Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1976, p. 1

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Chamber mounting drive to rejuvenate downtown new downtown revitalization downtown core as the heart ment of purpose like that tip By RICHARD DUNSTAN the ne Staff Writer already contains statement meetingonthepropoaal VARIETYHHMNTS ment committee ilt pln cessary provisions in dif The Greater Barrie pro ram of the city and as Barries Since then panning board proved bythechamber More imimmmp he said Tm program provides Thursday antl will appear ferentwords Chamber of Commerce is leter signed by primary retail commermal has appOinted three Altl Perri said today the recent statements bv John The 0mm before the pm council meeting if unable to obtain plan was varc ltn ty grints and oi pmwm the mounting new drive for an for studies land assembly administrative and cultural official plan amendment chamber civic affairs com member committee headed committee on public Rhodes provincial housing desitn0d mittee chairman Marshall September or October No district by Aid Jim Perri to set up meetings will get together minister suggest that if liar antlother purposes Satisfact ion from city downtown Altl Perri said aimed at mluvenating Bat Green requests hearing The amendment would in public mfelings on this week or next to plan rie has not iiiatlc firm coin Aid Perri said todav he d°VtlODmnt Sill ill am ries core area before city council at its volve striking out or downtown rejuvenation The strategy and he expects the mitment to downtuwn r0 duos mt SN an nmciaipian The chamber delegation is Georgia Mil tSIl in Ieter to city clerk Ben meeting Thursday writing certain clauses int committeess terms of public meeting to be held in newal bv the end of August amendment as panacea for One of several scheduled to ty limits anti would have Straughan received today at Mr Green said today he existing plan drawmg ma reference do iitit limit these City Will beltft out iiithe tbc roblcni of reuvenation PPM iii ThurSliYs SOS dm ill mm Bilhold city hall the chamber He plans to ask council to get of the core area and Similar meetings to the proposed action has yet been taken on cold on the provincial re and knows nothing which Slmv SPNlal mount Mm fpl SWNN 58 presses concern over ap moving on an official plan work amendment theproposedreviewhesaid vitalization program would suggest an August Originally Hm to discuss rl Parent delays in dealing With amendment the chamberhas MEETWITH 0M addllilm City Council Mr Green said today Applications for the pro deadline on participation in StWtl tenders ouncil docs Mr irccii has char thedneeds of title core area requested Mr Green committee has asked its city develop merely adding statement tit gram will be ready about the lh mml ml an warns not hold regular meetings iii August He said he docs not object to the chambcrs roposals liIil believes the ofiicial plan the provincial program there will be no provincial funds forthcoming Mr iiccns delegation will mcct with the citv tlcvclop further delays may cost Barrie its chance at participating in the provincial governments met With planning board in May to discuss the proposed amendment and emerged ex pecting an earlv nuhlie The proposed amendment would implement cham berapproved statement of purpose designating the inciit committee also headed by Aid Perri to review the official plan with an eve to including state purpose to the official plan will accomplish nothing becaiisc other parts of the plan would contradict such ciitl of the month Mr irccn said anti We know for fact that thcrc are other nitinicipalitit liningup plan as Paving the road to nowhere anti as promoting the deterioration of the downtown area 23C EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Cltulotlon 72s 6539 Cloudy with chance of shower Clossulied Advei tismg 728 7414 tlfllllill All Othet Departments 7266537 ll2th YearNo 185 The Barrie Examiner Bettie Ontario Cmiodti Monday August9 1976 15 Per Copy Cattier Home Delivery 85 Weekly lAPoges Inquest date in weeks PARRY SOUND The exact time and place of an inquest in to the suicide of Pene tanguishene man will be an nounced in two weeks coroner Dr John MacKay of Parry Sound said today The inquest was ordered last Friday by Dr Cotnam Ontarios chief coroner Kenneth Cordes 27 was found dead in the basement of his home July day after police questioned him about the disappearance of t4yearold Midland irl He ha told police he drove Cindy Knowlton to Wasaga Beach on June 29 She was Arenabackers ask council to attend HthllINWROE FyaiiiiiiirStaff ltcportcr AMillS Sonic Angus res idents are demanding that Essa lownship councillors attend public meeting to determine the fate of the Angus arena lhc partially constructed lltlltl was the site of public iiiccting Sunday which at tractctl about 300 pctiplc The crowd gave crbal support to AI Zaba aiitl former members of the arena committee who arc had illltlltllilillltlll for the con struction He held aloft cer tifitd copy of W74 Essa Coun cil motion giving permission to start construction as long as no indcbtcdncss ticcurcd lm not afraid of lawsuit he said lm willing to fight in court llut think its shamc that minister of the Catholic church shotild also be named iii lawsuit lie was referring to ltcv Allan Mcltac another mcmbcr tion of the steel and the con tractor had been paid in ad vancc He said the charge was $9500 and thc contractor would ptit that against any future cliargc He said that although tlltlt was money owing on the stccl the arena board hadnt been bcliiiitl in its payments llc said the board had undertaken to spend money only after it was raised and had done so He said the stccl supplier had agrcctl to Zaba said personalities wtrc major factor Ill thc lllJlilltllfltl He said there had been no niisnscof ttit money raised llc said $lltl000 had passed through the boards hands Ill the form of donations fund raising dances anti draws if that $2000 had litcii profit lliats almost 40 pcr ccnl profit litsaid havent sciii many corporitioiis opcratuig at that kintlot profit Mr Zaba says there is still no named in lawsuit by lIssa of the arena board tithcr withholdliilliiigiintitApril1073 gmmmtii t2551tti1tl that rigid dWf 39 ouncil members name in the lawsuit aiitl had delivered in the fall of tend public meeting pPoliogaizjnglfiimfifiéamm Council was invited to Sun arc IId lucigis lltl Letlair 1924y think it would be vciy was we ride rom day meeting but clcctctl to lctcr tiii aalan William had looked at our llilitl stupid otthcni not to attend ll Beac by friendg ghomenfiéi attend plaque unveiling near ibbs tired Ross and Jack raising antl tell that il pcoplt they doiit show we can have Dr MacKav éaid the in UN lllSltllllltttltl lioucli lathcr Mcltae Mr actually saw something hap momgummmutttt will be holdin fienmanguig elk lhc lawsuit followed lc lair and Mr Louch all ptnlngat tlicsitcthtywouldbe in gun omit IIiprh but it will takoqome who to January 1075 Supreme oiut spokc to the crowd anti gave more llltllllttl to donate to all councillors requesting makodefinmulrém em mpuiction which prcvciitcd tiir tlitiisupport toMr aba money than tttmt up cunt it thcr construction on illtilltllil Mr Zaba said more is still litiwtVtl th litllllti tiltl 1th meeting should Work out all The lawsuit tillcgcs that the $47000 owing oii stccl at the get chancetoraiscthc nioncy problems the arciia is facing eight arena board mciiibcrs site but that the contractor has in anticipationof bill lll April mt up innmt intuit tit staitctl construction on the agrccd to forgive any interest lllic injunction came as soon as mmmt He said once thtrc is Al ZARA left photo former go ahead with work on the gm of the Angus arena as pile of steel as takeoff tffilllull THIS Mild Illlllllnnln Laing illlhrlllfi Pulitruklilll WI trimlmf Elm mud my ChairmanHhoAngusamm arena no was speaking playground Sunday as their pmm or mu jump un in tot it now it taint way gi tit tout itiiiiiiiii boarti holds aloft WWW DUNiC meeting Surlde at the parents talk about the future structioii has been halted an Essa Council motion giv arenasite Children at right of the arena Herc Sherry sincc January W75 this MIDLAND Four people mg his hoard WriiiiSMoii to use the poices of steel at the Nauftts of Angus uses iininerlhotosi were taken to hospital as result of two separate incidents near here this weekend an in tario Provincial Police spokesman said today On Sunday OPP rescued two men from the narrows at Port dmrtm hm smukd tNltiN tltciitcri The chncstiay after thestudents Mtaliarcrel stuydtnts were tttlltiiillLtipafluligcpd WNW William MBlmy 22 and lbscrver said Stiritlay that at dill ill grltVvlillCltS Ratings ildlfl student mpmu wmlm Brent Barroii21 both of Ttiroti ik Ft su rioti 51 mlth Makaroro mud duuk mumnm Son til illt women who rt WHO mkv Andmwk Seven Barrie lifeguards had loiiy pnpeau on Penn University lll Uganda were tlUUPS Wits itd by AmmS lllklm hrkm 12 41mm Hospital in Midland With strong tho Karel Tm hint gum0 Casey ivfuo dl massacred by President ldi Stilltlilliim pmmlmlmlm 55 niuiorciitsand bruises PNVHCH ltlilltrtront Life thy C350 and it 5PM RVk p9 mm Damage to the boat estimated at $150 in Sunday Raymond llupuis IS guard Championships held Saturday in North Bay The team placed second in Jarvis The team recicvcd 685 per the team and Tony Campcau Mike Eaton Karen Eaton and Brian McAlhsttr handled the Amins troops last week anti that as many as 700 others are fcarcd lead The weekly new spapcrs cor The report said the Makarcrc students hatl been the most conr sistcnt ccntrc of opposition to Anna Quoting eyewitnesses it Last Tuesday morning the students assembled to draw up million to thc universitys vicechancellor about their till Sonic ol the students who wore in tlic halls of residence wcrc thrown from lhc third and first aidandthirdinemcr ciicv cent in emergency rocedurc lliriltllt Procedure which an 101mi 50mm of grievances But laban tclc fourth floor windows bonit anti lcll ileiiscn of Honey glmuhwd NH do Spoildoni UdVKl Mdii Mill mom mm mukfllmh HWHMIM Harbour wcrc taken to htliplttl lmwmmsi l0P sunmil and 089 pm Him In hr dld Teiin iiitmlitrs wert itiiuiiltd in report from Lusaka hm lmldvms ml begun In with minor burns after their cottage as gutted by fire early Sunday morning Officials estimate fire broke otit at the structure shortly bctorc am No cstimatc of daniagt was available The cuiisc of the blaze is still undcr investigation Director attends meeting in the provincial champion ships in combined first aid anti emergency said Greg Burns siipcrieiitciitlciit of Barrie Parks and Recreation Fourteen teams of six were represented at ilirchliavcn oyc llic Barrie team was made up of Brian McAllistcr captain They came in 12th in the pad dleboard relay with 36 per cent anti 12th in the swimming relay with 48 per cent The team seventh in overall judging We lost our points iii the relay events but made up for it in the most important events said Mr Burns think our lifeguards did Malfunctioning arm of Viking mended lSllH iilit iAli Viking ls robot drill is repaired mg systems may exist in the rocky desert like region of to take care of the victim while handling the crowd Marking for the competition total included so per cent tor emergency situations 20 per cent for first aid anti l3 pci cciit for swimming and paddlcbonid races Destroyer recalled HALIFAX itli lhc tana than destroy er Athabaskaii recalled Saturday from an area 230 lllllt southeast ol cw and ready to plow below the Martian surface for another handful of the red dust that coil tinucs to liiiit that it may hold life ikitig scientists aiinminccd Sunday that the unit miniature shoch arm is once more lll working order The arm had stopped tunctionuig last week while dcliyciing soil to one of Mars where Viking toticlicd dow it July 20 The latest data came from what is called py rolyticrrc lcasc experiment designed to determine whether any process resembling photosynthesis is taking place on Mars lotintlland alter spending itucc days standing by what be Iicvcd to be the rcnmnn Hi Soviet aircraft which crashed Thursday icc ltilllll ll Boy to said Sunday that scxcral ici fish ing vessels which titid rushed to the scciic also Ictt tlic llltl itt urday Dr Nancy Arminint direc tor of the Suiicoc County llealt tint is in Tomato today atten ding it meeting of the provincial ministry of health held to discuss filial plans for Swmc ln tluciira accinatioii programs During the meeting health ol Photosynthesis is the process ficials will also iccciic up to by which plants on carlh take ill Prisoners hold seven Qtlfililjt llY Pi ne of sewn prisoners holding three guards hostage at the Disam ille prison here says he and his colleagues are armed with two sticks of dynamite lhc unnamed prisoner in an interview on Frenchlanguage radio station tJlti early today said that unless their demands we met by it in EDT things could go badly for the hostages the prisoners are demanding to be tikcli from the prison to downtown hotel to meet With authorities and discuss prison date information regarding vkmg mmmmn carbon gases and use the car Adniiial Boylt lll no int mumngmnbgmepmvmm encctflitilitis but lll rmbrusl lalmratorios bon for growth or for food thcr lllliltllldlltlll coiitcHm le has said thcic lililc cliaiicc of dam tmm mw of the downed thltidll was it prisomr sat in the te an outbreak of Nt Louis iIii ccpliahi is in this dltd iiigs biology experiments re new ed cautious belief that ll CAPSULE NE WS Minor tremor hits Peking llilslMi lttiitct minor earth tremor tclt in lcking early today but there were no iiiiiiicdmtc olticial details Typhoon drowns 41 lillxiti Huge tiycs gciicmtcd by typhoon outh tit Mimi liilwzcd ii lishcriiieii and swimmers iiong Japan itll with and lti others ere missing the lldlltlldt police On Saturday the py rolytic release experiment found mfor motion that Dr Harold Klein head of the missions biology team called tantalizing tiyailtiblc spokesman for Maritime Command said hici€ conic up with inyihing other than our original pliolm plionc ititchicw that one of the guards fioyearrold man sut feriiig from heart condition ill be released as soon as they rtilk the hotel Belle approaching coastline with winds of 30 miles per hour CAPE llATlFRS Al Hurricane Belle hcr winds howling at up to 110 miles an hour approached North Carolinas Outer Banks today lull tin The storm tiiiy conic lost to Hatteras or may go right mm It Ltlil loictuistci luhi lltkllllliltlll Certainly they Htitx til Ctlt stilllll AtlUltl llitll ticiiathuncalnt to illh head or collision with loin isiand and the southern ew England area more than t000 other students were wounded in the worst Single act of carnage since Amin came to power The rc port quoted an eycwitness as saying some women were raped while others had their breasts cutoff It said troops invaded the uni versity Tuesday and again mmmmmllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllillllllIIlIlllllllIIlllIlIlIIIIllIIIIIllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll January when an army captain visited the campus and vcr bally abused the students Several other incidents fol lowed some involving Amuis son who had been cnrollcd in the engineering department do spite the fact that he had rc ccivtd no previous formal cdu cation what was happening and that resulted ill the massacre lhc students were surrotui dcdby troops tlnc student not gavcthis account Some were shot on the ptit Six tlicd instantly The titlltl wcii told to lic down and they obcyctt Then the beatings stat itliiititittl When the troops Ilt tlll tllll pus they scalitl oil the en tranccs so that thioiighoiit thi day and most of the night the inpitctl lay it thcopin scream ingaiitl calling lot liclii tirdcrs had titcit givcn that thcy note not to lttlltt nictli cal trcgitiiitnl KHE RI inter and llb Stephen Jason wcic Sloo not win and ncrs lll lhursday itlldtln draw The lllltl ill loft Patterson ltd plan on bank liig llit liixiticy for How lititl Httliil tllll lll tl it slitlltit ititi latil iiiiiiiui to tcrtui iuik lllQ till llt tigiilcs Li llpfiwl how to now liiicillmtl on course that pointed the iltitiems are going get slight tutti to thc west Ml dangerous storm alotiitthc blast quite bit of effect Will llilil till ll WT ill Coast toward Long island and But he said it goes Uicl litttik ll illll llilllml New England straight north the ccnirc lll it could brim lliics of ittl ltllll7lllltti Rtllttll Violence spnad through the moie pist cast ot lldtlitdx tnd ilioii normal tllltl wm cs of up Winds of 20 to lo miles an the eltect there will bc min tociglit toioteei tniopol these black townships ot South Africa today and police said they shut hourmd hm nmnmsh mud Mum wrung todcathonc irican and wounded an unknown number mg the app humms irea at lllll flooding the Nut tonal daybreakauthoritiesreported The difference was between cather Sciyicc said This British reserves mobilized Most of thc 10000 tourists cs illltl bordering on hurricane threat will be the greatest this tickets which he bought lalwaysuscttlocomitain timated to he on the narrow our 74 miles an hour and morning between to and hurt tintei figurte LR ednesdmmommg for 12 iirzlzirtitgl txwuuwliflrlMugmwnlam ill1 ll Rcut tisl rmy mobilized reseiyc Slring 09 0m Bank Mid mm as hgh as mm darkw mulg Grim 0mr1lidrtligmr He figures on banking the Karen Winter guess he Mid WW will day to tltfil wiili Jititielslpneiid rioting in Belfast in bad it by 33 bu manV hf mi 5191 Opesud tiff heinitilffLIMlttatitin in money for new figures we should be able to KW it Diillllfiflif be 2500 to 3000 rmanent tiin icy wout aye gout killdmildnottatkontlit lionit of Norilitinlitltiiid mtiiibtrot dents wvmgttinnp Chan gem hummum Miklllm lti1 PAT May and planned to return Thtxlw ed Vlnmsud movusualr memm re hilllllgh were torcewinds there iii lark ot the National work hisfal can collect it per wot in era the ii in ur ican 7s Beirut factions battle on BElRlT iAPi Lebanese security sources reported today frightful atid ferocious fighting all night along the southern Part oi the nonians land between ileiruts Christian and Moslem sect iotis tended northward through Long Island NY and southern New England600 miles north of here Forecasters at the National Hurricane Centre in Miami said the storm will intensity in this area but might not hit it with ti io am BUT the ya tional llllllltdilt Centre placed the storm 53 miles south of Cape Hatteras and nioytngnor therly at 20 miles an hour hale force winds 40 to 34 miles an hourvextended 50 milss from its centre Weather Service in Miami lar bellcd this first hurricane threat of the season small but potent its dangerous no doubt about it Clark said its not an outstanding hurricane but itsstronghesaid But now he doesnt have to He won $100000 Thursday night Mr Winter 13 303 Patter son Rd held ticket number 469i2 in series in the Win tario lottery He held 49 other interest in the bank he said My house is paid for and He still got money from selling the service station About the only purchase latined is road race set for is son Stephen Barrie most of their lives Besides Stephen they have younger son Jason Despite the large number of tickets Mr Winter usually buys he has only won three $25 prizes before last Thursday They didnt find out they won until Friday night when relative brought them copy of newspaper milIllllllllIllllllllllfillllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIllllliIIIIlIllllIlllllllIIIIllIlIllillllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllIlIIIllIIfitIIIIItllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllltllllllllllltllllllllll mmmtmtmlmllNllllltmilMllillllllllllllllttlilllltllilItillIlflllllllimtilllltllltllllllltllllllilllllliflufllml ly watch the Wintario draw on television but missed it

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