Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1976, p. 11

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IIV¥ 0iII OUR BOARDING HOUSE WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD Astro Answer to Prevnus Polite TELEVISION GUIDE The Body 740qule METHOD OF ALWAYEI 75 News cresnrcaams COUNT CALLE 109 93 88 er IOU ACROSS III IIIIIII xs sWW gts Aggy IHAT It WE rmWFEffICNAL ON you Fons II at noodtusi seri Bernce Bode 030 VF A5ANT CRIIlINCLCLilflfr MCNTHji CF Nunr lIIIIIiItIi Iflafllttllllfltv For SaturdayI Aug 7I 1915 LJ VlE HKE LEARN PI IEIL BRAuulN ms last club on of pm mm IIIIII III RI MRE Mt THAT PEOFLt LL NOW THAT spades ruffed eluh played oIIiIIIIomII than AMIIJON 12 153303005 encees yguarrcgmapmrg or UNTIL LOWER iNTELLir Ht mu vE III II II III IN IWI trumps while Inn 44 mys Wm to nest IaIIIIaIII lt EN ARI MU lng KEl amused ma 99 3W IN rEPkIgpgpijUQEg CF ll IT hukmg St spm0 md i4 Contain AIIIImIIIII IiIIIIII bl ll lUb Full 11an Inilways Illl 4f theater Itiqu co no your ge ing at IIAIJCE IIVI FIQT Ik II do NII II you go aner JUS he Sure 59 hag dld his bps by hlu hdirfltitn linimtvrIHt worthwhile targets II 53 ing his last two spades tiutI III IIIIIIIIIIII III ICI IIIIIM II st had to tliiovi idiainoni to IIIII ly mum TIAunus April 20May 20 oIIIII MINI mg IIII WI fidlff 1273 II II III You may have to be tritle II II II II III mm III In WWI II Imam IvaWino It HIIvit mo IllI II Imw kn II now IiIrIIIoIIII assertwe today In order I0 geI HUI Dave deeided It on It IIIWWIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In IIII II III IIII II IIIIIICIIIII II your ideas across to others II II heeause he had HUN ht III mm III ammo IIIIIIq lVKt In Hell TII IIIinn Illlllilll ltl Itlldl can he dwne Imunn rumng lll I4 llél lllOlltlS Ill ll llél ll feminine GI fttor attornit ill IJIHIIIIII anygnp Ipmhpys III II whereupon II WI II gnnphu an an IIIIII It Illlltitl Ii II III It It llitl lllltl iIIII III In 50W pom IIIIII the liIIHIu no hint pld Kl delight iityerl tinim ll tll till hi Iaw mt GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You eittiei vuliieiahle diamond queen NIIQIIIIwIIIIIIIII tiI IIIIIIImq IMWl it IIvi mnu ll Ito LIIIIII in How llIl Hallo It have talent today t0i makin in II nth rrilliorrI twin WI IIHI tom III TIIIII Imf iie lII or III 0M 1nd aficqrdog nh ha soulh Irilmlt 6ft ArtIori IFII ri tun VII IA IIY NH II of rviriuth 61 in nottton IllI IlI mum II HUI II IINIIIIII IIIIIII II My III IIIIa II something useful and tune Ilt PI PI III IIII II III WI siIImiI llat itIII tional Put your skills to work II PLINL1 IL II II III II DOWN IIIIIIII Iw II lo II ll ll It II ass ass IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIN II III Itl lt IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII around the house TngIk II In II VII II Im II IIIIIIIII town tom Hl HIa II iiiI ltk IIIIa III no II IIIIII sound llltlttlllVr II VvlI Igt til llIIIieniiooiiIn koiak llllllllll11Il CANCER June 21July 22 ll I1 rpm at lllt1 In re llie Iiiitli III IiIIIIIII VI Rookies nay vol Iot Ioday to and lllttlllllg lead New ank ll1ir wants Ii II frIIIt iiiqarI IIII 2an up tor someone youre fond of knuw II In VISIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIII III4m IIIHly Io ttritiva IwIt II pvt Id ll IIIIII1IIII lnI liii II II It Id II WWW My Haw Innate ii II II InoIIIIiIaIIIIiIoII III II IaIk who Isrit as bold as yourself JamsLN loliii trawtord who died on IIIIIIIII IIWII 00 Dont let another Intimidate earlier this veat were among ui lIII IL Iota IIIIIIs III IIMIIIIIIIII II II IIIIIIIIII the original l0 lite masters iIai is iiI II IIII llie ansWer is no IllV new NW HI at Ma IIIIIWII IIIum LEO July 23Aug 22 IoII IIIII WWII IIIIIIWIIIU ml mm hflllldlnw WI IIII IIIIIQM III IIIIII IIIIIII HT II II II wan WWII mm hawna dam no ptohlont to any of you II IIIlxIIITIIIIIIIIIIII htilhml IILIIt HI ILshilll Icu you too 1y pertormed Qludprs Human lltultlasltl In MI III In II II IIII llia iIIII IIII III Iastm and more youran II hiidge player lliesniall slam you 12 avqueuoz iIIL II IIII might be smart to otter hit Wheels In if South ean loeate l9 97 er Is It IIIIIHiIMMIII XIII mm Wm the queen of diamonds ou Vgrh Elna liw liwtwm Irw ii readers all see it In the West newspape VS WI 1ll VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 QItiIatIons that call tm you to tie Dotti botd and Clever should be our Iip ot tea today Meet your ltallenues heart on hand The ordinarv deelarer answer mmvdm queslons doesnt see it but the simple amped Senaddessed play is to finesse against West envelopes are enclosed The and he takes the simple play 105 Wfsrmq Wasnons When the late llavul Bruee WH 59d 75 Column MI WIN III IIIIIslIIr numb and Will receive copes of one played it In the final moi MODFRN round of the 191m Vanderhilt he made no effort to make seven suite the ante was total points The tirst triek aeeounted for It lolly ramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY washed shirt With fish grease on it With load of eolored double knits The knits ahsorhed the fishy odor from the shirt llow eaii get rid of this odor have washed them three times in detergent lemon JlIt baking soda and Vinegar and hung them out to air but the odor remains tIltA DEAR tIRA If fish is soaked in boiling saltwater for few minutes the odor is diminished so why not try LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 In situations that Itatl tor staying power you It have an edge over your tempttth today Hang In there It you want to he Sticctsstiit Antisneezing trick works III III IINI Sl Illlllllt IlI soaking the elothes in salt water POLLY Vernon Min lttllllll ttltl Ih IIIUSIISI0 III WWI lIiItIl ilids that iitalxt sconmo oc IzaNov22 ltlhs MW der mlS iiiodoie ol tlitvltalhotistr Yailit II Thumwum mum nioiement easier IIIIVIIIII Pg II With three leads while ehuek HUI he NI mama Ivour eolunin ei much Ma Dear Dr lliostestoii Is it IICI IIIII IIIIII WIIIIVIIIlIIrIII mg two IIInorms from tum mm yImIIIII share tip Iitli Iou lliat possililetoeaiiseiiialxiitioiili who are lttH and on the no Sweet IIinitiaii ow HIV Then he led the eight of spades llast took his king and plated the king of elubs luni iiivs iee Won lwe disearded FUNNY BUSINESS might help Ioiii readers espe eiall alter tumor ahdoiiiiiial operation hen iii lIttl old son reeent had an tlpptttdttlttltt Mt Ma also was further stt peiiiiteiideiit of the St atli ariiies piililit utilities eoiiiiiiis slotl taking te Iiiiiiiiie tahlets about three or tour eeks attet the liiitli ot eliild had liali and as 4illlttl lltdlht iii menstrual period had not SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Ym re rather daring today ll7vlt lIllY The label tags that are sewn to the haek neek taeing on dresses are my Pet leeve lher serateh and his imiiiiniate Iio liadoiie ear siaiied trIeIIIt told me to WWW 81II1I irritate iiiv neek but do not want to tear them off siiiee Wlll III tainedI IiiiiIi thaIt tllllttl tIikt IsoIiiit quiiiiInI pillsl tIook 21 IIIIIIIII ItI MIMI weld IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIn ngn It SIIIIIIIS they mum III IIIII under IIIIN LI UH klit II mm the faein or in Itkl or side seam have ri ted them out Wm wwmwd hm hm 5mm JIM Nb Wk ind put ll poekel to the bitk of the hemp hutptihit is lot of AN 6E1 hand over his iiiiisioii to tr to Im am Worried thaI tllll III II 550 WWII IIIIIS summm NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III CAPRICORN Dec 22 II lIéilIlIIlIIIlIe uhen it ould haw bun done iii the lust plate no one suggested good at to Your period iesiiiiiod at It pieent an uninted sneeze eeks or Ilose to II in III Ill ltlll keep plastic iee seraper in my klltlltn sneak oti todm to iiIeteIt you iiiI mother taught me IIlltlllIlllIIll and that aliotl IIIIII IQII IIII II wII III 11 mllllnts hI WV ml will rnms ears ago It one presses tighth awrage For the inn stiii III II IIIIII work it haek and torth and the corners get niep and IIIIIIn lielou the iiose here iiioits mother the dela iii ietuiii ot MR5 lt DEAR POLLY suggest that Mrs rinse her face towels With the popcorn odor in water With baking soda added HAMBUQQER touts Au Boutwe ALLEQS tatlie uould lieI Ill ones tin ger sneee can he stopped menstruation is lltltllI ltittitl llie tlllllt ot lieroniiii AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 ltilllllt Ilgtllk WIIlmd PltLIhml ltltittlhtIINIIIIIHm Vim Mqww WWW flaking soda is good effective and reasonable underarm hiiiiselt about to sneee tuiee ot menstruation are small and txCPLlIOIJlM share today attei his operation and as the ehaiiIes ot lllillttlL iii es QIIIl Mn3 ma2Iifiodfqmtf4t fit3112313332H153 er gratelul that this trick tahlislied pieuiianm exeii tStJV IM II IIk II IIII III IIII II III II IIIIII tor ihoiit 43 minutes Repeat the next dav and this brings the tt ll usualh does otk llou geiieiall the method is kiioun eaiuiot sav hut ll is t0itaiiil tlletttu lor most llapp to pass on splinter to the surface so it is tlSllIV removed had rose thorn iiiihedded in my thumb and soaked it 45 minutes at night put drawing salve on it and eovered With an adhesive bandage The next evening removed the handage and the mom was lying on my fingernail me had lliillllllL to do ith oiii iiieiistiitatioii return the lltl tllLl itli the taking ol the IIIlltl ine as mere llltltltlltt Dear Dr Ilioslestoii am PISCES Feb 20March 20 Take tte II at ye today Ammo to get together with new Witt onI Me to KVOW may III II 13 WINK In IIIIII honest IMAl heat ItmsIIstmi Will lelllL lripllltt liit iii Liiilit llR POLH At one time large hox IIt are powder ott please epaiii tlttlllt tlImeui the ankle on the let had mesh top to keep too mueh powder from getting on the limk IIWIIIINHI III lHJll tent Ir till Nolltti titltt IIIII putt ow it is very hard to find sueh mesh top use double IiIiiillation llou etteetne is month It goes dour at tlllllt inloii net eut to fit my box top form and am hapva again since the trealiiieiit in regulating the and then comes hat llltl on this works HllY ll lied hf II 31 lWAlt lttllY My hints eoneerii the eanning season Be III II II III II IIJII IN rm mg working Woman must use mv extra time earetullv Aug7I197e have found that fish net basket makes an ideal washing lirst lliat is seiies ot iatitd lhe ltttil lllI IIII llt II II hasket toi tiuits and egetables that aie to he eanned plaee IIlIHIH theheait iesult taking Is tiiand ot alopui owl Ior Inar tirestevts 100k II II II VI II II III my iii an irregularle llIlt arts to Not king lu enrooaa tfl Be 1I puI 3fo mI WW lIlitIiual slimk tlieiapI eon plntllltltiitl ol tiiit avid the never Vow III II trIIt new In Imrmfl hm thlltm 35h Wm htltlt sists ot Pldttltil elettiodes on bod we ltltl is lttl Illll ways lt add to your esttttres laktttg into lltt 01159 thepainIIIxetIIst IIIII IpplinIg 1oIII arm mam v1 In nqs mu hen ready to sliee beets for eanning use ltlIV egg sheer Iurieiiis In short spurts Siieli llllluldllnll vaii llIIlL tiatk virtual heart artioii It is an llllllLtllt prmedtire and is done llllttlll liesuatioii niontli iiii he too soon II be looking toi tiall lLIllillI aizt IiiipiIoeiiieiit although ltth that Iou haie noted some ream It always wanted MI Ilr Ioinsi This makes uniform sliees Iuts down on the slieing tune and the realh look good in the jtl Mrs It you ask me they re obIets Itink iiii take IIlIII II rI II utieti lltt lltllllllIlt lll months to bring the lllti ltw JEEAVLIIafl 75H II If ANI$£E Sigrtiwwj ItLltl liii heait ittaek ll leel tonoiiiial thelilood Adi augoifin if AND HAD xLLEIDKY ICU THAT You no EEINLIIHAI KEED II tiiiis lItl lltll saud the leaiiuhile IIII should seek TiafiAlTfi GLAbfbDCAmnmaijngII presente ot elettiii hotk other Iaiises ot the appaterz égcysgkf YWCNYcLaET IKNOWI isIquiiient In iIiihulaiiees edema suelliiiu tit Itllltttllt III III lt mm II IIAI tati men restore twat II It llll Iii iiia izot lieielaIII TLIECLEANqu heart that has stopped Hlll gout gt pit isiiot daiigeioiis IhIn III lushsun IIIII I¢I too Que me an Iiitorination atinit an titIk hat Is ll IIIQNWIIGIb II ltit siiih pain soreness and ItllillL In in tank troni tlt side to the Iillitl hat taust has toIiid possItlx tiean ii thi iIII IoiiItzivon llo hII ii Illlll tl tlohldll II II It iIs II Ilt IIaI and spine HIV It Il ltlltl lI in run Is Int It as IliMuIiairit iIttii IIIIttt III II II III at and am that IIIa ake Til llt illtlt ii gt II 2IIIiintIaiII1 iI it MII lttIL IItlIIt IIIIIyIIHIs ll lair Iitisiiti It llw ttiiist III uiit ttll Ml the ll II fink Iti iroin tss IIit il 34 Lt H5 start saI III stisti II llt lt IYJLJ hlr Iattto Iwt as thl la flIL Vfmwu aat II IIanIt IItsIIIIIilIIII state II lii Its Itza II fut II Hia =lIIII7iIIi ItIIgItit 1IaiI flu lI iIi II iIllt lltYlL Ini IM II Iitllil il IaI It Tla Mai amnisitt titatilit treasures in 25 IIxIIwWNp qu Vknwrrgyj tvrerg1f 9143 lIIIIaIi IIiIf lti tzau IIIsGEHW mmrif 15 HAV Ax 74 IIII gtiatmt liult Iias as IMCals lylhflt IIIH If HIIVIlIIs lIIilIllIliLti LIKED dWWLMVu Illll HILL II ltiatii IIII III II II II ITTUII 51 Iiitipa Ill sit tiif trad II man putaiam the IIIIii III III lII lntuttrttid ll VlCTOInisa wasw II II ddulls hi iiI 2a 7l low no In wt Im up Iut Il Iniaix ahztlaslx III IIIIIIIIIHII IIIIIII It nun laii lark spa ttl Il gt IIl ll Iitl la wild 29 Mb 1m MI Nil luv fifth Whllfufd OUWITTERS 737 020i IIIIHILIIs II th sIIIII Ii fliou lia llatis Innsuite II te iaIxes Ioiitiolliiig the MIH 3hr tIItrra musttest at lie at taul lltilll ts lllhltttrll lIlWNl7 Vl III eat and standard ttierap lflIWIllJI Il llII3 lI IIIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIIIRI In iIIl tn ttllliiIl ioiiI ert Ises otteii tiuitless llou er tiitait tll isls JIII more helptul than otliet huts post ou consult local rehahi litatioli Itllll mi mm about the PIIPr LI could list some htlt Mr ANDERSI IN lnd lr tiiid that IDIIIK 5W diaiia State Trooper Earl Ham things in print I5 ottttt WV eisoneehadte arrest drunken mntusuig than helptlll airplane pilotl but he had ttex er Shmld IIddI mt Illll he been Cillltll ll 10P LN QrXRT cases of or neck have szn htIrIeleliRrI on an interstate NI IvIR AND often than no assoc mi ore II llllh tense indniduals 0r Ifitaneis stopped the south NI THE those underlining Wm hound vehicle on 1139 It as strain The usual treatment chsmg 310 the emergenfl MINI IIQ Loan OF along With mild sedath hi lane at snetenths of mile an sometimes brought relief whaI boar the IIdr Ir II III R1$II Thostesou sai tt 100502th rgluteal bursitis md bothhleIEIinrIizaIIisttééoIld hgii ID 31 YOU was ea in Itss memlt 12111 bursitis ofthelt3ft The man later identuwd as CAN vf £455 lfI buttocks area Bursitis is Iln Jennins phillips was lt flammation of the bursa WhICh charged With public HI IIIIIIIIII is small fluidfilled 53 be toxication

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