Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1976, p. 2

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aaoosansz mm YOUNGSTERS ENJOY BELL EWART DAY CAMP From shoelace tying wheelbarrow racing to the Bell Ewart day camp has meant fun for If youngsters over the past two weeks touiisellor Barbara Elmer ties shoe for hrissy Rozendaal right Susan Baker fit is rather fleible wheelbarrow under the hands of Kelly Brown lit Sixinsored bv the Siiiicoe now move on to the ouiity recreation depaitiiient and local group the day camp will Beeton area The councillors are ime llaldwick Sharon Siiiitfi Laura Sclielleiiberg Barbara lIlinei Photo by Mary loiili $6739 Stevens says figures reflect growing Canada bureaucracy Ity Stl IH Sll lS ork Simcoc thie in tour earning enough to buy federal iiicoti taes now work tor the overentettt or it related orgatttiatottis in their aruia publication on taatien sa1stcs released last week iteietiie yaxida reveals that some milliontanadzaiis worked in biaeaacraic tanc tioiis iz ttlfi That is an El per cen increase since ttTtt while our imputation went up only per cent The largest increase in the beriod occurred at the federal and pro iiicial levels here eti ploy ment lumped by over per cent initaiui was well below this average with to percent increasi iii their civil UIYIIC These figures confirm we are pan IiVf set lkC fast Dttttlltltti one of the most bureaucratic countries iii the world Tins is due in part tooin approach to goi ernmeitt VICKI lllti Because taitada has federal constitution there is and always has been great deal of overlapping ot goyern iiieitt dcpattltients at the federal and provincial levels The federal system as opposed to the unilied or centraltst system hich issers the siibot diliatioii one level at goiern ment to itiolic ltlILllllt that the hast tclatzoiiship tic lllt fitii td pt oi iii li ioetltinis be ill if pitta ipa agent tol st tiltol ti wo arc of equal status leer splieti of llltSillit ati each is at iiiiil1 ili titrati Ti than in lli5 tlil it pitl all id gtiver ll txlitilllitl ill the other ttie British North niettca ct diy ided legislatnc power into areas of eclusie tcxieral authority areas of clusiie provincial authority and areas at shared authority The prittiary purpose of this division was to give the iamen of Canada legislative jursdiction er all subtech of national or common interest while leaving provin ciat iigslitiiies jurisdiction overall matters of local or par ticutar interest in practice however the iutisdictious have become so inter meshed that today the only federal departments out of total of for hich there are no proyuicial tqllthtitfllS are eteriial ittairs Indian af tairs and northern develop ment national defence post of tice regional economic ev pansioii and veterans affairs fthough there is no separate federal department of education or of in tergiwernmeiit affairs these functions are spread among aiious other departments The public has long suspected that there evists substantial degree at overlapping duplication and even of rivalry in the administrative efforts of federal deivirtiiieiits and their provincial and municipal coun terparts The growing potential for duplication was noted iii very tactful fashion in the Royal toliimission on govern ment organization the Glassco tonnnissioiii reports of the earlv teeos wash EMPLOYED The fifteen years that have followed the Glassco tom mission reports have in many respects been very creative oiies in terms of federal initiatives in the education health attd welfare the environment and regional development The race to keep up with the pace of social change may however have led fields of to an undesirable level of duplication in programs not only between ilepaitiiieiits of the federal government but also between federal departments and their provincial count terparts Not only is the bureaucracy growing quickly but at the federal level it appears that our ce you are employed by govern ment there is little likelihood you will he fired in answer to questions placed on the order paper by myself it was revealed last month that while i5tlti1ti were employed by the federal govertinient at all levels including crown cors porations in 1975 only 71 were released that year for breach of discipline or misconduct with another Ho let go for in competence and incapacity Based on these figures if you work for the federal govern ment there is only once chance in 12100 that you will be fired in any given year CFB Borden gets facilities under new schooling plan itll First part of two phase multi million dollar program to maintain the high level quality of schooling for children of anadiati Forces members at home and abroad has been completed by the deleiicedepartment lhc program under the direction of tlit Director ittlitai Dependents Education liogiiiiistol ft Morin was launched last ear to COUNTY GLIMPE modernile school curricula and to keep DND schools com petitive in standards and course selection with civilian schools across anada onsultations were held with all provincial school hoards and resulted in program that coir tiiiues to guarantee anadian servicemen that their children will have educational oppor tunit ies comparable to others in the selection of special pro Plan 2day Cookstown fair tiiiiiii yd THl litmus ttdoiii agttiiiVaxi lamp and TJIIINT 1Tlll litiiiaa lm ilililml 1i yi iuikstiivc iiiSiptcirbw st cm elitti=ts the lilL hi iti iiic ptisziif lit ttoss itai ltitl lii iii illnt ltl1ll ti ttt it til Ilfaitli ts lit ltt liltl Howard it It lfasiiiit ttiiii aft List li in it an hide Siiti issistzng itiil itltit Keith litlllli iiaf Ltii vice iiiisiiws out tts latv iif sis car eisi tttll tlllll HSl fcrv ms of iil ll vist Hi pr to at eiwim itzi tcc iicetztigs p31 mange of fit ttiS lfil ill shilliit lionoiaiaa It also cot tittiasfii sc is iit Hiiiittslliii Ht lllili lttts ilti townshp fi named at tzozo at pioneer set tlei John lUgar lliete haye been seyeia new homes con stiuctcd ficic iilft at year ill Hit HRSI lsst SfFt Stall st issue of The Stayiier Sun weekly fe dateline August 3s isTT till if ifar court the first publisher Sll itH SflGti Staft Annual Utid summer carnival of the Wasliago Lions club will he held here on Friday and Satiir day August and ULDsTIME I3 FADY tStatt Arrangements have been made by the Hady hall hoard to hold an oldtime dance and fowl stip per here on Saturday Sep tember 25 illl past The til if lltil ftfBHFltlt itilIKSlIIWN Staff ii adiouiiicd hearing of the in tat Municipal Board dcaliizg with ttititi tor tuliousi stiliiizt sltilcil To lt ltSlftllti heir on Wednesday iigiist lll lelft HST Staft An iiiial piizoi for senior citizens sponsored by the Sliiiciie totin tecieation service will be field Sptingwatet park on itltesdi August ltl Depey iiieve Hilda Sittliorpe of Tiny lsltll township heads the countys ticrea wit committee tithe llivlliltl arc Reeve Charles Haasoi Tay Heme lionel Do feizetangiiisheiic Home iiltttatl ll tinik itt iooksiowi Hert Lisk Bett St niatit leiti iig Liideti ltrvzlle Hughes and asey IiiisHl ltF tltl INN Staff Simcoc county warden for 1967 George fackay toinicr served Delay ruling about meters ltleSTlIR iStatt Medoiite council has delayed making decision on XllftSt from Warminster iltt com mittee that meters be installed pending more detailed iii formation The council members decided at special meeting to make further study of the War miiister community water system and cost of buying and installingthe meters When these figures are received the council will deal with the request it was stated Robert Hubbard was ap pointed by council to act on the Warminster guter committee years on tiro councils and school boards FIIXTIV IQllfil ALLISTUN iStatL Miss festival queen will be choseli at the opening night of the four day annual lllSltill potato festi al on Thursday August 12 There ill be teen dance on opening night tither teatures of the festnal Hivllfllt tirenielis competitions puppet show tractor pulling contest and nor scshow grams Already completed and in use at cost of s242oooo are new and expanded facilities at FB Greenwood NS and tFBs Borden Kingston and Trenton in intario They include libraries workshops gym nasiums and openconcept classrooms Phase two has been approved by lieasury Board and will ens tail alterations and new coir striiction at FBs old Lake and Editionton Alta Shilo Man Petawawa and Ottawa int and hathanr In Europe twostep pro gram that will bring DND schools in West Germany itito fiiie with revised intario cur riculum requirements gets underway in 1977 in phase one the asertie school at FB Lahr will get new gymnasium the Junior Gutenberg School will be ex tended aiid an industrial arts building will be added to the senior school at Baden soellingen ost is estimated at MattiLotto Second phase of the Euro pean program calls for new acttyity facility at the Gutenberg junior school and construct ion of gymnasium at the Baden senior school at cost of about St 770 ooo and Doug Latoinell IIxaniilier DISTRICT NE WS 2s The Barrie Examiner Monday August 1976 COLDWATER NEWS By SHIRLEY ENNICIT Congratulations to Mr and Mrs David Gratrix of Rosemount on the birth of their first child son Kyle David who entered the World July 28 at St Andrews Hospital Midland Mrs Alice McMillan visited recently with her sister and husband Mr and Mrs Keit Richmond of Lindsay aiid tier brother Mr and Mrs Harold Deacon of Minden She was away for two weeks Mr aiid Mrs Frank Beavis of Peterborougli were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Jack lfcaskcll and Mr aiid Mrs Peter caskell Mr and Mrs Mike Aselstyne Sandy and Bethiiiie of oir cord spent the Civic floliday weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Norris Walker Mr and Mrs Jim ameron Branda and Bradley Mr and Mrs John Jennett and Jodie and Mrs Phyllis Smith and Krista enjoyed day at Black reek Pioneer Village in foroir to during the weekend Just returned from it today camping trip to Grundy Lake Park in the Parry Sound area are Mr and Mrs Win Beach Jr daughters Diane and Susan and son David accompanied by BradleySilk ice skating in winter is lot of fun but ice skating in sum mer is better still and thats what three toldwater children have spent every day in July doing The children Stephen and Michelle Galang and Michelle McArfliur were all students at the Wasaga Beach Siiiiiliier Skating School INVISFILI lflS STHtilD iStafl itinislii township pays to per cent of the county levy against municipalities with second place tollingwoixl contributing R29 per cent and third place Midland 784 per cent Tiny township rates next with per cent The percentages are haseifoii thisyear lei Its ANNOUNCEMENT as at July 311976 ROY SCHUETT and BRlAN THOMPSON Wish to announce the dissolution of the partnership ROY SCHUETT will continue the practice of Roy Schuett Co Chartered Accountants 103 Collier Street Barrie Ontorio Telephone 7265100 Roy F5chuett Co Chartered Accountants 103 Collier Street Barrie Ontario BRIAN THOMPSON will commence practice as Brian Thompson Chartered Accountant HO Dunlop Street East Suite 204 Barrie Ontario Telephone 7372500 Stepheli passed his test for the Rocker which is dance test and Michelle Galaiig passed her test for the Second Figure Recent visitors with Mrs Vera Gollalier included her daughter Mrs Jean Robertson and Verne Whilliei both of loronfo and spending ivic Holiday weekend with her were Mrs Pauline tillara Gerald iollaher and Tom Pascal all of loronto Miss lrcne Greenwood spent the weekend in Kiligstoii friend olleen Bletxlaft of fit tawa joined her there lreiie Will be leaving for her second year at Queens tmversity in September Weekend visitors with Mr alid Mrs Daws ampbell and Mr and Mrs Jim Hunter in clilded Mr and Mrs Joe Mac Donald Debbie and Dwayne of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ron Sebiirii David and ftutli of Niagara onrthe Lake Both Mrs aiiiphell and David Sehurii celebrated birthdays while they were together Percy tiakley has returned to his home after stay at trillia Memorial Hospital Best wishes for speedy recovery go out to Mrs Wm Wylie Sr who is patient at thehospital oligratulatlons to Mr and Mrs Hex lolinghorne ho were niarrichufy ti They have just returned home from three week honeymoon which took them to the algary Stain pedc Jasper Vancouver and Victoria and many points in between Mrs Ethel Laceby of Bell lIwart and Mrs llce Swallow of St tlair Shores Michigan lstted recently with Mr and Mrs John ltoniat and boys Mr and Mrs John Tons of Wclnliley Middlese England are spending liioiith vacation at tile home of their son Village llerk luliaii lofts and his tannly They hope to visit many places of interest while llll are here among them itiitario Place and iagala Falls HONEL STAICIAFI PAIKLAND Hardtop Trains SA VINGS UP TO 300 iiinu GUIthy lEISURECRAFT CAMPERS Hwy North Gasoline Aloy 1310015 Legion anniversary observed by war veterans at Alliston ByMAIuiAREI STOLIZ ALLISIt This year when the Royal anadian Legion is celebrating its 50th anniver sary it was interesting to read of the founding of the local Branch 171 as related in history prepared by the late Harry Falkner former editor of the Allistioii Herald covering the years itiilti Alliston Veterans as in other areas realmii the results of leathand disability would have serious effect on the depeir dents of those who served and those who died serving their country and branch was organiled here after the First War Veterans hail lnet oc casionally to discuss problems of employment needed pen sions With the history stating Willi grateful government allowuig the private soldier $1 It day for ninety days Wltll which to rehabilitate himself buy clothing get married start it home look for job lhcprm cely sum of $9900 and iii inanv eases his job litid been taken by another one who iiiilil havi becn in the wal but was slacker However in Alllsltllt civilian men and Women took staunch stand fol flu Vlllllllli llie Alliston Womens Institute Worked fiarif during the wal years Mending suppliet over wan and raining money to elect librai building as tlitlniii ml to local boy who lost their liiIa llic lowei flooi was for free use of the Velcriiir is inclting place and foi litany yearn tlie lather pioviiled free banquet in Apt ii the an iiiveisaly of Viniv ltldge IVIHSIlltlISllHVl Everything hat beginning and with the late Di Frank Walker as president and the late flinie Skeltoii secretary treasurer the tanadiaii Legion was formed in Alliston in than Dr Walker was an outstanding He found flfllt to servi oii surrounding area as llll oiilv doctor during the war years Healso found time to serve oi town council high and public school boards and the llor ticultural Society Alliston Glee lub the Lions flub and other local groiqu held regular meetings in lllw iiittlillf borne on Victoria Street and be also had great part in establisliii Stevenson Memorial HospitaT Mr Skilion who field office for nearly 33 years was also busy man He was caretaker of Alliston Public School for 23 years and for some time superintendent of St Andrews Anglican fhuicli Sunday School itllf tn Masonic Lodge Horticultural Society flrliliili Lodge and the filcc Hub The legion had four presidents in years The years between 1936 and 1939 were remembered as lull years and this continued until 1945 when the Second War Veterans took office Alliston Branch had the distinction of being almost the first organization in Ontario to stage big car draw One year over tuition tickets were printed and many of them sold all over anada They cleared over $1000 in the this lot of money Now solvent the members discussed building of their own The town provided lots on Albert Street inow Baxter Laboratoriesi for $100 aiid foundations were laid for building 44 120 This started out to be 2i pine log building with large fireplaces at both en tlS but unfortunately nearly all of the $3000 was used up before the roof was put on llnable to secure loan either as an organization or in diViduals tmany of whom Wllf still unemployedi and with car draws now too popular in ntario the project was abandoned and the material already used was salvaged This resulted in severe loss in llltllllKlSlllp frolii lot to about 20 The small group carried on looking iftel cases involving pensions the Poppy fund Remembrance Day and Van Dav Veteransexchanged Visits WIllI other Branches and Hun tirs Hall provtided another meeting place for gatherings The history recalls many flap pydays SIX UNI Mt During the Second War old veterans rejoined and rallied to assist in the war effort and promoted Dominion Command in HS effort to present to govtr niiient plan of reliabitationfor those who would return Atotal of STALLll was raised from AlllSliill and District in little more than years Many ditty bags were filled for the Navy League the Red ross shipped many thousand bandages socks etc and lllZHlS and Legion memlxrs collected hundreds of tons of waste paper metal bot tleseti tecil Scott and his wife administered the Soldiers Tigarettes Fund and men and women from lhfS district also received parcels at Thristmas Hon Earl Howe contributed generously to the war effort and also offered to pay so per cent of the cost of subscriptions to the local newspajxrs for all those in uniform over 500 received the Alliston Herald unitil June lSitzi Many of the First and Second War Veterans have passed away since retur Housing study planned in Penetanguishene PICNIII1lSlllIVlI This town has been alloiatiil sfiiioo to conduct municipal housing policy study Housing Minister John lthodes an nounced The funds awarded lll response to request from the municipality will assist in the preparation of housing policy statement This deieitiinies the niuiiicipahtys housing lltttl and establishes housing targets to meet their while ensuring that local housing targets are integrated lll viviiail pimiii cial iiljiitl cs two phase ippioail ti liousuig polc is reeoiniiiontint by the ministry consists of the islabl slllliilll shorttei housni tat gets with special atteniol paid ta low and iiiiuleiatc an on it housing The ilKtlllfl stage iii more detailed itiyss ot targets by iypc trotisitiii prlii ttillge itiiiittli Littitips ti ed and lze ayailabilit lllt iifsl sliiilt it With Interest Taken ANNUAL mum GREY wk Bin iriun Munogei lEO MiRlHSCH At oiintifini 35DunlopStJ 737i4ii viced land for future use The study grants and housing policy statements being sought from Hilario municipalities are designwi to encourage ac tive municipal pilllftlpéllltifl in the achievement of the provin re housing goals ltilll3ll HHHVII liilllllxt Statf fine of Simioe ountys lipresen tatiyes oti the fhilllrens Aid Society board Reeve Joe Belford is currently serving his tiiih year as head of lottenham count ll Before that he was village councillor for ll years and also served for seveial ter ms on the lottenham public utilitiescotiiniission ning home many buriedin the local cemeteries The list in cludes the late Sir Frederick Banting Discoverer of insulin who was verteran of the First rld War lower the Second War Bran ch 171 gained many new mem bers and the Library Hall no longer provided necessary space for meetings With en thusiasm of these young men Walker Hall was purchased inamed for Dr Frank Walker lst president on the corner of Victoria and McDonald Streets Legion members were en couraged to purchase the building known as the former Bricco home for $3500 cash big decision with only £3500 in the bank and the experience of their previous attempt However Dr Walker offered to loan the money the cigareb te committee had come funds to donate the foiir townships made small donations some members subscribed to shares and Alliston council later paid off the debt Several renovations and ex tensions were made at Walker Hall and the work and faithful service of Tom arr now also deceased is acknowledged As early as 1962 some mem bers suggested newer building but it was not until years ago that the property on Victoria Street was soldand demolished and now the site of an Apt building The Legion enufaplr which contains the names of forty three killed or died of wounds in 191418 and twenty six in the t93945 wanwas moved to the new locatioi on Dufferm Street south after the budding was erected in the Fall of 175 Sir Frederick Banting secured for Alliston war trophy in the form of German machine gun after the First War This is on base in the grounds at the Alliston Public School and the tablet bears the names of those from the School who were killed or had died durlngthcwtir The history pays tribute to the late McLean leader of the Alliston fltiuns Band This group provided march music when required and With its demise arrangements were made wtth musicians at fanip Borden Don McLean has followed his father in his in terest in band music and has been bugler for Branch 171 for the past Llo years The record states at an early age Dim had mustered Last lost and fteveille and its interesting to note that Don had encouraged his son Hick to also play the trumpet Much more could be said about Alliston Branch 17f of the Royal anadian Legion the devotions of officers and mem bers ciVilian help and the achievements through the past Mi years There is now paternal mem bersliip of between 400 and 500 With approXimately Iltit veterans lack Tierney is president and dinner meetings are held the lsl Tuesday of each month Fund raising is through bingos 3o Till draws TV drawdances refreshment bar and Poppy Fund looks after needs of Veterans and their dependents Among local projects the Legion supports minor hockey and baseball The Ladies Auxrliary Wives of Veterans was organlled in iiit and tilts group although small has greatly HSSlSle Branch 17 through the years lnder the leadership of Marg Best the ladies meet the 2nd lucsday of each month and among their projects is catering banquets and wed dings in the spacious banquet hall Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS fiir renovations to existing washrooms thiough the first f0W th Hours of the East Wing of the Ministly of Commufiv and Social Senes Muskoko Centre Gravenhwfi o°° lOQt SEALED TENDERS Will be vocals YUESDAW AUGUSTJ tq7b Unit tOCAl TIME on lander Dot unions may b0 obGl lfo ll MY CUW ninent Services Rogionol OIlt Ontario toiophono No 2705 24 Jomu Strut E019 Oriflia 375 703 or irony the Ministry 00 Gomnmmfl 5Vg Public Tondors OilLo Room Ml 43A Mac donald Block Quun Pork lip 065 HS toromo Ontmio Telephone No 100 Porioimonco Bond may be logorod NOTE For further iniormation regarding hl toride pl col Mr Campbell Ministry oi Governmom Sorwcos Toronto Ontario talophono No 416 965 its or the flogional ONK abOve the lowest or any tender not nxouorify occoptod Ministry of Government Services Ontario

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