Ibséejslsfleminsn Thuedex 5999515112Ztl Coolest July since 65 ltmllNll II It was It cool and wel July in most areas III nlurm willI IIIanrnlures one In two degrees tlslus lw low Iverugr for this lime llw your mul llmnrlIrslmnm IN curring on us many as one qIInrlrrollhIIIIIVH gt lornnlo IIvanlId All hours ol bright Sllllhllllll he leusl lol InyJulysunrrirerilslwuunIn Inn The prIvmus IIIIIIIlIIl low wzlszllbl hours In lJlf Ill NorllMIII Hnlnllo llmn Lulu thmnn euslwnrrl llllll lnll was lll evass Ul HM IIIIIlInIrlrI3 lllllllilltll Wllll nnlllml IIIly mnuunt III III In mi Illlll SoltllnnslIrn Unlurm Is Inr tlhl Ir ltllllltlltllltlll IIIII IIII Nlilllll IIInnsulu was also lllllll wvl Wllll rannlnlls ol lllll lll rum WEREN JOSIIINt IIIM 1ff hm lIIlI1I IInlrl el lllllllll1 lltkll lresrnlInI IIMUI IIlllll Ill illltl ll NM Mm II It on llllll In 11 cheque Is IIgullu IIfln lhltllnw lonsk lot ImnnIInl 5Y SUI lln lhIlntIo Wtlllllll tlllll ol llnvirmumnl nmuln suul in Slilllllltlll WtIIIImluy llml lolonln exwrwnrml IlS tnolrsl July smve Hui mul the low Illll Mlllllllth IIIHI tllHlll weather Xltllllltl inslwzml lrmn III routetoKingslenzIIIIlUllinn llllll pinpointKI Innn Monle Ilurnts Mr As lllnlltJIl someone was illll Illll IIHIlllil illltl HutHm mm WP Tum Mm lunmm km Ioslnlmnug hvguid mum Muskekn runnlnll was IIIhm III It ml alum two Itlnllllts up ml the presentation Examiner lllil ll Itol $100 lur IIIIII the hml lIIIIxnllen Ilmul Il lllllll Mm Everything must gel Top quality brand name furniture has been reduced by up FM ta ta phi ansa CARDWALcnnnu Insulate NOW Cooler Summers Er Warmer Winters to 40 off Its zit fantastic opportunity to save on all styles el furniture BEDROOM FURNITURE lIVING ROOMS Pee livin Room Set Pee Bedroom Set Pin Color Drnswu luv Hqu nlun hullnlnmrm 54 board Illr VrIlmlMI Ilmst 5Av1700 SALE SPEClAl Pce living Room Set Pee Bedroom Set Mustm Spanish ml by UpholquIIrl lnlywdvr mslrnng lumt lupin Dress MIIIm lurqu l7 Armouo 54 60 Bnnul SAVEIIO Nilo Iohlm Rog Voluo999 Pee lIVIng Room Set mlu lum ttmwm HIIIrIWIIHIIIIIHIIII ulrni For Jqu Ifll Pee Bedroom Set WW ChurrningFurnthirovinrinl INSULATION VERMICULITE RIGIDFOAM FIBRE GLASS BATT 33233332 AIIH Insulation pours Insulation for walls Easy to handle mo Pee Vlng Room Set TIUIH II Tll EHHJ floors Various thick BUTTS per Sq HIIII HI Halli lIII Pm hag nesses tq lip lllzriliivrrlt Inwn ur IIH iIIirm 69 9c mo II ammo ROOMS SAY non Sheet WEATHER STRIPPING CAULKING COMPOUND ALUMINUM DOORS Pce Dm9 Pce lIvmg Room odernWolnulFInIsh ll Tuftzchrofy SIlCISQ Uplrwlulury lrrl In Hun MINIMI ll 59 White Grey From Economy Reg Volunmn ILIm Iliam Cartridge mm 13 gg SHINGLES ROLL ROOFING ROOF COATING Pï¬e Dining Set SECTIONALS Crystal per mm 10 Biugg Black SI 95 100 Ga W°°h Pee Sectional Set Sq Ft Reg Value ll39 Irln luwv xrII UlmeI SAVE 240 WM II IIIIII fliguï¬unlqmt In VrwnIfly SAVE IJO Pce Kitchen Set memos Pee SectIonol Set Inlay Table 17le 3911 Ottamtuz RegVoue64 Brmm ruint Type MUNH7 SVEO VIT FDIH Hill Jill1 ryrnktv rpm Pug John 34 bl EAVESTROUGH SAVEbl Galvanzed ready for P68 KITChen Se installation for that table Swwel Chairs Mar professional look Endr bletopToble caps downspouts Reg Vau933°° SAVE 80 etc also available Tuxedo Style Bed Sofas By 804 Pee Kitchen Set Drop teal Table Chairs 9M4 mp Reg ll5 SAVIIlO SAVE 30 PCE PINE FINISH KITCHEN SET King Koilvtoyeseot Bed IobleSAChoirs 8H gtv All Your Roofing Needs DarkPIneColour pp ï¬ner4 Reg Value We carry tomplete line of rooflng needs um Plastit Cement Root Coating Shingles and Roll Rooting Whether you want to install complete new roof or repair broken shingles and stop leaks visrt us today we ll be happy to discuss your requirements The ideal outdoor stain Lo°e 63 95 BARRIE Your best friend in town BAYHHD 5mm NORTH FURNITURE FOR PEOPLE PHONE 728551 lllllllllllllllllllllllllll SHOP MONDAY TUESDAY SATURDAY 10 yUSï¬XOUV credit 530 N0 HEY DOWN WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 109 ff CH5 CARDINAL CHER mum LUMBER BLILII SUPPLIES tr timv my NJll mu nvumt Â¥MWMA