WVV talked the problem over with my wife and she became upset when told her wanted to send my cheque directly to the IRS She was afraid Id be prosecuted my reputation ruinedetc then went to my certified public accountant He advised me to send my cheque to Ann Landers ask you to deposit it in your personal account and write your ovm cheque to the IRS for $4000 Enclosed is separate cheque made out to you for your trouble Thanks and God bless Sign Merristraightening Out The Books Dear Mr Straight admire you for wanting to right an old wrong and Id like to help but too must answer to the IRS and keep my skirts loopercent clean My PA would have to know what $4000 is doing in my account Next the IRS man would want to know about that stray $4000 cheque from me to IRS Your cover could be easily blown my friend since your name is on the cheque ltlanufacturers of the com mercial pregnancy tests kits examined by the department have been asked to label their kits to indicate the exact extent of protein interference to be ex peeted Hospitals denying abortions result in mandatory mothers By JUDY YREIGIITON Family Editor To children and to their right to be born into welcom ing family This is the dedica tion given by author and psy chiatrist Wendell Waiters in his book Compulsory Parent hood The Truth about Abor tion Arguing on one of the cen turys volatile issues Dr Wat ters contends that the result of womans unfulfilled need and desire for an abortion mainly Chances are Ill end up with no vision says Mr lipson founder and president of the Quebec chapter of the Itetiiiitis ligmenlosa Foundation of an ada The foundations aims are to rately many moral issues He questions the stand on fetal rights and the states inter ference in deciding whether pregnant woman should or should not be allowed an abor tion In 1976 one year after Inter national Womens Year and two years after World Population Year the burden of justifying an abortion should be removed from the shoulders of unwilling pregnant women he writes He traces the history of popii hard times Mr Lipson tecls one should stay in the world and fight rathci than hide in the closet Its not hall so bad lltll you talk to someone else with the disease PellettierRosa vows at Central United Church So herewith return both cheques dont accept Julia Margaret lellettier and Gillan ltlSPFIWllllil lllllAllm Alwm lltilll lll gratuities but thank you very muchl and suggest that von Omelllc R053 0t N9 Brllim Slim mlmpwtmllm The goilnhudu Hum mu use more anonymous transmittal agent perhaps hris mm£r1l0rrlltd Jlll 24 at lllgh Ckllllo and Wk were llll hml tian brother See you in heaven Central United Church Rev Donald Jay officiated Mrs trimmed with seed pearls and sequins and the long straight piece with an aleiicon lacc trim and carried cascade of lllli mm Iandprx im only 53 in gmd physical Mona Mortonwastheorganist sleeves were trimmed with Sweetheart roses l11lt condition and everyone tells me look much younger than The bride wore white miniatiiic IcaiiiatitIiiis thitc my years feel great but something has been bothering Ophdmms hm mmh me Lately my mind seems to be playing little tricks find myself forgetting things Ive known for years telephone numbers addresses names of close friends and even relatives Its embarrassing This afternoon went into another room and forgot what went in there for Can it be that am becoming senile become terribly annoyed with myself when misplace things It seems am always hunting for my glasses my fa With touch of in and lttlllltl tern Matron til honor llgt Stephen Kim ol llraiillord llrzlullord lshiis wirv thc llitlt and lliiuciic brother ol the groom oi licmci Best iiinn um Nlcphn liii wt lolin lcllettitr ot tiiiclph liiiillltl ol litlNI The former Detroit Lions de fensive tackle Alex Karras is the Hooded Fang and there is cast of 200 children Since its publication by Me lelland and Stewart in 1975 the book has been bestseller in Canada the Us and Britain It has been twice serialized on the CBC radio program This ountry in the Morning and is the subject of longplay record with Christopher Plum mer narrating that will be re leased in October The Barrie Examiner Thursday August 19767 work are judged to have made lasting contribution to liter ature for children and young ple In addition an honor list is compiled containing books considered characteristic of the submitting countries and suit able to be recommended by the board for publication in other languages Lee and Newfeld were se lected for the honor list from grou of authors and illustra tors rom 23 countries because of denial by hospital lation and how devastating This year the book won the This is the second time New committees results in com World hunger disease and anadiaii Association of hilr feld has been so honored He pulsory pregnancy chances of survival have be drons Librarians English won an honorable mention in In Canada under Section 251 come because of ignorance of Medal Awardand the Canadian the Hans Christian Andersen Kerry wow mm hi manouvres of challenging ofthe Criminal Code abortions fainin planning Booksellers Association Ruth competition in 1961 as author grandmhprViewr nokwnnf game of chess Kerry is the are only legal if there is risk Dr Walters has compiled Schwartz Foundationaward and Illustrator Of The Princelt5 37 pool Barrio hog son of Halli and Doninworet tothewomanshealthin contin comprehensive account of the lTllllllmSl too vouiig to learn the lTomnlo uing the pregnancy and if the background present and future abortion is approved by thera of population planning Alligator IiIe llierestSClllntl um abormm committee in mmmlsor parmuwui aiiadian children book by ospital The Truth about Abortion lr Drums Lev illustrated by pdlll Vntprg 30 Frank Newfeld has been cho DIWatlltrS suggeststh pages $1193 Nittitiiiuui and son for inclusion in the 1976 law is interpreted in some ceni Sum1 Hans hristian Andersen Ilonor tres in way which leads to Stephen ltosciibcrg an eight List The book is published by mandatory motherhood Yet yearold Montreal sclioelboy MatMillanoftanada he says the same law in Ollltr has been selected to play the The International Hans centres is interpreted in away part of Jacob Two Two in the Christian Andersen Award is which encourages reprtxiuctive film version of Mordecai the oiily international responsibility lticliers first childrens book childrens book award in He agrees With family plan Jacob lworlhno Meets the existence Hans hristian An ners however that abortlm llooded Fang dcrsen Medals are conferred is not an ilcttpta moans The film being shot entirely every two years by the ln primary birth control nor is it in Montreal by thilkni lrodiii ternational Board on Books for lnleldUilll SWlilly ltSlT tions is expected tolietinislicrl Young People for the entire able in midsummer and will be re body of work of both an author llC erltS that dltllllltm lS it leased in taiiada and the and an illustrator who by the moral issues or more accur tlnitcdStatcs iii Nowinlmi outstanding quality of their ht ndn tom the new peopleoriented breed of banker 1g ess sy Of IQtlllltls d1sease IOROM THE OPPORTUNITY Consumer Lending has always been one of the most important MONTREAL tCli Stan encourage research to liiid Dr Scan Murphy chairman aspects of our business and from here on its going to be more important still At llmlshlv was lmwlmml lmmpv tu INC and lellod Sklrl Lipsons world is getting cure or treatment for ltl to of Mclill llniversitvs depart present we have number of first class Opportunities for experienced Consumer Len Purl TIWNMy lh llHMl mm Ema Em and lrlmmpd With mllmd rlh dillktl lllllltl ltttllll lULethci to shore ment of oplitlialiiiolofly agrees ding People in Ontario We otter stability scope and prestige situation ditticult to ItIiIIIIItIIpIItIiIoiiIIIIIp IIIIiIiIiI Violet flowers and consists 0t bons AP Photo The 41ycnrrntd insurnnno common prolilciiisIaiitl to lump Iflhe doctor can advise the duplicqgeinyhe Canadian business community broker suffers from retinitis ll lltllltltll ttltll lll l51 lllill lldlwlll lily lll 15 tllltl THE REQUIREMENTS You must have sound academic background be peopleoriented Ptlllltllllsa all ll lltlttlllilly Shmm htlltl lllll hlll ll Sylllllillllllwi llllvt and profitminded and have solid background in Consumer Landing at supervisory ANN 0y 50930 Winch mm 10 lwcmm llimtlliw mm lll llll l1 l0 llit louhlnltltlll level ie Branch Manager or one level below perhaps It you fit we can make it at retina of its ability to transmit Intt 01 Itllt llt€l Ill lllll llllIl tlltl till lillk l0 chtl acme soaswe said largo icturestothcbrain out illlliitt lately peop Wllll the disease this As the littleeknown disease ISYtIlUHttiltl SlltitK can be of enormous help 12 conï¬dence Garry BOWler Hrs cormdmn Ploce Po 80 10mm MSX an pmtlresscs Ilheliled otI visioi lIhIeIQHIlNt tluIipthsIIpIIIIH WI Murphy IVS the narrows ant in ie at vancct pltiH il SHIP it Hi ivv ttS of ltl all slagls no is mm grmml LVN HHHH LlltYlliltlllllljll lItllllll different gen seeing small circle of light at Sun any 15 that people air 11 mmmim TIAWA lt Urinary llllllillmtzll llliltllllll Imml ll In the sex linked VllrlttV protein interferes with some MyIllilrtlllS tllst ï¬llth lllll lll the llt for the disease 18 Dear Ann Landon Attached to his letter is my personal pregnancy MS mIdI camps somotliiiingas wrong when IIMany people he tulleT to are Kym by mnh wier cheque made out to you for$4000 Let me explain llltm mm 01 lltl$ll was and all lliy Hlihlwll lh the sons Several years ago had small business and did If thpwmnnn Nod 15m prop outside in the dark says Mr their IJobs ll their disease is dis Highly 0m WWW something many small businessmen dowcheated on my in until theIftxleral licallhdepart lapsoit wouldllmxllltm ricstlicgcncforrcccssiveltl come tax forgot all about it until became friendlv with mm Silll ws mm Ngm hlmdnms Jug Hw lwyiihlflnwml hmk NiltitllrlVHFW lllilklllllll 1OS hristian brother who awakened in me sense of decency 105d Symptm Ammwr dmmmi WWW Mt Sllll t0 tll llhliIS illlltr andintegritylnevor know existed spokoslnun said proton dication is frequent stumbling 011 llml lltém ll tlIléllllli mintg withimprcvious his Laton God has been reminding me that have score to nuria an excess of protein in caused by the person being and Mr liipson rctiicliilitls IIHIIHIIHII 39mg with he Infernal Revenue Service Although dont hemint istnirlycommnnnnd unable to see objects in front woman who was ttIlHllIIttl her know exactly how much WI feel certain I000 would can be caused by fever stress and beneath him at the same littInHHthlHl ll morethancoverit orkidneydisease time While conceding there are one spray killsIunto15duys lxlililjil 11 vorite pen my desk scissors or the current book happen to tol be reat mg Any advice Slippingfttittle The mother ot the limli and Ihear Slipping Move over You have plenty of company the mother wt lln groom ll MW your age feel fine am far from senile ll ll WM 11 llllllk andl torget plenty Km Being organiml can eliminate many of the small an Ill mm ll ll noyances It you put things where they belong you wont Mill llll Blldlliht who have to hunt tor them It takes little longer but its well Imd brouii ltttssiilHI lor it worth the extra few seconds Tr it It works ltlltilllm llill ti IllIlIllillltl Mules rivlltld Ill ll lf filllliy confidential to here rc The ioingT dont know but 1w Hb ii lltlk to Axlltill it ill Hw lrlrilfl ll am optimistic Setting good example is important Ill II pm cm run if dont believe the younger generation is going to hell Just to tliil oi poi Ln 1i Lu duh all lililh ll tniieartheirtolks llrmx llI DI it iif lTllli it lti llllll VtTl llth lam ton toiclpi tiz lirni ODDITIES IN THE NEWS fin Hitter it ml Htwiiywttiti tlti1 llI Md ui hours day she says she does tiloucestcr lllltl111ln Net Aziiit to be like old people IN HM Hwl iltll lii 13th drowned when he was pun who just sit and wait for the Lil f3 it iH two from his fishing litidl pm end gt tuna the toasl Hoard Her two pump gas station is pinted ednesday llldlldgtil her son Lester William hich titNina on Mrs Mickey tlllltl the work lt tangled In his tishtiig line lues llllfl MM 5ng lll d3 an 3ka mm dreii liithe192tls she sold peri about 13 miles stititlieast ot 0le SlllltlllllllllS lht II Gloihtosmr Hum mo Hes 1930s she was middleman in AIV Ex The coast guard using huh the chicken selling business center and smerat small boats hen her husband died in 1950 searched unsuccpggmip or mp Mrs Mickey took over their NM mm the Jam Our econ Annuu Personally gas station GRESHAM Neti Shenow drawsthelineatpat Conded In Sylvia Mickey tit is grand chiiig tires and lifting car mother ho pumps ohmt 15 hoods SKIS our iiiiiiiiCiiAiRs I977 PROGRAM GREAT BRITAIN SPRAvs Ann Removable log rests aluminium No casters cushioned upholstery sin Visiting Scotland England Sept 18th to Oct 2nd 1976 For lnfonnotion call Ronovoblo ormrosvs $134 Lokomatic pOWOTChOHS $615 72844709 illttttfgilléi OKJDHNSUN TRAVEL 45 Milton St 114 DonlopASt Barrie 7266525 We Peneton95t at St Vincent Barrie Ont