IIIFFALO TORONTO II NAMILION IARRIE CABLE Not For Women Only Summer Seinuter Cartoon Playhouse Rockctahlp 000 22 247ll12722 New Movie The liuatleri 24 Hourii Iefinlllon OZ NBC New In Touch ttIl 000 Wiiiiti Hill Lnnd Hollywood quares Ampflm Strikes Spam and Br +90 Fun Factory Huckleberry Hound l2 New ti Switzcr Unlimited Uncle Robby II Midday 20 l2 Iitrm News IZIIIO 77 Family Feud 22 Wintario ll Double Exposure t2 Mancuti Welby Moirallunt Show Bi IRS News chen From thrisi man 22 Honeymooners To Tell The Truth IO00 Koyak 97 Movie tA Man For NtWs Match Game Reach For The 47 Strikes Spam Mines Mr hips 22 Beverly Hillbillies 20 Name That Tune l2 Hob Ncwhart A2 Sanford and Son Movie tMixui oin panyi IIIII Golf By THOSTESON of Dear Dr Tbonteson have been taking thyroid pills Pro loidi since 1969 recently cha ed doctors and have been told dont need them and to stop taking them That was three months ago have no ticed that am putting on weight up from 114 to 11 Could stopping the pills have caused the weight gain My eating habits are the same as before What should do Mrs ED Proloid tthe generic or nontrade name for thyroglobulini is used to replace thyroid hormone when the gland is underproducing The general effect is to in crease body functions person using it would tend to be more active than he would be without it Discontinuing the ills would have the reverse elect The person would tend to be less ac tive and perhaps there would be some weight gain However the medicine can produce false readings in tests or thyroid gland function You didnt give me the reason your first doctor had you on the me dication However followup tests after discontinuin it might be more reveali the tstateof the est you ollow your present tors advice but re port any untoward symptoms such as sluggishnass and fa tigue to him and of course any continued weight gain The three pounds over threemonth TELEVIS IARRIE ILIFFALO TORONTO It Arrows ll Ontario Scliuolii Oil Daytieiit livgrllty of the air IMNW lie to leli Oil Dialing lur liolluni Window in The World 03 27 Dinah Jack lii Lanni Toronto Today ll Tmulilu with Iroci I2 Thursday IVININO 4I4Il llriinch tWiilliins choine liiick Kotler Whiitli Iliippciiltig Movie Wild lit The Days Of Our Lives As The World Turns Joyce Davtdson ti elebrity Dominoes All In The Family ll $20000 Iyramid l2 telclirtty tooks Griitid Old tountry Slaisky and Hutch 26 I2 Ioltce Story 2345 Til it News Be My Guest Late Edition Night Real News Night Final Johnny tnrson 111113 DOCTOR SAYS Followup tests may be of help comic I2 PETERIOROIION 22 OLOIAL MORNING VININO MONDAY YO FRIOAT l2 Various liiigriiniiinng ION tolelirity Sweepstakes no Mr Dietinin it Art of ooliiiig IILINI Wheel of loriuiiil ti Sesame Street tintnlili Edge Of nglil ti Kiireeuii Yoga Gill TIï¬ltlu lt Galloping tioiiiinit Employment File Wm Im 12 Its Your tlioirc Romper Room Clndda AM Hollywood St llillth Today mill Young and II 39 memm PIIIIUtkllflllllliï¬lkiw limp Mornlri Show rieiidly tool Map iy fly ll Special Iaw ii llti Aoiir Move II Miigiktrntca toinl Ed Allen linic 20 ll Lute Edition ll Night lictil Ncwx l2 Night Ftiiiil Itlti Johnny tinion Merv iriffin Final Edition Mac NW Movie Wild In The Movie litnil Ito News ountryi it Larry Solwny Show 1nyunm HI Hawaii liViti 22 Global loiirinil um mm on he Our Iicllow Americans It 50 pram Streets of Snn lriin Movn ltlllftt of tin culto Miiiiiinys loiniii annnu p0 unflm ii The Practice l2oti as New l2 Movie illuiiiciinci Ii Movic ttiitriti Br nown ourt 13 Movn tWoy Wiiy mwymmno Ilerc oinim The Out To Tell Thl Tnith Muir ii Mom The Lust Mum Point East loinls Adventure any Hihbri Weill Movtc tliiiwinx 22 tlcorge Anthony itciitcsi Advciiturci pme My meh iozoo ll Movie iTlic llirclingi 00 Tomorrow Mhm 22 News Mnniiix Where The Sky Regina any kill Bfwrlny myan 4ll Raninby Jones Movie Harlan Ilt Bobby Vinton Show 1030 Magnificent l2 Don AtIIIIIlN Screen 2205 I2 John Iorriythe Teal ll Mtl tiriffni IM IN II it The Streets of San NW Mflflltlilu Francisco lie My Guest 220 2H Beach lioys fl Movie ilin Other 512 Ieforiiinnic IAWN Friday AFTERNOON i2oo tio Illtl Movtc IIivt Fiiigcrsi tross Wits 3i 12 Forest Rangers toniiniindcr Tom 22 Lively Woman Imnbic Willi Tracy Young and The Restless lrllll Gong Show l2 Summer Scene it firmly lluncli Leave It To Beaver 220 It 12 Mon Ami Search For Tomorrow It News Mod Squad 22 Ed Allen 210 21 Little Rascals All My Children Whats The Good Mike Douglas Flintstones Word ll Dinah I2 Party Game Doctors tif I2Ii$ It 512 Edge of Night it ï¬t Fiiciidly titatil Around The Illack 22 inkling Light 500 World It One Life To Live it Ironsidc Zlli News 300 Truth Or ton Hit it Another World sequentm Magazine IHi Take lhtrly it Its Your hoicc 2t Daybeul All In Thc Family That int Concentration tiitiiidinn taviilcodt tz laniily Attnir Hrackens World is izio Ryans Hope it General Hospital News fl Dick Van Dyke 330 Lovo American Sly II Iaiii idgc Iilllll 12 liikttsthiI 22 News Match lame it liin Iilttiil 21 Re My Guest EVENING 22 Movie Key To The ti 00 iii Ihi tuns evasï¬i Nu 35 l2 Mary lylcr Moore Tunv ll Donny and Marn Hours 1mm ofvliay thfinllion Hz 50 iii It in 279 News Jho WNW l2 Moi It Retreat Ilcll 54o Touch i2oo plr mm ll Rockford It ll Mm mum l2 1m Mmlt tMovtt John it Movie iTItc IIIIIIIII And Mn and the Mctnysi Rowling For Dollars Nmshmo 22 Mmtc itonntdiiuiii ll Movie tThc Irimc of Miss leiin Rrotlici Movie The Yallci of Decision I100 The Midnight Special Rookies Qumm ll toiintry Way Ho 130 Moiic tI in All Rt lll ammo ll Tommy Mokem and Jack rm Ryans Fancy Movie illoiisc of cnricc I5 ll MII tirifiin 225 it Moxie iTliiisc Hod heads ltom Smith I0 ll Moi II Pint of Rrrefsr Final Edition period are not excessive and really doubt that stopping the pills is going to be continuing factor in your weight if your gland is functioning well Dear Dr Thosteston Settle this for us will you Just how long does it take for blood to ctrculate iii the body from the heart and back again llT It takes from 20 to 25 seconds Dear Dr Thosteston My doctor has told me that have stone in my prostate gland He has checked it for the last five years and says it is not cancer ous But am wondering if still can have sexual inter course as before am 61 tit You are wise to keep con tinual check on the gland If it gives you no discomfort it is best left alone The stone would not be removed by itself but with the entire gland There is no reason why you should not be able to have sex ual intercourse as before The stone itself would not neces sarily interfere with that but it could if it enlarges By that time removal would probably be in order anyway Early symptoms of prostate cancer are blood in the urine or difficulty in emptying the blad der In your case however these need not mean cancer sin ce irritation from the stone might cause the same symp toms Bamlca Bade ant For Friday Aug ti 1970 Altth March 2tAprll Persona you do business with will prove more hoiplul today than litanda you know socially Dont expect lavora from pain TAURUI April 20May 20 Be careful today not to make com mltmonta impulsivon It may seem like the right thing to do but could later cause problems OIMINI May 21Juna 20 You should taro rather well today with people and lirms that you know Negotiations with strangers in another story CANCER June 21July 22 in speculative matters tread very cautiously today Y0ure look ing for more than you have right to expect LEO July 23Aug 22 Youre apt to be only partially successful today because of lack of persistence Dont quit till the rewards are certain VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Be sure to pick up your share of the tab it youre out on the town with friends today Failure to ante up will make poor ini presslon LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You could reap surprise harvest today Theres also good chance youll not exploit the opporlurilty wisely SCOHPIO Oct 24Nov 22 intermediaries cannot be relied upon today to speak on your behalf Get personal audience with the big shot SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 21 in money matters today you will be both shrewd anti foolish What you take in with one hand youre likely to give away with the other CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 10 This could be very rowai cling day for you prowdod youre involved with progressive associates wrong choice of teammate lessens your probabilities AQUARIUS Jan 20Fab 19 Youre not as tightlipped as you should be today regarding to formation thats best kept cori ltdential Dont let tho cat out of the bag PISCES Fab 20March 20 In your commercml transactions today its wisest not to take anything for granted Ask questions and have the terms Aug ii tan Career opportunities could HAVE RiGHT Tc THAT PHONE THE AMBAE WHEN sAPOR MY FATHER TURistEsH HE ONE OWNï¬ MY COUNTRYb COETUME SOUNDS PHONE giiacarssi OIL WELL wANP RIGHT CALL AND l5 Psksonm TURKEY GET ROUTINE FRiiiNP UP THE 5HAli DOESNT CON SOUNDS YOU MAY BE OLD ALL meat HE OIL EMBARGQ Powder absorbs ink on wallpaper Hy Iolly ramer Pollys Problem DICAR lOLLY Could you please tell me how to remove ink marks front light colored wallpaper have tried couple of things but both spotted the paper MRS MT DICAR MRS Ml wish you had told us whether or not yours is washable paper Since it has already been tampered with and so much time has elapsed cannot hold out much encouragement When ink first gets on wallpaper it should be blotted up im mcdliitely so as not to spread further Then an absorbent powder should be applied and brushed off as it absorbs the ink ontinuc until no more is absorbed Ink eradicators and any sort of bleach will remove color from the design It seems your best bet would be to get another roll of paper or perhaps you had some left over anti replace the spotted strip with new one POLLY DEAR POLLY lsavc all my cgg shells and crumblc thctii into the bottoms of my flower pots This holds the soil back atid providcs good drainage lIllllIl DICAR POLLY My lct lccvc lS Willi the chrome on WliltlSllltltl wipers mirrors anti rear view mirrors on cars They shinc til the sun or headlights of cars anti thus blind ilic tlrivcr it seems manufacturers of cars anti trucks could use some sort of tioii glare material for this as safety iictii MRS lt lilIAR POLLY accitlcntally lcancd up against door freshly paititcd With White cnamcl lt marked almost the full length of ii sicch Iil my hand croclictcd sweater After letting it dry lor scvcrnl days did tiol know whether it could be removed but thought it hair spray rcmovcs ballpoint ink wliv not try it sprayed it real well rubbed bctwccn my fingers and repeated about thrcc limcs lhcrc is not sign of paint suddenly come you way and no datiiagc done to the sweater Thought thlS might help year through very unusual channels Should you boat of something through an unlikely source it would be smart to check it out NEWSPAPER lrINTIZRlRlSr Assv ARIISI IIII ONII Oscar Levant ho was pit lcd pianist humorist movic cotiiposcr conccrt litlltilllltl author and actor llttl thc last ltlycars of his life as icclusc RAMCNA AND THINK YOU HAVE MNfEiBFI ii fMAILE WINTIIROP Fiï¬fï¬lf méiti SIIORI RIBS scoping from Sebastian KERRY DRAKE BC BUGS BUNNY OScflfoxf WWWHi giant Lefh aid iiddre four more ALL picked up two police car IsaotuPurE Tia CAN Mister tie shootout DEAD TURN cEFtiOuQCAR Mhbebastian mamAw satirizEAQFasT Va AME AN Ewen WDEV Viola Willi licr paint stiatlcrcd stilt DOROTHY DEAR lOLlY Recently my husband was helping our young son repair toy and spilch that milky whiic allpurposc glue on his brown knit slacks immediately washed them in the washer wuh warm watcr arid detergent hoping the glue would wash out but it did not Remembering pointer about hot Vinegar dissolving glue washed the slacks in hot water with thrcc fourths cup of vinegar and no detergent All of thc glue came out and iiiiraculousiy thc slacks did not shrink nor fadc Do always test first MARY LOU DEAR POLLY helps provide necessary iron the plant nccds anti minc soon start looking more beautiful SHERRY ll nudges in EF ALL 0085 iMPLY Lefi tells about 68ASTiAN wire ASWUCAN MAY BE OURE Hero returns partners ault VV DAILY CROSSWORD WIN AT BRIDGE Anawar to Previous Puuia hitll mun EastSJIBy was bad True mmnm 54 it woul have worked if 9lepr ii declarer held kin small or cw xgzrvï¬ï¬‚own it maybe acesmall hearts but mom Unwmmg ii the spade return had to be worker as Manon miner Veterinarian authora tint may work with nama RI thr EA then 30 Branch if it ii to Hack drlvara 41 Masculine Mi it vahicla nickname is ii Missouri readers wants to in Learning 42 poem Isl air to it know why 26 highcard points 18 Away om Rm 333358 lzmlvti SOUTH tIi produre only nine tricks at 33 mahxfl notruriip while 26 points of all slalom 90¢ cl Words on in Hunt ovum kinds produce ltl tricks til it 17 Alloy workers He works at IIilvtlt tinltim firi ftttttll If gadget boning Hair and em or filtli 54 WTtiiriltlivdifr our reader from 54 Member oi II gum Miiriitoql headache ct out Mil mach Nttlhtl VHWHN the showme state point to Moon ooddau so Scottish Iminiuil sit amimnimn count is an approximaan and 2t Fall month aboaploid It Ilino entranti Palm trmta est North IIiiiit South lab 57 Root miqn ii lib tm mm tartar ruling Lighthefttrzuï¬ï¬‚imlgf 23 Japanese anti Mi Feminine in FY doctors 46 mo 24 Bounce nickname mm It 47 Mutualuie you play in the wrong suit 27 Part of so Paa Lolllllnor 9r Dacroamt pm organllta 60 Koltuti Buy ti rinrriii iO lit Lily Hlitllttlli ltild ii ym mm tr ks dmdppedr tnairumant waaptiri 74 rank titriliimii F0 copy of JACOB 29 Card oamhlarl tit Mirirzod mini iuwminp African lflkl Hy Oswald it tlamcs Jacoby There are two reasons why you should return your partners suit The first one is that it tends to keep him hap py The second is that it is usually the correct play South won the first trick with the queen of spades over llasts jack He led the it of diamonds and let it ride to Easts quccn East looked at his own but cartl heart suit and decided to play it He led the queen South won and led second diamond West did the best llt could by playing low but South played dunimys eight After that it was it simple matter to play ace and another diamond and wind up Willi two overtricks it only amounted to 60 points in overtricks since South always had nine tricks after the spade lead but the game was match points and it meant the difference between fair score and bottom for thc dclcndcrs MODERN send S1 to Win at Bridge co this newspaper Box 489 Radio City Station New York 10019 INVIIIItlIIZ II II LONDON Ili Seventy Mix liritish school boys lctl by li scientists will take part in ii iiix week expedition to the moat riorllicrii part of llnltilltl to in vcstiguic ilic ecological ttlllStS of the dcvnstation of birch trees on the northern tree line The expedition is in co operation with the Finnish lorcstry Toni mission and lutku llnivcrsit FINIHOAIDIIIOSIIS LONDON TI Almost 200 exploration boreholes were drilled iii lirituiii IIISI your in thc iiiarch for new cool sources The National oril liotird says the exploration program has been extremely successful with operating coal reserves slur ting lo iiicrcrisc for the first time in 50 cars Of the till boreholes trillcrl liili were llltilt than tititi metres deep 32 Draw forth EE like tour of iharn Wing stiiitimi Wi Hold up to tilIilJllf tl fort It iiariio ii Splitting cririloiil DOWN obatar put nail in each pot With plant ThlS GCCléE PIMPLY VVHY 5+ iOLiLD FEEL ALL GOQGEr PIMPLY gt lt in 4H acme 306 exr NOBODY iENtCNEFTiJE HtT POI1107 NH NOOMN COLONIETS HAD AN AIR FORCE MT SA ï¬kil1 New KNOW WCER SIDE GLANCES FUNNY BUSINESS Bur we HAU iT or= AN EMEFeeEan our HE RE iov on 1m citstwin Youll have to excuse wife She went to her club today and she as tired tongue THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY CARDIET iT WAS NICE OF WU TD REMEMBER THATLL BE SEVENTEEN MINDYOU lT WOULD WE BEEN EIEHNICER IF YOUD PUTA STAMP ON THE ENVELOPE THERE mueo ACNE NEVER SATISFIED you WANTJAMONT STUDENTS Improve Your Mark Rent towarri owning your own typewriter lnqwre about our Rental 29 Mop Janie Ownership Plan 73702 UUUUUuwuu We tie Fgértlflé FlSiilNG WIZARDOF in HAVE fins HORRIBLE realma THAT MY BULB HA5 done our FRANK ERNEST