Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1976, p. 16

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lltttllt lilt ltltlll llitl liin ittitts tltti lli tiitiiibern ol iill ltli Itt tllllt ltil iiiit int ltitillli sinnirv itxioi me When squat lillltlll ui iiitzuii at the centre ittit plavit was iised litilii itt piano and illl onisic has been sup Illitwl inttubers atid iii Ililt ttttniillli toilcli has been added with caller Ed na Smith above tickles the ivories for some lively tunes while Jim McGuinness be low calls the moves for the dancers Examiner lholoi NEWS ROUNDUP Soweto rioters urge workers to stay at home JOHANNESBURG Reuter Stonethrowing blacks roamed Soweto township today erecting roadblocks in an effort to enforce stayathome by black workers police said Wrecked cars were pulled across several roads Groups of youths gathered at bus depots and railway stations in the township urging people not to go to work Police reported sporadic in cidents of stoning It was the third day of unrest and violence in Soweto Johan nesburgs socalled shadow city of million blacks Unofficial reports put the death toll from potice bullets at five with 26 wounded But po lice have announced only two deaths and 18 injured after fir ing on more than 20000 blacks attempting to march on Johan nesburg on Wednesday Thousands of blacks mainly students have tnade repeated attempts to break throuin the police barrier rin ing Soweto atid march to Jo annesburg eight miles away Wintario BRIGHTON nt CI Five tickets each worth $100 000 were drawti in the Wintario lottery draw Thursday The winning ticket numbers for the grand prizes of $00000 each were 46012 iii series 63 42830 iti series 58 79011 in series 63 78505 in series 29 and 21719 iii series 30 Snowmobiles WINNIPEG Yli An in crease iti registration fees for snowmobiles in Manitoba was announced Thursday by High ways Minister Peter Burtniik Some northern snowmobiles previously exempt now must be registered For threevyear licence starting Oct 1976 the Maui toba fee for the first year will be $30 double the previous level Registering machine in the second year of the period will cost $20 and iii the third year $10 The fee for transfer of plates Optimistic worst may be over in US mystery killer disease llllilll Qllliltlllltthti wpiiinisl today that tle unis oer iii the eploie ittlllittil ot iltiiiiilllltlilts disease The source remains iiixsleit lw tiitrt illt luvt llt tic ises itiliys 51lllllltlliii otnei tlllllt1 iiuses liic beet it nii iilc out as tiicdica test1 ttitt rot tinned round bet ock to identity tlic illness that mun has kiliiw pet stills Two persons he eiileil syiiiplotiis ot the disease teei rims eul iiztzt ioligcslioii soul liw esfct it died that slid lc sx 1i liiit state litxtt erg 30 not ct itsc tlictlisctist 11 cases boomer tit tut can ioiiiictinvt If saris ENVISDN Sim tl LIXF mn SN UMF bu 38 728 97 iiii tic tlit iit ttit ltltl icon ciioii cotociiiioii 111 Philadelphia two weeksago lltoistoideiiti1 the source oi liiwlisaascnow tuciisesonau llllltitllliiltti irus still being within ill the laboratories and iriit oii that may haw lll teciti the ictitiis while in lliiiiilpiiii lll Illlt III eu iiitoiiiiatioii on possible iial source was ex pctted her new tests are com pleted today at state health titldllllitlli laboratories 111 llitaiieipliia iiid tl the ietiiie lot lisetisc totittol tlit it ilaizta lti1w tiset medical lti ttl likile 71 and scores Lt tldst tt xi1ieu stayed ilttixllltl tllix iltl ti 2D mmmsrm mm 7289711 Mm ausoams WINATH FLEXIBLE MT PRESS SILK SCREEN VANDAL PROOF Signs sources tood and even carpets and wallpaper looking for lOlll poisonous substance that may have caused the out break No new cases of the disease time been reported since Tues day state Health Secretary Leonard Bachmaii reported lhursday He said that some of the 118 peisons taken to hospi tal in the outbreak have been alloo ed to return home There as still no evidence of contagious spread of the dis case he added and evidence points to slacking off MAY BE in ER We believe the reporting stem is good and we are optiv iiiistic said Bachman The legionnaires opened their convention in Philadelphia July 21 and adjourned July 24 The following Monday more than score of people who attended or had some contact with the con vention were One man who exhibited the disease symptoms died luesv day July 27 Three days later last Friday four deaths were recorded There was one death last Saturday Then came the peak 81X deaths last Sunday and nine the highest number for single day oti Monday More than too people were in hospital by that time New cases were being confirmed but all traced back to the convention WHERE ELSE IN BARRIE CAN YOU EIND GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE AT 50 snow itmii COME IN AND WATCH CANDLES BEING MADE FLORIDA TREES POTTERY RlGLES OFFICE EQUIPMENT MOTOR BIKES SNOWMOBILES GIFT WARE POTTERY CERAMICS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ALL AT 50 BELOW RETAIL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS EllRON SAlES OLD TOWN MARINE BUILDING 60 foirvev Rood Just $outlt of Holiday Inn Beside 400 Nighvroy Phone 1234373 oCIocIt Till Every Day is increased to $4 from $250 Manitoba snowmobile owners living north of the 56th parallel now must register their ma chines if they live within 10 miles of the provincial road system Mr Burtniak said Lynn Lake Leaf Rapids Thompson Gillam and other northern com tnunities asked for the registration requirement because they were finding it difficult to cotilrol snowmobiles Big swim LONDON AFPi The Eng lish Channel separating Britain from France seemed to shrink little Thursday when wave of recordbreaking swimmers powered their way across the worlds busiest shipping latte US studetit Tina Bischolf 13 crossed frotii Dover to the French coast iti nine hours three minutes smashing the record of nine hours 35 minutes set by Barry Watson of Britain in 1964 Also Thursday teatn of six Egyptians three tnen atid three women beat the Thatinel relay record by 46 tninittes They took eight hours six tninutes On top team of six British studetits established the first recorded breastroke relay swim iii time of 13 hours 20 minutes And Australian Des Henford 49 beat his own record for the highest number of cliantiel crossings by tnakitig his loth channel swim Saves girl ST JACOBS Ont Ii John lawel of Kitchener btakeman on Nlt train saved the life of twiryear old girl by crawling to the frotit of the moving train attd pushing her off the track The girl Brenda lrosz suf fered cuts attd was iii satislac tory condition iti hospital Thursday Mr anel who was not my jured saw three girls playing on the tracks Wednesday As the engineer slowed the traiii and blew its whistle Mr lawcl We ate have dliiiuliilk we Peiietdngiiistiene is lhfll are at it lie classes wit fiegi Josept ptlltildlddtfilt ir vlt aw ii 11 7px witde doty 531m iir egsw Miss stem 51 EMT titnee time gar documents tertEs GI bolt GLFISLISOISI GLFRSLISI MS SitLt 3mm lg the tail ih ileum Wv Nt UNIVERSITY PENETANGUISHENE 97677 Glendon College of York University iv gt 1h ween is Now to Apply Register COURSES COURS GLFRSL 150151 Coon do from premier oi dontinc dogru crawled to the front of the eti gine atid pushed Brenda out of the way Her two playmates aged and 11 had moved off the track as the train ap proached but Brenda lid not Constable laul Grosz of War terloo regional police was called to the scene unaware that his daughter was involved St Jacobs is about 15 miles northwest of Kitchener EUGENE WIIIIIIAN quotas eased Milk issue OTTAWA li The federal agriculture department an nounced lhursday an casing of monthly quotas on industrial titilk pltXllltthll and reduc tioii iii penalties levied on far mcts who overproducc Agriculture Minister Eugene Wlielaii said iii news release that provinces with montth quotas will be allowed to sits pend or tnodify the allocations as lotig as cumulative monthly prixluclioii falls within targets set by the anadian Dairy Tom mission Mr Whelan said production of industrial milk used to make skim milk powder cheese butr ter and yogiirl now seems to be falling into liiic with targets set earlier this vear Anniversary lllltOSlllMA tAlI Bells tolled thousands of pigeons were released and more than 40000 persons prayed for peace iti tliis western Japanese city Friday to mark the Ztlst aniii versary ol the worlds first atomic bomb attack The ccre motiy was held iti Icace Park memorial built on the land over which the bomb exploded Aug it i043 Nearly 300000 per sons were killed in the blast and liStliltltltltlll Bell date BltANllOltl WI The 100th miiiversary of the worlds first longdistance telephone call will be ctitiiiiicmoratcd at ceremony Aug 10 at the home stead of inventor Alexander irahatii Hell The ceremony will be seen at the homestead on closed circuit televtsioii via lclesat aiiada satellites and will enable guests who It the proceed tugs llt to see it again on tclcr vision moment later The original long distance call was made here on Aug 10 1870 by Bell to his father Melville in Parts Ont li 111 distance of about five miles Pedestals containing replicas of the original transmitter and receiver will be installed at both sites of the call Those taking part in the cere niotiy include James Thack ray president of Bell Canada II Gilbert Ontario deputy minister of transportation and communications and Mayor harles Bowen of Brantford and Mayor Bawcutt of Paris Risks life BELFAST tHeuteri The wife of Fred Daly former Brit ish Open golf champion risked her life Thursday to carry bomb to safety after it had been planted at Belfasts Balmoral toll lub Mrs Italy was in the pro shop owned by her soti when three men walked in atid demanded money She refused atid the inert left botnb iti the back of the shop which is attached to the tnain clubhouse After they left Mrs Daly car ried the bomb to hedge away from the buildings where it exr ploded 11 minutes later Her husband Won the British Open in 1947 On security WELLINGION Iteuteri About half the Soviet diplomatic staff iti New Zealand are intelligence of ficers said report presented to Parliament today The report by Thief Ombudsman Sir illy Iowlcs rcproductxl part of an assessment by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Royal angler REYKJAVIK tAI Prince Charles has caught 22 salmon iii the first three angling days of fishing vacation on the Hofsa River iii eastern Icelatid sour ces close to his party said Thur sday The fish weighed between four and nine pounds each and local fishermen considered them good catch The heir to the British throne is ac companicd by few friends and local guides Girls poisoned REDSIEDI West ter many Iltciitcri Police said CHOICE OF WM Thursday they are searching for person who put weedkiller on piece of candy and in lemonade killing two girls and leaving third seriously ill Sixyearotd Sike Kuenhast daughter of schoolteacher was in coma after drinking from cartoti of lemonade she found Tuesday on park bench in the village of Brekliim near the Danish border second carton was found on aii ad joining bench Police said both had been miXed with the power fitl weedkiller 30 strike ISLE OF ASINARA ltalv AM About 30 Mafia sus pects were holed up Thursday inside their detention barracks on this prison island protesting stark living conditions and iso Iation from their families The suspects sent here in an at tempt by the courts to break up the criminal organization vowed to remain on strike until magistrate hears their com plaints Man shot BONN Reuteri East Ger man border guards shot dead an Italian citizen near the East West German border Thursday Nvly No II South at Orillic ii dultriol Pork 3154424 Im pan McCauley lractor Equipment Sales Form Industrial Sales Parts and Ser vice Proprietor Ron MrCouley Open cam530 pan Mon to Fri Sat the East German news agency ADN monitored here repor ted In Rome the Italian foreign ministry said it sent protest note to the East yer man government ADN said Benito orghi 49 was shot af ter he tried to evade border con trols near crossing pomt at Hirschberg in Bavaria Poet dies MOSCOW Reuteri Soviet poet Mikhail lukonin has died less than three months after he was elected first secretary of the Moscow branch of the So viet Writers Union Tass news agency reported Thursday The agency said liikonin 57 led after short illness lukonin strongly orthodox figure in So viet literature specialized in long poems on the theme of post war reconst ruct ion Found dead ST AlllAlthEs 1Pi Police said Thursday St alharines couple died iti murder suicide incident Police said they found the bodies of Patrick Michael Leydcn 31 and his 52year old wife Flora Matilda iii the living rootn of the familys home after break ing down the door Wednesday night the In New Home at Your Old Address SIMCOE SPRAYTEX RR MINESING For every Electrohome Color TV Purchased You Get Free Florida Vacation For two and it isnt Contest COLOR Color 7263496 PORTABLES FROM $399 Or use our own house account Consoles from sI549 Days Nights in Miami Ft louderdole or Ft Myers OR days Nights Plus Night at Disney World Meals Transportation Not Included FREE PARKING 29 COLLIER ST iLOWER LEVEL ELECTROHOME 7284297

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