AUCTION SALES EVENING AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY AUG it at 530 pm for the executors of the Estate at the Late Ran dolph Sandy Harris with in clusions In the Village at Coakstown block south from traffic lights on Hwy 27 to Hamilton St and east to sale Sale at home furnishings op pliances antique old furniture and articles Including round oak single pedestal table bow back chairs Motfat annex wood stove with unknown treasures from the storeroom McCormick Deering Farmail cub tractor with hydraulic system cultivator and plow attachment rotary lawnmower rota tiller garden tools and miscellaneous articles Terms Cash Cheques withlD ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL Jy30Au6 BILL BARR AUCTION SERVICE Antiques Iorms Industrial household estates mortgages consignments and appraisals HONESTY INTEGRITY AND COURTESY OUR MOTTO Successor to Jerry Coughlin CALL 7280744 FTF FARM AUCTION SALE Saturday Aug 14 I976 at it am for FRANK CLEGG RR Bradford miles north of Bradford on Hwy Watch Ior Road Signs Sale at Farm Machinery Farrowlng Crates Feeders Fence Rails Posts Railway Ties Mis Form Items Sale Includes MF 65 Diesel Trac tor with Industrial Loader hydraulic bucket Complete Line of MP Tillage Equipment to suit Tractor MF NO 32 Fully Moun ted Mower MF Na 37 Side Delivery Rake 20 Ton Chain Block Tackles TERMS Cash cheques with ID ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No8 7054584589 Jy30Au6 ALLENHonNEn Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY °Farm Household Antiques Appraisols RR NO BRADFORD ONT Phone 67753659 Or 7054584589 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC MEETING Vespra Twp The Vespra Planning Board at their regular meeting Aug i976 in the Vespra Council Chambers on Findlay Rd will between the hour of pm pm present and consider recommending proposed mendment to the Vespra licial plan The amendment would change the designation of undeveloped lands In the at lot i3 Con from en vironment protection to estate residential and secondly to change the existing hamlet development from environment protection to hamlet residen tial Earl Richardson Sec Vespra Planning Board iY30Au6 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday rim imam ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500l Verse per count line extra cents per line Coming Events $322 per column Inch ENGAGEMENT COMING EVENTS RODGERS THORNLEY er and Mrs Ross Rodgers oi Shanty Bay are happy to announce the engagement oi their daughter Beccy to Dr Glenn Thornley son at Mr and Mrs Thornley oi Leesburg Florida formerly oi Barrie The wedding to take place at St Thomas Anglican Church on Satur dayrAugust 28th 1976 at pm MAW LOFTUS Mrs Frederick Maw oi Mineslng announces the forthcoming marriage at her daughter Leona Jane to David Lottus son at Mr and Mrs Ter rance Loilus oi Phelpston The wedding will take place Saturday September at pm at St Patrick Church Phelpston LINDSAY BRISTOW The engage tent is announced at Elizabeth Carolyn Lindsay daughter oi Mrs Joan Ashton to Mr Alan Thomas Bristow son oi Mr and Mrs Harold Bristow all at Barrie The marriage to take place September 1976 at oclock in St Georges Anglican Church MASON CONACHER Mr and Mrs Dubois oi Connectirut wish to an nounce the engagement at their daughter Penny Pamela to Mr Donald Conacher son at Mrs Conacher oi Bluowater Beach The marriage date to beannouncedlater STEPHENSON HAZLETT Mr and Mrs Nori Stephenson ol Toilendai are pleased to announce the engagement at their youngest daughter Donna to David Linton Hazlett son of Mr and Mrs Gerach Hazlett oi Barrie Thr wedding will take place at Collier St United Church on Saturday Sept t8th at530pm jiimis ROBERTSONIvy AttheColtingwood General and Marine Hospital on Thursday August I976 ivy Robertson beloved wile oi the late Elmer Robert son Loving mother at Marion Mrs Pullbrook oi Barrie Shirley Mrs Foster oi Angus William oi Barrie and Ronald at Newmarket Predeceased by Frederick Dear grandmother at is grandchildren and eight great grandchildren Dear sister of Ellen Mrs Robertson George and Harry all at Barrie Predeceased by Albert Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 157 Bradtord 51 Barrie Visitation irom Thursday at Service in the chapel on Saturday August at Inter ment Barrie Union Cemetery TiNDALE James Arthur At the Royal Vittoria Hospital on Friday August W76 Jim Tindate Beloved husband at Marjorie oi Barrie Dear iather ol Jennitei Mrs Chisholm oi CFB Borden Carol Mrs Stringer oi Angus and William oi Barrio Dear grandtather oi tour grandchildren Dear brother at Flora Mrs Hunter Mildred Mrs Antonia Wes Peter and Charlie all of Orlliia Resting at the Jennott Funeral Horne I52 Bradiord Street Barrie Visutation lrom Saturday at Strvlcr in the chapel on Mon day August at It interment Bar rie Union Cemetery MILLS Helen Emily At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday August I976 HIten Emily Donnelly beloved wile ol thr late Reginald Mills in hrr 7Ist year Dear mother at Tod Carol Mrs Statham John and Betty Mrs lack Smith allot Barrie Grandmother ot six grandchildren Sister ol Cavolte Mrs Thoriik and Jark Donneity both oi Toronto Resting at the Steiklry Funeral Home 30 Worsiry St Barrie after Satur day Time oi iunrral servrus to be an nounced later WHITE Albert At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrio on Thursday August two Albert White Beloved husband oi Esther Eileen Collins Beloved lather oi Mavis and Susan Sur vived by his sister Viol Toronto and his brother Bob in anland Sadly missed by Jim and Aland his tour grandchildren Chris Simon lamie and Pamela We all loved him deeply Resting at the Sterkley Funeral Home 30 Worsiey Street Barrie Visitation from pm Saturday Service in the chapel on Mon day August at Followed by crlmation ii dosirrd flowers at dona tions to Canadian am or Sm iety would be appreciated ARNOLD tit tdsoct faintly and Orandt tnidron Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF 55 MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 HORSE SHOW SUNDAY AUGUST Windy Haugh Farm Shanty Bay Exhibitors and Spectators welcome For details phone 7260192 Jy3l Au36 Auwous LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus EVERY SUNDAY I2 TO PM BOOTH RENTAL Call 4246986 or 4241862 alter6 pm cussrlrsn ADVERTISING OIFlECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices Iar these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ex ceptlon oi Classified Display adA vertlsements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Addinowl words cts per word CARD OF THA lt 25 words $500 Ad ditional words ts per word MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $50 With verse per count line 2t cents per line FTF COMING EVENTS 3322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM ClASSIFtED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply It paid within days One or two Insertions 9c per word in sertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word Insertion total 3612 Six consecutive Insertions per word per In llertion total SII52 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation lwhen satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than words count as 24 words Each initial ob brevlatlon set of numbers etc count as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Tharlore the Classllled Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im mediater alter lirst Insertion In order that my error or omission may be reported belore arn in order that some may be rectified tor the following day publication The Barrie Examiner Is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any ad vertlsemenl and then only to the extent of portion at ad that Involves the misprlnl Errors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible Iar corrections by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classIIy revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 726 24 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box damage uumbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or alledged to arise through either failure or delay AUG urns or nuns MATTHEWS JOHN WILLIAM We would like to thank trends neighbours lodges and senior itilens who so kindly sent at ds and helping words at the time ol the loss ot dual husband lather and or andtattwr Spm ial thanks to the ladies at Tort hill who helped With the lurutt served at my home Gittin Home tor kind servu vs Mr comluttinu words and Robert Marshall who sang two songs iavoiites oi IIN Mrs Christena Matthews Fumi at ermine Gill tut his in Iorwarding such replies however otherwise THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF um mirth BOYS and GIRLS Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER NOW HAS ROUTE OPENINGS IN BARRIE AND ALL COTTAGE AREAS IN THE LAKE SIMCOE AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 15 Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 Address Barries first director of PHTO SH The Bobby Unser of the soapbox set This photo was taken between 1947 and 1950 and was donated to the city by Kenneth Robinson recreation Sarah was liberated lhe youngster was participating in Kills Knrr nivztl Mr Robinson is now lirvrtoruf recrod lion for Ietorlmrouglt before women lib IIAIIIAXt7I Sltkusnl expecting the interview that lay In fact silo hurl thought it was scheduled fur the following week But that didnt matter be 111150 one of Sarah Jacksons prime drives is to commit IIIiII am trying to Iitltll litiplt with IIIHI experiences to break lIthlI barriers and relate true experiences through sculptures unil ilruw lngs In her downtown Ilnlifnx home which Sllt shares with her husband Anthony Illil their two teenage IIIIlIIlII slw lilltS lwr experiences as an art ist or large brown II are alive and expressive and her hands constantly muvlnpl Although she doesnt say it she appears to consider herself IIIHIitIttI wumzin and become that way long before the womens lit movenwnl was ever considered graduate of Wayne Stutt University in Iltuit where she received at bachelor mtl masters Itgltl III Immunities SIIL travelled to Mexico without it job or any friends or anything Times were tough but she was determined Ilor masters thesis discussed the relationship of primitive and contennxuary sculpture in color and texture and Mexico was an ideal locale to further her knowledge in primitive ul INSIIRIISIIICR He know me before kltl me she recalls lie made Illt fool eternal He had quality that went beyond III or death joy of llllti lie opened up mmvthinglomo lie encouraged lur to pursue her career in art to understand life and mankind Rutho even tually arranged for her first major exhibition in 1949 So at Salon dos Realitees Nouvellv at Musti Mixlvrnu in Paris Prior to her arrival tinre sln stopped III London where she met young student of urcln lecture Anthony Jackson who now is professor at the school of arcintttturi of Nova Swim Technical Collegi They were married few years after they met and ISlItd IItKIIt on several casmns It was likcgumg back toth fountain Tltt Jacksuns remained in England for number of years Sarah Jackson had lIIIIt time for art during those early years of marriage living III one room and working lttl her husband finished school remember the lt of peel mg oranges and shelling pen nuts It was very frustratingl not having anything to In with my hands But soon they moer to larger apartment II had tu rooms and she was back in bustness 1th her husbands lull support We always rented when LIIIIItI haw Then was niwt about my practising an ill ISI In 1956 the Inrksuns IIII to Canada living for short stints In Montreal llttnwu and To rnntn Drug suspects in tax check WSIIINGTU AP the Internal Revenue Service IRS is examining the income tax returns of 2m suspected drug traffickers III new govern ment crackdown on the upper echelons of the illegal IIHILrlIRS trade IRS rummissmner lion aid Alexander said Thursday The Drug Enforcement Ad ministration has been unable to make narcotics case against any of the individuals but has classified them as Class nar cotics violators spokesman for the LILLIM slinl tlaxx violators are the organizers the financiers the guys who never touch the drug plums llltIIl All llillit My illttl was SIilIlIlHlIIIItJ lIStII in Iurinltu llnrl Sllt IIIlI mntlnr sour of motivation Iusupli II Ilirsbborn Ilil mullimillimuurv ut ullwtor He thought my drawings il very important zmtl encouraged her to pursui tlmt thiIIlt although she hull burn lruwlngslntvtlwinrly Itlziils lIl bought bronze mrl srv oral drawings which now illi in the Ilirsbltnrn Museum in Iushinutun llliRlllIlllll IISllttl courugll her to cast her own sculptures Some of her sculptures liltl lrnwings are exhibited at the Nut innnl Gallery of zlnudu Iln Montrml Museum of Iin Arts the Art linllory of tlnturlo and various other galleries lnll Itllltllltlltiil IIISIIIIIILH For it short Illiit she taught sculpture at college in Mexico ily but found the touching it lnusplnrt unsatisfactory hung around Mexico ily taught English privatva to Mexicans In her two ruuttl apartment with Sptitt to pursue lltl nrl slu begun rvntlntl suspended sculptures was very intense sin Illelll said vtvillly rtmtmlwring MlXlttt was difficult place tor young woman alone illltll Sltl Iltlilill it was loud ilill for mu With that in minrl Sltt left lurj bigger and better opportunities While in Mexico SIII lliltl mall Diego Rivera who was ob viullsly impressle by her work lie gave litl IIIIII of in lrixlucllun to be passed on thy licnssu winn sbl rumIth htri IILXIIlltltttllltSltltiiti Paris got IIIIS ItIIII null treated it likiuolll Although it didnt llntl lwr to1 Picasso SIIi met llenri Iivrrvi Ittltltt who today is Ittlllttl as one of llti major sources of on rournglnwnt went over to sun this man1 nnrl it was fantastic silosin lli ball on upnrtnnnt ml Inris illlil it was Illlltl withl irt Hllt NtltlltS for piltktll novel The pages are yellow It is obvioust tlltl illlll tlppiilIS to have been read frequentlyI lroullly she turns to the tlptll mypngiofJullsunilJnn Writllnon it is Iour Sarah ct Iony Imksun tilln tnnlculmnvnt Siunml II Rurlu Brainwashing solution is to deprogram them Ry RUN VICIlZlIl llu nnnllinn Iriss Iutrum IltilISI lnil Lynette lSquvnkyl Frutmnt mtng not be in jail ItKIl if lttl lntrnk alias Rimk IllIIIIIIIIL1 burl rmtlnil tinm in llIIIi In Ins bunk Let our lnlllrin in Patrick explains how tinsc two Hlllltll unit thousnn ls of ollttt young piopli lulvl litill liruinwusllml by religious cults The only solution he writes is to leprugrnnd tlum Iln BtiSpIIgt text is over flowing IIII Patricks tllllll IIt llIItt was it lllillllllllll relations £llItl to former nllturnm governor Runnlil Reagan Intrnk clnnns to have Iipr oprumimll more than Loot pll sons lit the last four yours He considers the hlltlrvn ul ind Hare Krishna the turn Mulmrnln II and Sung Myung Moon his personal iil tlhitllts llnuuglmut IIII nlumu are stories of polo wanton young people trapped 1n the clutches utonv new messiah urnnotlwr llwv buyi iwin Conditional Ill Intrlck tu Iltltt Amer itd llltll parents material pus susslons liltl almost anything not connectle llll lllttl guru captors IIJLII ll Illt II Chapters brings new story of how Put rnk bugged by distraught pur outs snatches iult mum bur iillll splllth up to 11 ensue lays tinikmg the rlltuwusmmi IIIIIISIllRIlIll tilt uikl him ltilgl Ill lt llzlllt the iiiprnuraninnr mums the cult member min count how Illt lili ltillltl haw IlliNtillllllcd the books nnulmnus lie IIlh up pictures of the lrmlur trout oi the sub Hustlers unbeatable Peter Reina Hustlers roman unbeatable in the Barrie lp tmnsts Minor Soccer league Hustlers mm tin1r lltb EJIllt thgs uk 1th mm mung It itrhillktll In other play liltitr llmr Fashions bowed to Lmgroup Ill with Keith yr hitting for all five goals as Lipskies Lighth mgSaintstoppedNtnus 5+ 5TDli Ils lilorRemi II it It Iw lKtl 11 ingrouy limits It Kinds tl itlltl OIltlI sunply plays waiting game This is the mys tlriuus molbml by which youth are returned to the living from tlwir zombie likivxlstvntl With tiltll new talent lillIlLZili iilttl luuvnilu the master of Illt art of llipruurnmmini exposes tlw ivil doings oi the cult iizul and tho elicits of their toutlungs However It llur hilllrln Go IS nut bunk HIIIllI to Show the tttilhtS of such it nitsprvzitt cult following its tlwrv is today Nil wltlrt luvs Intrttk lx plum by llllblliiVihlltll1le appeal It an attempt to blame only the cult lentilrs null IIItII growl for power and wealth as HR lctmnzors of IIlIlIIIt and upper IIIIiItIIt class youth The Ikmk luvs not come to grips With what tlttlll Ilh Illusmnuil lllll itpressed youth willing to be Itll by new mos stub It IS book about it man who seems as obsessed III his own tIIlNltIt as are tinx cults wrtlt theirs It in lunatic attempt to combat single imntlurlly so Iiil niwrrutlun like the cults that illuminates the rltmg It is an tVtlaIIIlpllIItd nr count of IIIIISIII inch used as metaphor to discuss Iuir IILRS own lttpllilllttl obsis stun lrt liur hildrtn to Tell Iuttitk with lum Ilulattk $930 pages IIrk Irwin $12000 given MM RA III llnt Il ttty residents will lunati more thnn Stilton to the Itltitl relief fund for ntlms of last Mays earthquake III north eastern Italy Viik Hdtlllttltl Itlltl fund ihnlrmnn said Ihursilay Ili Milll the mono from the fund raising mm pulgn which ended Wed nesduy wtll be sent to Toronto for dlstrlbuitun along with $5300 raised by resulttits tn the Niagara region Charged NIAGARA FALLS int srxycarold girl says she was tortured with burning cigarette in playground area The unidentified girl was treated Wednesday by the tam3 ily doctor for seven burns toj various parts of the body inj eluding the left cheek right ear and lower stomach Police charged Neil Fraser 20 of Niagara Falls with assaultl causing bodily harm Ihgggjrlefhxgmyiflflfriday Au ust 197615 When business was bad he said He couldnt afford to advertise When business was good he said He didnt need to advertise For the life of us we cant remember his name Elite Eadie Examiner READ BY OVER 38000 SIMCOE COUNTY RESIDENTS DAYS WEEK