The Market Place Wednesday TAKING TLOS llt year old Kara lllttl paitieipaiit at the Johnson Street lllilllltl Itlll eeii August I976 tre sponsored the til ieereatioiidepartment takes eloser look at paper oe LOOK AT AN llltS toplh Iheoetopiin ltillt ol seveial seiilptiiien iiiade eliildreii at the eeiitre and Steam show success despite rain mud lh llTIIZH lllIlUlIl l7iiiiiiiei Stall llepoitei lhe sereaiii ot shiilt whistle was tollowed iiiiiiiediateh In louder but lower blast as two steziin engines oiiipeted toi at teiitioii tltliei eiiiiiiies ltltlttl iii ieleasiiii eluiids ot steain over the tookstown liiri3roiinds at the annual slio ol the leoi itiaii Ila Hteiiin tlltlllltllt Lisaiid llllllt AKMNIJIIIUH The air at the izroiiiids ias iillltltlll tilled with the ehiii min and tlitiildiiig ot steam and pas powered eiigiiiesat work lhe drove eross etit saww Itltlllltw threshiiiit niaelniies board planer and eireiilar saw tiittiiiitplaiitis ttn Saturday speetators hraied rain showers and mud ground to Visit the show llltll teatiiied about lllll eliib itorsnietiidiiiiii steanieis The rain toreed eaiieellalioii ot one went the oldtiiiie tiildle ioiitest lIie liddlers toiild not keep their instruments Ill time Also the Satiirda parade eaneelled beeaiise ot the iiiiidd ltmllllR llttt iI ioltltliit keep the pen pleaua tliitdren lined up to ride stale inodel ot tllt 11701 elass steaiii loeoniotive The model hiiilt es White and his two sons ot lleslieitoii took about three years to eoinplete Available Knockdown Unfinished Only Mr Wliite who let ltltJI lio terald Itllll ol tookstowii operate the tiaiir said he ltlkiu it to most shows IIEIJS 2th Ihe train is built to one iiieli equals oiie toot settle and is eapable ot t4ltlltltl about in miles an hour The loeoniotive eaii pull train with about people riding II It was hiiilt tor tenteiiiiial Year and is tiielled with oil llllltl models tilled part ol the tan grounds iiieliidini model at Ito Iiolsepouei ase traetor IIiilip Mtllllllt ot lltSlt built the model Itllilllp about four years on and till again llr Metiiiire who uses the tiaetoi to lii grinding ltllltlllllt said it is one quarter seale with seven and halt horsepower engine Most ot the parts tor the tiae tor had to bebiiilt bi hand Ito Hinder iil Kettleby in King lownsliip attraeteil lot ot tllltltlttill as he liewed logs Mr Snider is deseeiided than John Snider who settled in King Iowiisliip near the present da ltlaek treek lioiieer village in llltt Lops were hewed by the pi oiieeis to form heanis toi houses The lot is shaped into square using broad aw and then smoothed ARDINAL lli Sindei who owns Iaiin and has donated etiiiipineiit to Hlael ieek said ten years iii1tilitiiatl to eoinplete three or toiii tops but no Ilt takes iseas tllltltltltllltttt two lheie is even book IIIltti about the Snider tiiiinlr group ot llllllllltltllwltttli taiiiieiswliowalketltolanada UIllllSbIHlli lioi llltIQI people the was not the llll tune the isitetl the ookstownshou liophies awarded the tlttllttltitl Ila ssoeiatioii were donated ariet ot peopleandoreaniations lhe best sleain eiiiznie tiopli went to ltiisselt lilon ol il lowdale with his Lt Iiolsepouer Ilell Mr lilon was not sure ot tIieVeailnsinaeliniewasbiiilt Iliith lliiekle ot Queensuile won the lad steain operator and junior iiiodels tor people lllltl lti years old Miss Itiiekte restored eaptaiiis eliaii ltll the tumor piie llitiee Ioss ot tolduatei won the tropli tor the gas Iraitois up to ltllltl Mi loss llltlttl ttlitti liiiinplei inl lull with tti itiliorseimwei eiiiziiie In the line to two elass Alden Winter ot Selioiiiberit won ith his Model tase Ralph Mert oi Wyebiidge won the general interest elass tor gas traetiirs with his John Deere MN The elass was ll ENJOY THE OUTDOORS with CEDAR PATIO FURNITURE displayed Nediiesday during eieatiie aits night at Sun nidale laik tllllllllltl llliiliil Io Itl year tiaetoi wliiili is iareoriiiiusnal tttit loiiriiip lie Super ior St le with an In lioisepoiiei tlllltll won the best antique eai llie tltltillltillllt is owned by litdtoiliiol Kellleln ltill Lewis oI Ileeton won trophy Ioi the small iiititpie ol the show and Theresa Selielei and liei soii lt£lllk ol olizaii oii tor tliesinall Iaiin intitpie MASIINHINICIIHHIIY The gas IILZIIH Iiopli Went to Howard Haynes ot tiowaiis town with Moiiareh pump iaek tllHlllt at one and three tpiarterslioiseimwei llie adult siiiall iiiotlel trophi was mm ert Mahalh ot Statla lllt lll inodel ot littNIthilllllltSIllltHllliltlllllt lhiee draws were held lot quilt won Mrs lteiiiietl ol Saiiiia rug Won Mr It eeie ol lultltt and soiltet wreneb set ioii leaii lip shani ol lilwoitli erve Metauuia issoeiation ieioidiiig Sttltltll said the linal atteiidaiiee iiitiies tlt not read but added this was the best ever II was really good eai llie assoeialions littltts ba zatii raised aboilt $4000 In sell iiiiJ loud and baked goods Mrs Meagiie said twu pa railes were held one tor Stinda and Monda and the Snnda iiiizht outdoor ehiireh siiviee went ahead WIIIIUUI any pro hlenis tlrgaiiiyers tinislied eleaning the fair grounds at about inid iiight Moiiila Cedar Patio Furniture ideal for home or cottage use CARDINAL BHHFIU LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES DIV 16127 W31 Upton0 Im 0m TRUCKSANIRAII FRS IWi iotcii into on in spun ti Illtlliltlll oin ioii tnbiu luv liti new Lrttl iiiile tittilmt lul Wiuiilz lllllztlnll It ltm CARS WANTED TO BUY St RAI ARS and iiiiih wanted pi paid will pt on 17H 96 low tRicf in hip ma lohe Milltll In at Ir IIII Inï¬lll tori ulsotHnttMi lI mu Irllitlnltl Witt tyiiiilllriiiililihii innit in inltli7lv litilli Ilillltll tauplum irenoun nl iItI wm Iillli pain ivivv ia anluiuinliv lliIllllit lilipliiutv 4491 tllliv SIACF FOR RENT ltl IltK inn iiiiiilleiwl immpmt flint tuna ll iumimt rim If item liiiiti 1m iiiiltiiiinlu iinlii lop llllfll IHltltJllll won but ti iiiiiilllniii riiilii ilii nil ll lliiiyli lll Lt thtrduturdSl 86 IIII lilvli wantm Inna ion ii ll il ii tiiiulHl IUNK ARS WANiH HititiIzt rum 4W Im om jyl Hyvfmhw paid Shine my tr kilii Iliill Aillii IIIIIVWI II Itll rm ntl tit llll hill ntiilau in ttuu not t1lll ititilllli ltl tl HI v1 HI My Inv Him It kam NW LOMMOIMHONS To IRACY WANli Itli and IN hioiiouimni it llllll iii natal wuikiou and innis top in mmmml WWW en imina Itilit 1m mitaii io Alli iUIH Illle llilrlkup hapvnime 1m tutti WM NH IIlthA1 an Iiitmvl hn MIAMI MM MI It Hm UM Him WNW nLHAII VF HILI woniiil ioiv tame Iw ml mll lwp 1Illlllylll tannin in il 115 iii mummy why HHIMHH ltmt tree lnlhtlllilll Mk lump tiivl lilfl illily in mo nu iwm in iimm Minion 00 Mme irililtiil tumor unim Lm iitd lllltl wanted my lot ertklnu sl iiit op final tI hip VI iitilitJ 424 With 415 mm III Mi uIleiil ititltlllllll llnllllllltl vnii It in new pniiii 1mm in COME AND COMPARE PR HM $37950 lO2 Mortgage $950 DUNN $27659 Mllll If you have seen the rest come and see the best GEORGINA GARDENS School Shopping Bus stop at door Houses can be finished to your specifications and bedrooms Privote Garages Paved drive Sodded lot Swimming Pool 81200 SUBSIDY which brings y0ur interest down to Fully Broodloomod AGENTS ARE WELCOME RESALE VALUE GUARANTEED mum whine it no ttlltlltltitl alum the tltlilltl Ill the littlltf that ttlllll two year they Will titty hail lltt liiiiiie Itll the pin tiie lllli ptir itt tlttt III ilutl 1ttrt lt Sales office and models Open 11 to daily and weekends Or call for special showing ltttll vr SINGER tt Nnrl entree and harm ltttjllftg Appmwd liilt At Singer you get what you pav Iorand little bit more riilt ttch ItVIHIdlil 43