Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1976, p. 16

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Nitric mar aoes appraisals Gerr Sy okas 4700 ev ihds MORTOAVGEYTII 2nd sold immediate action conl REE 11609 L0 ANS HM Office Toronto 95 NBA LOANS First Mortgages train Second mortgages trom I2 MORTGAGES WE HAVE Iunds immediately available with competitive rates at interest prompt com mitmentsand complete con tidentiallty tor tirst second and third mortgages ALL TYPES at property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mar tgages for cash OUR ADVICE Is FREE Call IAN KERR Bus 737I88l HOME 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF lllosllilloets Alia mum COMPARE our rates First second atOulnn Ltd 736L414 notices bought and said im mediate action contidenlial DevIOO we Real Estate Broker call 72646 ra patient and ldehtiel ap isAl service included Hamilton APTS TO ENT with trig stove rent 3200 East pets Telephone 7360075 or 726 bedroom apartments 32 I0 8737 Ill BEDROOM unturntlhed apartment arklna Included Ill location Adults No AVAILABLE July lint one and corTAoes 19 RENT AKEFRONT housekeeping cottages Lake Simcoe Sleeps Phoniljofl 407 5063 KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie bedroom laketront collage tully equup pea available August $400 monthly 375 weekly 6123 mural staye heel and Telephonenaswa or inc on Ioca 9° TBEDROOMHOMEJ mlly rooin wit EISPIIQTIHWAW tireplace Iakelront September 3500 WELLINGTON PLACE Ohe two and three bedroom apbrtmen lb rent 0Children welcome 0Lease and reterence requlred Call Leon Garrick Real Estate ONE BEDROOM Upper some Apart ment stove and rotrioerator SI75 per alliet secluded location HULGATIJ COURT HOLGATEand BAYVIEW and BEDROOM Now RFNTING bedrooms central location Parking lor one at Relerences reqmred Available Septmber Telephone 776 7635 htwaffT and BEDROOM Apartment in an IT plex recently redecorated $215 per month plus hydro Available immediately Telephone 737 3688 or 728 1035 Prestige locatio Telepho IQEX rie month Iy close medialel 726 7846 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES tor sale or rent Holiday in complete home comlort Barrie Tent and Awntno Co 34 Daylield St MOBILE HOME on corner lot in small park 62 T7 Like new Telephone Most overlooking bay ne 4975733 ROOMS To Let Ptioiie mam house Telephone 737 3495 Box INS Bracebridae plus utilities Telephone 436 1017 BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent or lease IO retrtqeralor LE Immediately Furnished gt4 kitchen privileges location on YOUNG COUPLE have rooms tor rent led la eekl nl IV lon ltd726se27 arm7153 $1iepiioniiiiiii anytime TF CLEAN COMFORTABLE turnishoi bedroom TeleVIriion air conditioner LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartment suitable tor employed gentleman Con available immediately Heat hydro trallocation Telephone 737 Isu parkina stove tridoe included 3190 Married can preterred Central on oFFICEs sToREs bus route eterences 72 4967 alter 430 FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED oilices qu aaraae broadlaotn appliances cable TV electric heat $370 monthly itiriurles all utilities Reterences East end Bar BAYFIELD AND Cundles immediate possession well kept bedroom home all over broarllaom aaraae hiah base ment plus retriaerator anti stove S3T0 per month Telephone Mr Jam 7715 9915 Very large suites 723 9500 BEDROOM bungalow attached use balcomes qaraae Iaroe private lot barbecue Equipped gym room garden in Barrie close to shoppinq sus plus utilities Available Sept 728 J737 50bit TV evoninosonlr BEDROOMS central lls Worsley St City bus service Garage No pets S275 monthly plus heal Aduls on andllydro 737 3700 TWO BEDROOM townhouse tor °Ul0m0llc Oppllonces Anuus area $194 monthly Availablii im Sauna bath menialer Telephone days 726 659T Evenings 424 5187 BEDROOM brick semi lull basement Malcolm Street Angus Available Sept tanks TF Children and pets welcome $275 per month Telephone 726 8777 ST ROUD Beaulitul detached bedroom SECOND FLOOR fipfllmcnl 7W0 home rec room lencecl yarrt quiet street school and plaza nearby $375 Rilertnces Baytielci Mall stove and included Available tin $350 monthly Telephone lltl 300 PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE 51 BARRIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Stove retrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken relerences For appointment to insp trusts or 7716 at Barrie NM homes on Iarae 7500 so It lots Ready to move in Low down TThS TF payment IS year mar taaaes Call no 6875 LET US GET y0u hitched trailer htlch that isI All types Call Harold at the Hilthouse Limiiiia na woo mmoflu utOMOIWE I976 BENDIX LEADER 68x bedrooms 750 so It lot in park south or Barrie Ownet Ieavna provmio Tele phone 776 silo MOBILE HOME 60 bedrooms In DONT BE LEFT OUT trich in conditi setup in patk Tel One 72 FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD or WHEELS Mobile Homes Gills Barri Examinpr SALERENT my Ports and Service or Exclutm Dooley For CARS FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE Bendix And 97 HLLENGER Tllm 1969 CUTI ASS SLIDHTTI Taoor hatiltul lion vinyl lop Mllhlin tirs Stereo MOdUlOI 6m5 OLIIOITTBIIL Lonsnle etc Phone 776 on filllégsgni 51 Tlpmm Ndrthlandbrl ask tor John W76 PONY IAC Villtwa door coupe TOVOI TTSIIDII 19 55 lr°dlllgt cylinder only 3000 les months or 00 i00001lliiis lil on wananly Reason tor cone GI 72° 5333 sellina We no Telephone 726 0316 Cygnet ion VOLKSWAGEN Beetle extentnth OLDSMOBILE ROM TON up T0 I5 men mmlon wow deal hardtop All Dowel an conditioned glazed radial tires Phone 737 3763 or 0mm NEW Onnmvn HthWOV ll SQUID 72a lollatterop itl iPtilei Li1l7780v58 I70 Burton AVO 729 I969 BARRACUDA 183 cubic inch MERCUQV Mam Brougham TF glow Sigmavi nfplbegfnélr Foul mxv hardtop tully powered in an ex or fephwc in 0r gt lutt no Lona on rig AM Vl stiti 197 CORTINA 76K miles body pm 728 7073 in excellent mechanical coedition fin BOBCAy wagon new has ms Speed standard Will certify $1525 9mm V800 thcphaneiu 099 at Telephone no 4600 antream 300 APTSTO RENT I671 CHEV NOVA tar sale Cylinder iwJ MF 000 vamp Undo mtr eulornalic door new tires certitiea Fyfiomsnso APARTMENT clean s1300 Telephone at 305 am cable Tv and all utilities pea lie west and plaza medical tseho no tat Almahers naps on no nuit mature business lady it 30 WW MRNISH parlm sbvertominq SI ab rtmenl no large room tit cable and Iilltl 19 amlts Telephone two supplied lirst and last months rent tt advenceiedUI only no pets or hit dren Callat lI tong St STATXILY Peel St huoe partly tur rushed warm apartment 82 or charcoal at use utilittg erlnq jedults no trohgne £50653 iwmnmkmg prete rec available late Iv heal hy cable Seouled 8190 per Month Ave Telephone has ONE BEDROOM anthem cent location draw near trig Stove ell utilities pad no monthly terms Available Septemeer Isl eieahone 71007 BEDROOM apartment unturnishea tili centrliv Ioca All utilities included sue month all moses meg an asmoom Apartment close to all ameniiies available unmater mo perineum ciillnugqigtpaya TWO BEDMM unfinished apart meet tor rent Centrllty located All utilities included 3230 monthly Available immediately Telephone 137 3695 atterap in ONE BEDROOM Apartment Atlandale area private entrance trig and Stove Mature business ledy preterred telephonelnty tersmpm one BEDROOM eio DIVPOEM mo per month Available August 15 Telephoneuelnl zoiliaEoioou troFreéit Liwno room kitchefl Ind bathroom le im My ID rat Monthly stave rem and parking Telephone 724 ON EDROOTMTUrnished apartment tor mo Monthly Overlookingleke One yesr lease Romances Telephoru 4y armsmo Barrie atter it dlll COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south retiiaerator and slot 59 1974 ASTRE GT packaoe tape deck 9C Call 726236l autotTIaIIL In good running condition Asking Sm Telephone 487 S731 alter pm ma FURY sheer S2 mono lake over payments Will consider bes1 car otter insteaa at Lash Telephone 737 2156 mo MUSTANG rasiEacii Vii cinematic power steering and brakes 00L ornalnal miles lien Certitieo 776 2041 RICQIIQHI MDT dihon Call Salealler Asking sum or best otter ma It Does Monaco convertible as is Telephone 737 27 lots rono COUPE as as Telephone 776 ZJOSatter i372 CAPRI cylinde eerllent conoi tion Certilieast am Telephone 720 0495 1°70 DODGE MONACO power twine Dower erases body and motor ih tide condition 2M5 1671 CNEV IMPALA vl power Steering power brakes needs two tires De cer titled use Call 717 Jean 70 FORD LTD door hardtop 390 vs power steering power brakes slow SIN or best otter Telephonci 27 reTles Excellent body 32 400 power Telcn W322 1774 Danalter5 me NTIAC 000 sedan 233 jewel Steering lTelephorte T2669 IvTOCADILLAC CONVERTIBLE Callec i0 00 mites wiii cirl5tr Telephone 728 966 l°69 AMBASSADOR only 35000 miles brakes air ¢onatoning excellent condition Si 200 tors item New Lonalion $5 000 or best otter lehohope 796 0276 iIWI MGB Convertible yellow color in excellent conctIIon Telephone 37 Too hardtop pm atterS lMust Font ac mt vs 0000 door ondl on Bargen at 3950 ior best otter Telephone 726 too newton 5m lion DATSUN rio standard speed slrflflsfll MOII ddlu loiii tTTlT class steulbuimd Tidials rustprootm bestot tioninoq rasdhlngFlstkrggi Tewohaw R00 37 55 ml W70 CATALINA Dower Steer Dow on one MIN Tehzgz intakes rear aetrvst radial tires good tion 5750 each iv otter Interested oar v01 miles S1400 certitted Musv be seen Teteahone 445 662 Collnow otter Yet motor 37 2503 RU Im FORD term truck tranetmssion use ton cabin chassis like ephom weekdays 72a 1574 Putts well I374 OREmIN 70109Rtellent ide tion 217 standard Askino SJ or oestl arettu liqhte and KS AND TRAILERS Four weed new trooo mles Contact Ed woods iFNVIIISufIe I35 2308 1970 F700 FORD single sale speed end dum truck Nea miles ceilined needs some body won in Mm gm vuroeam or Best reasonable otter Telenhonem°$ 770 7755 i672 DATSUN izoo slinaSia transmis Sion 11000 miles 3975 Extra tires Can 999 31 £91 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon wheels all dead rubber gas heater its is $359 Isttlmsy 1972 PINTO new paint new motor 2000 cc speed certitied swan Telephone matter so Iver eWCxTTm iiarcitop pow er teerina Dower brakes snow tires east Vcertitied saao Telephme 726 8224 1973 DODGE racesman van 1m in ex cellent condition new paint son tirm Telephon 737 manvtime that DODGE lane verl automatic lalso T96 GMC Step van standard it will make good campers both in excellent condition can be seen at 17 JaCOOS Ter 22se war DODGE long van automatic also ma GMC step van standard Will make good cembers bath at excellent condition Can be seen at 17 Jacobs Ter race EISIVATE 1673 Pontiac zdoorharotopimi Folio occur trui tor sae 390 150 V3 power steering and brakeslows motor automatic liensnlssioll in automatic iust like new Only 43000 good mutton Telephonc435 44alter miles Cervitied Telephone 728 8906 Sam acousncu commas Horseshoe Valley 835 NM 726 7I9l ly decorated parkinq very month utilities included Available tm mm NLUMINUM Residential Commercial In mediatelylelephanenugz °° 0° gtwr duflrigl canoe Farm BEDROOM apartment close to SPACE FOR RENT ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING downtown $235 monthly utilities in gt Pmlmenh Hotels Coh cluded Available immediately Fng INDLJHSTRIALHSPACE Jim 50 05Cl0°°V°W°U9 id°°ri Tele hone 77a 3487 sq ti sprin ere ranspor WNW Bmdors l°ns andliahltruckloadinadmks loll clear Windows ownngs land Mortgage Construction KANEFF SE NTED porch enclosures stonework Business Loans SWA Installed with Existing Morlgogeg Purchaud APARTMENT HOMES TORENT Old Fashioned Pride THC FanII ANTED bedroom house required Unlmlfl llhd F° MPERAL TowERs 726 9580 September Isl Rtlltthlt tenants vetmafia loaf by mic references Telephonena 8492 General Contractors development caning and CEDARWOOD COURT 7299l muse BEDROOM house wanted to hnohcicl afioyu 05596néo Ado am in Barrie district Reliable couple Ilti children Rotorences available prOvIded Telephone Mr Worstolct 716 8971 SIDNG 30 FACA AIO °° r7133 1133 m721977i3mn° mm OPEN DAILY FURNISHED air conditioned bedstttinq or bedroom detnched house with 99 room share bathroom $135 monthly clamor Pretor outskir 3325 monti fhurwgyzvnniqup Downtown Suitable tor one or two work Apply to Box R95 the Barrie Elitlttltttf ALIEIIATIUN£ saturdu magirjilglgglqngnd magwefcjrqays LADIES AND enllemens alterations $0 OOM emra worsmw 26 Mary St elephone 737 3432 parkno no pets $220 Monthly plus mmflnasué hydro There are no appliances WM ENS elephanttar mo no PAR AVAILABLE Immediately bedroom m6 all apartment siao month plus hydro PHONE 728 24 mp Accgssomss I7gs737345l Phone mi 9205 or 737 mu 91 lbld St QBEDRO tied lm nl REIUILT ENGINES Most cars mini on bus eoMutzomClgsleslo agwiiiolin LPIJ55T9BENT rocllmu to rebuild all origins rm sing mmedMCIV Tommm NEW bedroom semi detached house M°°pPV C° 59 separate dining room slidinq qlass oceanMosslmc 23mm A°5 at EOp aw occre TPIODhone 728BB98 WE REPAIR British European and II you are looking lor comlorl BEDROOM Townhouse 11 baths Japanese cars Coronation Auto SQVY 17 Nigry St 729 sul Need help ACOUSTIC CEILINGS rlt wall systems movable partitions ad lltotn alterations general contractors ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Basilio Directory The Barrie Examiner TIiIilsiIuy August I976 rlICAVAtltlc WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIFEFUC FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone anthua brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE 7372871 AND MAsoNllv speéialiiiiig iii llreplacas Written warranty Also rick block and stone 72B 5673 BLOCK stone walk speclalty Free estimates ly New Lowell 42 5l56 Fireplaces Stan Knice OLONIAL rlilrriAcrs all Iunl lor Iory built 303 Him no 4040 IMNDTMAN FREE WllIIPIIICIIllu MIIIIIIy Hull 77 906 ARIINIRY RIIAIRS VII IUUIIU UIUHY pelielice lsllmutes 7769l35 cutting Reasonable inlets Call 776 I614 0148757Blnll815 EDITING PROPIRTY lawn and garden triolit virus tnusotmblniulos 776 4536 EMERALD IANDSCAIING lnllclscnpltlg lriatttlottnnre Slidiltt iitg patios iterkiiig retaining 717 2652 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning sodding seeding general mum Ilowerbeds all 776 8557 WEED SPRAYING SLR lertlllrlng llITING AND rrluviltg cottages dalimis oltetalluns ndrltllolts llullrlliiu Fm Cotillorlitlg that INCOME TAX lmltl cuslrm 16 II It VlIS landscape sat Inltc walls Just look oval the ads below The mlvetllsots listed are experts in tltult liIiIrl IHI w1ll OhtUlL you ol the linest job possible NOMI IMPROVEMENTS INIINIUI NI MUIJIILINb Kllthatn Iei liiiiitle IIlI Inn 45 CIle ulle 1le lll Nolululii us lIvitIlrIIIIe NIH MURI living spinal let mum extlii lteiltiiiiiii ploy iliciiu laundry III lite atiitiluu spot Alan pointing renovations lacking 70 yeots ex INCOMI TAX Inlutlls pteputotl Angus Battle nten 35 up Dotisiiir 474 590VUTIQI and weekends INSULATION SIMCOE LCONOMY Insulation llbleglass blowing and pulling Tiue estimators Scott Muir 718 I267 MNDSCAPING LANDSCAPING GARDENING and tleo Frau estimates Complete mowing tenurer mowing VILG MANIEBI PAVING TU Driveways Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County Custom lramlng al all types many sites Phone 7283770 glnlugltlstltucrlon RIDING INSTRUCTION Horses boarded Battle Windy Hailgh Faint 726 0l97 ROOFING Indoor live in Repairs Free estimates J27l897 6pm DONS SHINGLING ing ieputrs New tugas rllttnnoys Ilashed 4746834 SAILING INSTRUCTION SERVICE LEARN TO SAIL ON KEMPENFELT BAY All lessons on board 23 It Keelboat SIOper hour Special evening and weekend rates 7267968 PAVING Parking Lots ARTICLES POI SAL BARBIE TV iAI It Vii 20 lll ll iii 778 420 Westinghouse All Condlllonels 0000 BTU TINIY Iorlayears PICTURE FRAMING DATES in Dunlap St East $18995 07070 inutos AND ROOFING New and old alter CERAMIGOLD SAILS SEWINGMASBNEL SEW TECH CO makes muchlrles Brotliet 737l IB Specialists ltldusltlol domestic New and used Sewmg Machines repair Wm lRusscL TEXTURE stucco Interior Itlgs Free estimates Mlclhursl telephone 778 4397 Spray Dale WATER HAULAGE THE WATEWMAN LGIIOY Wells cisterns swimming pools Iilled WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN WINDOW CLEANING Agents 737 l67l all SliiiigI old homes and cat owing Iar ussall 456 J9l8 Spe iciolisls iii houses apartments and stores hedge and shtiib ltilrltniilg louqu mow INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec roams Call Russ 436 ml alter Garages cleaned lg Tumnno 7760477 30 Relerencesavallablo 05h houled OWOY MUSIC INSTRUCTION JUST GIVE US GUITAR LESSONS Clnisiiol and AND Geneial Contractor Kitchen Mucnl Powm Gum swam rec rooms renovations additions IIerIocosguuruntogd 737 i507 4875525 726344 MUSIC INSTRUCTION oiiitor Ac catdloll Piano Canadian Academy ol CARPENTER SPNOIXUQ betweenTOaJrLandpJn Music l2l Boyliald St Two months ttial rooms interior remodelling trim 0k Ingtyumoyit loaned lor home platllio Flemou 729 888 ahebp beginner and advanced 778 I799 BANDSTAND MUSIC SIUdIDt Boylield kaA GeneraIMoinencnce ruallge 3222 Yamaha method START YOUR spring cleaning today Trees and Hedges Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet sleamcleuriing 726 632 Tnmmed VhALANINQW Patioslnstalled PAINTING Interior oxlatinl established Exenor Panhng 3230729dygggs769l6ten as Ittmlos wor BONDUM COUPLE will claim collages WindowCleaningServices PAINTING pupal hanging Bl lactoryhomes oltices Telephone7370597 pwmmnd In astilnatos Jock 5M°V9J°bs ricliaiaiaii 7767017 756 aim COMMERCIAL ART Days 7268424 VELLINGA PAINTING amt laminating eww Interlor ellntlnt Work gumunlood COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design Evenlngs 4362387 Estohllslmdlnyaurs mi 2609 776 9002 art work layout etc Plese coll collect hMW 936 763 ENERAL REPAIRS maiiitaiiania lt PAVING St carpentry tonovallons painting plum bing Experience rolorencas reliable SLLL moose PAVING CUSTOM FENCING and SUPPLIES SPRING CLEAN UP Pluning mowing Phone to estimates Free delivery Bur soddiiig seeding general maiiitaiiaiiii URNEWAYO no Fence Co 7763068 Lambert lloweibeds etc 776 8552 729 2670 AINTING inside outside Cotpotttry ouse clean ups tomodelling Odd obs ti Reasonable tales 7282567 DRESSES FIT il made by losic ALL WORK GUARANTEED AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and OIQOTIOH$ 7b Worslay firr FREE ESTIMATES 7766 OMPLITE HEATING plumbing sprinkler syslnms nil conditioning Sheet metal lobtlcntinli Service cilltl uttsmoucllmc COLORED Aluminum 90Dughmg gritroll unit Tap row fllitll€s All work done and guaranteed by owner rii qummitoei iiti tlltw iiiiui Freeeslimates 726 9769 mm VHLWBVAinww 008 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SpP STONE brick lacings llootlngs IOXTUIP £ILOTTA CONTRACTING Pnttus CialIsts Rooting and tooling repalls cooling Also wholesale and retail ol SKIOWOIIs steps Iiiiiineys ciitbs New Free estimates Coll 474l956 New buildin roducts 7769710 at Visit nut lwnrk and to ms lrol estimates Lowe showrooms 5Cln etton St Barrio IASB 473 ulterb itri on AUTOMOTIVE ARTICLESIOR SALE TRUCKSANDTRAILERS USEDCOLOREDTVSI m7 INTERNATIONAL smut ItlLT it ltt iii ii riilllt Ilnltclcttlve SIOOIH Iri iitlil Milli my isiill Itlovma Telephone 30M llora ECONOLINE VAN inside Liini plelely cthlIId in qooct lilittiliilll Oniv lowttivt For lurther inlormiltiill Dl lsi rail 718 9716bitwiin iittiila NOR FORD TANDENI ilLlTTLI till sill new tires brakes and IsllTLlDllTs Cil TIITILT Telephone Bret tiin TITS 484 SHAH CARS WANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS l76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF CARS WANTED TO BUY ITO FRILE nL lls YOKT Millin Icln TNtTrIillil Rmi jatllll EJLIN cans wANi in ii pr lilitld Silll 31 iik titll iciI NCCRLIK 16 rag kinu gyms Toleohonls all OITRACV WANT cats dVi Truths trii Fast LILJL si 424 €940 or LI AA AUTO ACCESSORIES tanators DilllttS starirs tirlmors tire trxghanqii 17 iJacobs lraie rt we SNOWMOBILES 1973 Ski ooo ownpit titlmes also new midi Trailet Ash 54 Ct IS 300 new trai louoii ski Joe 174° altlr MOTORCYCLES MUST SE Woo cLogtOw ll 99 enemi llVnll71 rot and 0mm Ex tended Ns Sulul execlie Jana liescail 26 381 16H sum R90 too Winaiammer LIOKK sress sale vent rwcr ciq ore Any reasonabie latter accepted Call Barrie 28 4206 or 5196a OLDSMOBLE sits as is BMVOrHlaflaoooii AsltorLetAlherton Telephone BATAVUS MOPED too line model low mileage Telephone 28 7017 other Spm 1974 YAMAHA 500 mint LWITIDT 1300 miles SI Telephone 16 0990 I97 HONDA XLISO converted tor trail excellent OndITO Asktna $500 Phone alter rn 776 0584 iNEW SOLEX 10006 Won ncontesl not S750 700 Michelin tires carrier lights etc 726 0627 I197 TRIUMPH DATONA soc tor sale 4500 miles excellent condition has to be seen to be appreciated Best otter Telephone 770 1892 I971 650 YAMAHA tor sale rebut encine DIHSTIL cover manual BOG hal rest Only ow ies on end ni Telephone 737 0563 alter 1973 YAMAHA 300 Eriauro 4000 Miles 900a condition cert Iiia and tuned Ask MO 8695 or Iran tar car Telephone Mike 372 7106 IV SUZUKI SOOLC in Icelltn concli tiohwi1t1 windshield and back rcs car rier Arty reasonable otter accepin Tilromvi 728 6494 H772 HONDA 70 tor sac orcellent coll amounts Tightening 374 OW alter 30 lI wreikmcl lnct earls ton prlcm Dacl Freioiikuo TtIvehimi no 8487 SCRAP FHCLLS xanml MD cm Daia lt vrllvcilti ruck uc nwwu 06 2°00 COLE BROS aw mm or ks w1ic tar yuin 53s needed have car 5350 value Will sell lor FREIGHT Some people say we have no Class but we GUARANTEE to save you CASH Brand new BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS S99 complete Free delivery No money down EZ credit 20 Dunlop Street just west ol the Barrie Arena 7262900 AuSH BOY ITII II iili yd TIU ilikii lullsiiiti Inventkiwi nunm ntiitl r1 It rial It within 778 nih HEAVY DUTY thk ItIT it till mlt Iisri hinlvy lLIy LI lalivr 80 L1 100 ortil IHT Tivirotltitti 726 Is BICYCLE FOR SALE Girls 100 llltl $70 ll Tellpruni Do 21 ll rusct Irii7 Il El ctt trait Sup It it cm Iiill lvivil gt1 Iil Tit TFI nllih Ili iiivi ii iaixovrirm iu iii liliixi like ti us SIS lw Tll mm STD Trlrtlltilli HA 1007 fllt rip SEWTECH 1Industrial singer Tllw vawic mm ti talch unit Sllrlhl tor uphelsw ii Tsimial 1th S090 iuk Birllz tlcall lrue Saltlty 5tttl1 oucrlx Suflarye Mr Sivsina IFRLY SAM Sinai lamest 142 the hill in mitten from $115 All machines ouaroneuil 737167 717 Ill IYACUUV CLEANER ilictli sewini mnchitlr oion al swVal rocker 74 inch ltan with JIJ mwa saw LlLI grinder arlaoi manti clsl boy lbuyde I000 tire aha rm Law ot Les Telephoneaso 398 KITCHEN CURBOARDS Corrlr 41 top ant bothn no sin cw llelepmnc 455 0450 Lvin no iPIANOS it NISII 30 Qult Vt Scl our dd ulLTL the Hi aaaa 5a is LUMBER iw sl iiv n1r aisn igt ivgl BN gti lhklaalom iiium Aiw TRUSSE Jo it ot loae stylii moi New $450 notional i456 2844 GARAGE SALE Sdudav ALA Ir lo 04 coilnae Crescent gar ITRUCK CAP tor sale wii any sal 76am toot body Onlv One year itelcphomi 728 2780 alter IRIFLES AND hand ours MI carnirw Erticla Number PI EddeloFc teid revolver numoev Mark am Luoir MM 1970 Dr WM Ailr1 ux celloht Condilkn Telephone alter i726 3355 GARAGE SALE AT THECURRIEGARACEORODNEY sr JUST soult or eAicE Sr BARRIEONSATURDAY Auciusrrin I076FRON9 wTOIQ 00 Exenise oicvcle electric bankv lheater ski wax remover 00 baa breakfast av load cooler vasts rues trays oil paintings casserole disries Nah Che tor baby cooks and other arti as too numerous to mention COMPLETE set of resaurant eauln meat Telephone 424 $7105 STEAMCLEANING machine Jenny llgt Comoination steam cleaner and can waSh Machine Partable Ideal tor tartl and ndustrial eqcnomtnt in coon work leisalon 25 633 CEDAR FENCE rais tor sale Cents each on orders at 100 delivered Telephone 322 TITS ltc 1000 65 75 cents price 143 Aroagh Rd 726 0094 ii tl int It ltll It in Iii viv Iii Sill LWHI itlll IiiI ill iii INCREDIBLE illiy 3A Tl litl ilal fir iIIT Ila Ink in Itaiix 41 ii il HIT Ill gt Iii ilvily ii Ily It Tip iH ii NCLAIMED FBE GHT No rugs on the lloor but your dollar buys more Brand new PC KITCHEN SUITES 59 Free delivery No money down EZ Credit 20 Dunlop St tust Ilil it vI llti igislitii Limlt yVilrItirt Strl Illamliitm wiwtivrwiiraHint All 50m OCKFW SPANILI Puppies Inr iitlii ttth act tii kllflll Mimi only Mr llllik Ill 77R MN IVTHFRLJN Titlinchrr snaylrt liiniii your Iilt VIUISIVILI tiacl iii Inn FlirlttHI WITI lTiIIlYt SIM till huntiii my MIN fTUFJF lOllDLt hint liiimll Irl iiii iii actor wil Limitvi TJi TlVt 124 5006 ll tilt iVAN Iiir irlll I7 ilTl tin fltit7 mir tiimn SISI ilw IIITItirl sgnlt Iytlllgtl mall illity senx Irlpllylll rtlll vgilrl sr ll viivyuiIii ii Vol2 lT films In ml Allk tlll I1 MJEIELESFPFHE tiiil Telepltlonu 778 I9 CITY WIDE WINDOW CLEANERS 20years experience Fully insured PHONE 7372472 DOGS AND PETS POODLF ilititliiiii ol till iti ital 775 llldl llfclJLlI IITtli IlllllJi TRIMVIN llll itll ILI tll lllltili In up is er Hvi iiil illlillit PROF Flfoi DOOTH trim 117 Bill LIIilll Dvlnptlt viii Iliitiii Fwlyillt Allivtillilw 1F THEMFl rith tr vtmw Lilith inc all ii lwiwi GARDEN SUPPLIES Illlli nrlti il prutixnnonnl mill Iiiiii iilllyll Iriiiirviinu ltlIIInU alllltitdi Kiitlllils tt ant 414 IO1 SHEDE TRFE sciLn splr rtiwv west at the Barrie Arena 726 my 2900 malt TIv iefll AUSH swaui ii win vwi amt lul mini il warranty Now OllinWiiirpli Si$ wiik yWITJ WW tr Whom tivitvti Ii1y Inn ELI min meowa HR Our trucks are travellin lor $400 WE LY and wide so lots ol people are Olly new Tll Kiln lr on our side Brand new STEREO COMPONENTS are only $157 rlli No money down Credit 20 Dunlop Street West just west at uazr its am YORK AIRiili Ton pressars watt PM phaSrI Mani vlo ita an al 71a low uvsi In itvsorI Spa AIR CONDITIONERS All sizes soix NT 4000 To 10000 rOOT Glndillthousr trailer slows we ml the Barrie Areno 7262900 AuSH ARTICLES WANTED Dual 778 BT63 in good condtor CAMPING EQUIPMENT I973 RAvCLVKC crr 0an ii mu II LINN Ii ii stovc and wey rutr aerator wort exterior textured walls and cell WANTED western horse saddle anal TPIQOPOIIP ritrI wincmim 776 litLS 0000 home 0le ion SL350 Triephorle 77a 7187 alter Availarzt JJ windows Cal 150 Survey pIrG tron slba Nu won DOGS AND PETS MAY Fxwic Paricr Drgtission um iorww vJSOTuIF 066 AQUARIA all 72a EDGEHILL lish plants OCCPSSOHES down No payments Til Sophomva Phone tonight 00 Jrich krau Kelly in M1 Barre Shopcinq Diata Tj Ila REFR QEQATQ AW IS mom rbrl STS Also arqe ring Yqtr Mina wderLv 32 ww Alis 7C 723 Jsosatlerou COMPLEE DARK room no warth not 5300 soil tor 5130 HPJotinson ou Doara runs kr new $95 TamarOnt 726 5056 aiclip dVS Aquariums Lowest Telephone 174 64H loom imi an Asx $500 or bist otter ivipop HafiDTOP traulr sleeps KM ti tt arfillr L10 Sd ANTED RENT responsible irllllllTI4I1II4IIITLI JUST UPI wmii 6000 BTU UNIY $24995 ll Just 758991 wook BIJYI llfi tintii tint No IllIWlI Idyllllllil wNo payments llll Seplomoot illile delivery It lllSlitlIilllUlI iIWe sorvme what we soil UNCLA MEI GHT FreightJ gal said It was lust great SINGER AUTOMATIC FBE Preowned full price $57 No money down EZ Credit 202 Dunlop Street West just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 COLOUR TV RENTALS 20 Inch TV 350 26lnch TV 450 on superb rentto own plans Phone tonight deliver tonight KBAZY KELLYS Barrie ShoppingPlazo 7370 I82 We enjoy ourselves stores at our so come on in and we Will enjoy It more GIANT 26 INCH COLOR TELEVISIONS only $395 per week on RENT TO OWN or $495 Free Delivery Credit 202 Dunlop Street lust west at the Barrie Arena 7262900 AUSH ZENITH 28loth 93 Iii It ri LN gti II KBAZY KELLYS gay will UNCLAIMEU FREIGHT We are bit at an eyesore so we hide the storebut when you come in you really score Ioao TENT trailer tor sale sleeps nl Brand new PC LIVING ROOM SUITES lull price m9 Free delivery no money down EZ credit 202 Dunlap St West lust west at the Barrie Arena 726 tar ly at would like to rent carrpe laay trorr MandiTr Auqur AWUSI rr leohoni no 5879 to Fr THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORE OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE AuSH SALE Used furniture bicycles etc Moonstone Bargain Barn 1000 other used articles Telephone Moonstone 8352l l0 Jy31Au345I2I3 appliances ZlGZAG SEWING MACHINEI MTThFTF tertitiedilio trolooist phone 2g ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 31 009 thick TIUC EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 WE BUY and sell new and used be Is Snort Haven Marine Shanty Bay LIKE NEW 1975 l62 It Silvnrliiieti5 MWFTF aoArS AND MOTORS 726 IOOI ii Johnson with power trim trailer Telephone 726 0670 18 FIBERGLAS BOAT convertible top sleeper seats electric wiper 65 hp Evinrude trailer included Excellent condition Terms available Telephone 737 77570Itcr W76 l6 BOW RIDER with outboard motor and El loader trailer plus op tions wipers horn liahter stereo pad dies lite jackets etc Phone 737 3913 alter load SAIL BOAT 14 It Enterprise with trailer main lib aluminum mast Evistrotli ballest AI condition Asking $675 Telephone 726 3379 IS WINNER fibreglass cobra lull Onvtrllhlt top and side windows Fold down seats anchor lite iackets etc 000 It Wistrolt trailer 50 HP Mercury motor WIIII electric start all 717 374 MIN Jon 50 HP MERCURY motor PII7I start Ionq stialt completely overhauled Telephone 728 l075 SYGNUS 70 that tibreglass rtaysailer tixed keel sails lull bench cushions tarp trailer 37850 incluclirta slip Barrie Marina 778 247 daytime 776 7933 even IIIQS I4 FT RUNABOUT and 35 ii Johnson $350 or best otter 12 It aluminum boat 5275 Telephone 436 1657 SAIL BOAT Bombardier Irwitlttiort weeksolcl prrtnclrondition Paid 81700 Wlll sacritirr tor H000 Telephone 737 7743 MASTERCRAFT boat trailer heavy rtu ty Inc It wheels with utility box in good condition $750 or best otter Telephone 726 0707 alter names mam PURINA CHOWS Bulk Sorvtcrr Lowest Cost Complete Dairy Rations PARTRIGE CALI FEEDTLSFTD 487 2929 In IF FEED SEED AND GRAIN CUSTOM COMBINING lnrlt header trucks and nugors available rlryer new macltlncry 436 349i NEW STRAW tor sali Whral oats and barley in Ilfld or can be lmliicl 436 349I Au5H CUSTOM BALING new Irlll baier ballcl to your reqmremenls Loarirr also tor litre Phone 436 349i CUSTOM COMBINING available Woslirn grain specialty combine Com pettliyr rates Drying and trucking hours 15 Massiiy Foruusorl gas hydrnul ti llrlllt With manure bucket Both trec trir iii exrellrnl workan order Also set fitytrin New Lowell ION TNRFSNING mitchlnelor saleon weeks next spring Apply to Box R97 avmlahle Phone 436 455 or 436 7451 WHEAT STRAW Apply MII Priest Minising Tollphone 778 4337 BAT HAY $175 qoori quality Itrpt Ill IiiiIir nyrr Dalston 776 204R WHEAT iTRAW tor sale baled in the iiitil TIIiptlrmiASR 9236 FARM MACHINERY IT MASSEY Firquson diesel N0 315 tilitil inrt lilaltit WIII ll bucket law III Iurruw plriws George White tar wallon TPITDhOtIP 773 4471 70x WIK qtam dryer tor sale 570 bushels Usrd very little Joe Van Sllll workitiu rnnrtition $50 37 IS Al LIED AUGERAInrl1es 20 It in iiiw rrttIiIiIintI Telephone J72l947 ariymiii Telephone LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rox ANn Hotlan talk Shop English TILIITIIIgtKIVI1ItIIITIvIDrIrTTII WohinSOn HilrIINiIrl ll Dunluli ltatrle 723 74 HORSTS BOARDFD Mnrtlrrl new IIIIi imllv nrix shrill ttalitlrlth Win My 8764 Farm Alli 0m Hwy II 4M Tlllalllt Ni HORSL Tilliliiui $1 soSandup lllllll littlltr I975tliitsi trailer trgli fulltiiilrtttirin TIC lvl Ftluni 716 ISSI Hi RD ril Ia UJll registered gttli Infllltflti brulttl cows in iliml hurt il TiIopltorte lyllrt 7714417 WI Litt MARES hertuttlul GISDOSI timis Asking 00 Hill Also pony ii iii as Pitisr lltlpllllt 416 7689 POULTRY AND CHICKS urnrtv to lay VIIIIII Atin term IrtSh llIl rillu Tll Poultry Farm ilv AM IRII WHTF LithNt Hlris tor sale will thi ii Viilrptllmi 436 2007 txttorr II rir 717 067 anytime FULIF IS FOR SALE Rhodt Island iiirl flltlft rock and Plymouth Barrict rock pullels also white rock adrenals Tellphone is 7530 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Rasptiiirviis pick your own lot Con tension ll Essa mills north at Coolstow and wrs mile on 5th siniinini 458 4837 ML HOLIDAY lN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND sr PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies lor August Fall and Spring when prices are low Elliciency unlts Iram $65 WEEK lor two persons Phone the owners in BARRIE 7262826 tor inlormation SCAR WIi trotll your problem Ln it and Ill Call Tolerate vnillym not lu Iui hair at REMOVAL at Lydia Hrencriuk RELIEF tram pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Rea Masseur 726 4092 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 ll you drink thats your business It you wanllaauitlhatsours Callanytime ENJOY HORSE DRAWN waoon rides through country trails evenings and wiixims Minutes tram Iarrze Reasonable rates For inlormetlon call 72 607B atlertpm You OENrLEMAN requlm coir portion to share costs to Hawaii tar The Barrie Examiner HISTORICAL Interruption sougtfi on early Black settlers in Barrie Egg Ora CMIOCI Dr Daniel Hill 20 aevoridae Dr Don Mills Ont Celt col lectl416u7 an EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282

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