of the Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club were winners Friday in the Canadawide Olympiad Charity game Bill IeWitt and Joint IIaZell came second Elaine Evans and Fred lcsjarrlin third Mary Woodstock and Jean Burke fourth Walter and Helen Smith fifth and Frank and Jean Bowes sixth Murray and Ma Bell were first in northsouth play Aug Elaine Evans anrl Fred Iesjar din came second and Frank Harrison and Keith Langill third In eastwest play Wayne Ilart and Ella Swain came first Marg Powell and Marie Flook came second and John Kilby and Vivien Menezes third At Jeans Duplicate Bridge Club Aug Jean Schnarr and Scottie Church came first in the northsouth play Sue Graham and John Ilazell came Second Betty unningham and Audry PEDDLE POTIONS Today descendants of the Tallawaya Indians of South America roam the Andes peddl ing herbs and charms said to cure fright better the earth anr attract lovers Mason third In castrwest play Kathy Kantell and Ian Bartlett came first Bill Iervis and Ella Swain were second and Jean Burke and Wayne Hart third WHEELCIIAIRS Removable log rests casters cushioned upholstery 99 aluminium Removable armrest $234 Lakemotic powerchoirs $615 mini Citin mi Iiii Chin Sterling at titllll will saye titl up to ltic on eyery heqtic you write Hit the moment you open bettuingsay ings in lietjuing statement at unt ttei all it liargcd tort ltequrng it would be like asking you to pay to Lise your own money It youre like our iyerage Lisltiliitr hri rites up in try therjues month this coupon ould save over it per year So by pay iiting beques at Sterling at tually St tilll lake the time and start saying today Ross Furzecott to tumor St r26 6495 Bglltb Member Canada Deposrt insurance Corporation

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