£5253 llarold Rowden Hit of lrove Iark Ilome remembers wor king as candy maker in store in Kitchener before it became factory for Smiles hucklcs The process for ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs II Shemilt of Oshawa announce the en gagerneiit oi their daughter atheriiie iine Irene to An drew John son ol Mr and Mrs Ialmer of Barrie The wedding will take place Aug 21 at pm in St Stephens Ilnited hurch Oshawa Nutrition wise health investment tllt lllltl iitritioii says lean Maui Hi and noted nutrition scientist ll llatiid iseerliod seupot tea Iut what are nutrients iordiiig to Dr Mayer utrient is tllsl short handy word to describe all the ab tlltAl AIIIS ttlt l1tlli lHclirWA Stiltiil lis lcai hiecneii itiil tlu ai 1tilali illltiillJlA Ili item rtiiitier iiot Latirenlaxr 1lr21ii bachelor certe poirfit science psych dog lttlit1i litl1ts titti ii idlert Iiiv in litiv year llit vltltiN liarbara lai ran ti iwtord ol Barrie and Uiillia recently graduated with diploma iii nursing iroiii Georgian tol lege of Applied lls and leehnology Iiss trawiortl plans to do postgraduate work in Loud l7iiuaiid sorbable components of food cartiohydiatcs proteins fats lpartieularly twlyunsaturated iatsi vitatniiis and minerals that the body tieeds iii order to itiliill the three main nutritional requirements of good health lhose are the energy we need to keep warm and to help our organs funcv tionas well as fuel for moving and working specific nutrients that are needed to utilize foods and finally the nutrients that are required for the growth of cells and replacement of used up cells Besides the can bohydratcs tats proteins itaiiiius and minerals that should be included there is one oiliei so essential it is often iorgotten water In well written authoritative book diet for li tog McKay Sty Sifii llr Iayer eplains that nutrition is the science that deals with the elleets iit food on the body roots ate not in whim i111tsstll or superstition or III the personal preternees and pi ate intei esis ol the men and iittli11 who practict it It pioiides you valuable 111 toiriiasioii or what you can or lltttlltl eat how much you slilllll ea iiid under what cir ctiiiisiaiices nd equally tin poitaut that you shouldnt eat and li Ior iiisance lack of 1ttttttti It causes rickets in iiizidicn and an ecess oi the s1ftti Itaiuiii acts poison lltltl taiciuiii iroin your diet Iili your bones and teeth sul ei ltltl most animal tats ilot yiitlt lllHNl ltiiltSltltll Ill 4fltltli 11l Its lit guidance presented to liy ltiliitlits lligt been aeei by itiipottaiit lll li warned iiiyestigators llieii tidiis haye been checked and contained by others equally responsible and to the ad ir ige or you and your tainin ireiessionaliy challenged by eacr othei lit Its Ill tit lkttittly rziei aware about nutrition We should ask qtiest ons ot nutritionists and listen to their answers hen the answers are iompliiated confusing or an coiry incing we should ask more questions 1n Mayeroliseryes 1Ill1 lliet tor laying BIItUMICS lllll IURUNIU itl Margaret Dale has been appointed chair man of the dance department of the faculty of fine arts at York lniversity Miss Dale came to the university from BBC Teler lsltlll where site was one of the first dance artists to speeialie in the prixluction of ballet on television making candy was not as sophisticated then as to Bridge tourney held here Aug 13 to 15 The Barrie Duplicate Bridge Iub will be the host club for the holiday bridge tournament Aug 13 and 15 at Georgian College Sponsored by the Trent Val ley Bridge ssociition play will begiti Friday with the masters pairs session for those with St masters points and over at pin and nonmasters pairs session tor those under 30 masters points also at 111 Two sessions of open pairs will be held Saturday at 130 pm and Tzlto p111 for first qualifying players Novice pairs for 211 masters points or less will be held at 130 pm and consolation and new entries at 730 Sunday two sessions SwisstcamsolÂ¥four will held at 12 noon and pm of be Entry fees for novice pairs and nonmasters pairs is $2 75 per session and Sitï¬o for other events Refreshments will be served Friday and Saturday night Duke artwright is tourna mcnt director For information call Mrs Graham 7282845 Sing songs were only part ot the tint Wednesday at the day he said Examiner Photo Churchill Candy maker recalls days of sugar and chestnuts By ROSEANNII ABII Smiles ti Thuckles Thocholates has come long way since Ilarold Bowden matte his own handdipped chocholates at Metcalfes store in Kitchener Mr Bowden tilt lives at Irove Park Home today The chocliolate business wasnt as sophisticated then he said iii interview He used sugar water chocholate and chest nuts liest nuts hestnuts were used for molds We used to fill old finnan liaddie boxes with cornstarch Then we gathered tip chestnuts and nailed them to board We turned the board upsidedown so they made impressions in the cornstarch Ihese molds were used for the filling The sugar aitd water substance was poured into the molds and left to solidify While the filling hardened Chocholate slabs were melted in huge vats church scene for wedding The marriage of Ethel Eveline Maude Richardson and William David Donnelly took place June 18 in Churchill Ilnited hurch Mrs Richard son is longtime resident of RECIPE PINICAIllJCAlltlttll GELLT envelope unflavored gelatin ctip sugar up nonfat dry milk powder 13 cups skim milk 13 cup unsweetened piticapple juice 13 ctip apricot nectar egg whites Iii medium saucepan mix unflavorcd gelatin sugar and nonfat dry milk powder Stir in milk Ilace over low heat Stir constantly until gelatin dissolves about minutes Remove from heat cool slight ly and stir in juices Iour ittto freezer tray and freeze until firm In large chilled bowl beat gelatin mixture and egg whites at high speed until smooth and fluffy Turn into 3inch loaf pan Return to freezer and freeze Makes about five and onehalf cups Approximately To calories per half cup serving hurchill and Mr Donnelly froin Windsor Reverend Croft officiated Mrs Blake Constable was the organist atid Mrs Keith Sinclair soloist The bride was given away by her nephew Ronald Logan of London and Mrs Keith Kell was matron of honor for her mother harles Wilcox acted as best man for Mr Donnelly Keith Kell and Wilcox sonsinlaw bride were ushers For her wedding the bride chose rosercolored chiffon gown with beaded neckline enhanced by art orchid arid baby breath corsage The llltllttllfrl1IlI wore turquoise dress trimmed with pearls and corsage of carna tions and roses reception for more than 100 guests was held iii the hurchill ommunity entrc with the United hurch Women serving turkey dinner Many of the guests were froin Toronto Windsor aitd London and iii cluded many members of the anadian Society of St Petersburg Ila The bride and groom are members of the so ciety Mr and Mrs Donnelly are living iit hurchill following honeymoon to Kingston and Windsor harlcs of the SUNNIIALE SUNSHINE happy day tor tots at Sun iiidale lark More than Ilth children attending the parks aitd recreations programs of Five Barrie students with Experience 76 liyc Barrie students are working this suiniiiei at iolis related to tlietl studies at school I11 the lluronii Itisttii oi the Iutzstry ot Natural liesoiir 00gt Miler merit program Letitia st the Hutarto giwerr Lttllt11tt it thris lltl oi and le Itlls oi todringion Street are doing biological suryey the tlitisoi Riyer Nature Reseiye north oi Iort Seyerti Mr lillsis well known III the llarric area tor his newspaper column Sinieoc Nature Notes and his know ledge ot birds in the oun ty is coming in hatiin in documenting the ayian lite ot the Nature Reserve fins first year tiin and wildlife LIQUIDATION SALE ALL detlLS NUIIUlS Staining Machines drastically recurred Aug complete clearance by Slst MAELLA FABRICS lb ESSA ROM student troni the niyersity ot tliielph is getting chance to ptit his iiieisi1y eduiatioiz to golkltlst Soriie other llairii aie students are being em ployed by the lll iii ihi li perieizce To lrogiaiii liri Workman oi Rose Street student at Georgian iollege the media designer at Springwater lark near lidhiir st Here he is working on the design and layout park publicationsanddisplays lilsitiAts lim Lee is studying tiul lethnology at tetiteiiiaal ollegi in loronto For the summer Mr Lee is working as draitsntan at the lluronia tllsii l1sl1tl llt cook street iti llarrie liatli lauke of Marshall Street in llarrie is conditi ting isiioi Suryey at Springwater lark She designed the suryey illsll ilitileil ll to parks Islltiis and is now busy taliiilating the statistics and analysing them he has lust coiiipleied her second year it applying what she learned lll iiiostatistics to the sin ey analysis llllltt lies on Sivy two tiniyersity tccliiiii al and high school students have been hired throughout the district ill wide yariety oi suititiiei jobs This is it addition to the studett is hired as part ot the district normal summer work program NOW OPEN ALLANDALE VETERINARIAN CLINIC OFFICE Elmvnio Sal Barri Office hours 8430 pan MonFri 79 pan Thurs Phone 3223152 After Hours Weekends CALL 1281422 until it was the right consisteu cy Then he dipped the candy The twirl on the top of the chocholaic was from the twist of finger as you took it out of the choeliolate Mr Ilowdcn said That was 1906 before Ilcrlin became Kitchener and before the name Smiles hucklcs existed Mr Rowden worked for Mr Metcalfe who because of successful candy business made candy section out of his store oit King Street llis recipes were those of man named Lillflttlffillll dont remember just how many chocholates madel1r Rowilcn said Mr Bowdcns twirly cliocliolatc became more popular In fact they became so wellliked that lord llaiiibliii of Kitchener decided to cut in on the action The candy became llainbliirMetcalfeiii1915 Issac McGrath salesman from north Ioronto suggested name for the candy and Smiles lnickles made its debut in 1925 The company name however was not adopted until the early 1940s lot has changed since those days according to Fred May sales administrator for Smiles Chuckles In 1942 Smiles Chuckles obtaian rights to market lurtles in anada The name Iurtle was created iii the US In 1963 Smiles huckles was bought by Laura Secord owned by lialbatts anadian tompany In lSl7tI Laura Secord hoeholates bought DeMets the American fï¬tinthise of the company lodayit is one big company Mr Rowden had dong since moved from Metcalfils by 1913 Ile worked as pay muster as clerk in shirt factor and an undertaker ran poultry farm and was bookeeper for rub her company in Kitchener lIe met his wife Minit Schmidt while he lived in Kit chner married her in tort and the couple moved to Winnipeg Ile worked for the International Ilaivesters to there for 42 years the last 33 as manager The couple later moved to Toronto where he worked for 13 years with his son Ralphs press clipping bureau Ile and his wife moved to Waterloo iii 1969 Mrs Bowilen died in 1970 Mr Ilowden moved to lrovc Park Home last year 6The Barrie Examiner Friday August I976 PEOPLE AND PLACES lilRllllHY Mr and Mrs leo llernard of It Harrie entertained their son on his birthday last Friday He visited from lnuvik NWTI with his wife and daughter llis grandmother and sisters also visited IlrllY Il icky Iléiiliiiit took part in the Iappv Day for lots of the Bar iie larks and Recreations held dnesdayat Stinnidale laik Ells HI ie pairiswick Ilortienlturil stiri will hold garage sale Aug in the one room school it the cluiner of Highway 11 and lig Ray iloini Road IillS may lie lllfittKtl olt between in and iilpon and the sale begins at jii Ill For inlorina lat lion eall Iiviev Tiltlfltll ludi Shields 7289732 or Hille de Iong 4363430 MACRAME Puppetry and macrame are just two of the many crafts children can take part in bet ween Aug and Aug 27 at the Activity Centre Midhurst For information call 7261036 VISIT and Mrs Joseph Pelwick of New York City are visiting Mr and Mrs Andrew Gainsby they took part in Kempenfest activit ics on the weekend WEDDING RltIBY Mr and Mrs Dave Johnson attended the wedding of Mrs Johnsons brother David to Estelle Iieville rillia on Saturdav Mr and Mrs Bernal Johnston were guests at the dance Harrie enjoyed the morning session IIVIIIIIIHI Ihotor titlSSlllII lrUR YEARS Louelle Parsons who died at the age of 91 was moi ie gos sip columnist for It ears Siramt 7261454 or Phone 7286331 llcathcr Lorimer played the clown Wednesday at the hap py day for lots attending the Barrie Parks and Recrea HAPPY DAY FACES lltltis program More than Jttiti tlllltllttl oi the live to ttll luvgtlilltilllltlttlgilllltS re lays skits and retrcsnments at Sunnidale Iark lExam inerlhotot ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE STUDENT LOAN FUND Applications Now Being Accepted The Rotary Club of Barrie has fund available to make loans in limited amounts to students These loans are intended to aSSist individuals to further their training in chosen field at an institution recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Education myr it form below tiyfllllfllï¬llitlll complete and mail the To PO Box 272 Barrie Ontario L4M 4T2 The Rotary Club of Barrie Please send me an application form for the Rotary Club Student Loan Name Address iï¬uiyv