Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1976, p. 3

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AM it Town cracks down on latenight kids Llih lENlClANtHlSlltCNlI lowii police here have begun to onforee to eurfew on ihildren 15 years old and under loliee hief lohn leere said his department is invoking seetoii of The tliild Welfare Art beeaiise juveniles have been seen on the streets as late as It am lts iioi that weve had any more thefts lately tliiet tittlt said here have ae iiiatty been fewer thefts but we have had noise eoinplaiiits ehild toiiiid outside not at ioinpaiiieil by an adult alter to in is warned and sent home in the tirst instaiiee tluet iteere said loiir warnings have been issued in the past week in the seeoiiil oeeiirreiiee the eliitd an be taken home and the parents eharged Itiit liief iteeie said he would lay charges only on offense parent foiiiiil guilty of breaking the statute ean be fined up to $25 on the first eon viitioii and up to $100 on etieli subsequent eoiiviet ion He said town poliee are relax iiig the regulation on weekends beeaiise the last show at the loeal movie theatre ends at about 11pm leiietaiiguislieiie also has an old bylaw whith ealls for eliildieii to be off the streets by to in ttie third liiel tleere said the fire sta tioii bell used to ring to warn tlllltlltlt ot the eurfew under the bylaw ltut he said the by law now is tooold and is not eii folitil It would permit the eliild to be eliarged along with his parents Addition being built to Canadian Wire plant Ar 11 non square foot addition to the aiiadiaii Wire and ltrusli to building on Morrow ltoad slioii il be finished within two months l4 lowd design engineer lttl the plant said the total value ot the building when eom pleteil ill be about $lltttltltl lhv building he said will be used tir storage warehouse spaee iiiil some pioiluetion work laek the spaee in our iiii riitl taeilities liesaiil the building with Lloot high tool was started last iiioiitt li ltowd said adding the iietiiieispait ol tlieeoni plans tor growth in liiiiiess ot1 ilie iiet tew tl lt eoiistriietioii periiiit was oiii it issued by the eity buildingdepartment iiiluly lso miluded was permit aliied at $45001 for new in diistiial building warehouse and seieii permits tor total ot sioonoo tor repairs and altera lions to eoiiiiiieieial buildings in luttttt iesidential permit was is sued tor the ioiistitietioii of one sail lainin detailied building on wilrrest Road The permit tan is ioi $litttltt while the lliitts and lot will probably sell for aboiii Ntttdltttl llie eity also issued eight per nuts to dark Stollar for semi detaehed units on arltoii lyoad south of tliarlebrook tttllt lttl lll The total value ot the building permits for the semi detaehed ututs is sztittooo lso under residential per tiiits were do tor repairs altera tions and additions valued at $tt1lltta The total aliie of all permits issued iii July is $ttttltttii in eluding tour permits aliied tor Motion tor non taable biiil diiiits one permit for saw for niiseellaiiious and one permit tor stoo tor repairs and altera iioiis toaii industrial building In July 19 ill permits were issued lot total aliie of $tlttl to The total for the year to date is about $i million less than lttfasbuildiiigpetiiiits the ray issued ttit permits toi $tLtLItttl eoinpared to tt tor the time period iii lit aliiedat$ltittitto ltetween January and liily in two permits were issued tor ioiisliiiitioti iii houses with pared to 1th houses in thin bet ween laiiiiaiy aiidliil LOCAL AND GE 17ml lltl llltt ITtik lhi Harrie ldlt Department is ab eady working on plans tor aiioeal lttt lrey eiition Week Oct tit tliiet laek lellister says there will be display in llltRtHlltltl lall tHlllS llie ltariie Fire Department has had no major ealls in ilie past two days llie only time triivks lett the department was worn woman reported smoke troni washing iiia Thursday There tittillllt iliiiie tiiotoi y1tltttllt llttttIHJSS llilllt the liattii ltogtiss tltlb hold its monthly meeting lit at to iii at laiide 1m UsSteak lloiise ttll iZ than latito inoilitied fioui ili oei iilll ma iti ittiiliit llli eiki id at the Soiitlieri Ho an tliib annual tiiitk to rlielitSatiirday andsun day lolsoii laik lhe tl is not open to the piibla RH ll Sll ontnigent oi It be idets troiii ltari ie and its It il eoiiipete in regat ta Sept 19 in Toronto against eadets from aeioss the pro inie ltarrie area entrants are preparing this week and next during the Navy Leagues an nual summer day training eampoii lenipeiitelt Ray lltl SICPI ti lelt Metagiie lT of Alliston ill stand trial in Alliston Sept on eharge of dangerous tttt ing leiigue was charged July 39 atiei Jennie toiinell itzt oi lliston was struek and killed by ear while vrossing Vietoria Street iii lllltltll lttltlltt I95 tiiiitgtati tollege is still iit iitttitit ttgtsltaliiitts tot tttl weeks motoreyele training eoiirse to be held troni ti to to iii londay through ldl day iiid St to noon iiet Satui day iig 11 lieenee is re titittiil llltl tiiiilitliilis 1ll be pioy ided tollege motoreyeles nay ilso be used tor an tntario lniistiy oi transportation and toniniuoiiations test be goeii at the end oi the eoiirse liailttts have been trained through the tanada Safety toiiiieil and the itiitario Satety lit lteaiitiliil ltarrie in harms Most lrogressive ty is the seene iii this aerial photograph looking east towards leiiipenfelt Itay In the pietiire are the ltoval BARRIE FROM THE AIR ietoiii Hospital lower left lioiiald Street townhouses eeiitre of controversy in the eity lower eeiitie Queens Park to the right of the hospital Itariie entral ol legiate aiiil the ltarrie Arena in the eeiitre and eiiten iiial lteaeli to the right of the wing strut titlier features in the photography iiielude the taiidian tleiieral ltlleetrii Weekend jail terms shoplifting sentence Illttitlt lltltts Ittt ol tirillia was senteneed to to days in tail in proiiiieial eourt lhiirsday atter pleading guilty to ehargeot shoplifting Itates who is now employed as well driller and has taiiii ly to support will serye the senteiiee interiiiitteiitlv on weekends NERAL littlllllt For more iiiioriiiaiion iaIl tlieeollege at PM 11131 IUVH llllf In honor oi the tooth aniiiyei sary ot the long distanee telephone eall long distanee operator dressed iii period eostiiiiie ill be on hand to the ltell tanada oltiee liltt llaytield St ironi St to it luesday through llltl1 oi iiet week to meet the pubtie and answer questions about long distanee ealls aiiil lilttlidstilttiits Iltlfllllt ISIIS llllthllSlllyVII lremier iliani ltayis is ported to attend the sailpast tll looyaehtsheretoilay The boats are owned by members oi the treat Lakes truising tliib oi tliieago tak ing part in iii eteiided eiiiise as part ot the liiited States bieeiiteiiiiialveiebiation tter staying oiernighi in leiietaiiginslieiie the ileet will sail to Martoii the iiet eriiise stop lhetliibwili isit seieial poits oi southern tieorgiaii ltay STAMPING OFT CRIME ing It was Cowboys and In man eop iNaialie li Queen stamps out crime in the form of despeiado tlOt lv Bowerst while the des tierados lover iMonique Dupuis lies heartbroken nearby The youngsters all age ltt were part of skit at the Barrie Day Camp at the Gables Wednesday eyen dians night and campers mumtuned group of about 230 parents lIxamiiier lho tot Iudge loliii Anjo liad seii teneeit him to lfi days in tail to be severed eoiiseeutively star tiiii lliursday but elianged the Sttlltlltl at the request of lawyer lt iehaid tlegt tliiiik my feelings about in terniitteiit seiiteiiees are know ii said ludge Auto You report llltltl night stay Satiir day and Sunday and leave Mon day morning and the jail eoiints that as four days dont To me its two days and few hours so if the term is in termitteiit usually dotible it ltt keep getting letters from the tail supervisor asking how theyre supposed to re liabiliate someone who shows up drunk Friday night Soiloiit do it Mr ltates Im also puts ting you on probation for six months and part of the terms of the order are that you show up sober at theiail Judge iijo said that normal ly shoplifters get fine but he gave ltates the iail term be eause he had previous eriminal reeoid PROBATION Anthony itttNtlllt of lniiisfil lownsliip was put on probation tor year after Judge Anjo found him guilty of possession ol stolen property tioodiiie 16 had pleaded not guilty to hav ing pssession of portable sump pump belonging laiil liliasotloronto lr lIlias testified that the pump had been left out outside at his eotage in the township last winter He said toodine was doing some construction work on the land and had eatled him about the pump say mg it was frozen in iee He said he told inodine to take the pinup home and thaw it out then bring it down to loronto Home burned owner sought the lnnistil lowiiship liie lteparnient is looking tor the owner ot home that was gut ted to tire lhiirsday night lhere is no estimate oi the damage to the home belonging to Kenneth leppy in leoni lteaeli one was home at the time ot the tire and there were no iiiiuries ihiei ltoii roiie said his depaitiiieii answered the eall to tit and the erews tiizished their work at 13 14 in toda He says the matter tias twenvieisnfed to the tin lielasha sotttie Elias said when he later talked to toodiiie toodine said he hadnt moved the pinup but that it was gone ileiiii Lagaee said he bought the pump from toodiiie in February about month after it disappeared from Illias property He said he paid $150 what he figured was lair priee He didnt believe it was stolen tooiliiie testified that he had thought ltllias didnt want the pinup so he fixttl it up and sold it beeaiise he was short of money When he found out Elias wanted it baek he tried to make up story so he would have elianee to buy baek the pump and return it However onstable Neil Sturgeon of the lnnisfil Police found the pump on Lagaees property in April Judge Anjo said loodines ietions after he diseovered Elias wanted the pump back did not appear to be the actions of someone who really wanted to return the pump He said they were aetions of man with guilty niiiid Stan Wrenshall 28 of Barrie was senteneed to 15 days in jail for driving while prohibited He told Judge Airio he had driven beeause he had to work in Huntsville Plan seminar for elderly lilllllttN twoday se imnar on fitness programs for the elderly will be held at Sun eoe Manor here ug land 17 The seminar titled fitness ilternaiives tor seniors is open to stall and residents oi ageiieies iiiyolyed in the eare ot theaged in the program are diseus sions oi alternatiies to tradi tional eereise methods train mg titl partieipants to enable them to organie programs on their own and intoimation on legal liability and safety eoti siderations inyolyed in siiih programs niong alternative eeriise methods to be diseiissed are water eereises Yoga mo diiied floor hockey and basket ball ior wheelchair patients lted tross Fun iiid Fitness and ai tlii th uan orthinese shadow boiiig an ancient ortr oi slow inotioneereise Registration is limited to too on tirst ioine tirstsened basis building the poIiie and fire building Woolworths store downtown tivie Square lower building and both taiiiieries iii ltarrie llie pie title was taken troiii the plane owned by ion liNatl iliairiiiaii oi the eitys an port advisoiy ioiiiiiiitttt tlfisaiiiiiiei lliiitit Ellie Ifiarrir Exuiiuiirr The Barrie Examiner Friday August l96 ft 55 antique autos at museum next week MlltllttltSl tStatti Fifty five antique earsdaiing baek to mobile steaiii models ol lotto Wlll be on piiblii display iii the Simeoe ouiity Museum area here on lhiirsday afternoon lit tweetil Ito and tin lhe ears will be eoiiiiiig on one of the parade tours of the Antique Automobile liib oi Aiiieriea starting from tirillia ii the way stop IS seliediileil at llawkestoiii for the members to mspeit thetiiitario government agrieulture museum East Sinieoe Mll ioriloii ll Smith drivmg one of twosteaiii ears in the parade will be among the partieipants His son John who is ehairmaii ot the biannual tour eominittee of the antique ear elub will be steering 1910 model ludhope ear whieh was manufaetured in Siineoetounty intirillia Stan lassford of trillia will be driving another ludliope ear owned by Mr Smith 1912 model tlierolder vintageears will inilude five single iyliniler adillaes Model Fords and laekards lhe antique ears ranging up to 19H models will be brought to Simeoe oiinty on Monday from various parts of the Doesnt plan to deed land ANGUS bless the issue is ftlltttl the Nottawasaga Valley toiiservatioii Authority doesnt plan to deed one aere to the man who donated liifiii ioiiser ation area liftui RT of tookstown donated 40 aires to the iii 1969 Mr liffin now believes he was to retain one acre when he sold seven acres to the for $1tooo in 197 The NVt eeeiit ive eoniinit tee agreed editesilay to Take no aetion unless lr Town is in sisteiit Robert Sturgeon chairman said the deeding ot one avre was discussed during the land transfer but nothing on paper Tlllill often isits hi there is He said No the eonseryation area and spends some tune trmiiii trees and maziitaiiirig he ea Annual summer festival at Shanty Bay next week parade iaiioe rare and worship seiwiie ill be among the t2gliligtits iiet weekend is Shanty Ray celebrates its an niial summer test at lso on the program are teen danee bake sale barbeeue square danee band concert and iolttltltttllt pitrat The three day out will get underway at in Aug 13 Friday with parade featur ing the local fire engine lll tage ears floats horses and decorated bieyeles trieyeles and childrens agons The parade will start at Sar ieants Barn and proeeed along it Brier Street Shanty Bay Road and ttros Second Line to the Village Green where there will be ribbon presentations and bonfire and marshmallow tihist The parade will be followed by teen danee at in the thristian Education tentre iiet to St Thomas Anglican hureb Home baking and garden ye getables contributed by illage residents ill be on sale beginn ing at 10 in Aug 14 at Mn ieeil Suttons residence on Shanty Bay Road east of OBrien Street Organizers predict sellout by 1030 regatta and longdistance canoe race restricted to village resiidents will be held at pm and barbecue on the grounds at St Thomas ehureh will begin at 334 Beginning at the Bar rie Central Collegiate band will entertain alternately square daneing led and taught by Mai Marielliis also or be grounds at St Thomas Yen Basil Tonks rector at St Thomas and Rev John Dowker will lead the annual yaehtsmans seryiee at 11 in Aug 15 at the dock Preaehe will be Rev David lilholland of Torontos Mission to Seamen and lTlUSlL will be provided by Living Reality with Singer Bonnie Phannenhour and gin tarist Kim Taylor community INC on the green at in wt be followed by sueh games as wheelbarrow races grass skiing and tug ot war followed by baseball game Up to councils on resort zoning ministry of housing ttlfltllll said Iliuisday that how to deal with the question of eottage or resort zoning in Siiiieoe tiiiiiity is the pierogative ol the varioiis eouiieils and that the iiiitustry will not involve itsell iii eiitoreeiiieiit of the Ioiiiiig bylaws Abe Syiil area planner for Siiiiiiii toiiiity said To itttltti that Ioiiitig is en lttlttlilt but only the tttlllltll t1tltltItlittllftiltlllflh He knew of two oi tliiee ioiiiiiils who have taken eii loieeiiieiil Itllttll on iesoit Ion Ittl one of them Miiskoka viiiiii yeais tiito though he iiiiieiiilieis them is isolated iases iatliei than all out etloit topiiiity llieoiiiiip li Syed said that type ol oiiiiii has panned tliioiiili all liillllnlt iiiiiiiieipat and ttiilaiio lltttltllml ltoaitl ttlltt it ippiioalu it Mlltttlltl lie lt Iittlltlit iitli ll the minute satu people ltttllltlltl ltt ltlil tlieie on year round basis so be it he said Stiiiie township ioiliieils iii Siiiieoe oimty eonsider eot ttige Ioiiing iiiieiiforeeable and subdivisions are being tip proved in eottage Ioiies with siiyiiiiig requirements suit able for vear round residenie toiitiziveiitioiis of the Inn iiii bylaw means that tttltill ran be taken It up to the iii diy idiial tttllllt it said the area plaiiiiei Mi Syeil added that to MS knowledge no tttlllitll has up pioaetied ilie iiiiiiistiy asking loi iiililiiiitioii of resort liitlllli llowivei tiro lowiislilp toiiiiril he been paitiiultirly oial iii ll iiitiiistii of that iypeot loiiiiii tltml think theres siiih Mime aiiyiiiiiie as risort iiuiiliiilial not in Uro liitisliip tiitlti Alltltl ItlttJll had stated at tlils ttl ttiltlltll iiieiliiit Will be at unveiling iay Essa councillors ll lint llit lltlttl Ht llma township ttitllltll llltv will attend plaqiii iiii ttllllt on aiiidan lllvltiitl ol piililie iiiiitiiiit ttiltttlllllll the Aingiisareiia llie piililii iiimtiiiii at the iieiia nllt Hi beiliiled loi to iii and the plaque tiiiyeilitit top in ltttdtlll to illl iiiyitalioii ttllltlt ulltl lliiiiialai initht It would not attend the illlilit itieetiiitt littlll4 ol the pie iioiiengagement ilii tllittflltJlt ril ttitll iiiiiiiily gioiip Ltltltll hopes to iie llllltl to litllltl the atria liad iiiyiledioiiiii it It Itlttt li Xaba and olliei lllltltl iiiriiiliei of the Iltlil hoard tit been titlttltll iii laxwant bx lisui ttllilitll loi rlllfidtllk ltlllttiltll ttltt liitttioii oi the At dllitth dltlttillJllltlt niipieiiie tiiiit iiiiiiiilioii halted ttli itiiit tltlli iii liiiiiii lat ttt SNHIII INN lg Wm s1in Ila llltlt iio rennin iliv it iaiil tttllllt igtieed tiltltitl toa lend the llllt til plaipii tit Attttllt titl ti tlllllllltil leMI Aid onler xtliiiliaillttiall liiraiiot tt Vtml ht lliiie iih be itoi littil it hwy 11 plat tat vlttttttft ltit iii tai away lloinli and at lttlil ttv tore the vlllvllu iloiiiiiliti ltt iltltilttl ol tlii 81 Illly whim Wimp hm He not lie itlitioit theaieiia ltt it IIll llilll itll ltt tai tni Wlllmiillmll Wimpywimmv iii ital itt litiltl lriiiii tti Illli Hath the tilt HHmlmw My PM ltittiiilt lllfitt pal loird NIIHNII VHIIHH Mm vtimt it the th ititl tlw iiiit itit itittiit 114 Main and it ltlltlltt vlltltlit 1th HM mm In iv it tttlltit ilit Iltlt Iill lit hit at IMphv It INT alibi UH yiHwHUhllp lvtlllltlll ttll lie 14 qu mi tittttl tr it ti wiia iii Aii lltt lllJt ill liii ltil ittiniii lltltlyltiltl talttttilt rii Hit llitllllltttllil tiliilttlill tlttlltttlitll til tiitwi HP WHY Amy It ljt Ufa Ralph yiiiitli ol tiiiliia iia in Him mum JINPHIIW iiiow diiyiiii too alliitiv They told you tilltt and told tl tiltitl talu one at iata ti not wharf you again dont Mn it tittit and not papii trap ieiwiti Hillti dot king fvtltllllllttlllltttk Likii it tiltLitgHt it aripiai it ih lanyironinen iiiada tilll app pat Wm Hx pi iv ii Na om tt iaii Ill Hi My Fl HH VLHHH oiii vt aifo iid tr lfHWHm Lm huh HIIiltlI Him to iltltlillitltrilvlrl toyiiiitiiiiit Iltit 1l mint tuilttitlt ppHUHth it it IY up UH ly llltlli i4 it usts not to yaii pat ti HL Hm Wmuh VI WM ltftlst blotls the what oi tip tli Miri toi niiii it ma Mum hotit flH Llilzl 4H My 1H wh HHHIIH ylltt tho it itidtl feitw ti swimming sin tytnit ti yptiiti to in lieei till Eriil iiilat wt ta hi rims at kzaiii tart tr ilikllltitiilnitifoiHat Min ti ltirposeoi tho new wgr git ptti in ti siit in phi li $lltiitl ltl llilttlt35i tuiti ioiioit 14 No it tiirii vt WindyH taiiada siniit itats aitw ti ti brand oi st ei and in to tirade it mtm ittts widow1 hs tt it lii tI mi ia sart it the the dink as s=ttt is adors whatt iiui io7 ll it ti iititit llltt Ll it llaKir ntll li lei will sjivifi In it 57 New Mann mi tit i1trllf toi boaV ivii ri art on swiiiiiiais it Mu THE flltll il iilatwiis to tfet llt1irs titiytttlltitl ltoils is siitiet have reeeiyed new emphasis Winn bruit 90 tinti Io paving 51 No twinning Baignode

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