CANADA MOVES WESTWARD This is the Railway Era and fortunes are made or lost overnight Vancouver has violent riot in Montreal smallpox claims over 3000 men women and children Louis Riel is hanged despite French Canadas protests Toronto has almost as many saloons as churches liquor religion and seces sion are the hotly debated topics THE NAUGHTY NINETIES Thereisdepressionandpoverty children work 60hour week until prosperity comes from gold in the Klondike good crops in the West time of tiny waists and tight corsets patent medicine for every ill and flashy fashions furniture and food The bicycle changes social life parents worry butgirls delight to show their ankles THE CRAZY TWENTIES Pure pleasure and material gain are what matter Shackles of smalltown morality are shattered But some do worry about social welfare There is Prohibition and blatant boot legging allnight parties bathtub gin and great jazz music And in only few short months we move from the Charleston to the 29 Crash to the hungry breadlines THESE ARE BOOKS TO TREASURE FOR LIFETIME 1am proud oftliese books They are superb evocation of our halfforgotten past and stimulating reminder that we Canadians have very special heritage to cherish Send for your Free Volume now want you to see what we have done with my as surance that you have no obligation to buy anything unless you too find them as ex citing as do JM Wad Jack McCIeIlund President Publisher CANADAS LLUSIRAIED HERITAGE REDCOATS AND LOYALISTS Life was short and brutal 200 years ago but there were those merry social dances in Quebec skating parties in Toronto then York harbour the great YorkMontreal mail race and good fishing everywhere The Loyalists arrived US attacks were repulsed the Battle of Queenston Heights was debated as hotly then as our Dieppe Raid is now INTO THE 20th CENTURY Now there is electricity for the rich running watertelephones and ice boxes maybe an auto mobile Painter Lawren Harris of the Group of Seven and Laurier supporter of the Boer War where four Canadians get the Victoria Cross Thousands of immi grants arrive to claim their free land and Canadas wheatprovides prosperity for the nation TIME OF HEROES The war with rationing and fear of news from the front the tragedy of Hong Kong and Dieppe and conscription crisis Also hundreds of unsung heroes and heroines at home and overseas and afterwards come new in dustries new products and new cars along with culture explosion the CBC the National Film Board and the start of new boom DAWN OF THE NATION Did it all start here At Confederation the typical Canadian was farmer though Canadas tall ships carried her fish coal lumber across the oceans There were only million people Transport ranged from luxury steam ships to the boneshaking Red River Cart Public hanging was common and only New Brunswick had secret ballot BUSINESS REPLY MAIL NO POSTAGE STAMP NFCESSAHY IF MAILEI lN CANADA POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY CANADAS ILLUSTRATED HERITAGE 99 Bond Street Toronto Canada M58 929